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    SAadmin got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Vahiguroo da Abhyaas...   
    I was just reading personal dairy of sant baba isher singh ji rara sahib..its called Ishwar Amolak...found out this paragraph interesting regarding Naam Simran.

    This is one of many ways explained by baba isher singh ji...I ll find more techniques and post it on this thread.

    Va Va Da Abhyaas Nabhi Ch Karo
    (Doing Simran of Va Va on Nabhi/Navel )

    Hi Hi Di Awaaz Hiradaie Ch
    (Doing Simran of hi hi on the heart)

    Gu Gu Kant ch Karo
    (Doing Simran Gu on the kant/near throat)


    Ru Ru Di Awaaz Mastaak mai Ratan Kartaie Hoye Birti Kou Nirgun Atma Mein Lin Kar Duo

    (Doing Simran Ru Ru on the Mastaak/third eye)

    So its a cycle - Va ( on Nabhi) Hi(on heart) Gu (on Kant) Ru(On Mastak/third eye).

    Thats one cycle....I dont know...this cycle or stage explained in the book is the first intial stage to the simran or second last stage in simran....
  2. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Interesting look on Japji Sahib   
    The Mul Mantra is a fate killer. It removes the fate and changes the destiny to complete prosperity.

    The first pauri is an antidote to depression. It will lift you from the deepest depression, insecurity, nightmares and loss.

    The second pauri imparts patience and stability.

    The third pauri transforms insufficiency, turns depression into elevation and transforms low self-esteem into complete self confidence.

    The fourth pauri blesses those trapped in feelings of poverty and lack of means. It blasts through the trap of these feelings like a thunderbolt from the blue.

    The fifth pauri must be recited when you feel a sense of failure within yourself. When you feel that you are not up to the job this pauri will grant you all success.

    The sixth pauri dispels limitation. Recite it when you feel limited, cornered, trapped or coerced.

    When you suffer from greed, madness for power, overbearing expansion and the need to control, when you become trapped in your territoriality, the seventh pauri will heal you.

    The eight pauri gives the power to be a perfect sage.

    The ninth pauri gives expansion.

    The tenth pauri grants grace.

    The eleventh pauri gives virtuousness.

    When you feel small, the twelfth pauri gives you solidarity of self, self-impressiveness and self-respect.

    The thirteenth pauri gives you the occult knowledge of infinity. It brings deep intuition.

    When you cannot find your path to life, when you cannot see the direction to your destiny, when you cannot achieve fulfilment, the fourteenth pauri will show you the way.

    The fifteenth pauri brings liberation.

    The sixteenth pauri gives knowledge of the structure of the universe.

    The seventeenth pauri brings freedom and resurrection.

    The eighteenth pauri fights madness, deep feelings of inferiority and self-destructive behaviour.

    The nineteenth pauri brings universal knowledge, inspiration and revelation.

    When the monsters are nipping at your heels, the twentieth pauri wipes away all your sins.

    The twenty-first pauri will maintain your status, grace and position.

    The twenty-second pauri brings victory in legal battles. It gives you strategy.

    The twenty-third pauri dispels darkness and elevates the self.

    The twenty-fourth pauri breaks through all limitations with the force of a thunderbolt. So powerful that it affects generations, it has the power to kill misfortune.

    When you recite the twenty-fifth pauri all your needs become pre-fulfilled. Prosperity, virtue, estate and wealth are yours without asking.

    The tenty-sixth pauri transforms nothing into everything. In your business it banishes losses, misfortunes and miseries.

    When you are stuck and you cannot see the window of opportunity before you, the twenty-seventh pauri shows you the way. It removes obstacles and hurdles.

    The twenty-eighth pauri is the strongest permutation and combination of words in the world. It unites you with God.

    The twenty-ninth pauri is a shield of protection. It protects you from the enemies by simply vaporizing those who wish you harm.

    The thirtieth pauri places you upon the throne of divinity. It makes you into a sage and a saint.

    The thirty-first pauri pulls all virtues from the heavens.

    The thirty-second pauri pays your debts and completes your karma.

    The thirty-third pauri destroys your ego and brings home your divinity.It removes negativity, neutralises your destructive nature and prevents harm to others by your hand.

    The thirty-fourth pauri brings stability.

    The thirty-fifth pauri gives you the breadth to do your duty and fulfill your responsibility.

    The thirty sixth pauri brings divine realisation. It grants complete understanding of the heavens and the earth.

    The thirty-seventh pauri cuts the karma. It eradicates the impact of all bad karmas.

    The thirty-eighth pauri gives you the power to rewrite your own destiny.

