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AKJ Kirtan


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I once heard from someone that there is a 'saraf' on AKJ kirtania's that they will never be able to do kirtan unless they have a copy of the 'amrit kirtan' pothi with them. I think its due to their anti raagmala stance.

you will have noticed that whenever they do kirtan they will have this pothi in front of them.

Has anyone heard of this before??

NOT AKJ-bashing, but just trying to satisfy those niggling curiosities that I have been hearing for years.

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lol no not at all. I don't see how that would be related to raagmala even if it was true though :S


No pothi sahib here! I mean Bhai Sahib was pretty renowned for doing kirtan for over 24 hours, going completely immersed into it, certainly wasn't using one then lol.

Guru Ji apaar kirpa naal I go to quite a few rainsabhais/darbars whenever he wills, and I have to say I personally don't see the kirtanis using pothi sahib that often, 90% of the time I have seen without, same for the videos. Just search on youtube/google vids.

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I once heard from someone that there is a 'saraf' on AKJ kirtania's that they will never be able to do kirtan unless they have a copy of the 'amrit kirtan' pothi with them. I think its due to their anti raagmala stance.

you will have noticed that whenever they do kirtan they will have this pothi in front of them.

Has anyone heard of this before??

NOT AKJ-bashing, but just trying to satisfy those niggling curiosities that I have been hearing for years.

lol @ they got saraf..sounds bit silly. I understand one person getting sharaf, whole village getting sharaf but whole sikh jatha getting sharaf seems quite silly.

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that which is done in love requires no pothi.. sadly .. nowadays the self inflicted saraf of playing cool loveless tunes has effected more then just the akj.. !!!

lol do all my love posts sound like im some kinda hippy !

loveless tunes? do you mean they have no love while using these tunes.

Is there an exact science to measuring how much 'love' there is in a tune? or would you say it's a personal experience?

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where is the love for god when in fact all that you are doing is playing tunes that are entertaining and will ensure you get some moshing?

I think that love is something of ones Jazbaat and inner most feelings. How can you tell a person has love or not from the tunes they play on a Vaagaa? To me they seem like two very different things.

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where is the love for god when in fact all that you are doing is playing tunes that are entertaining and will ensure you get some moshing?

do you have such a judgemental atittude towards all people who play 'entertaining' tunes?

It is a big thing to claim someone has no love for God.

Do you think it is impossible for an individual to have love for God while playing a tune that someone else may perceive to be entertaining?

. . . or is it a judgemental bias you reserve only for akj ?

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i think i went a lil over board, but I still hold to the fact that the AKJ offer what is entertainment for the crowds, as i have witnessed many accounts of biasedness towards who can do kirtan on their stages, where if it dont fit in with their mood u aint doin kirtan.

but then again i am a moorakh, someone who should concentrate on his own love for God than point the finger at others.

Bhul Chuk Maaf

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alot of the things akj is hated on for doing in terms of keertan, is actually done by a large majority of keertanis, yet people choose to keep a double standard.

--use of 'entertaining' tunes - 99.5% of all keertanis and ragis use tunes that are entertaining, even those that do classical style will usually only do the first shabad in the correct raag and then the rest in an 'entertaining' tune

--inserting others tuks in the middle of a shabad - if you are going to hate on akj for doing this, please don't keep a double standard and also hate on bhai balbir singh for doing the same. I have heard recordings of his that he does uses tuks from other shabads for 15-20 minutes in the middle of his keertan.

I'm not saying these practices are right, I'm just saying to lose the double standard.

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So what if the AKJ tunes are entertaining ?

so what if they AKJ sing only those shabads that are entertaining ?

We gotta chill and have some fun ..thats what our mind wants to have fun

if we are not entertained by keertan we will resort to other sources such as songs and movies ...

we all haven't reached that avastha where we can all get the rass from nirol gurbani in one day , so we gotta relax a bit ,

we r too uptight abt certain things

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lol I never said anything about measuring anyone elses love, your ears hear the tunes its you that needs to love not anyone else.. so if you love then ignore the post, and if you dont love then measure it yourself go into your own heart and find the measuring stick otherwise just argue about pothis and jathas..

If love can turn a rock into God for Dhanna, it should have no difficulty turning any samparda or jatha, any tune hindu or classical raag, and concept abekh or bibekh into the one divine love.

Hippy Happy Harmony..

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Here is my quote, i m sure others feel the same way

"Love has no boundaries"

if you don't like akj kirtan, suck it up, listen to different kirtan, whatever rocks your boat..

enough said on this topic, topic closed.

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