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    Noobhere got a reaction from Kaur10 in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    I know there is no liberation without guru. And in sikhism the way of being a disciple of guru is to take amrit from panj pyare. But i however think that anyone can chant name as gurbani says : nou nidh amrit har ja naam is dehi me is ka bisram.
    namm is already inside us but liberation is something that comes from guru only.
    To back this up i once heard katha about a sant that they were non amritdhari but they had a lot of kamai. When they left this body, they came back and asked for a specific sant to come with 5 pyare and bless them with amrit. They said when i went to gods court, they wouldnt let me in without having a guru.
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    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    People born in SIKH families have to accept Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee Maharaaj. as their Satguru, in order for them to reach Sachkhand. In today's times, that would mean, receiving Naam through Panj Pyare. This instruction (of getting Baptized) DOES NOT apply to non-Sikhs.
    JFYI, a similar question to the one who asked above, was asked by Pandits to Sri Satguru jee (Third Master), when he went to a Hindu pilgrimage site. They probably asked what was the need to recite Gurbani, if Vedas were already present.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Brahamgyani can refer to Sri Waheguru jee or a Saint (Sikh or non-Sikh), who has reached the highest possible spiritual level.
    There are multiple ways to interpret the verse. which you mentioned above.
    Please read one of the arths below.

    Bhul chuk maaf
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    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Non-Sikhs have attained Brahamgyan in the past too. You DON'T have to be a Sikh to become a Brahamgyani.
    There were possibly thousands of non-Sikh Brahamgyanis, who reached Sachkhand, before the arrival of the greatest Master (Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Jee Maharaaj).
    This is the beauty of our religion (Sikhism). Sikhism DOES NOT believe that any religion (including ours) has exclusivity to Sachkhand.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    Noobhere reacted to Trimandeep Singh in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Bhai sahib Ji,  the furmaan, 
    "Nanak Brahmgyami Aap parmeshur" has been wrongly interpreted by you. In this ashtpadhi Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji mentions that only Akaal Purakh, Satguru and High Avastha Gursikhs are brahmgyamis which also verifies my point in previous post that non Sikhs can't attain brahmgyami avastha. 
    Coming to your point, the gur furmaan, "Nanak Brahmgyami aap Parmeshur" doesn't mean that Brahmgyani becomes Akaal Purakh but this means that Akaal Purakh is also brahmgyami. This doesn't imply that Akaal Purakh is only a brahmgyami and hence his glory is same as that of brahmgyami gurmukhs. Brahmgyami means one who realizes jot of Vaheguru in himself. As Akaal Purakh knows himself, so he is a brahmgyami and same with Satguru Ji.
    Now, refuting your logic. Guru sahib also writes,
    "Brahmgyami sab shrist ka karta"
    Does this mean that Baba Deep Singh Ji or Bhai Gurdaas Ji or any other Brahmgyami created this creation? Obviously No. This vaak means that Brahmgyami is the one who created this whole creation- Akaal Purakh.
    You are right in saying that Vaheguru acts through his gursikhs and mahapurush.
    Guru Gobind Singh Ji in chandi di Vaar writes that you gave power to Raam to kill the evil Ravan with his bow, you gave power to durga to kill the mighty demons, you gave Krishna the power to knock out Kansa holding his hairs and you created the demons to break the ego of demi gods.
    Also he sends gursikhs on earth like Sant Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwaale for chardikala of Panth but that doesn't mean that his brahmgyani gursikhs start giving naam to anyone. A brahmgyami gursikh can never go against guru sahib's will to give naam to anyone. Guru Gobind Singh Ji works through Panj pyaare in Amrit Sanchaar. But this doesn't mean that the Panj Pyaare are Vaheguru himself or they are the ones giving naam. A brahmgyami purush when himself worships someone else(Vaheguru) then why would he make himself guru of someone. Naam is only given by Satguru Ji not through a brahmgyani.
    When Gurbani says that there is no difference between a brahmgyami and Vaheguru that means they have become one with Vaheguru. They show us a reflection of Vaheguru. But this doesn't mean that we start worshipping brahmgyamis because there is no difference between them. This 'difference' is in the context that they have merged back into Vaheguru and hence no difference. 
