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    Sat1176 reacted to Lucky in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    The energy generated from super positive sangat and the cloud of divine spirit around you can certainly kick you up a few notches. I've encountered this a few times and it leaves you feeling elevated without having made too much effort.
    These sounds should become one, so to say.
    I think the intentions and pre-conditioning of mind really plays a big role here. I wouldn't advise you continue searching for the same sound again,  the bell, chimta, drums etc.
    I remember that I'd always say to myself "OK, got it,..heard that now.. what next ?"  For me, I was able to get through these until they become a single sound. eko naam, eko shabad.    It may help if you try and disciple your inner mind in this way. If you can, then it can be very beneficial in your own self-development because you may awaken to the hidden depths of your mann.
    As I always say; listen, acknowledge and then move on.    Don't worry too much about them because they won't go anywhere. You hear them at first, then they fade and become one. You follow that one and then you will hear them again when you are at the darbar. There, they are called panj shabad.    Anand sahib bani says  "vajay panch shabad tit ghar subhagay" At that stage, you're completely out of Kaal's desh (maya) and in chautha pad. The 5 dhuts will be left outside the door behind you (panj dhut tudh vas kithay kaal kantakh mariya).
    I said some time ago; the shabads are kind of preliminary, as if  heard earlier as nishanees and signs of progress. Sometimes, they call these pavan shabads to differentiate them from the panj shabads that are heard in the darbar as opposed to outside the darbar.
    as @BhagatSingh suggested above, "stay chill as if it's nothing"  I'd probably add, "wait for what's next?"
    Thunder like "gobind gajay"   Lightening like light and then the all cooling rain of amrit. Can be felt on every single rom of your body as if it's raining. Gurbani mentions a few of these "amrit varkhai,.. amrit varsai" shabads. 
    ^^Next time^^   Just let it be and let the experience take your consciousness. Give your mann and mat to satguru.  The first time this happened,  I had the immediate first 2 lines of the below shabad come into head. "ja-o tao prem khelan ka cha-o, sir dhar tali gali meri a-o".  I immediately put my joined hands on my laps as if in open hath-jor mudra pose, akin to giving an offering. Then, visualized/imagined putting all my consciousness/surti to the Guru and let him do whatever. What happened next, was completely out of this realm.
    ਜਉ ਤਉ ਪ੍ਰੇਮ ਖੇਲਣ ਕਾ ਚਾਉ ॥
    Ja▫o ṯa▫o parem kẖelaṇ kā cẖā▫o.
    If you desire to play this game of love with Me,
    ਸਿਰੁ ਧਰਿ ਤਲੀ ਗਲੀ ਮੇਰੀ ਆਉ ॥
    Sir ḏẖar ṯalī galī merī ā▫o.
    then step onto My Path with your head in hand.
    ਇਤੁ ਮਾਰਗਿ ਪੈਰੁ ਧਰੀਜੈ ॥
    Iṯ mārag pair ḏẖarījai.
    When you place your feet on this Path,
    ਸਿਰੁ ਦੀਜੈ ਕਾਣਿ ਨ ਕੀਜੈ ॥੨੦॥
    Sir ḏījai kāṇ na kījai. ||20||
    give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20||
    I've heard that too or may have seen the same video. I can say, that rom rom makes things much easier and that's why I'm always encouraging it. Some people can get it pargat early on, whereas others get it later. 
  2. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to BhagatSingh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    That's a sign of a good meditation session.
    Your voice gets deeper as well, and starts resonating from your stomach.
    That happened to me a few times during sleep. The first couple times, it caught me off guard, and like you, I started questioning it and it ended when I did.
    The first time I got too scared, the other times the fear went away but the excitement was still there.
    That excitement was preventing me from Clarifying this experience.
    But I didn't know that at the time.
    So it didn't happen for a while, and during that time I found a video by this guy called Rich2150x
    Rich talked about how when strong turbulent vibrations come, then you have to just stay calm and not get too excited about it and just go "hmm" as if its nothing and simply take note of it in a very detached objective manner.
    So then when it happened again, I remembered to stay chill as if it was nothing.
    I stayed calm and chanted Ram.
    Then something special happened.
    But what made the vibrational storm manageable was watching it with a non-excited, non-questioning, non-fearful, detached, objective eye.
