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tva prasad

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    tva prasad got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Suraj Kavach Astotar   
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Oh my lord,  mate,  I'm trying to become a doctor too lol. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Recently, whenever I concentrate my awareness fully during meditation my body starts to shake very much. when my concentration breaks the shaking stops. if, however my concentration does not break my body starts moving. e.g. this morning i was concentrating with full focus and my head started to tilt backwards and then to the left side when my concentration broke my head was tilted all the way to the left. my back was also straightening up then it curved a bit inward. at that moment i could hear the naad over loud music; the naad was loudly sounding in both of my ears. does anyone know why this happens? it will be greatly helpful thank you. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Sikh Girl That 'converted' To Islam And Involved In Anti Sikh Propaganda   
    Kudos to Mohan Singh. Good on him. That's what we need. Labelling it as a "taboo subject" doesn't cut it. It just goes back to whole primitive culture thing. There is a time and place for everything, right now we must put culture behind us and do what's best. These girls need support we really do need to stand up for ourselves. To be frank, parents do play a big role. As we know, often times they are unwilling to understand and approach any problem in an effective way whether it be mental illness or something as serious as sexual grooming. It's extremely disheartening to say the least. 
    Of course the mussies are going to say "there isn't any evudence". Everyone is afraid to face the situation. These muslims have mastered the art of exploiting us for our weakness and it's rather pitiful that we are still not willing to learn from it. To let go of our culture for the sake of combating this issue. I can see it from both sides (i.e. the parents saying "you really couldn't do anything" whilst also understanding the girl was helpless, by the time she found out what was going on it was too late). The parents are not willing to understand it from her perspective nor support her, whilst the woman is considering herself the victim but she was young and naive. Parents do really need to talk to their girls about such things. They have to be told the reality of such a situation. Awareness is key. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Basics Of Sikhi Very sad news   
    very true veer ji. The gurus gave more importance to bhagti. Like, at amritvela guru ji did asa di vaar da kirtan when mugals were attacking. Another incident is that guruji did rehras sahib on the battlefield. The guru ji taught us to b a saint before a solider. The great warriors like harjinder Singh jinda, sukhdev Singh sukha, anokh Singh babbar, etc. Did SO MUCH bhagti. Somewhere I read that sukhdev Singh sukha or harjinder Singh jinda (can't remember which one) did nitnem from 12 to 8:30 in the morning!! Baba Gurbachan singh ji manochal went into smadhi and missed a day off work due to that.
    It is useless to b a warrior without a saint because u wud not have love for god u will give into greed, etc. Anyways, war is the last resort, "after all means fail, it is righteous to pick up a sword".
    sant jarnail Singh ji didn't just straight away say, "they're dishonouring guru granth sahib let's get out our bandookhs" he asked the police to put them in jail, then tried to get help from the court, then did protest, then waited to c if they kill more sikhs, then finally picked up weapons.hopefully samurai understands.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in The Key to Enlightenment   
    the same thing happens with me, bro. When I know something goes against a really reliable source (mahapurkh, gurbani, etc.) I m itching to argue. I will try to resist it now.
    when I know something spiritual I m itching to tell other and end up telling the people who don't know much about spirituality and end up getting into arguments. I should just keep it to my self.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Dark Night of the Soul   
    Can you name some books that you highly recommend? 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in What You Guys Reading These Days?   
    I understand Hinduism more and all the concepts more than I did. Guru ji talks about all these concepts in gurbani and it makes more sense. In Mahabharat it explains the fruit of yagn and charity, etc. but in gurbani it says that doing jaap and simran of waheguru is way greater than all these things put together (motivate u more). The society at the time of guru nanak dev ji followed all these beliefs and guru ji write all this in gurbani. Tva Prasad swaiye make so much sense now.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Are we in Duapar or Kaljug?   
    In Vedas and Puranas, the cycle of the yugas is described as depicted in the above diagram. 

    This is the diagram he is going by. I have never encountered the description of this in any ancient Sanatan scriptures when reading them. Moreover, he is calculating the duration of the yugas through celestial or divine years which are much longer compared to human years.