    When we say there is no difference between Guru Nanak and Vaheguru, this means that Vaheguru's jot is in him. Vaheguru's sargun roop is Guru Nanak. But we will merge back into nirgun roop Vaheguru only. Yes you can say that Guru sahib is omnipresent but guru sahib is just a from in which Akaal Purakh manifests himself. Akaal Purakh in pargat roop is guru Nanak. And we can have darshan of Guru Nanak Dev Ji but we can only experience Vaheguru. We can't see Vaheguru in his nirgun roop because he is FORMLESS.
    Please see this video and all your doubts will be cleared.
    Bhul chuk maaf 
    Trimandeep Singh
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    Noobhere got a reaction from mahanpaapi in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Apologies in advance if i am wrong but you are limiting guru nanak to one form only. Guru nanak is infinite. Everything you see is a form of guru nanak. Guru nanak can appear as nirankar form which has no form, colour, mark, limit. Guru nanak can appear as that param jot form. Guru nanak can appear as shabad form. Guru nanak can appear as guru granth sahib ji form. He can appear in any form.
    As gurbani says: Nanak bhramgyani aap parmesur. 
    That is a bhramgyani is himself form of god(guru nanak). 
    Man tu joot saroop hai apna mool pechan.
    Everything is guru nanak himself, we just have forgotten due to the veils of ego and maya. There is nothing else here except that god. God has expanded himself in various forms that we see as world. A bhramgyani realises his true self. That is why he becomes god himself.
    Now in sikhism no bhramgyani will agree to be your guru because we already have god (guru nanak) as our satguru. There is no need for second one. 
    But in other religions, or prior to sikhism, guru nanak (god) could act through a bhramgyani as satguru. Guru nanak does not need to work through one form only. That is why you could have a bhramgyani as a guru in old times. Because there is ni difference between god and bhramgyani or pooran mahaourakh.
    However, i only speak according to the mat provided to me by guru sahib. I hope guru nanak blesses me with his gurmat.
    Bhul chuk maaf.
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    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Satgur can refer to Sri Waheguru jee too.
    The word "Gur" mean the big one.
    Therefore, Satgur can mean the "The Big Eternal Truth", which can refer to Sri Waheguru jee.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  8. Like
    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Satguru can refer to Sri Waheguru jee too.
    The word "Sat" means the Eternal Truth, which can refer to Sri Waheguru jee.
    The word "Guru" means the one who takes a person from darkness to light. Again, that can refer to Sri Waheguru jee.
    Therefore, Satguru can mean "The Eternal Truth that can take a person from darkness to light". Once again, that can refer to Sri Waheguru jee.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    IMHO, please do keep focusing mainly on the sound of Gurbani mantars. You can also concentrate on the Sargun Saroop, for additional help in controlling the mind.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    Noobhere got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Here is a video of sant baba isher singh ji explaining how dhroo bhagat meditated. He mentions he used pranayam and meditated on chaturbhuj(4arms) saroop and merged with waheguru. There are many parts but this video is the final part on dhroo bhagat. He explains in this video. 
    I personally believe that everyone have to have a guru in order to merge with god because guru is intermediary. However i dont think so guru nanak was the guru that bhagats like kabir ji had. A pooran bhramgyani is also like a satguru, so they had these pooran bhramgyanis as their guru and merged with god.
    Bhul chuk maaf.
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    Noobhere got a reaction from Kaur10 in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    True veer ji. Guru nanak is the waheguru in sargun roop that every jiv merges into. Just that we are lucky because our sat guru is god himself. That is first he show us his sargun roop than he shows us his nirgun roop. As bhai gurdas ji says: par brahm pooran braham gur nanak deo.
    Also SGGSJ says : Gur nanak nanak har soi.
  12. Like
    Noobhere reacted to paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    wjkk wjkf
    There is no doubt that there are non-Sikh Pooran Brahamgyanis, but Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev jee Maharaaj is the MASTER of all Pooran Brahamgyanis.
    Maharaaj is a Satguru AND an incarnation of the Almighty God at the same time.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Like
    Noobhere got a reaction from Kaur10 in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Here is a video of sant baba isher singh ji explaining how dhroo bhagat meditated. He mentions he used pranayam and meditated on chaturbhuj(4arms) saroop and merged with waheguru. There are many parts but this video is the final part on dhroo bhagat. He explains in this video. 
    I personally believe that everyone have to have a guru in order to merge with god because guru is intermediary. However i dont think so guru nanak was the guru that bhagats like kabir ji had. A pooran bhramgyani is also like a satguru, so they had these pooran bhramgyanis as their guru and merged with god.