    This is also applicable to emotional storms.
  3. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to HisServant in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Thank you @BhagatSingh and @Lucky as usual. I don't want to post too many updates so I think this may be the last for a while - a lot of things have just been happening all of a sudden. I went to a full day simran jaap at someones house the other day - a lot of people with progress were there so I think they might have triggered something. 
    But anyways - as of yesterday - I have begun to be able to get the chimta noise going close to 24/7. Sometimes I forget about it and it turns off but as soon as I remember it, the sound starts again. I was even able to keep it going in a loud busy langar hall yesterday. However, there are still occasional moments where I struggle. The sunk (conch shell) noise, on the other hand, is still only a nighttime phenomenon. I was able to hear it during the day today in a quiet library, but once I stepped out it was gone again.
    It's only been a few days but the impact is insane. I used to be a fast talker, but all of a sudden I'm so relaxed. I'm talking slower and quieter. There are absolutely no tensions or worries about anything. 
    Last night was interesting. I was on the phone with someone and I started hearing hard gusts of wind and thunder in both ears. This same sound came a few times in the past but it was followed by a very loud blast. So I have been wondering if that blast is coming again. The last few times it happened I wasn't able to handle it. And I remember @Sat1176 also posted about it one time.
    @Lucky is there anything we should do if that blast were to ever come back? 
    I think I remember Bhai Sewa Singh Tarmala talking about this sound and saying that a light would be produced after the sound. The last time it happened I remember there were flashes of light (like a lightning storm) and there were loud thunder noises and my entire body felt like I was going down a roller coaster (including physical sensations on the skin). But it was so momentary. It ended very quickly because I started questioning what was happening. 
    I also think (in the same video) he mentioned that if rom rom isn't pargat you won't be able to handle the experience. But again, this is just based on memory. I can't remember which video it was or what was exactly said.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from BhagatSingh in Mala And Touf   
    Useful insight into the use of mala by GuruMaa
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    Sat1176 reacted to Lucky in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Ok. This sounds all good. Funny thing is that I had these cricket like sounds come twice. They were there in early stages and then re-emerged in later stages. Must have been some blocked energy channels(sukham) that needed re-activating.  We all have different areas that need addressing at separate times and that's why people experience sounds in differing patterns.
    These are also very good and I sort of understand what they are (from my own experiences).  It's what they lead to and what can follow along the same path, that is of importance.  I can't say much about this on open forum due to a few reasons, but I think I gave some hints in pm not long ago.  
    You should raise your surti(consciousness) by continuing simran to get to next levels. When this happens, you will find more nishanees/avasthas in gurbani. This is always the final verification and re-assurance from guru. As the gurbani rapport builds up "Guru maneyo granth" starts becoming apparent. If I don't find my answer in gurbani, then I know my experience wasn't part of the path or avastha.
    This takes practice and it's certainly possible. As @BhagatSingh veer (below) said above; you can meditate on it. 
    The anhad will be 24/7 when pargat. You can tune into it any time, any place. 
    I practiced a few weeks by using some earplugs and blocking out everything external.  I did 2-3 hour sessions, three times per 24hr-day (about 9hr/day total).  Session at amrit vela and at least 2 or more sittings during the day. I was able to amp up and start differentiating between the frequencies. You can start identifying several different  frequency tones and it will make you appreciate the numerous raags in gurbani.     I recommend the "hearos" brand ear plugs, since they were the most comfortable and strong at 33 decibal noise reduction.    The ear plugs certainly helped to intensify the shabad during those few weeks. I don't need to use them now unless it's noisy in the house or the street, but the magnitude continues to increase and change. 