    The Salok brings self-satisfaction, elevation, acknowledgement and respect.
  3. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in The Astrologer & Great Sant Baba Puran Singh Kirochowal   
    From interview's with Tarawati Sofat, Nairobi

    Yes, this is a photograph of Babaji. That's how we called him, 'Honoured Father'. His proper name was Puran Singh. He lived in Kericho where he had a furniture-making business. How did we meet? My late husband Baburam Sofat, who had come to Kenya when he was fifteen, worked in the Labour Department for 40 years! He would go to Kisumu and Kericho to give out pay. He met Puran Singh in Kericho and by 1942 they were fast friends. No, my husband was not a Sikh like myself, he was a Hindu Punjabi. He was an astrologer and palmist, so he was known as Jyotshiji. He had very many people coming to him. Even many Europeans. They were crazy about him. He'd be busy from morning until 6 pm. He didn't charge when he started. He wrote to his Guru (in India) about this. The Guru, Swami somebody, allowed him to charge 20/-. When my husband first met Babaji, he said to him, 'I want to read your hand.' When he saw Babaji's hand lines he said, 'You are a saint.' But nobody' else knew it.

    When my husband first met him, Babaji was living quietly in Kericho. I don't know anything of his background, but here is the "Sikh Sandesh" published in London (11/8/83) after his death which tells all about him. It's written in our language Gurumukhi but I can translate it for you. It says that Babaji was born in the Punjab in 1898, that he left school when he was twelve to work as a carpenter. Then in 1916 he and his elder brother Isher Singh, with whom he'd been working, came to Kenya. He worked in Eldoret for five years and in Kitale for four. In 1930 he started his own business in Kericho, making furniture. He brought his family over (he had two sons and four daughters).

    This article says he had been very religious since he was a young boy. Although he worked hard in his business, his main interest was praying. He employed many people in his workshop and he would go around and supervise them, then sit in a corner and meditate. He'd make the rounds again, then go back and meditate. He and my husband had so much in common. My husband could sit three for four hours in prayer.

    When Sofatji went to Kericho he'd stay with Babaji and they'd talk about religion and things. But Babaji didn't talk like that with other people, he never tried to attract people to him. At first nobody knew be was a holy man. He looked like other people, wearing a suit for business, although at home he put on white pyjamas and a white shawl. He always kept his beard loose (and encouraged his Sikh followers to do likewise). He had amazing powers.

    One time my husband went to Kericho with Babaji. They stopped at Naivasha by a big rock to eat the lunch they had carried with them. Suddenly my husband noticed a lion coming very close. Babaji spoke to the lion. 'Do you want to share our lunch?' He put some food on the ground. The lion came and took it and walked away. Sofatji, he was shaking he was so afraid, couldn't believe it.

    They continued their trip. It was during the rainy season. A large tree had fallen across the road, a huge tree. The tree was shaking. Babaji went in to it, amongst the branches. The tree shifted so there was room to drive past. Sofatji said he could hardly believe his eyes.

    At that time Babaji still was unknown. When he came to Nairobi, he never stayed with his own relatives because they ate meat and drank. Mainly he stayed with Jaswant Singh in the Railway quarters, but he'd also spent a day or two with us. When we built this house (in South Babaji laid the foundation himself. Every time he came he gave us light. You couldn't see the light but you felt it.

    In 1941 Babaji came to our house. He didn't know I was expecting, and that I was scared because I thought something was wrong. (No, it wasn't my first pregnancy, it was my third.) He said, is something troubling you? Don't worry.' And he blessed me, saying 'God is great. You must pray all the time. He will look after you.' He explained that God looks after us, just the way we hold a cup that is cracked so it won't fall apart. He always spoke slowly and with just a few words, and then left you to think about what he had said.

    My baby girl was born all right. But after sixteen days I became ill, and I was three months in bed. In 1941 there were no clever doctors here, no good medicines. The doctor wanted to put me under anaesthetic. Then Babaji came. 'Don't worry,' he said as he blessed me. And I got better without any operation.

    Slowly people came to know he was a holy man. They talked about him and his reputation spread. We started having meetings in the South C gurdwara when he was here, so people could see him, have darshan. When Babaji realised he was known he made a society. Jagjeet Singh was the leader of our sangat. That was about 30 years ago.

    We would meet twice a week for prayers. Once every six months or so we would all go up to Kericho for an 'Akand Path', three-day continual prayers. Big crowds would gather at Babaji's. He would clear out his workshop and we would have the meeting there, with prayers and singing. No one asked why you came, you were just made welcome. Everything was ready, food and bedding for everyone. Babaji's wife was helping. Baiji looked after him very well, his clothes and his food. She was a simple woman, very good hearted. She loved people, both grown-ups and children.

    Babaji would sit there, talking with the people up until 11 pm. He'd be laughing and chatting. He wasn't a serious man. When you met Babaji you felt very fresh. He'd give you a great look, a great smile. Even one word from him made you feel good. He gave us his light. I think Babaji had a gift from God. God gives different gifts. (He gave me the gift of singing nicely.) Babaji had the gift of healing, of making people feel better.

