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Questions And Answers By Sant Baba Darshan Singh Dhakki Sahib


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  • 7 months later...

I am so glad to read this... I just got into a spiritually draining topic on another Sikh forum where most of the members are very athiestic in their interpretation of Gurbani. Any reference to 'reincarnation' to them means simply states of mind and vast majority of them even deny the existence of a creator... instead redferring only to 'creation' with no conscious creator. I tried and tried to explain to them these same things about reality being dream of Waheguru Ji, everything being ONE and that our true nature is nonphysical / spiritual (and even backed up with quantum physics), but most of them believe that this physical life is 'it' and nothing exists beyond. I don't know how they can call themselves Sikhs since they even called me hateful for stating simply that they were atheistic in their views. IMO that interpretation turns Sri guru Granth Sahib Ji into merely a psychology book on how to get along with the neighbours. They actually became so defensive and accusing and mean that they drove me away from that forum completely.

Edited by Satkirin_Kaur
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

N30 SINGH, I came across a post of yours on a thread from last year. The user was asking how to play the 'Shaan' like Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji on the vaja (harmonioum). You posted that a friend of yours knew how to play and would update the post with a video featuring it. I wanted to ask could you still contact that friend or find out anyway if he could upload a tutorial or anything like that on how to do it? If you check out my thread you'll see I posted the same question as I am desperately trying to play the shaan as well.


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  • 6 months later...

Waheguru ji ki Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh 


i would like to share my problem im serious sick im suffering with whole body pain, so many time doctor check my body so many test but nothing found in test.. nothing do medicine if i take any pain killer or pain reviler that's good but after again start my problem .  i try all type of medicine like Allopathic., Homeopathic, Ayuarvidice  , .. the effect of pain killer on my eyes or my kidney........ 

i want to know from u please suggest me what i do... i want freedom from this pain.... im happy if God call me directly to near..... 

if u have any solution of my problem send me on my e-mail kbe,jsaag@gmail.com

Stay Blessed .......... 

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  • 1 year later...
1 minute ago, Soulfinder said:

Its great news that Baba Ji is coming to UK. I do know that nowdays most divans get published online or i have seen a lot of live streaming on facebook.


I can try to send you live facebook if you are interested. Also i have a friend who is a big follower of Baba Ji as they have held divans in his pind in Punjab.

Thanks. But I was thinking more in terms of singhs having questions and answers with them like I managed to do with sant jagjit singh harkhowale.

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4 minutes ago, sarabatam said:

Thanks. But I was thinking more in terms of singhs having questions and answers with them like I managed to do with sant jagjit singh harkhowale.

Oh ok i understand like more of a one to one. You are so lucky i really wanted to meet Sant Jagjit Singh Ji. I have got a friend that has stayed with Baba Darshan Singh Ji i can give you his details if you want in private message.

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2 hours ago, sarabatam said:

Thanks. But I was thinking more in terms of singhs having questions and answers with them like I managed to do with sant jagjit singh harkhowale.

That would be fantastic. He has been a super inspiration for motivating me many times.


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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Sat1176 said:

Baba Ji's UK divans are available on this YouTube channel. 


Thanks for the link but some divans are not there like the Seven King Ilford Gurdwara which Das attanded. Here is a link from my friend who is has published live streams on facebook. 



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