    The shabad-dhun is very powerful and its not just a dhun. It can guide you in the most unexplainable ways if you let your self be the chela.  Along with gurbani, you will come to realize just how easy Guru Nanak ji made it.
    Shabad gets your naam pargat and naam itself becomes the shabad. That's your direct passport, visa and flight to get to EK ,..hence ✈️Nanak Naam Jahaz hai ✈️
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    Sat1176 reacted to Lucky in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Thanks, been quite busy with my own schedule.
    Sounds like the 5 tat colors. An earlier post not long ago by Sat1176 highlighted the Mind and 5 tat maya. Remember that the Mind is born into sukham maya and "eih man panch tat tay janamaa"  Let them come, acknowledge, and then move on..
    Recommend that you try and listen to this. Try to move attention around the head, left, right, above, behind..  to try and see if you can grab it. OR just try and stay Central, neither left or right.
    Thoughts are always going to be coming. The key is not to attach to them. That's what a mantra is used for. Its a tool(tra) for the mind(man),.."man-tra"   Let the thoughts come and leave themselves. If the thoughts grab away your focus, then us the mantra to try and bring the mind back. You keep doing it until steady and in towards sunn. You've already been in and out of sunn without realizing since you hear the high pitched tones.
    You should do both. Set your own time allocations and start off by doing simran session with saas saas. This can be anything from seconds to minutes,...until you get to the steady, settled, and calm state. Then go into 'antarghat'-internal jap. Just try and get deeper, and deeper within yourself. Listen to the tone(s), if you can hear them. If they help you get deeper, then use them to do that....and keep going.
  7. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to Lucky in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Bhagat ji, I agree and know exactly what you're saying.    
    My mention of "roop, na rekh, na rang" as per gurbani was tailored to address HisServant's concern and query onmwhether he was en-route to seeing the parkash/presence of brahm everywhere and 3rd eye/drib dristee.  There is a difference between what forms and shapes you see as per tre-guna maya and what one can see as they start tearing the veil of illusion (Kiv kurhai tutai pal).
    I can kinda understand why practitioners warn students about "akaars" and how they can become one's own hurdles.  That topic is quite an in depth discussion that would need it's own thread, but in short, and as per my own experiences and obstacles.... @HisServant, is experiencing something quite similar to something I had a few years ago.   I went around the long route via my own hindrances, but the main answer was in gurbani all the while...the "shabad". The shabad starts off as very faint, but with time and simran, it gets to higher frequency/vibration and becomes anhad naad.
    Guru Nanak ji advises the "shabad".  the anhad shabad.  if you can hear the anhad, which HisServant can,.. then he should put dhyian there to establish the connection and dristee will automatically follow.
    After Guru nanak ji explained the shabad to the siddhas, (Shabad guru surat dhun chela),  he was asked...
    ਰੂਪੁ ਨ ਹੋਤੋ ਰੇਖ ਨ ਕਾਈ ਤਾ ਸਬਦਿ ਕਹਾ ਲਿਵ ਲਾਈ ॥
    Rūp na hoṯo rekẖ na kā▫ī ṯā sabaḏ kahā liv lā▫ī.
    When there was no form or shape, then how could anyone lovingly focus on the Shabad?
    Remember, that before any akaar, before creation, before duality, before "KAR" as in Ek-Ong-Kar,, Nirnakar was just the EK singularity. The "ong' resided in the un-manifest Almighty. He uttered the "word" and creation was made. (ਕੀਤਾ ਪਸਾਉ ਏਕੋ ਕਵਾਉ, Kīṯā pasā▫o eko kavā▫o.)
    Guruji says...
    ਰੂਪੁ ਨ ਰੇਖਿਆ ਜਾਤਿ ਨ ਹੋਤੀ ਤਉ ਅਕੁਲੀਣਿ ਰਹਤਉ ਸਬਦੁ ਸੁ ਸਾਰੁ ॥
    Rūp na rekẖ▫i▫ā jāṯ na hoṯī ṯa▫o akulīṇ rahṯa▫o sabaḏ so sār.
    When there was no form or shape or social class, then the Shabad, in its essence, resided in the unmanifest Lord.
    Therefore, to get back to the singular Ek,.. to remove the 'kurai tutai pal',..  if one can hear the 'shabad', then that's what they need to attune to.  To start seeing and connecting with the dristi of seeing brahm in the air around us, you need to tune into the shabad. 
    as advised earlier to HisServant,  the important recommendation is
  8. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Oh my, Just came to the following pungti and wondering if that is what i sometimes hear. Waheguru

