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    SunnySingh got a reaction from sevak in Amazing Seva   
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    SunnySingh got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Amazing Seva   
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    SunnySingh got a reaction from paapiman in I need help…   
    Hello brother,
    as long as we are in the mayavee planes, these types of phases of ups and downs, and turbulences will be happening time after time.  
    But as passengers / disciples of  the pilot Guru Jee, we should be thankful that we are sitting in the airplane of our life commanded by Him, so we should tell our minds to keep quite and stop hopping and trying to trouble us, for in no way we are going to get affected with its tricks and dramas, so it should sit down and be in peace.... that would the better for it and our surtee.
    We should try to make the mind understand that, we do His bhakti to just please Him, without any conditions nor expectations, so no matter if we see apparent progress or not, for progress in sikhee is undoubted, sometimes we may perceive it or not, but definetely progress is there.
    So brother do not loose heart, stick faithfully to your spiritual practices, His daya meher, His kirpa, will definetely take you much farther and to higher heights, just do not get dismotivated, for you should fix in mind that He never leaves His lovers, bhagats.... He is much aware of whatever we are doing or going through.
    Just as the sun is always up there, it is only that sometimes, that the dark karmic clouds come into our way so we do not see the sun, but that does not mean the sun has not arised or gone somewhere, when the clouds move away in due time we will have the sunshine again.
    Stay blessed.
  4. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Soulfinder in I need help…   
    Hello brother,
    as long as we are in the mayavee planes, these types of phases of ups and downs, and turbulences will be happening time after time.  
    But as passengers / disciples of  the pilot Guru Jee, we should be thankful that we are sitting in the airplane of our life commanded by Him, so we should tell our minds to keep quite and stop hopping and trying to trouble us, for in no way we are going to get affected with its tricks and dramas, so it should sit down and be in peace.... that would the better for it and our surtee.
    We should try to make the mind understand that, we do His bhakti to just please Him, without any conditions nor expectations, so no matter if we see apparent progress or not, for progress in sikhee is undoubted, sometimes we may perceive it or not, but definetely progress is there.
    So brother do not loose heart, stick faithfully to your spiritual practices, His daya meher, His kirpa, will definetely take you much farther and to higher heights, just do not get dismotivated, for you should fix in mind that He never leaves His lovers, bhagats.... He is much aware of whatever we are doing or going through.
    Just as the sun is always up there, it is only that sometimes, that the dark karmic clouds come into our way so we do not see the sun, but that does not mean the sun has not arised or gone somewhere, when the clouds move away in due time we will have the sunshine again.
    Stay blessed.
  5. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in I need help…   
    Hello brother,
    as long as we are in the mayavee planes, these types of phases of ups and downs, and turbulences will be happening time after time.  
    But as passengers / disciples of  the pilot Guru Jee, we should be thankful that we are sitting in the airplane of our life commanded by Him, so we should tell our minds to keep quite and stop hopping and trying to trouble us, for in no way we are going to get affected with its tricks and dramas, so it should sit down and be in peace.... that would the better for it and our surtee.
    We should try to make the mind understand that, we do His bhakti to just please Him, without any conditions nor expectations, so no matter if we see apparent progress or not, for progress in sikhee is undoubted, sometimes we may perceive it or not, but definetely progress is there.
    So brother do not loose heart, stick faithfully to your spiritual practices, His daya meher, His kirpa, will definetely take you much farther and to higher heights, just do not get dismotivated, for you should fix in mind that He never leaves His lovers, bhagats.... He is much aware of whatever we are doing or going through.
    Just as the sun is always up there, it is only that sometimes, that the dark karmic clouds come into our way so we do not see the sun, but that does not mean the sun has not arised or gone somewhere, when the clouds move away in due time we will have the sunshine again.
    Stay blessed.
  6. Thanks
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Samarbir Singh in I need help…   
    Hello brother,
    as long as we are in the mayavee planes, these types of phases of ups and downs, and turbulences will be happening time after time.  
    But as passengers / disciples of  the pilot Guru Jee, we should be thankful that we are sitting in the airplane of our life commanded by Him, so we should tell our minds to keep quite and stop hopping and trying to trouble us, for in no way we are going to get affected with its tricks and dramas, so it should sit down and be in peace.... that would the better for it and our surtee.
