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Punjab Police Once Again Show Their True Colours

Guest zulu

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thats where I first saw it.

so much for all these respect the dastar campaigns in the UK/US. They truley need it back in India.

The other thing is re: these types of problems we face. we need to get away from blaming the Brahmins, RSS, GOI, Hindus or any other convenient scapegoats we can think of at the time. These issues are sikh problems inflicted on us by SIKHS!!!! shock, horror!!!

Look at the pics: the guys standing doing nothing, walking the chap to the car, they were SIKHS.

Arguments that 'they aren't true sikhs' don't wash with me. It just shows that we don't want to face the reality that faces us Our problems are created by our own people.

Once we accept that truism then maybe we can start sorting out these problems.

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They're probably going to say they found 5 kilos of RDX in his pagh next......

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It seemed apparent the chap was being arrested for whatever reason. He was surrounded by dozens of coppers. And I dont think the locals are the type to come to your aid. You dont resist being arrested in the west, god knows what they'll do to you if you resist in Pb.

Plus ,we don't know what happened immediately beforehand.

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Did the singh next to him say dont take his pugh off in punjabi? confused to who said that...pretty sure someone said that.

Yeah I heard that too. I think it's the guy bringing him in first and says don't take his turban off, but the other guy seems to think other wise. Just look at all sipahis who were standing their, they were all mostly Sikhs with Paghs and they just stood there. That is how low we have gotten that a Sikh's Pagh is being taken off so disrespectfully and we just stand there watching it happen.

My uncle (Mama Jee) tells me that once he was going to Ludhiana in 1985. He saw two Hindus beating up a weak looking Sikh. When they disrespectfully touched his Dastar, just then two Sikh Naujawans(young men) who were also witnessing this ran towards those two Hindu men and beat them up severely. Sikhs back then it seems were much more Ankhi.

Edited by Mithar
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I hope it doesn't turn out that the clown who took off his pagh himself comes from a Sikh background.

I too thought that the original copper (with the dastar) was saying 'pagh nahin lohnee' as in don't take of his pagh. Then the arsehole seems to just do it anyway.

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They had this discussion on the Sikh Channel yesterday

( i havent seen this footage assume guys wearing a purple dastaar, if it is then its the same one)

There interpretation was as follows :-

1. there was a demonstration about loss of jobs ) pharmaceutical company)

2. The Police officers take one Singh to their Car

( dont know why he was arrested anyway)

One of the officers said , to the Mona Police Officer ( who apparently was a Hindu officer according to the panel on the Sikh Channel) , DONT TAKE HIS TURBAN OFF

which obviously means this isnt the first time that particular officer has humiliated the Sikhs and Sikh Kohm

3. The Singh , is peacufully waliking with the officer and not resisting , no way should the officer even touch the Singhs Dastaar.

I think this case is for the Sikh council which has recently been formed , even though they probably wont have any major impact in India , but this should be highlighted , I think on all major channels in India , or shown / printed copies on all bill boards in India .

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I don't know what video Sikh channel have been watching, but the Sikh officer is the bas*ard who says 'Pagh dhahlai ehdi' (knock off his pagh) the other harami in the red pagh who is also holding the guy says 'Pagh lah leh' (take his pagh off) The original bas*ard later barks 'Bathah gaddi'ch'(sit him in the vehicle) The Hindu just shouts something unintelligible.

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I don't know what video Sikh channel have been watching, but the Sikh officer is the bas*ard who says 'Pagh dhahlai ehdi' (knock off his pagh) the other harami in the red pagh who is also holding the guy says 'Pagh lah leh' (take his pagh off) The original bas*ard later barks 'Bathah gaddi'ch'(sit him in the vehicle) The Hindu just shouts something unintelligible.

Exactly what i'm hearing. but on all the forum peeps just seem to be coming out with all sorts versions of little red riding hood.

i is get a bit confused.com here

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police often take people's dastar off while taking them in custody.

only if the suspect are going in the hawalaat the police will take their turbans, the british started this to stop people hanging themselves with turbans and chunnia. But while he was outside they shouldnt have done it.

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Update on this from SS



- from Navkiran Singh (Advocate from punjab)

Both the Policemen have been Suspended...!!! Further Proceedings have been ordered...!!!

A peaceful March has been organized for tomorrow to give a memorandum to Badal...!! Kinldy reach Gurudwara Amb Sahib tomorrow at 4 pm to join the March...!"

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we live in new era where technology will live supreme. hope sikhs in punjab (if nothing else) will at least arm themselves with sharper minds, photo-cameras & upload police wrongdoings on internet more.

thing is, india is backwards, even when wikileaks exposed massive corruption amongst State ruling elite, nothing happened because there is no Will in the people to change the status quo.

but certainly things will change as more wrongdoings are exposed..

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Exactly...!!!!!!!! Totally agree with Parchand.

I been searching for Ethical Sikh hacker for quite some time now to voice against human rights abuses around the globe via cyber war journalism, I have yet to find one.

Wikileaks have done more seva alone exposing human right abuses around the globe than all the minority groups combined.

This era is not picking up sword fighting era and its information cyber war far era...I really think sikhs needs to pay more attention to be trained in ethical hacking war fare instead of sitting on computer all day along and bigging up Khalistan for lyfe and run broken record slogans against India.

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Sukhbir Badal directs cs to submit enquiry report on turban issue within 48 hours

CHANDIGARH:The Punjab Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal Friday directed the state Chief Secretary S.C. Aggarwal that the enquiry ordered against two police officers involved in showing disrespect to turban be completed and report submitted within 48 hours to ensure prompt and exemplary punishment to the guilty.

Sukhbir Singh Badal also directed that government's instructions on utmost vigil against the recurrence of any such incidents be fully complied with. He categorically said that any government officer or official found guilty of showing disrespect to turban or any religious symbol of any community would be dealt with sternly.

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Wikileaks have done more seva alone exposing human right abuses around the globe than all the minority groups combined.

As much as I love it, I have to ask, in real terms, how much difference has it made to corruption/human rights abuses taking place?

India can still act nonchalant about the mass murder of its civilians. The west still engages in dubious, selective vigilantism (Libya). Sometimes it seems as if we've become so accustomed to it that we now accept living in a web of lies. So much goes on that we know does NOT correspond to what government agencies represent to us, yet we still live our lives under a constant shadow of fake bullshit.

That being said (and I've said this before), we are in a better position with modern technology. At least we can have a better idea of what is going on out there.

Just think back to how people used to have to surreptitiously take pictures of dead kharkoos and 'encounter' victims and then have to smuggle them out to the west at further great risk. I've always thought that had the technology of today been around then, 1984 and the subsequent period is likely to have gone very differently to how it did.

Edited by dalsingh101
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