    Ang 356

    You shall hear the vibrations of the tinkling bells, when your mind is held steady.
    ghunghroo vaajai jay man laagai.

    Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.......
  9. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to HisServant in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Two new experiences 
    1) Been seeing a flash of light that originates from above. 
    2) Seeing a colourless type figure very occasionally and briefly. 
    Not sure if either of these are parkash. It’s still very early and they aren’t consistent yet. I will update if there is any decent progression. 
  10. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from BhagatSingh in What are your thoughts about Perfect Living Masters?   
    This sakhi may have been watered down for the average person.
    I have heard two deeper versions.
    1. Gurumaa states that when one does intense bhagti and enters Samadhi then it can take a couple of days to come back out of that stage. The 3 days of Guru ji missing could signify that he went into the deepest Samadhi for 3 days.
    2. When a person reaches deepest levels of naam a stage arrives when the 5 elements separate or merge to together making you invisible as your being merges into nirgun form. The 5 elements can then be brought back together at will and you reappear in sargun form.
  11. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Dearest Sumeet,

    Welcome to our humble little forum. I am most pleased that you have experienced naam simran for yourself and making effort. It is indeed a blessing from Waheguru. Who knows when he is going to shower us with his kirpa. Please do make an effort to read Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji yourself. You will now begin to appreciate what is written in even more because you are indeed seeking and you have began to experience it for yourself. I have only posted few quotations relating to naam simran from SGGS as I slowly read for myself that I feel will aid as useful reminder and guidance and equally inspiring to others.

    I'm no subject expert on the matter but from what I have read and heard you will start to hear the anhad shabad in the ears, sometimes only one side then it will be audioable from both ears, then you will eventually begin to hear it between your eyes. Slowly I think it begins to work itself up the forehead to eventually the top of the head/crown.

    Volume levels of the shabad can also change, getting louder is a good sign I believe. As stated in Gurbani keep on listening to it with love, attention and focus. Try to not think about other things when your listening. If your mind is active and thinking loads of thoughts then revert back to mental or verbal recitiation of Waheguru mantar. When you find your mind going still again the start listening to the shabad again and try to absorb yourself into it. The more your absorb the more you will go in deeper and deeper.

    Hopefully someone with more experience will also post which might offer you some guidance. Never the less stick with it and place your firm faith in the shabad. Let it be the boat and it will automatically take your to where it needs to go......

    Keep posting and sharing with us..... It is most inspiring for all of us to hear about others making progress which in turn gives our own batteries a recharge to get us going again...

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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Depends what you mean by desire?

    I have a desire within me to be able to enjoy simran / naam jaap when I do it. Not be at the stage where I'm forcing myself to do it.
    I have a desire to meet Waheguru. Not because I want anything but to just meet the "Almighty". Is that so wrong?

    Without an element of desire of some kind, us beginners wouldn't do it. Hopefully when the prem/enjoyment for simran kicks in then it's a different story.

    But agree with your point about going tot fast too quickly... Easier said then done though. We all look for shortcuts from time to time.. Myself included. Trying to be patient can be extremely difficult.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Veer ji, assi kuchvi ne kardey. Jadho Waheguru Ji aap kirpa kardey hun feri naam jaapai junda.

