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    HSD got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in HATE CRIMES AGAINST SIKHS ON THE RISE IN UK!   
    Already posted:
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    HSD got a reaction from Soulfinder in Palestinians   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in War Footage   
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Whats everyone watching during lockdown?   
    Even though the show does drop off as it went on, I would still rate it as one of the best. It’s one of the only ones I’ve bothered to watch twice. 
    The first season is very good as it takes a lot of what is in the book and translates it well to screen. The scene between Hitler and his assassin mirrors a very clever part of the book that is highly thought provoking. That season also draws parallels to other’s colonial history that is relatable. 
    The second season I think is when Ridley Scott left, or one of the other producers did. Frank Frink goes from being a symbol of American cultural reawakening like he is in the book to some weird freedom fighter more at home in a Red Dawn movie. There is no real explanation for the weird disparity in strength between Japan and Germany. Nor would Japan rely on Texan oil, it’s a very unrealistic attempt at world building. 
    The third season is good but the fourth season again goes off in a weird tangent. Chinese communists spent most of WW2 hiding in mountains and would have been a spent force as they relied on Soviet help. The black communists themselves were organised and supplied by Japan before WW2 so why they would have been so good at resisting is another weird storyline. It felt like the show writers were simply doing that American thing of striving for a happy ending no matter how outlandish. 
    The thing is the book offers a clean snapshot of this other world with no obvious beginning or proper ending. It does predict the course of the Cold War which is surprising for a book written in the 60s. The Nazi Germans brag about their scientific achievements with a manned mission to Venus and claim to have full social cohesion. The Imperial Japanese on the other hand are fighting a pointless war in the jungles of Brazil and have major issues in most parts of their territories. By the end of the book it is revealed the Nazi space programme is just a cover for a weapons deployment and most of its population are fed up of poverty. Japan on the other hand at least gives people a type of freedom and opportunity they won’t get elsewhere. The parallels with what happened in the real Cold War are unusually prescient. The same won’t be said of the tv show with black communists and white racists coming together to reunite the US. Or lost ones travelling from other worlds as if from a successful ghostdance. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Whats everyone watching during lockdown?   
    Give the book a go once you’ve watched the show. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Far Right And Anti Fascist Protest In Birmingham Turns Into A Mass Brawl   
    That’s because they were exposed to be a bunch of nonces themselves. 
    As evidenced by the counter protests against statue removal last year there are plenty of racists still running around on the island. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in What White Men Say In Our Absence   
    There are a lot of causes but the three main ones are (in no particular order):
    1. The disneyfication of our children’s education when it comes to the relevance of history to modern social issues. I get that a previous generation may feel they had it hard growing up, however swinging the pendulum the other way to how you were raised doesn’t help as it leads to overcorrection. For example, claiming racism is based on ignorance, rather than hatred, has led to a lot of people my age doing stupid things when faced with racism/islamism that make life harder for other Sikhs. Real life isn’t like a Gurinder Chadha movie and trying to reason or make excuses for predatory behaviour only increases the damage our enemies wish to inflict. This relates to grooming, forced relationships, abductions etc. 
    2. On average, Sikhs are low IQ and stupid in a collective sense. Examples of this can be seen by our inability to focus on more than one enemy at a time or our belief that options when it comes to our development are mutually exclusive. A lot of our people are proud of their ignorance. Everyone knows this and it is something they go on about behind our backs. This emboldens them to target Sikh women as they believe many of their victims will be too dim to understand what is being done to them. Many Sikh women are so stupid that they think being used and abused is a sign of freedom and a way of getting back at Sikh men for perceived slights and other absurd insecurities. They have no idea that many floaters and sulleh are deliberately using reverse psychology, suggestion and coercion to emotionally trick them. 
    3. Our enemies are devious and cunning in many ways that most Sikhs simply wouldn’t believe no matter how it is explained or whatever evidence is produced. The enemies know that women and children are soft targets who can be hit with impunity. The payoff from targeting them is greater than direct violent conflict against an unpredictable and vexing menfolk. Many of our enemies big themselves up in secret, usually with stories of atrocities committed against us. Many of them take great delight in the thought of reenacting their ancestors depravities without the historic risk of getting killed. They dress up these desires by claiming friendship, love and physical attraction but in reality their motivations are far darker. Sikhs aren’t able to decipher this so have no way of countering it. A result of this can be seen with the number of Sikh women who end up with racists/islamists/hindutva types. I’m sure some of them will moan that Sikh men get into relationships with women from various backgrounds, but who can blame us when Sikh women can be such an unknown quantity when it comes to being trusted to not open us up to attacks along these lines?