    We should try to make the mind understand that, we do His bhakti to just please Him, without any conditions nor expectations, so no matter if we see apparent progress or not, for progress in sikhee is undoubted, sometimes we may perceive it or not, but definetely progress is there.
    So brother do not loose heart, stick faithfully to your spiritual practices, His daya meher, His kirpa, will definetely take you much farther and to higher heights, just do not get dismotivated, for you should fix in mind that He never leaves His lovers, bhagats.... He is much aware of whatever we are doing or going through.
    Just as the sun is always up there, it is only that sometimes, that the dark karmic clouds come into our way so we do not see the sun, but that does not mean the sun has not arised or gone somewhere, when the clouds move away in due time we will have the sunshine again.
    Stay blessed.
  7. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Samarbir Singh in I need help…   
    Hello gurmuko, I need help. I have no motivation to progress in my spiritual path. I can’t do simran, I just can’t go and sit down except for 30 mins. Even doing my nitnem in the morning is very hard almost impossible. And it’s effecting my everyday life style. I don’t want to go back to how I used to be, because it used to be so draining. No motivation and no chao. Sometimes I think maybe I pushed myself to hard even though I had just begun my journey. And it’s all crashing down. It’s making me very sad that even having this knowledge of knowing that Kaal is doing all this I just don’t how make this stop and feel at peace again.
    Bhul Chuk Maaf
  8. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Kaur10 in Benti - Why Sikhi failed spread thread   
    There will always be failure, if we do not abide by the teachings of Guru Sahiban in the Bani, and corrupt them with our manmukhta and agyanta, thus ignoring the truth on one side, and move further with untruth, we have to listen and get hold on to those who have eyes: Guru Jee, not the blind ignorant manmukhs with their own fashioned philosophies.
    Only Gurbani is Truth, all else is futile, if we do  not abide by the teachings in it
  9. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Lioness1 in Black Magic - Spiritual & Energy Healing NYC   
    Black magic cant harm someone who practices Naam. Just like slander cant stick to a soul who accepts themselves to be nothing, black magic can't touch a being who accepts theyre the same. In humility practing naam, it can't harm you, you've realised its an illusion as is everything and everyone with an image.
  10. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Lioness1 in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    I've seen high level sants who have been slandered for not covering their heads. They are without a doubt saints, but the fools throw rocks at them for their external appearance ignoring the internal. Guaranteed if Guru Nanak came to earth now, head uncovered, sikhs would attack him with full force. The fools dont understand that its the inner purity that counts. A mahapurakh much of the time will take the form of a humble householder as Guru Nanak or can come in the form of a being dressed as a King as Guru Gobind was. I would advise you to look beyond the exterior, and ask God for guidance. Read Guru Granth Sahib Ji, if the person is speaking in line with it, then okay. But be careful because they are very few and far between right now, I only know of one on earth atm.
    If I were in your position, I would just trust Guru Granth Sahib Ji and take its word as Truth. The teachings have come directly from the Gurus themselves and it's all thats really needed. You just need to read, understand, apply and have faith. The gyan/ teachings have been lived by the Gurus themselves in action. 
  11. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Lioness1 in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Hi. Read Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It's Truth. Gurbani teaches that there is in reality no religion only one, No Hindu No Muslim, only One was Guru Nanaks teaching. It teaches the Truth thats the core of all of the major religions but without the rituals and superstitions. Many teachings have also become corrupted over time so the Gurus were sent to teach Sat in its purity. If you read, accept and apply the gyan in practice in everyday life, you will start to learn more and move on the bhagti path. It's a neverending path and is one of love and purity. 
  12. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Lioness1 in Is it a sin if we place water in some pot or jug nearby guru granth sahib ji   
    Rituals and superstitions are not a part of Sikhi. Noone cares if theres a jug of water there or not and if someone does, theyre a fool. 
  13. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Jageera in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    You should read the teachings right from the highest and perfect Teacher, in SGGS. 
    Do not rush, take your time to understand and digest the teachings which are true spiritual gems from the Bani.
    Monitors or advanced students are fine, but having direct and first hand contact with the teacher is the best, for in the end, it is with the teacher whom we have to account for our education learned and applied at the end of our present grade(human life).
