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Everything posted by Matheen

  1. Bear in mind that when the French banned the burqa from schools (and head scarves too), they also banned the Dastar - it's still banned in public schools. I doubt this will pass through their parliament, but if it does, things will kick off for sure. In any case, if someone wants to wear a burqa, santa claus costume or anything else, it is not the place of the state to stop them.
  2. Sure that's bikrami? It shows Guru Gobind Singh Ji's avtar purab on the 5th Jan.....
  3. Just to add: even a shallow knowledge of our history - in particular the shaheeds who died rather than convert, is enough to prevent people converting from Sikhi. Just heard katha about the shaheedi of Bhai Mati Das and Sati Das - amazing!
  4. Xylitol's got it right. Generally, people don't give a toss about politics etc - they want their spiritual needs fulfilled. The general, SGPC or missionary college gyanis don't have a clue themselves have never done Simran let alone experienced its results so they are in no position to guide anyone else. Sant Karam Singh Ji Hoti Mardan wale, in an age of no media, and without direct preaching, inspired many sulleh to become Sikhs - they also had 100 pooran Bhramgyanis out of their students. With Kamayee, people automatically flock towards you. In more recent times, look at Sant Isher SIngh Ji Rarewale - again from the Hoti Mardan lineage - hundreds of thousands of people took Amrit just from listening to their kirtan/katha despite the fact that they used to place very strict conditions on them. In even more recent times, look at Sant Jarnail Singh Ji - armed with an old bus and loudspeaker, they eradicated drugs and alcohol from a lot of pinds and got a heck of a lot of people back into Sikhi and still do - many young Sikhs continue to come into Sikhi just from hearing about Sant Ji's jeevan. The opposite of these great souls are the modern day self acclaimed 'academic Sikhs'. They spend all day debating, arguing but no time actually doing what Guru Ji says to do. When confronted, the answer is usually ' I remember God all the time' or 'my heart is clean' etc etc. These same people are the ones who have no faith and create doubt in others, claim our Gurus never performed miracles and were ordinary people and that there are no Sants in Sikhi. Just read SPN! We can't use force to stop people from following who they want - we'll just create martyrs. Becoming living examples of the power of Gurbani is the only way to do effective parchar. If anyone deserves to be sent to Dharamraja asap, it's our 'leadership' and people like Darshan Ragi etc - creating doubt in the minds of Sikhs is the best way to drive people away from Sikhi. The SGPC needs to start spending its huge reserves of money and build a Gurudwara, School, Hospital in EVERY pind in Punjab. We can discuss this here until we're blue in the face, but without action, it's all pointless. So, what are we going to do? (by the way, we need help in Southall for the homeless - meeting this Saturday evening at Havelock rd)
  5. Thanks Singh - not all Gurpurabs are there? Also the second picture is same as the first one?
  6. Do you have any proof to back up your claim that Sikh Amritdhari women in the pre Singh Sabha era didn't keep Kaur as their name? I have given you examples of women who did, even within my family. Regarding your other points, to suggest that Gurbani would say one thing, and the Guru do another is just wrong.
  7. How did you become a Sikh of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji? Have you received Amrit?
  8. Try sending a PM to Kam - sur he'll know of a few good granths.
  9. Thanks Singh - are you getting these from Gurmatveechar.com, or do you have them on tape/cd?
  10. Gyani Gurdev Singh Ji, who was also a student of Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji, is the one who told me that the devi wasn't made pargat at Naina Devi. There was a pundit there who thought he could trick Guru Sahib and make a profit, like he used to with the locals. So he told Guru Sahib to give him all the supplies to perform a massive havan so that he could get the Devi on to their side. Rather than give the supplies and leave, Guru Sahib stayed, much to the dislike of the Pundit. To cut a long story short, Guru Sahib supplied everything that was asked for but of course no devi appeared. On the last day, out of despair, the pandit said that a holy person needs to be sacrificed to please the devi before she appears. Guru Ji said, 'no problem, who is holier than you?' and the pundit legged it. Guru Sahib laughed and they came down from the mountain. Gyani Ji says that was how Sant Ji explained the episode while doing katha. Baki Rabb Janne. I agree that Mata Sahib Devan is correct.
  11. Don't worry, the UK is more like a US slave when it comes to foreign policy, so Canada isn't alone.
  12. The story makes no sense at all. Many Mahapurkh have clarified what really happened at Naina Devi - it was a test for the pandit, who ran away anyway. Gurbani tells us that all the devi-devte are sewadars of the Guru, yet you believe that Guru Sahib had to perform a havan and seek her blessings?
  13. Please ask them to get a bikrami jantri and when you get it, post the important dates here. For spiritual stuff, then Sant Isher SIngh Ji's diary is good - available from Rarasahib, as are the books written by Sant Waryan Singh Ji, but I think you can these in Canada anyway.
  14. Guru Sahib had no need to get the devi's blessings. Do you know who Guru Sahib is? From the puratan sampardas, only Baba Santa Singh Ji believed this - and even that is not definite because they were simply translating a text that mentions this. In Sri Dasam Granth, Guru Ji repeatedly says that they only bow to and seek the blessings of Akaal Purakh and nobody else. Even that was their nimrata, in reality there was no difference between them. Guru Rakha.