    To summarise, how we raise the youth, how we think and how we understand our enemies are the main contributors to the issues of grooming/racial fetishisation/hate sex. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in What White Men Say In Our Absence   
    That’s a bit of a reductive take. Some freshies might have a thing for fairer skin due to colonial hangover or cultural prejudice. Some of our middle generation types might like whites due to insecurities from their upbringing and the racial bullying they went through. Neither compares to the hissing, seething hatred that racists/islamists have towards certain women. 
    The sex tourism is a symptom not the cause. I think East Asian American women have done a lot to understand racist grooming, fetishisation and hatesex over the last few decades. One told me that even though whites present themselves a certain way, the reality is that a lot of white American men have dads who raped their way through Vietnam, grandads who raped their way through Japan and Korea, great grandads who raped their way through the Philippines and China so these derogatory views are passed down from generation to generation. A similar thing probably happens in Britain, the natives are just naturally disingenuous about it.
    Also, let’s face it, no Sikh girl has the braincells or backbone to write something like the above article even though many face grooming/fetishisation and hatesex issues from islamists and racists. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in The Future Of Gurdwaras In Pakistan   
    Unfortunately not. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Just jokes   
    I have sent messages to some people from it as well. Most of them I trusted. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Social Issues Videos   
    Yes, but it happens everywhere. How he fought is more important to watch though. 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Soccer - who likes it ?   
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Soccer - who likes it ?   
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Do people in Israel hv sex with their mother and sister?   
    Punjab Police are a paramilitary force who trace their roots back to the criminal gangs the british employed in the late 1840s. They don’t need to go to Israel to learn how to be a bunch of perverts. 
    Sexual torture and humiliation were common tactics throughout the british empire and they encouraged it amongst their familiars and lackeys. From Australia to Africa they left a trail of malicious sexual harm:
    Mossad and Shin Bet do not use sexual torture as they think it’s counterproductive. The Palestinians they face are fairly misogynistic who have no issue with ostracising women they consider blemished. Here is the things more likely to happen if the Israelis get their hands on someone: 

    They don’t like to leave marks and always torture targets individually to avoid witnesses and evidence. This is completely different to the british notions of collective punishment and permanent damage. 
  16. Haha
    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Bhangra   
    No, the wrapped sheet thing the men in the spinning baton video were wearing. Why was he spinning a baton as well? I thought Bhangra dancers had that small drum on the end of a stick they were meant to hold? 
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    HSD got a reaction from Premi in Bhangra   
    Matches up to my own experiences as a kid in the 90s before all this nonsense took over. I’ve never seen any apneh wear those skirt things either like in the video above until Bhangra went wild. Fashion has changed a lot in the last thirty years amongst Sikhs for some reason. 
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Illegal Albanians coming to UK   
    Plenty of time for that later. First they have to make sure they are given satisfactory accommodation, food and drink. None of that toad in the hole muck that passes for food with the locals. It’s the least the brits can do for them after their long trip. 
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Illegal Albanians coming to UK   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Sleeping With The Far Right   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Ricky Reel - A New Witness Could Prove He Was Murdered   
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    HSD got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Social Issues Videos   
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    HSD got a reaction from paapiman in Order of Nine Angles   
    Neo-Nazi Pedophilic Cult Member Allegedly Coerced Minors to Make Child Porn
    Angel Almeida, a 22-year-old Queens man, has been charged with sexual exploitation of minors and possession of child porn, among other alleged crimes.    WARNING: This story contains references to and descriptions of sexual exploitation of minors and child pornography.
    A neo-Nazi affiliated with a satanic pedophilic cult gave himself away on social media, including posting a photo of himself, wearing a T-shirt that read “kiddie diddler” in front of a swastika, police say. 
    He has since been arrested and charged with sexually exploiting minors and possession of child pornography, among other alleged crimes. 