    Waheguru upnaa naam japaalow......
  14. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to HisServant in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Thought I'd post a quick update since it's been a while. I've started hearing a conch shell and a chimta type noise. The peace felt from it is insane. I cannot put it into words. My entire body just relaxes. Only happens at night/early morning and the mind needs to be extremely quiet. Baby steps but slowly moving forward. 
  15. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from HisServant in Meditation for beginners   
    Nothing complex about it.
    Sit comfortably and relaxed.
    close eyes
    say out the words Wahe Guru, with slight pause between the wahe and guru. Don't go straight into mental meditation. Jap it out aloud and listen to the sound of your own voice as you say each part of the Gurmantar.
    the goal is not to let the mind wonder but remain focused on the sound of your voice so it listens to each repetition. 
    If you see it wondering off or realise after its gone bring it back and start listening again.
    very well explained here
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from HisServant in Meditation for beginners   
  17. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in Meditation for beginners   
  18. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in Meditation for beginners   
    Nothing complex about it.
    Sit comfortably and relaxed.
    close eyes
    say out the words Wahe Guru, with slight pause between the wahe and guru. Don't go straight into mental meditation. Jap it out aloud and listen to the sound of your own voice as you say each part of the Gurmantar.
    the goal is not to let the mind wonder but remain focused on the sound of your voice so it listens to each repetition. 
    If you see it wondering off or realise after its gone bring it back and start listening again.
    very well explained here
  19. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਕਰਮਾ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਧਰਮਾ ॥ eih man karamaa ih man dharamaa || This mind commits its deeds of karma, and this mind follows the Dharma. ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਪੰਚ ਤਤੁ ਤੇ ਜਨਮਾ ॥ eih man pa(n)ch tat tay janamaa || This mind is born of the five elements. (Ang 415) The mind is said to be also made of the 5 subtle elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth and Ether/Akash) As you do simran and start to transcend these 5 elements, you can sometimes see colours of these elements.   Naam is said to resonate 24x7. Depends where you keep your surti. If mind is not listening to it then it will fade away into the background. Goal is to keep surti on naam and carry on your worldly duties. I guess this is easier to do if you job involves manual labour but if mental effort is required then will be more difficult to keep attention on both.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Xylitol in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Experiences of Naam Abhiyaasi Singhs | Giani Thakur Singh Ji
  21. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in What are your thoughts about Perfect Living Masters?   
    This sakhi may have been watered down for the average person.
    I have heard two deeper versions.
    1. Gurumaa states that when one does intense bhagti and enters Samadhi then it can take a couple of days to come back out of that stage. The 3 days of Guru ji missing could signify that he went into the deepest Samadhi for 3 days.
    2. When a person reaches deepest levels of naam a stage arrives when the 5 elements separate or merge to together making you invisible as your being merges into nirgun form. The 5 elements can then be brought back together at will and you reappear in sargun form.
  22. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Jasninder Singh in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Experiences of Naam Abhiyaasi Singhs | Giani Thakur Singh Ji
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Experiences of Naam Abhiyaasi Singhs | Giani Thakur Singh Ji
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    Sat1176 reacted to das in What are your thoughts about Perfect Living Masters?   
    In order to really answer this question in black-and-white; 2 things are required:
    - The person answering the question should have visited/reached the Sachkhand. Because without actually reaching there, how could one tell what path to take?
    - Plus, He/She is willing to answer the question from truthful point of view; instead of answering for the sake of questioner's spiritual progress (so that the questioner's belief's are not shattered; but sometimes they need to be shattered).
    As you can see from the above: Expecting a real answer from any internet forum or from a normal person is not going to work.
    Therefore it implies that both parties (pro-living-master vs anti-living-masters) arguments are sheer understandings of their beliefs at this-point-in-time. Sometimes one party wins because they presented good arguments, but sometimes the other party wins. All in all, its like cheering for a sporting event from a distance. Pick the team, Join the team, and then cheer without pointing fingers at other team.
    My current understanding is:
    First let's sort out the definitions first:
    Perfect-Living-Master = Sant = Brahmgyani = Guru = Satguru = Spiritual-Master = Spiritual-Teacher = The one who has already reached the Nij ghar (Sachkhand or whatsoever that place is called).
    1. All of the 10 Gurus did have Spiritual-Master even though Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji was present (Gurgaddi was not given till 10th patshah).
    2. All the Puran Sants in sikhism and also in other religions did have a Spiritual-Master.
    3. In the whole Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, it is nowhere mentioned that a Living-Person is not required. But there are many places where the importance of Sants are disclosed and their society is recommended.
    4. Without the Sant/Guru, the spiritual progress is possible only upto certain point but in order to reach the ultimate truth, a Living-Sant is required.
    5. For Anti-Living-Master party, they always say Shabad is the Guru; but we need to digest this: even the real knowledge as defined/shown in Guru Granth Sahib Ji cannot be fully understood without Sants. e.g The same tuk/line which till yesterday meant something different, but as we progress the meaning changes. In the same vein, how could we be so sure that our understanding of the same tuk will not be changed on next big spiritual stage? In other words, our understanding is always relative.  If our understanding is relative, then who would have the real knowledge? Saints........ There is a reason elders have said: There is only one Truth and that Truth could only be found by the help of person who are the truth and not who know the truth.
    Everyone is entitled to its own understanding. Problem comes when we try to define the things as we understood and then try to enforce our thinking to others, saying that we're right in our understanding....thereby missing the whole point of the discussion and thus start debating instead of discussing. The real intention should have been to discuss the best possible way.
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