    According to this article he first realised he had some power when he was very young, when he cured his father of a terrible pain in his neck. But he never demonstrated his powers publicly, only when you went to him. Or he would come to you.

    Around 1970 Babaji went to live with his son in London. The other son died but his son Billy still lives in Kericho. Yes, that was the one you met, his real name is Ragbeer. Babaji had a huge following in UK.

    About ten years ago (May 29th 1983) Babaji had a heart attack. He said that it came from God and he accepted it. His son wanted him to go to hospital. Babaji said, This is my last day. If I go to hospital I don't come back.' His son insisted -and after two or three hours Babaji was gone.

    Here we are not so many now. My husband Sofatji passed away in 1989. Jagjeet Singh, the leader of the sangat here, has also died. Babaji's followers have dispersed. We no longer have meetings at the gurdwara. Those of us who believe in him, we pray at home. He still gives us his light.

    Baba Puran Singh Ji with Sangat members at the Gurdwara Makindu on Mombasa Road. The Sikhs had built a small place for worship, which was 100 miles from Nairobi and 200 miles from Mombasa (port), during the building of the railways.

    Legend has it that an African who took care of the place, used to see a Sikh horseman in beautiful attire, get off the horse and pay obeisance on the steps of the Gurdwara. He saw this horseman quite a few times and told the Sikhs about it. From his description it was deduced that it could be no one other than Guru Gobind Singh. This legend is well known till this day. This Gurdwara, middle of nowhere, is visited by thousands of people of all castes and creed everyday going to and fro Nairobi and Mombasa. Langar is available 24 hours a day and the place looks like a 3 star hotel now-a-days, with rooms to stay the nights. Simply a masterpiece and a feather in the turban of the Sikhs.

    Baba Ji was one of the first persons to come to this Gurdwara regularly and perform keertan and paths and eventually it caught on and now this Gurdawara can be classified amongst the top gurdwaras of the World - income and visitation vise.
  4. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Naam Simran Jagutiya by Sant Baba Jawala Singh Harkhowaley   
    Naam Simran Jagutiya by Sant Baba Jawala Singh Harkhowaley

    1st technique

    First do simran with the help of bakhri bani(recitation of tongue) and focus on trikurti
    ( between the eye brows) focus so hard and meditate so hard that you are exhausted consequently you will start meditating automatically on throat chakra with Madhma Bani (thought provoked automatic recitation) then focus so hard on madhma bani that it gets exhausted. Again consequently meditation will start in the heart and continue to the Nabhi (Navel). In the navel, guru’s jap awakens the kundalani in the navel. By doing this.,tenth door(dasva dwara) opens. By doing this technique your meditation process never stops and you are experience doesn’t break.

    2nd technique.

    Meditation using Vahiguroo Mantra...

    Meditate with repeating Vahiguroo with your breath. When you inhale, take Vahi with your breath and take it all the way to Nabhi crossing your heart. Then take Gu from your heart to Ru from your trikurt by doing this... Tenth door (dasama dwara) opens..

    Next stages (When trikurti opens) you see some light, first you see red then you see white and then you see the light that is so strong that makes thousands of suns and moons look dim but it doesn’t hurt your eyes ..It’s a feeling of calmness and rain of Amrit(Nectar).

    That is followed with sweet(celestial ) sounds which are called Panj Shabad (Anhad Shabad)…focus on that shabad but you have to transcend the point that yogi gets to because that point is still bound by creations and its only when your ego dissolves that you achieved what you meant to be achieving..

    Naad means sound (dhuni) and there are two types of sound

    Aahat and Anhat

    1. Aahat caused by two things colliding .This breaks down into thee parts 1. Breath = vocal sound 2. Sound which comes from instruments 3. Combinations of both and that’s where it collides.

    2. Anhat: Heaven celestial sounds.
  5. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in Stages to Nirvakalp Samadhi.   
    I was just reading the last chapter of Surat-Shabad Marg by Sant baba Waryam Singh Ji (who was shish of Sant baba Isher Singh Ji)... I ll try to translate whats written in there into my broken english.

    Here it begins. Page- 272, last paragraph

    First sit in a silent place and take about 5-7 long breaths and observe the breathing inhaling and exhaling. After 2-3 minutes doing that now, take one breath in and say "Satnaam' and when about to exhale that breath say "Vahiguroo". When that abhayas gets strong then move on then start with Vahi while you take breath in with the "Surat" and Guroo when you take breath out with "Surat".

    This way the breathing(swas) will go dhima(subtle/fade).