    Thus, Sadhguru got his calculations. 
    Looking at the current circumstances, I agree with the first diagram and believe that we are currently in Kaliyuga. Furthermore, Kalki Avtar is yet to come. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in What You Guys Reading These Days?   
    I have been reading mahabharat for months it is so long I m just up to van parv (book 3, nearly done). It is kesri Mohan ganguli's translation of vedvyas' Mahabharat. It is a good read I find gurbani makes ALOT of sense after reading it. I want to read ramayan as well to see the Hindu religion at the time.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in 5 Pyare: selected by the Guru?   
    TBH, I feel too many people are deluded and feel science is the ultimate truth. 
    Here is a great katha by sant waryam singh ji on blind faith:
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in 5 Pyare: selected by the Guru?   
    Khalsa mool mantar states the previous lives of the panj pyare. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in 5 Pyare: selected by the Guru?   
    It's not exactly about technology, although that comes with its own pros and cons, it's more about how some people are unwilling to believe in what the guru says without "evidence". I believe people have adopted the western mentality and aren't trying to understand our eastern philosophy, which is rather spiritual in nature. Some people seem to be trying to use their five senses to try and understand something that is subtle and not material, hence not perceived by the senses. The so called professors such as ghaga and dhunda along with dhadri and co. are further increasing the problem in our panth, people seem to be drifting off from the path of dharam and moksh on to the path of kaam.
    Please don't get me wrong, I don't hate science, I just don't think it should define our faith in the guru. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in 5 Pyare: selected by the Guru?   
    TBH, I feel too many people are deluded and feel science is the ultimate truth. 
    Here is a great katha by sant waryam singh ji on blind faith:
  15. Like
    tva prasad got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Sri Charitropakhyan Sahib jee Series - Charitar #70   
    This charitar could be used to highlight how a woman's deception surpasses that of a man. The goldsmith was known as a swindler, yet the woman still invited him to her house, this shows that the actions of a woman are not easily predicted. Thus, planting doubt in the Raja's mind against his wife. 
    The goldsmith was known as a swindler, his disagreeable character was out in the open, people knew of it. However, the character of the woman was not know, yet she deceived even a man claimed by all to be a swindler. This shows that women are better at hiding their immoral traits than men, thus outlining that there is more than a reasonable doubt that the queen, from the original story, may be guilty and the prince not. 
    The woman from the tale had manipulated the man, crying fake tears while easily countering his deception with little cognitive effort on her part. In this way the minister shows the king that the queen is manipulating him with the use of emotions. 
    Through the last two lines, "A woman laden with vile Charitars remains vile-proof. One who can deceive the rulers, cannot be swindled", the minister quite cleverly makes the Raja realise that a woman is quite capable in deceiving rulers, therefore causing the Raja to think logically and reasonably. He artfully tries to make the King take the right decision.  
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Gurdwara aeroplane offerering   
    Well, to be frank I feel pity for these people. I think we might need to spread the essence of sikhi to these communities. It is rather sad to see ourselves in such a state. I don't really see it as their fault, rather it is the weakness of our community. The committees or whatever should really look to helping these people, but that's like hoping for a miracle.
    I feel, among our people we generally tend envy the success of others, rather than focusing on our own lives. Some pendus are rather ambitious to go to Canada, Britain, etc. but the thing is they ignore the cons of it all. Just because so and so moved to Canada does not mean you yourself should too. It is an obsession among our people. In a way, I don't blame them as much because, as we know, the Indian government isn't really the best. But still, these people need help. They need education, employment and rehabilitation (drugs are a real issue). 
    We might call it embarrassing but it is our problem (as a community), as much as it is their's. 
    Yes, it seems like an act of desperation. It speaks a lot about the sorry state of punjab. Without good leadership there is only corruption. It is disheartening to say the least. The leaders are only in it for the money and fame but leadership is much more than that. It is about ensuring all citizens are protected, have their basic needs met, have opportunities and freedom, etc. That may be too much to expect. 
  17. Like
    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in What do you think about giani thakur singh   
    If we can get gian from someone/something we should, instead of finding faults within them. We should not be worshiping them or idolising them as some people may do ***cough, cough... Dhadri fan accounts on insta and people calling giani thakur singh ji a brahmgiani...cough, cough***
    Right now, we are like young trees that need a stick (gian from trustworthy parcharik, etc.) to support them to stand up right. However, once one gets to a certain stage, one gets gian from within without ever acquiring it from outside sources, also gurbani begins to make more sense as deeper philosophies are understood. We can learn from both, positive as well as negative people, but are we willing to? 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Soulfinder in Sarbloh Granth   
    In the foot note it says- naam karan vali (shakti). So shakti is being invoked.
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Soulfinder in Sarbloh Granth   
    @chatanga1 @dalsingh101 where do u guys publish your translations? Can I read some your work? 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Premi in Some Simran/ Meditation Techniques To Remember Our Bapu Ji.   
    there is no difference between ajna chakra and agya chakra (if I am incorrect kindly correct me guys).
    who were u told by?
    do u feel any sensations in ur forehead after focusing ur attention there?
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Kathavachaks   
    A lot of missionaries you got there, except for baba banta singh ji from DDT. 
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    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Kathavachaks   
    This is a great video as sant Waryaam Singh ji shares great meditation technique:
    Amazing katha of Chaubis Avtar by Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhinderanwale:
    Another katha, definitely worth watching:
  25. Like
    tva prasad got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Kathavachaks   
    I think Sant Warayam Singh Ji did awesome katha because it has so much gian for gursikhs who want to reach god. 
    Also Sant Jarnail Singh Ji because he does not go off topic and still gives a good explanation and thorough knowledge of the shabads. 
    In the current times, I like Sant Baba Hari Singh Randhawa Ji's katha for the amount of gian he talks about and he also covers interesting topics. 
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