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    jaikaara reacted to kdsingh80 in Syrian refugees crisis   
    Agree there are many Hindu's who have much more shradha in gurughars than sikhs. recently I went to my relative's house and I saw wedding card which has a name of hindu man and sikh woman. My chachi told me that this guy lives in front of her house . he wears a turban and keep uncut hair. he do immense sewa in gurdwara yet he do not have singh in his name and his entire family is hindu
    Hindu's were one of the main supply line of providing converts to sikhism .Because of handful of anti sikh hindu's ,sikhs   shooed away plenty of  converts and are running after their  own children to keep sikhi alive .Many of the these born sikhs don't even care about it
  2. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Jaap for Physical strength   
    Yeah man, people should go from 'sh*t to fit'. 
    What you waiting for!!  Jump in. 
    Do a press up right now!
  3. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Crystal in Syrian refugees crisis   
    They all have the same agenda be it a sulla for whatever country, Morocco, Algeria, Afghans pakis all believe against the kufir, they all the same. You get a few decent ones but rarely. 
    I am glad they will outnumber us even more, when shit hits the fan in the UK more lullleh to jhatka and practice vaars on.
  4. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Syrian refugees crisis   
    And what exactly are you personally doing? Are you training or just complaining?
  5. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Sat1176 in Bald Patch Forming Under Beard (Alopecia)   
    Finally got round to seeing my GP about my beard issue which is getting worse. The patch is much larger now. He didn't seem too bothered but did say the skin under the chin didn't look too healthy and was slightly spotty.  That is probably due to slight tension of tucking it in and fixing with pins. Anyway he gave me some steroid based cream to apply to the region and at my instance I managed to get some blood tests done just to rule out diabetes and check for any other deficiencies.
    Will know more in a couple of weeks when results are back.
  6. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Jaap for Physical strength   
    Don't think too much. Just jump into it!
  7. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Syrian refugees crisis   
    Pakis outnumbered us even more before in Panjab. Didn't stop Singhs becoming their kings. 
  8. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Sat1176 in Sweet Nectar Taste in Mouth From Simran   
    Even now I'm aware it's there as taste sense is constantly active and aware. Going to get my doctor to run some blood tests just to rule out diabetes as sweet mouth and hair loss can sometimes be associated with this. I hope it's not relating to anything medical but best to just rule things out, after which just accept as grace and let whatever it is fulfill its purpose.
    Pleased to read yesterday that Maskeen ji also experienced and documented it.
    When I  questioned a few people about it they said accept it humbly and just swallow. Some got quite annoyed that I was complaining. Some abhiyasis make great efforts to experience it and because it came out of the blue relatively quickly to me I was seen to being unappreciative. In the early days I really struggled to cope and I told a mahapursh I can't handle it and I didn't want it anymore. After repeatedly being told to drink and me foolishly countering them with it's too sweet, there was a look of disgust and they said fine it will go away over time. I don't know what hurt me more, the disappointment they had in me for even complaining or maybe I didn't know what I was requesting. For months after that I lost it and it dawned on me that I had screwed up, but was relieved for a break from the sensation for a while. Over time I began to regret more and more that maybe in my ignorance I had put a road block in my own spiritual journey.
    It came back again occasionally but never for long durations like before.
    Lucky is spot on about it not always coming directly from simran but any focused religious task, like reading Gurbani or other religious texts.
    After putting in some hard effort over a week ago its back and this time it is not showing any signs of stopping. Oh Balle Balle!!! Doing a little mental dance. Kind of pleased to have it back this time. Acts as a form of encouragement I'm moving again.
  9. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Singh123456777 in 12 Vegetarian Foods That Shockingly Aren't   
    If eating a banana makes me a non veg then I call bullshit.
  10. Like
    jaikaara reacted to BhagatSingh in Symbolic Significance Of Lord Vishnu   
    Kya baat hai!
    She has a lot of deep knowledge of Vaishav philosophy.
    Sat in my meditations I have had different insights into Hari's symbols. These were slightly different than hers but related. I might share them soon.
    In the second video, she gave a small lesson in masculinity, by giving the example of Hari. I am doubly impressed!
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    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in Sri Sampat Paath of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee   
    Thanks paaji. Please do get more information on the paath maryada at Sri Hajoor Sahib jee.
    Bhul chuk maaf
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    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in Sri Sampat Paath of Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee   
    Sangat jee: Does anyone know, which mantar is used as a Sampat, while doing a Sri Sampat Paath of SDGSJ? Is it the Gayetri mantar?