    Then leave the breathing, don't observe in and out and take "Surat" in Agya Chakra/3rd eye/between two eyes. After practise of taking surat in Agya Chakar one will notice coming of parkash(light) slowly and also notice dhuni(playing) of naam will start playing. Then one doesn't need to meditate of Vahiguroo.. it will be happening inside automatically when dhuni begins. How does it dhun sound like??? ..say it with me (says sant ji).


    Thats how dhuni sound like. When one start listening dhuni then doesn't speak it out loud.

    Dhun Maih Dhyaan Dhyaan Maih Jaaniya Gurmukh Akath Kahani (Page- 879).

    This dhunni will be loud as times goes by.. very loud...upon getting very loud this dhunni will travel above and it will go to Trikurti.

    Upon dhunni going into the trikurti starts the dhyaan. There are three types of dhyaan- Dhayan of Guru, Dhayan Of Shabad, Dhayan of Anhad.

    When anhad dhyan starts then one's start feeling vibration. Then slowing dhyaan approaches Dasam Dwar(Tenth Door) then Nirvakalp Samadhi starts then you don't know if your breath is coming in or out, you don't know if you are sitting or standing, you don't know how long it's being, you don't know even if you exist.

    Thats how sangat ji we can comfortly approach dasam dwara ..just need to vichar.

    As it's been discussed before, this body is made of five elements- Five gyan indrayes, Panj Karam Indrayes, Five Breaths, mind hai, chit hai, budd hai, Ahanbav hai. Above all these elements we exist which is called our "Atma/soul". Take your birthi(dhyaan) there. Once this birthi goes to dasam dwara it opens. When it opens, there resides Nirankar..with nirankar naam will attach us. Anand(bliss) that resides there, cannot be tell.

    Kabir Charan Kamal Ki Muaz Koo Keh Kaissaie Aunman||
    Kehbai Ko Subha Nahi Dekha Hi Parvaan || (Panna- 1370)

    Thats it for now..will post new stuff

    on a side note: Can i ask amrit veer ji or anyone to tell the sangat where exactly trikurti resides in the body.. I always thought it was 3rd eye but later found its chakar between 3rd eye(tisra til) and dasam dwara ... might be called Bhram Andar Nari(vein).

    And request to sangat ji: Reading the ways and actual doing it practically its different things...lets all do simran.


  6. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Whilst bairaag/deattachment is not a stage or state on its own, bairaag is needed throughout in bhagti marg to stay focus in the marg of Gurmat. If we think about it, we got through this constant struggle to fight off asthohol maya (physical maya), ever wondered what it would be in seeing subtle maya in divinity, bairaag is greatest weapon this jiv has not to pay attention to them, focus on main aim.

    Sant isher singh ji rara sahib said in the divan, during his own journey all bhramand shaktiya's and sukhsham maya came to him with their hands folded, but their bairaag was too much that they didn't thought of them and keep moving on towards milaap of vahiguroo.
  7. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Sant Samparda's View On Mool Mantar?   
    I just wanted to share rara sahib and hotimardan stance on mool mantar in this thread and it seems pretty interesting and unique- sants from those samparda's beleive in mool mantar is up to Gurparsad and rest is shalok but then it ask jaigaso to jap until - nanak hosi bhi sach ||. I am bit curious about this myself. My take is because to reduce intensity of mool mantar itself? What you guys think?

    Anyway, here is portion of atamik bachan divan of sant isher singh ji rara sahib talking about this- i was looking for this for long time, finally found it as i was requested multiple times to post it up on the internet some time ago on the forum.

  8. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Vahiguroo da Abhyaas...   
    Another way of doing taught by raj yogi siriman baba attar singh ji maharaj maustanaisahib.

    Method of Nam - Simran (Meditation) -

    Feel the presence of the Almighty within, with full faith and devotion, recite the Divine Name with the tongue in the beginning - the lips and the tongue continue gently moving up and down and slowly go on uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru' at a stretch with love and attention; then by and by continue uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru', gently with the tip of the tongue touching the palate and the lips remaining almost still; in the third stage with breathing - 'Wahe' should go along with the breath while inhaling and 'Guru' should emerge alongwith the breath while exhaling.

    "Bahar Bhitter Eko Janaho Eh Gur giam Batai" (684)

    By reciting the Divine Name in this way and after continuous intense meditation, the fourth stage is bestowed upon the searcher in which the Divine word and the devoted mind become one and merge.

    "Kabir Too Too Karta To Hoohaa Mujh Meh Raha Na Hoohn.

    Jab Aappa Par Ka Mit Gayaa Jat Dekhau tat Too" (1375)

    But the essential requirement of all these steps of Nam-Simran is that one should do it realizing the presence of Akal Purakh within and every where.

    "Gur Kee Murat Mun Meh Dhiaan.

    Gur Kae Shabad Mantar Mun Maan.

    Gur Kae Charan Ridae Lae Dharon.

