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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Jageera in Sikh-Muslim Couple Gets Cover   
    There is nothing sikh community can do apart from parents becoming strict
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Premi in Sikh-Muslim Couple Gets Cover   
    Well its easy to say that izzat is garbage but those who undergoes these type of trauma's Whether it is because of Girl or some another cause could understand.

    Just tell me if this Girl has a sister do you think that any decent sikh family will want there boy to marry her.Forget about marrying even many will tell there daughters don't befriend her or don't go to her home even
  3. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Jageera in Sikh-Muslim Couple Gets Cover   
    Because These type of cases mean izzat of Girl's family gone forever .They become laughing stock in the eyes of everyone.It is like social Death for them
  4. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Jageera in I Accuse   
    Shame on the entire Sikh community of world who despite being cash rich did not take care of victims.Shame on DSGMC and Sarna ,shame on SGPC ,Shame on DELHI Sikhs which are sitting on lot of cash but never take care of these,Shame on all those NRI sikhs who day and night talk about Khalistan ,justice,sikhism but never went
    on foot to see what is really happening on ground level.

    Whenever I think of 1984 It just come to my mind that may this was the test we failed miserably.
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Jageera in Can An Experience Change Your Conviction?   
    People give a lot of weightage to their personal experiances so I think 90% of people which may encounter miracle expeiance with Hindu sant,muslim priest, Christian fathers or Dera baba's will change their beleif
  6. Sad
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in 58 killed as train hits crowd watching Ravana effigy burn in Amritsar   
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Nihangs and Fish   
    It is also found that couples that had fish in their diet also likely to become more pregnant and have high fertility.
    When Sikhism is struggling is with low fertility your article support the opposite
  8. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Sikh-Hindu Clashes in India (UP)   
    It happened in August.
  9. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Exposing missionary tactics (No Conversion channel)   
  10. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Dasam Granth Banis For A Not Amrit Dhari Yet?   
    The laws are same.Important thing is your record and the need of gun.If you join some shooting club you have very good chance to get licence
  11. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Radical BJP Subreddit . Terrorist threaten Singhs.   
    I don't know any group took responsibility because sikhs always blame GOI for this
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from ipledgeblue in Nihangs and Fish   
    It is also found that couples that had fish in their diet also likely to become more pregnant and have high fertility.
    When Sikhism is struggling is with low fertility your article support the opposite
  13. Like
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from jaikaara in Sikhphilosophy.net - rise and fall | rejection of inner journey to Waheguru   
    That site should be renamed , Tejwant philosophy.net. That guy has weird concept some of Atheistic Sikhism , with no god , no divine power death is the end concept .He just interpret Guru Granth sahib in own way and write pages and pages on it saying that Guru granth sahib our only Guru.Several people including me has asked him Sikhs need to just obey Guru Granth sahib then why to give so much importance to 5 ks , he hardly has any answer
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in The Characters of Mahabharat   
    Few, Karna humilating Arjuna on 16th day is not part of the above sources.Similarly there were  plenty of warriors who were very deadly and use to consider themselves at par with Arjuna or Bheeshma .Similalrly Drona was also known to know many vidya's. On jaydrath vadh day , he prepared a kawach for Duryodhana through some mantra's that Arjuna was unable to break that. Krishna then show Arjun that nails of Duryodhana don't have any protection and Arjun arrows their..Bheema was very mighty warrior and on Jaydrath vadh day he defeated karna so that Arjun can by pass him. Bhim single handedly destroyed 20 akshauni sena of Duryodhan
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from jaikaara in Sikh leaders spur Dr. Ambedkar plan to convert millions of dalits to Sikhism.   
    Ambedkar died natural death , even her second Brahmin wife met him when he was in hospital.His wife died natural death in 2003.She lived her life as widow of Ambedkar.some dalit leaders too saying that he was poisened but no one ever get a single evidence.Please remember any planted agent would had gone to her home after finishing her target , she lived as widow.
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from jaikaara in Sikh leaders spur Dr. Ambedkar plan to convert millions of dalits to Sikhism.   
    These are B.S conspiracy theories with no truth in it
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Dalit Sikhs on the edge as Khasi tribal anger rises in Shillong   
  18. Thanks
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from paapiman in Sikh leaders spur Dr. Ambedkar plan to convert millions of dalits to Sikhism.   
    The population of Buddhists in India is 8 million out of which 87% or 7 millions are Dalits , so may be 4-5 millions embraced it
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from BhagatSingh in Nearly 10 million Sikhs have lost their religion because of this organisation   
    Bhai Gurdas has written defination of sikh in his vaars , There is no mention of keeping kes
  20. Like
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from angy15 in SIKHISM AND GENDER EQUALITY   
    Same old discrimination B.S with no knowledge. Mostly men are doing dirty jobs so women must be discriminated in that too , Majority of workplace deaths are of men  so women are discriminated in that too Men must be dreaming about becoming garbage collector , sewer cleaner and dieing at death that's why they stop women from doing these?
    Coming to becoming Raagi's and kathavachak , sorry t to say but you have hardly any knowledge about it. Most family will be pissed of if their son say that He want's to become Gyani, Kathavachak or Raagi. Most of them want their son to do some white collar job and earn 6 figure salary or go USA canada and send $$.Gyani Kathavachak , Raagi are some jobs in which Punjabi familes are least interested , this is harsh reality of Sikhism.
    Western gender similarity means when a society see's everything from the eye's of gender and divide equally between two 50:50 everything, though menial jobs' workplace deaths don't count in that.
    Also if you ask caste of Gyani's , kathavachak , raagi's then you may found that majority of them are from upper caste , so then again blame will be why lower caste is not represented in that, must be discrimination
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    kdsingh80 reacted to LiquidSky in Lies about Feminism   
    Come across this video which seems to hit the nail on the head about modern marriage life. 
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    kdsingh80 reacted to amardeep in An account on Sikhs By Richard Joseph Sulivan - 1784   
    Some interesting quotes from the main text:
    We have to mention the Seiks. They are a powerful and an extraordinary people: until very lately, however they have been quite unknown to Europeans: the cause of this shall be explained hereafter. The Seiks were originally of the tribe of Hindoos, called Jates. They are now composed of all casts. They admit proselytes from all religions; and even allow them to retain a belief of their own persuasions, and to perform their several rites, provided they comply with the external duties of a Seik, which are but few and simple. They never, it is true, heartily adopt a Mussulman. A disciple of the Koran, though in every respect a Seik, they distinguish by the name of Nemazi-Singh, which denotes him to be a renegade Mahommedan.