    After being tipped off to disturbing social media posts, FBI agents raided the home of Angel Almeida, 22, in Queens, New York, in Nov. 2021 and seized a handgun along with occult texts and memorabilia that show his affiliation with Order of Nine Angles (O9A), a satanic group that pushes its adherents to commit depraved acts, including sexually abusing minors. On two separate occasions, Almeida spent months coercing two minors into partaking in sexual activities to create child porn, according to the Department of Justice. 
    Almeida was initially indicted on charges relating to the handgun in Dec. 2021 but was indicted on child abuse charges Tuesday. 
    On social media, Almeida posted images of himself boasting about his alleged sexual crimes, as well as pictures of dead animals, and a firearm (despite being a felon), according to the feds. 
    The FBI was initially tipped off to a Facebook account under the name “Sargent Grey,” that had images of Almeida wearing a skull mask, a signifier of neo-Nazi accelerationist groups in front of an O9A flag. This led authorities to a second account under the name “Necropedocell,” with images of a child bound and gagged and a photo of a handgun with the caption “for the 2k pedophile haters.”
    On yet another account, this one on Instagram under the name Stain_Lord_352, the FBI found the picture of Almeida wearing the T-shirt with “kiddie diddler” written on it. The image also included a sign that read, “I am addicted to hardcore child pornography.” The account posted another photo with the caption “no limits evil” alongside a photo of a bloody cat that had been stabbed with a knife. This account also contained several references to O9A. 
    In addition to finding the social media posts, authorities seized a drawing of runic symbols smeared with what appeared to be blood from Almeida’s house. The bottom of the paper features the words “a covenant signed in blood may the DEVIL walk with you always” and the name of a satanist, also smeared with blood.
    Almeida’s most recent indictment alleges that from July 2021 to Dec. 2021, he coerced a minor into creating child pornography to sell. The documents further allege that Almeida, from Feb, 2020 and Nov. 2021, coerced another minor into performing sex acts. He also allegedly had child porn on multiple cell phones and was selling them as a way to distribute the material.
    The Order of Nine Angles, which was founded in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, has a long violent history and found new life in the internet age. The group has become infamous for its depraved belief system, the violent actions of its followers, and being deliberately obtuse in its ideology. Experts who have long followed the group say sexual abuse, including rape as well as possessing and creating child pornography, is encouraged, and O9A has been connected to murders, assaults, child exploitation and pornography, and sexual crimes against children. 
    “O9A is a very, very small organization, which is very extreme. It's not commonplace, even in terms of the far-right,” Nick Lowles, the founder of U.K.-based anti-racism advocacy group Hope Not Hate, which has been researching the group for decades, told VICE News in 2020. “The last five years or so has been their golden time, in a way. Here was an organization that, up to a few years ago, was deeply secretive, deeply hidden. It was very hard outside of that satanic world to come across them.”
    The Order of Nine Angles traditionally operates through local groups, which they call “nexions.” The group has long worried experts, because adherents don’t necessarily need to be in contact with leaders, nor even other members of the cult, to radicalize themselves to commit violence. So despite the group’s relatively small size, it’s still influential globally.  
    The group has been connected to neo-Nazi terror cells, predominantly Atomwaffen Division, an infamous neo-Nazi group connected to multiple murders, but also The Base.
    “Their reach is far bigger than their organizational size,” Lowles previously said. “You don't measure in terms of numbers you measure in terms of who they're influencing.”
    Several adherents of the Order of Nine Angles are currently serving prison sentences for abuse against children, including Ryan Fleming, a U.K. neo-Nazi who was imprisoned for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl and other sexual crimes against children. 
    One unnamed U.K. teenager who stumbled upon O9A teachings is now serving time for terror offences but also multiple sexual assaults, including one against a 12-year-old girl. Many other affiliates have been charged with possession or sharing of child pornography. The list of sexual crimes committed by people, primarily young men, with connection to O9A goes on. 
    In 2020, Toronto police arrested and charged Guilherme (William) Von Neutegem in connection to the random murders of two men. Von Neutegem had posted several things on social media showing he was, at the very least, deeply interested in the occult group. 
    Last year, Ethan Melzer, a U.S. Army private connected to the group, pleaded guilty to his connections in a plot to get his unit ambushed by a jihadi group. The attempt was in the hopes of creating further conflict overseas that would work to further destabilize geopolitics.
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