    Gur Parbrehm Sada Namaskaro" (864)
  9. Thanks
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Vahiguroo da Abhyaas...   
    I was just reading personal dairy of sant baba isher singh ji rara sahib..its called Ishwar Amolak...found out this paragraph interesting regarding Naam Simran.

    This is one of many ways explained by baba isher singh ji...I ll find more techniques and post it on this thread.

    Va Va Da Abhyaas Nabhi Ch Karo
    (Doing Simran of Va Va on Nabhi/Navel )

    Hi Hi Di Awaaz Hiradaie Ch
    (Doing Simran of hi hi on the heart)

    Gu Gu Kant ch Karo
    (Doing Simran Gu on the kant/near throat)


    Ru Ru Di Awaaz Mastaak mai Ratan Kartaie Hoye Birti Kou Nirgun Atma Mein Lin Kar Duo

    (Doing Simran Ru Ru on the Mastaak/third eye)

    So its a cycle - Va ( on Nabhi) Hi(on heart) Gu (on Kant) Ru(On Mastak/third eye).

    Thats one cycle....I dont know...this cycle or stage explained in the book is the first intial stage to the simran or second last stage in simran....
  10. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Spiritual Journey   
    This is what i know from my expereince hearing baba ishar singh ji tapes about 9 bhaktis..there are as follows

    Sarvan Bhakti- Listen to Katha with full concentration.

    Kirtan Bhakti- Signing Hymns Of Gurbani with full concentration.

    Simran Bhakti- Doing bhakti alone.. reciting on gurmantar or vaheguroo, maala-naam jaap.. vaheguroo vahegurooo vahegurooo!!!

    Namskar Bhakti- Doin Namskar (Humbly Bow Down) to guru granth sahib ji and be inferior to everyone even animals not just gursikhs..every living being.. vahegurooo

    ARJAN Bhakti- I forgot about that one.. i gotta listen to that part again.. will let you update... morakh me.. lol :x

    Ardas- Humbly Praying to akal purkh(god) before any important task to do.

    Dasam Pab- Be Inferior And Praise Gurus as highest of the high

    Sakhaya Sakhi Pab- Love vaheguroo like from one mitr(freind) to another mitr(freind)

    Atam Nividan- Scarifice everything to vaheguroo.. its everything... basically completely surrender to vaheguroo ji....tan and mann completely scarifice to vaheguroo . thats when you get atam mukhti.
  11. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Spiritual Journey   

  12. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Spiritual Journey   
    Bhakti Yoga

    There are certain Do's and Dont's for the spiritual journey, called yam and Niyam. These are ten each in numbers as per details :

    Yam : - (X)

    1. Non-Violence :- Do not cause harm to anybody, through mind, body, intellect or speech. Pray from the core of your heart, "The glory of Name Divine is highest. Let all human beings be happy by the grace of God."

    2. Truthfulness :- Live truthful life and indulge not in hypocrisy.

    3. Theft :- Theft of body and mind is avoided. Theft of mind means when you do some bad act behind the curtain, i.e. in aloofness so as there is no witness to your act, like act of adulteration etc. To conceal other man's articles is theft of body.

    4. Brahmcharya :- Celibacy is an essential requirement for the spiritual journey. It is like fuel of the body, which must be preserved. Married persons should be faithful to each other observing moderation.

    5. Patience :-Do not feel agitated over trifles. Patience brings power- Saints must have patience in abundance.

    6. Forgiveness :- When you have the strength to harm somebody, but you forgive him and don't harm him, you are on the right path.

    7. Mercy :- Mercy is a must for meditation. Those who kill animals for palate, cannot imbibe mercy. You kill today and you will be killed tomorrow. That is the Divine law.

    8. Tender Heart :- Be of tender heart, and do not be stone-hearted or a hypocrite. Don't indulge in rebukes and slander. Always speak softly, politely and truthfully.

    9. Self-discipline :- Eat less and feel contented. Follow the dictum of the Guru :-

    "Eat moderately, sleep less, show mercy and forgiveness and love your prime possession, the real self. (Guru Gobind Singh)

    There are three kinds of food that we eat viz. pertaining to

    i) tamoguna (ii) rajasguna (iii) satoguna

    'tamas' food, includes intake of meat, fish, wine eggs etc. This food brings laziness to the man. He is likely to turn away from God and his God-consciousness is diminished. In 'rajas' is included pertaining of spicy and rich food for the sake of palate only. Heavy and rich food leads to numerous diseases.' Eat a bit less than your requirement. 'Satoguna' food includes partaking of vegetables, milk, curd, butter and cereals etc. 10. It means purity of mind, purity of body, purity of speech, purity of clothes, and purity of thought. These are ten 'yam' principles


    1. Penances and devotion :- Yoke yourself to the service of humanity. Service is of three kinds ie. pertaining to rajas guna, tamas guna and sats guna. The service of Guru is at the top of all the Penances.