    Bhul chuk maaf.
  14. Thanks
    Noobhere got a reaction from paapiman in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    True veer ji. Guru nanak is the waheguru in sargun roop that every jiv merges into. Just that we are lucky because our sat guru is god himself. That is first he show us his sargun roop than he shows us his nirgun roop. As bhai gurdas ji says: par brahm pooran braham gur nanak deo.
    Also SGGSJ says : Gur nanak nanak har soi.
  15. Like
    Noobhere reacted to Sat1176 in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    This one is the basic high pitched peeeee that one might hear even when not exposed to loud sounds. I may be wrong but this happens in the initial stages before hearing anhad as I used to hear it first.
    Edit: Gurmukhs call this sound sehaj dhun. 
  16. Like
    Noobhere reacted to SunnySingh in I have heard sounds while I was asleep. PLEASE GUIDE FURTHER   
    Welcome Manav Jee,
    we must bear in our mind that, all souls are just as equal same rays from the One Light/Sun.
    According to where those rays fall upon(bodies), we say someone is a sikh, a hindu, a muslim or a christian.
    But when we go within, we all have that same refulgence, light of His Jot.
    Gurbani says: Sabh meh Jot, Jot hae soee. His Light permates in all as souls, and He Himself is the source of Supreme light.
    So, it does not matter if one is a sikh, a hindu or be it anyone, yet if one concentrates and goes within by His grace, we will all hear the same sounds if only we are that same satges or levels of consciousness, and that Shabad or Anahad Bani resounds in everyone one of us, irrespective of our color, creed, gender or caste. 
    Sree Guru Amar Das says:  Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vaajeh Shabad ganere. Means, whosoever concentrates on Nam will hear the sound of that Shabad or Nam within himself/herself.
    In His eyes, we are all His souls.
    It is we blind fools who fight and quarrel and kill or abuse someone in the name of religion, that too, when we have not seen that Jot  for ourselves, we forget that according to khel and our karmas we are born in a particular place, body, and dharam, ad according to His kanoon of karmas no one can change anyone, so why not respect all as they are?
    Going back to your query, it is by great good luck that in Sikhee under the guidance of the True spiritual Teachers, Guru Sahiban, we are taught how to overcome all our limitations and by devoting ourselves to their higher and pure teachings we manifest the Sound or Voice of the ultimate Truth or call it creator and see His Jot within us.
    That is supreme mahima of Guru Jee, who making us shatter our deep rooted ignorance and thus throughly cleaning us all our dirt of karmas, sanskaras, from countless lives, makes us pur and fit to reunite ourselves and become one with that Ultimate Truth which some call God, and we in sikhee call that creative power Wahehuru Akal Purukh, who is formless and beyond any imagination, not even gods or any other entities can know anything about Him, except His lovers and Guru Sahiban.
    That is what Gurbani is for, to overcome all our limitations, all our pettiness, all our complexes, of which we are so much proud prisoners.
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    Noobhere reacted to WaheguruDaGulam in Mangal Dhillon Conversation with Ghost, similar answers like suleman ghost   
    Im too scared to watch this lol
  18. Like
    Noobhere reacted to Trimandeep Singh in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Yes, Amrit resides inside us. But we can drink it from inside only when we become a Sikh of guru, do Amrit Vela, do lots of naam abhyaas and Gurbani abhyaas and then finally, Amrit trickles down and gurmukh tastes it. I don't have much knowledge. You can read books of Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Ji- Anhad Shabad Dasam Duaar and Gurmat Naam Abhyaas Kamayee.
    If you read these two books, you'll get a clear understanding.
    Maafi ji
    Trimandeep Singh 
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    Noobhere reacted to Ragmaala in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Yes, after 12 am is Amritvela.
    Yes, for sure
    Obstacles are good sign in spiritual journey. That means your bad karams are working out plus kaal/kalyug/maya/ are trying to distract you from psth. Its good sign. Keep at it. Stay relaxed dont tense
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    Noobhere got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Beginner at Naam abhyas. Need help please.   
    Not yet i am still growing my hairs as i was mona before. But i plan to do it within next year. I want to make sure i can preserve my amritwela before i commit myself to guru.
    And no i dont know of any present day mahapurakh. I live in canada though.
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