    Then we can not give excuses, that I only did what I saw others do, or was told by them to do according to their understanding.
    As for Nam, do not rush as said above, see for yourself what is Nam, what is Guru Sahiban, what is a Gurmukh, a Sant Jan, and see the message which they wanto convey us from their personal intercation and communion with  Supreme Power, or level of Highest Consciousness.
    To start with, I will suggest you you to start with Jap Ji Sahib, Anand Sahib, Asa Ki war, though all the Gurbani by itself is a spiritual wealth beyond measure.
    Then if here or there you have any questions, you may ask the sangat here, all will be much glad to help you, but, as said, go through the Bani which is true bliss, and a path leading to the Highest, if only applied as indicated by Guru Jee in it.
    If by His grace you are constant in your approach towards the Bani, you will discover higher truths hidden in it time after time as one gets mentally purer, that is the magic of the Bani.
    Guru Jee is the only link between us jeev atmas and Him, He is the One to ferry us across, rest of the people are all passengers waiting to fulfill their journey as per their destiny karam.
    So in Sikhee, Guru Jee is the most important being, had it not been for Him, we could never ever have come to know anything about Waheguru Akal Purukh.
    To the extent that the Bani says:
    Guru meree pooja
    The Guru is the objective of  my devotion (for loving Him, we merge in Him, the formless One)
    Guru Gobind
    The Guru is the Lord sustainer Gobind
    Guru mera Parbrham Guru Bhagwant
    My Guru is the trascendental Lord (formless and unfathomable= Shabad or Nam), beyond the realms of Brahm or Maya.
    Best of luck Bro and stay blessed.
  14. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Lioness1 in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    First of all from our side it is almost impossible to recognize a true saint.
    Have a look at our Guru Sahiban, where even some of their family members did not recognize them as such, or even Bhagats of highest order like Kabir Sahib,  Christ, where people torture them whether verbally or physically.
    It is usually whomsoever they want to get hold of their hand, can recognize and accept them. in that respect the Bani says that those people are wadbhagee. 
    Bhoolay marg jinay bataaya aisa Gur wadbhagee paaya.
    Then too with much difficulties, doubts will assail them until they go within with abhyaas and see the real form of that saint within themselves.
    Another quality of them is that they will only sing praises of the only permanent and eternal Truth,  Waheguru,  and inspire us to do only that bhakti as per Gurbani, which will reunite us with Him.
    But sadly, kalyug has held such a strong grip on the people, that inspite of being told the truth in simple and direct manner , people will strongly criticize them, for trying to not follow the criteria of an established religion as per their views in terms of rituals and dogmas, that too, when the Bani says that the chanting of His name is the highest among all religions.
    They are the embodiment of humility, peace and forgiveness, they will even lower themselves, in order to avoid any quarrels and fights.
    Our Guru Sahiban are the real picture of what a true Saint ought to be.
  15. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    First of all from our side it is almost impossible to recognize a true saint.
    Have a look at our Guru Sahiban, where even some of their family members did not recognize them as such, or even Bhagats of highest order like Kabir Sahib,  Christ, where people torture them whether verbally or physically.
    It is usually whomsoever they want to get hold of their hand, can recognize and accept them. in that respect the Bani says that those people are wadbhagee. 
    Bhoolay marg jinay bataaya aisa Gur wadbhagee paaya.
    Then too with much difficulties, doubts will assail them until they go within with abhyaas and see the real form of that saint within themselves.
    Another quality of them is that they will only sing praises of the only permanent and eternal Truth,  Waheguru,  and inspire us to do only that bhakti as per Gurbani, which will reunite us with Him.
    But sadly, kalyug has held such a strong grip on the people, that inspite of being told the truth in simple and direct manner , people will strongly criticize them, for trying to not follow the criteria of an established religion as per their views in terms of rituals and dogmas, that too, when the Bani says that the chanting of His name is the highest among all religions.
    They are the embodiment of humility, peace and forgiveness, they will even lower themselves, in order to avoid any quarrels and fights.
    Our Guru Sahiban are the real picture of what a true Saint ought to be.
  16. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Noobhere in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
  17. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Kaur10 in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
  18. Thanks
    SunnySingh got a reaction from paapiman in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    First of all from our side it is almost impossible to recognize a true saint.