    2. Charity :- Charity is also of three types - rajas, tamas and sats charity. In tamas, one gives away something in charity under duress and in anger and at inappropriate time which may result in sin. In rajas, one distributes alms to earn glorification. While in sats guna, one gives away in all humility with a faith in the fact that everything is gift of God. This kind of generosity is rewarded.

    3. Contentment :- There cannot be full satisfaction without contentment. Unless there is contentment, the mind writhing in desire wanders in wilderness.

    4. Theistic intellect means a staunch believer in Guru's teachings.

    5. Worship :- Worship of the Guru. It should not be external and ceremonial only, but with all the mind and soul accepting Guru as embodiment of God.

    6. Faith in the shabad of Guru. If you have faith in Gurbani, you will be rewarded. If you sit quietly with closed eyes, but you don't have in Gurbani, it is of no avail. Have full faith in Gurbani.

    7. Abide by teachings of Gurbani. Mould your life accordingly. Don't go against the tenets of Gurbani.

    8. Peaceful Mind :- Let anger not disturb your mind at all, even when provoked by somebody. Keep cool and have perseverance.

    9. Nitnem :- Keep regularity in you daily prayers, meditation and recitation of Gurbani.

    10. Brahm-hom means feeding the hungry Hom implies burning of 'I' and I-am-ness, effacing ego of every type. Inviting Saints and Gursikhs for partaking food is known as Brahm-hom.

    These are two disciplines - Yam and Niyam and third is 'Asan'.

    Asan :- Find out quite place, where there is no noise, and where one can sit comfortably without any disturbance. Make a seat (asan) for meditation and use this 'asan' daily for prayers and meditation.

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa.
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
  13. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Soulfinder in Puratan Rare Collections Of Pics - Budda Dal Nihang Singhs   
    Here it is-

  14. Like
  15. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Silent No More: A Sikh Response To The Idle No More Movement   
    This is great quality stuff..thats what we need...the day we follow sri guru gobind singh ji message- manas ki jat sabhe eke paihcanbo and fight for basic basic human rights for all that day automatic khalsa raj will resound everywhere..!!
  16. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Silent No More: A Sikh Response To The Idle No More Movement   
    This is great quality stuff..thats what we need...the day we follow sri guru gobind singh ji message- manas ki jat sabhe eke paihcanbo and fight for basic basic human rights for all that day automatic khalsa raj will resound everywhere..!!
  17. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Silent No More: A Sikh Response To The Idle No More Movement   
    This is great quality stuff..thats what we need...the day we follow sri guru gobind singh ji message- manas ki jat sabhe eke paihcanbo and fight for basic basic human rights for all that day automatic khalsa raj will resound everywhere..!!
  18. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Kaur10 in Spiritual Journey   
    This is what i know from my expereince hearing baba ishar singh ji tapes about 9 bhaktis..there are as follows

    Sarvan Bhakti- Listen to Katha with full concentration.

    Kirtan Bhakti- Signing Hymns Of Gurbani with full concentration.

    Simran Bhakti- Doing bhakti alone.. reciting on gurmantar or vaheguroo, maala-naam jaap.. vaheguroo vahegurooo vahegurooo!!!

    Namskar Bhakti- Doin Namskar (Humbly Bow Down) to guru granth sahib ji and be inferior to everyone even animals not just gursikhs..every living being.. vahegurooo

    ARJAN Bhakti- I forgot about that one.. i gotta listen to that part again.. will let you update... morakh me.. lol :x

    Ardas- Humbly Praying to akal purkh(god) before any important task to do.

    Dasam Pab- Be Inferior And Praise Gurus as highest of the high

    Sakhaya Sakhi Pab- Love vaheguroo like from one mitr(freind) to another mitr(freind)

    Atam Nividan- Scarifice everything to vaheguroo.. its everything... basically completely surrender to vaheguroo ji....tan and mann completely scarifice to vaheguroo . thats when you get atam mukhti.
  19. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Premi in Had 2 glasses of Shaahedi Degh Yesterday... :)   
    Bro there is one whole topic dedicated on why nihangs do cannabis on here. Here is link: http://sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness/viewtopic.php?t=2291