  15. By name and history. Don't know if the Americans can do it, but the Israelis ahve been doing it for ages and never suffered a terrorist attack onboard their airline - El Al. It's more behavioural profiling than racial. All in all, I think the media, and hence politicians are making much fuss over a small issue. 300 Americans die EACH WEEK from alcohol related car accidents - even with absolutely no security, the chances of dying in a car on the way to the airport are higher than being involved in a terrorist attack. If they allowed weapons on board - them at least there would be a chance to fight off or kill attackers before they tried anything stupid.
  16. Another reasone for not eating before Nitnem is that an empty 'peht' is best for bhagti. It also helps you to do your paath everyday. I personally prefer the cold to do Simran in, but we're all different - if I'm too comfortable, I'll fall asleep! The important thing is to keep going, even on days when your mind starts trying to stop you. Step by step......
  17. So you agree that 'prof' doesn't understand the language used in Sri Dasam Granth and needs translations. In effect, his entire argument against Sri Dasam Granth is based on his lack of knowledge? He tried to put the blame on Dr Jodh Singh's translations at first, but Dr Jodh Singh came on TV with a copy of his book and guess what - it says no such thing.
  18. Ki Patha? It's not really relevant to this thread, but that is the Rehras Sahib in their Gutka Sahib - there was a link on here some time back to a recording of Sant Jagjit SIngh Ji Harkhowal wale who have seen the pothi.
  19. Good job in building a Nitnem, it's all Guru Ji's kirpa. Swaiyye is very short and would only take a couple of minutes extra, Chaupai Sahib is short as well. The SGPC came up with the short Rehras Sahib as some sort of compromise between the traditional sampardas and the modernists, who wanted it even shorter. The 'Taksali' version is identical to the one read by most sampardas and is the same as the one in Baba Deep Singh Ji's Gutka Sahib. The Nihangs have an even longer version, and the Hazur Sahib/ Nanaksar version is slightly longer as well. N30 posted a video on here last week about how the Chaupai Sahib was shortened, which is relevant in this case. 'Prem Sumarag' is best dealt with academically, I wouldn't follow the Maryada from there....
  20. It begins with getting initiated as a sikh by a guru - in our case, Guru Granth Sahib Ji. The Guru then gives His Sikhs a mantra - Gurmantar. There are others as well, such as Mool Mantar etc. Meditating on Gurmantar is akin to writing an address on a letter. Without an address, the letter won't go anywhere. Our target is to become one with Waheguru and Gurmantar is what will get us there, if we make use of it. It gives the mind something to focus on, but is much more than that - Gurbani expounds the virtues of Nam on every line, so there's no point even trying to make a list of its benefits. However, at a simple level: our minds are fragmented into many pieces - we constantly think of many things and the Gurmantar helps the mind focus and put all its power into 1 thing. It also tunes the mind into the constant simran that goes on automatically in our bodies and it is from this stage that the journey really begins - from the mouth to the throat chakra, to the hirda, to the nabhi then back up to the agya chakar, trikuti, dasam duar and eventually merge with Akaal Purakh. Meditating without a mantar is possible, and can help in calming nerves etc, but not more than that. In fact, it leaves you open to negative energy and can have undesirable consequences. I've tried it before I got into Sikhi, wish I hadn't and would never recommend it. However, there is a stage of bhagti, the last stage, when one is completely one with Waheguru, where there is no mantra, no anhad dhuni, just pure anand. Bear in mind that Sikhi is about prema bhagti - 'Waheguru' is remembered out of love and our desire to return from where we came. Not everyone feels this at first, but it will come.
  21. I was listening to a tape of Sant Isher Singh Ji just today and they spoke of this. 'Nit-nem' by definition, is that which is done everyday without fail. It's food for the soul, just as the body gets weak without nourishment, our spirit suffers without Gurbani. (This is my own opinion now)- Being late isn't really an excuse, but I know it happens, lol. The hukam I was given is that I can't eat anything until I've at least done 5 Banis. This is very effective in making sure I get Nitnem done, even if it's at 6pm whem I get back home. Also, it's ok to listen to Nitnem while on the move, if you have to. Regarding Ishnan - if you can stand up or get out of bed, you can have ishnan. Besides, Guru Sahib tells us that having Ishnan and doing Nitnem gets rid of physical as well as mental diseases. There are times when it is impossible to have a full ishnan e.g. on a long flight etc. In that case, you wash your hands, face, feet and brush your teeth then do your Nitnem. When you first start keeping a Nitnem, you will face many obstacles but need to keep fighting to the end - "Khalsa Karey Nit Jung..." Remembering Guru Gobind Singh Ji's bachan: "Rehat Pyaari Mujh Ko, Sikh Pyara Nahi.." also helps.
  22. If it doesn't play, click on "watch on youtube". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uxkHEjQPjo&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uxkHEjQPjo&feature=related
  23. Different person, same nonsense. Biba, where has anyone said that Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not our Guru? The strongest evidence that Guru Granth Sahib Ji was formally given Gurgaaddi is found in Dasam Bani! It's spelled 'illiterate'.
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