    Have a look at our Guru Sahiban, where even some of their family members did not recognize them as such, or even Bhagats of highest order like Kabir Sahib,  Christ, where people torture them whether verbally or physically.
    It is usually whomsoever they want to get hold of their hand, can recognize and accept them. in that respect the Bani says that those people are wadbhagee. 
    Bhoolay marg jinay bataaya aisa Gur wadbhagee paaya.
    Then too with much difficulties, doubts will assail them until they go within with abhyaas and see the real form of that saint within themselves.
    Another quality of them is that they will only sing praises of the only permanent and eternal Truth,  Waheguru,  and inspire us to do only that bhakti as per Gurbani, which will reunite us with Him.
    But sadly, kalyug has held such a strong grip on the people, that inspite of being told the truth in simple and direct manner , people will strongly criticize them, for trying to not follow the criteria of an established religion as per their views in terms of rituals and dogmas, that too, when the Bani says that the chanting of His name is the highest among all religions.
    They are the embodiment of humility, peace and forgiveness, they will even lower themselves, in order to avoid any quarrels and fights.
    Our Guru Sahiban are the real picture of what a true Saint ought to be.
  19. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to paapiman in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    wjkk wjkf
    One of the ways to figure out if a person is a Mahapurakh or not, is to ask him/her to Ardas (for Naam daan) for you. After that, if you start noticing that your mind is able to focus more on Naam Simran, Gurbani. Katha, Kirtan, etc, then that is a good sign that person (who did Ardas for you) is a Mahapurakh.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  20. Like
    SunnySingh reacted to Manav in How to know if a person is genuine?   
    Bhul chuk maaf 🙏
    I am not sure how to put this into words but I have seen people getting ripped off by priests and other people who claim to have the power to help others by giving them "upaaye" and all.
    I am not here to judge but how can I know if the person is genuine?
    I am very sure, true saints do exist between us but how can I distinguish if the person is really a saint and not con?
    Honestly, I can't bare the sight when people get exploited because of their insecurities.
    Bhul chuk maaf 🙏
    Sarbat da bhala 🙏
  21. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    You should read the teachings right from the highest and perfect Teacher, in SGGS. 
    Do not rush, take your time to understand and digest the teachings which are true spiritual gems from the Bani.
    Monitors or advanced students are fine, but having direct and first hand contact with the teacher is the best, for in the end, it is with the teacher whom we have to account for our education learned and applied at the end of our present grade(human life).
    Then we can not give excuses, that I only did what I saw others do, or was told by them to do according to their understanding.
    As for Nam, do not rush as said above, see for yourself what is Nam, what is Guru Sahiban, what is a Gurmukh, a Sant Jan, and see the message which they wanto convey us from their personal intercation and communion with  Supreme Power, or level of Highest Consciousness.
    To start with, I will suggest you you to start with Jap Ji Sahib, Anand Sahib, Asa Ki war, though all the Gurbani by itself is a spiritual wealth beyond measure.
    Then if here or there you have any questions, you may ask the sangat here, all will be much glad to help you, but, as said, go through the Bani which is true bliss, and a path leading to the Highest, if only applied as indicated by Guru Jee in it.
    If by His grace you are constant in your approach towards the Bani, you will discover higher truths hidden in it time after time as one gets mentally purer, that is the magic of the Bani.
    Guru Jee is the only link between us jeev atmas and Him, He is the One to ferry us across, rest of the people are all passengers waiting to fulfill their journey as per their destiny karam.
    So in Sikhee, Guru Jee is the most important being, had it not been for Him, we could never ever have come to know anything about Waheguru Akal Purukh.
    To the extent that the Bani says:
    Guru meree pooja
    The Guru is the objective of  my devotion (for loving Him, we merge in Him, the formless One)
    Guru Gobind
    The Guru is the Lord sustainer Gobind
    Guru mera Parbrham Guru Bhagwant
    My Guru is the trascendental Lord (formless and unfathomable= Shabad or Nam), beyond the realms of Brahm or Maya.
    Best of luck Bro and stay blessed.
  22. Thanks
    SunnySingh reacted to GurjantGnostic in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Have you read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji from beginning to end friend?
  23. Thanks
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Manav in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
  24. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
  25. Like
    SunnySingh got a reaction from Soulfinder in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
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