    I hope you next time you simply look and use search feature before gettin desparate over something that already been discussed.
  20. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Future Of Singh Sabha Movement?   
    Whole singh sabha thing is over-rated, whole samparda is over rated and whole sanatan thing is also over-rated. Regular sikhs who are initiated into khalsa, just need to be shown deep layers of gurmat thats all in direct experience which is profoundly liberating, resonating with all and thats all there is to it, all these sticking conceptual ism / labelling/beleif/concepts would fall away automatically. Thats' the power of Jot all in one, one in all-naam its consumes everything.
    Caution needs to be paid, as one can fall into same pitfall one is trying to avoid when it comes traditional thought vs reformist thought..it all comes down to direct self discovery, self awareness and self realization.
  21. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from singh1800 in Future Of Singh Sabha Movement?   
    Whole singh sabha thing is over-rated, whole samparda is over rated and whole sanatan thing is also over-rated. Regular sikhs who are initiated into khalsa, just need to be shown deep layers of gurmat thats all in direct experience which is profoundly liberating, resonating with all and thats all there is to it, all these sticking conceptual ism / labelling/beleif/concepts would fall away automatically. Thats' the power of Jot all in one, one in all-naam its consumes everything.
    Caution needs to be paid, as one can fall into same pitfall one is trying to avoid when it comes traditional thought vs reformist thought..it all comes down to direct self discovery, self awareness and self realization.
  22. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Future Of Singh Sabha Movement?   
    Whole singh sabha thing is over-rated, whole samparda is over rated and whole sanatan thing is also over-rated. Regular sikhs who are initiated into khalsa, just need to be shown deep layers of gurmat thats all in direct experience which is profoundly liberating, resonating with all and thats all there is to it, all these sticking conceptual ism / labelling/beleif/concepts would fall away automatically. Thats' the power of Jot all in one, one in all-naam its consumes everything.
    Caution needs to be paid, as one can fall into same pitfall one is trying to avoid when it comes traditional thought vs reformist thought..it all comes down to direct self discovery, self awareness and self realization.
  23. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from dalsingh101 in yamdoots, dharamraj.   
    another life form = narak..

    I dont think being born as animal is something to be proud of .. because in animal reincarnation there is no power of "vichar"

    Only human being has ability to do vichar and contemplate on naam simran.

    Admin's query:

    I think it depends, if you are female you will see female character and if you are male, you will male chracter as dharamraj.

    According to my understanding on this subject...
  24. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Guru Gobind Singh Sahib's 52 Hukamnamas   
    Sat Sri Akal:

    Re-introduced to an old magazine article in the Sikh Virsa Magazine by a recent post, I felt compelled to transliterate and translate an article which listed 52 Hukams that Guru Gobind Singh issued (Forgive if I translate something wrong...I have not mastered Punjabi - areas where I was unsure have question marks after the translation - any edits would be appreciated). (Reference: Sikh Virsa, December 2000, Vol. 6, No. 61, Pg. 29).

    1) Dharam di Kirat karni - Earn by honest means.

    2) Daswand dena - Give one tenth of your salary.

    3) Gurbani kantth karni - Memorize Gurbani.

    4) Amrit Vaelae utthna - Wake up Amrit Vela (before dawn).

    5) Sikh sewak di sewa ruchi naal karni - Serve a Sikh Servant with devotion.

    6) Gurbani dae arth Sikh vidhvana tuo parrhnae- Learn the meanings of Gurbani from Sikh Scholars.

    7) Punj Kakaar di Rehat drirh kar rukhni - Follow the discipline of the 5 K's strictly.

    Shabad da abhihas karna - Practice Shabad Gurbani in life.

    9) Sat-Saroop Satgur da dhian dharna - Concentrate on the True Guru (God).

    10)Guru Granth Sahib Ji noo Guru mananaa - Accept the Guru Granth Sahib as Guru.

    11)Kaarjaan dae arambh vich ardaas karni - At the beginning of a task, do ardaas.

    12)Jaman, maran, ja viah mokae Jup da paatth kar tihaaval (Karaah Parsaad) kar anand sahib dia punj paurian, ardaas, pratham punj pyaariaan atae hazoori granthi noo vartaa kae oprunth sangat noo vartaaouna - At birth, death, or marriage ceremonies, do Japji Sahib, make Karaah Parshaad, do five stanzas of anand sahib, do ardaas, and then distribute Karaah Parshaad to the Panj Pyare, the Granthi, and then to the sangat.

    13)Jad tak Karaah Parshaad Parshaad vartadaa rahae sadh sangat addol batthee rahae - Until Karaah Parshaad is completely distributed, the Sangat should remain sitting and unmoving.

    14)Anand Viah bina grahist nahi karna - Do not start married life without Anand Karaj (Sikh ceremony of marriage).

    15)Par-Istri, Ma-Bhain, Dhi-Bhain, kar jaanani. Par Istri da sang nahi karna - Recognize all other women other than your wife as mothers and sisters. Do not engage in marital behavior with them.

    16)Istri da mooh nahi fitkaarnaa - Do not silence your wife?

    17)Jagat-jootth tambaaku bikhiaa da tiaag karna - Abandon the worldly, false tobacco-poison.

    18)Rehatvaan atae naam jupan vaalae gursikhaa di sangat karni - Keep the company of Sikhs who follow the Rehat and meditate on the Name (of God).