    The Seiks have a high notion of the equality of mankind.

    Their cities and principal towns abound with Mahommedan artificers and tradesmen, who are most liberally encouraged. They countenance and protect all foreign merchants. The ryots and farmers are assessed with moderation: not a moiety so much as they are by Europeans, Moohammedans and Hindoos. Their government is most lenient. Even many Affghan families have hereditary estates on their dominions, which they allow them quietly to posses.
    At length being freed from the Mohammedan yoke, the Seiks assembled from their lurking places, and formed themselves into a new community. They adopted no regular system of government. The richer sort assumed the title of Rajah, and annexed to it a full and sovereign authority, independent of each other. The next in consideration called themselves Sardars, and established an equal share of independency, both of each other and of the Rajahs. They formed a federal association, not a commonwealth, as it hath been erroneously denominated. They erected, as it were, distinct principalities; to act together in concert, only when a common enterprise should be in question. Their leaders were then to assemble in congress, on a perfect equality, and each to rear his standard in the general cause.
    From small beginnings, like the Maharattahs, the Seiks have risen to such an alarming degree of consequence that they now possess an extent of dominion, computed at eight hundred miles in length and four hundred miles in breath; its capital Lahore.

    It is not, therefore, requiring too much to say, that the Seiks are a power which should be carefully watched by the English. They certainly are of great consequence on the political scale of India.

    Large bodies of them annually quit their homes, and advance to the frontiers of the Owd dominions; besides others, who, though not exclusively of the community, are yet in every respect Seiks. Gujput-Singh, Ummar-Singh, and the chiefs who possess the districts of Kurnaul, Thannaisser, Puttialah, etc., are of this number. They are absolutely Seiks, although they have little intercourse with more distant leaders of Punjaub and Lahore.
    These chiefs originally belonged to the one or other of the inferior tribes of Hindoos; but having erected their Zemindaries into independencies, they found it politically convenient to adopt the manners, and assume the name of their northern neighbours; but neither the character nor the power of the latter should be eliminated from the figure or appearance of the chief who resides in the neighbourhood of Panipat and Seharinpoor. For though their strength has late been sufficient to furnish considerable employment to Nudjif-Cawn and his successors; to lay Zabtah-Cawn, whose country is situated between the Ganges and the Jumna, under heavy contributions, and to molest even the suburbs of Delhi; yet they are neither to be compared with the genuine Seiks for political importance, nor regarded on account of their institutions, in the same important view.

    In a word, the Seiks and their relatives, have every appearance of being one day or other a very formidable power in Hindostan.
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Who can eat Meat?   
    Admin cut is to remind people admin is everywhere on forum just like God in real world.worship him on forum
    Admin ji admin ji admin ji
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    kdsingh80 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in The Characters of Mahabharat   
    @chatanga1 If you really interested in Mahabharata then please read it from ancient sources rather than relying on Dramatised presentation of BR Chopra serial. many experts believe that Mahabharata of BR 's version was full of flaws 
    You can start it from here
  25. Like
    kdsingh80 got a reaction from chatanga1 in The Characters of Mahabharat   
    @chatanga1 If you really interested in Mahabharata then please read it from ancient sources rather than relying on Dramatised presentation of BR Chopra serial. many experts believe that Mahabharata of BR 's version was full of flaws 
    You can start it from here
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