    19)Kum karan vich daridar nahi karna - Dont't be lazy while doing work.

    20)Gurbani di katha tae keertan roaz sunanaa atae karna - Listen and do kirtan and Gurbani discourses daily.

    21)Kisae di ninda, chugali, atae eirkha nahi karni - Do not engage in slander, gossip or spite anyone.

    22)Dhan, jawaani, tae kul-jaat da abhiman nahi karnaa (Nanak daadak tahe duae goath. Saak guru sikhan sang hoath) - Do not take pride in wealth, youth and caste. (Mother and Father's caste both castes. All Sikhs of the Guru are siblings)?

    23)Mat uchi tae suchi rakhni - Keep the religious discipline high and pure.

    24)Shubh karman tao kadae naa ttarnaa - Do not refrain from doing Righteous deeds.

    25)Budh bal da daataa vaheguroo noo jaananaa - Recognize God as the giver of intellect and strength.

    26)Sugandh (kasam sahu) dae kar itbaar janaaoun vaalae tae yakeen nahi karna - Do not believe a person who breaks promises?

    27)Sutantar Vicharna. Raaj Kaaj dian kamaan tae doosrae mutaa dia purshaan noo huk nahi daenaa - Rule Independently? In the affaris of government, do not give people of other religions authority/power.

    28)Raajniti parhni - Study politics.

    29)Dushman naal saam, daam, bhaed, aadiak, upaa vartnae - Treat the opponent with respect (definitions of the individual words are unknown to me)?

    30)Shaster vidyaa atae ghorhae di savaari da abhiaas karna - Practice the knowledge of weaponry and horse riding.

    31)Doosrae mataa dae pustak, vidyaa parhni. Pur bhrosaa drirh Gurbani, Akal Purakh tae karnaa - Study the books and knowledge of other faiths. But keep trust in Gurbani and Akal Purukh.

    32)Gurupdaesaa noo dhaaran karna - Follow the teachings of the Guru.

    33)Raheraas da paath kar kharae ho kae ardaas karni - After Rehras Paatth, do Ardaas standing up.

    34)Saun valae sohila atae 'paun guru pani pita...' salok parhna - Recite Sohila and 'paun guru pani pita...' stanza before going to sleep.

    35)Dastaar bina nahi rehnaa - Wear a turban at all times.

    36)Singha da adha naam nahi bulauna - Do not call a Singh by half of their name (nickname).

    37)Sharaab nai saevani - Do not partake of alcoholic drinks.

    38)Sir munae noo kanaiaa nahi daeni. Uos ghar daevni jithae Akal Purukh di sikhi ha, jo karzaai naa hovae, bhalae subhaa da hovae, bibaeki atae gyanvaan hovae - Do not given a daughter's hand to a clean shaven. Give her hand in a house where God's Sikhi exists, where the household is not in debt, is of a good nature, is disciplined and knowledgable.

    39)Subh kaaraj Gurbani anusaar karnae - Do all work in accordance with Gurbani.

    40)Chugali kar kisae da kam nahi vigaarnaa - Do not ruin someone's work by gossip.

    41)Kaurha bachan nahi kahinaa - Do not utter bitter statements.

    42)Darshan yaatraa gurdwaaraa di hi karni - Make pilgrimages to Gurudwaras only.

    43)Bachan karkae paalnaa - Fulfill all promises that are made.

    44)Pardaesi, lorvaan, dukhi, apung manukh di yataahshkat sewa karni - Do as much sewa as you can for foreigners, the needy and the troubled.

    45)Putari da dhan bikh jananaa - Recognize the property of a daughter as poison?

    46)Dikhaawae da Sikh nahi bananaa - Do not become an outward show-off Sikh.

    47)Sikhi kesaa-suaasa sang nibhaaouni - Live as a Keshadhari Sikh.

    48)Chori, yaari, tthugi, dhokaa, dagaa bahi karnaa - Do not engage in theft, gangs?, fraud, and falisity?

    49)Sikh da itbaar karna - Believe a Sikh.

    50)Jhutthi gavaahi nahi daeni - Do not give false testimony.

    51)Dhroh nahi karnaa - Do not cheat.

    52)Langar-Parshaad ik ras vartaaunaa - Distribute Langar and Karaah Parshaad with equality.
  25. Like
    SAadmin got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Masand Story Is Been Used As Precedence For Panthic Policiing   
    In Sikh theology/world, SGGS is living Guru. We treat as a living being, over and above mother, father, sister, brother. So your answer would lie - in another question what would one do if their mother, father, sister, brother was burn alive?

    Actually, there is already bill tabled in india for declaring sggs as living guru -living being, but for time being any insult or beadhi against sggs is consider crime under section- Under section 295A of Indian penal code. Most western countries have hate crime laws:


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