    Thanks a lot
    wjkk wjkf
    Bhul chuk maaf
  13. Like
    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in What is your Spiritual State during Sadness/Crying (ਰੋਵੈ ਰਾਮੁ)   
    Bro, Bhagat Baba Naamdev jee Maharaaj used to worship Sri Vishnu jee, when he was young. There is no doubt about that. But, as he moved ahead in spirituality, he started doing Bhagtee of the Almighty Lord and attained Brahamgyan.
    The Sakhi in the other post, where Sri Vishnu jee comes to protect Bhagat jee does not prove that Sri Vishnu jee is God. In fact, Bhagat jee had darshan of God in 72 different forms (dog, lion, Mughal, idol, etc).
    Does that mean, we should start worshiping lions, dogs and idols?
    Bhul chuk maaf
  14. Like
    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in What is your Spiritual State during Sadness/Crying (ਰੋਵੈ ਰਾਮੁ)   
    Excellent points bro.
    Hanumaan can also refer to a Mantar (Hanumant). This does not mean that Sri Hanumaan jee did not exist physically.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  15. Like
    jaikaara reacted in Traditionally Prakash of Dasam Granth Was Done at Sri Harmandar Sahib   
    It was only 1920 that these Akali Singh Sabha Lehar wale threw out Dasam Granth with the Hindu Mahants so Sang at should target return on 100 years anniversary after Jaito Morcha wale threw out at all Gurdwara's. Amitabh Bachchan is a celebrity who can support this mission as his grandfather was a driving force in introducing Sri Dasam Granth at multiple Gurdwara's in 1897. People like AKJ, missionaries only have two things to throw at Sri Dasam Granth. 1 that Bachittar Natak says Guru Sahibaan were Hindu Khatri kings in past life. Those fools reject that and the sexual erotica charitars like Charitar 16 that Professor Padam proved happened to Dasam Pita themself
  16. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Syrian refugees crisis   
    I'm glad you brought this up N30. 
    It was actually quite heartening to see how some of the less heartless members of the public here in the UK pretty much forced (through shaming) a right wing, Conservative Prime Minister to do a complete volte-face with the way he was trying to turn a blind eye and pander to his strong base of anti-immigration supporters here. 
    Other thing is, we all know (if you've got half a brain that is), that the west's 'adventurism' into the mid-east is what triggered all of the things going on there now. So countries like the UK and whatnot (US too! as well as any other wan**ers who were quick to jump into war with barrels of oil in their eyes!) should take more than their fair share of refugees seeing as the governments of these nations caused this crisis. 
    As for Arabs, those camel-humping panchods - they are well known for their disgustingly cruel attitudes. I mean look at how they treat non-white foreign labour workers (esp. from India, Pak, Nepal etc) like slaves over there. Someone needs to shame some of those tea-towel headed 'Kings' about this state of affairs. But then again, they could always turn around and say Europeans caused this mess and they should deal with it? I don't expect much from those Arabs, but to reiterate - this mess was the west's doing. 
  17. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Guest in Traditionally Prakash of Dasam Granth Was Done at Sri Harmandar Sahib   
    Very interesting, didn't know faridkoti teeka of sri guru granth sahib ji was also parkash as well along with sri guru granth sahib ji and sri dasam guru granth sahib ji at darbar sahib
  18. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Marrying Your Cousin Not A Good Idea......   
    Yeah, and jattis like getting gang-banged by her husband's brothers on alternate nights.
  19. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Kam1825 in Continued Attack On Sikhism By Sikh Missionaries   
    Over the past few years we have seen an escalation in attacks on Sri Dasam Granth, Gur ithaas, Sikh principals, Amrit, Kakkars, Simran, Gurmantar and anything else that goes with the Sikh faith. However their attack has now started on the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and in particular the Sri Raagmala.



    Expect the attacks to continue and intensify
  20. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Continued Attack On Sikhism By Sikh Missionaries   
    That's the thing though isn't it: on a deeper level is this REALLY about Dasam Granth or is it more about some base instincts people have?
    If it is the second, no amount of parchaar about Dasam Granth is going to sort such people out. It is a shame that as a consequence people are denying themselves the mind expanding experience of DG, regardless of the authorship debate.
    It's also interesting to note the underlying 'philosophies' that prop up some of these people's negative attitude towards the granth - western feminism, repressed sexual conservatism, 'Hindu culture' allergy, docile pacifist mentality. I think most, if not all of these things can be traced back to changes that took place under colonialism.  
    This trend of what I'd call 'literalism' where people analyse texts literally without considering wider cultural and historical contexts is also mental. 
  21. Like
    jaikaara reacted to dalsingh101 in Sukhmana Sahib   
    I heard that some of the larger (unedited) Dasam Granth manuscripts have a worked called Sukhmana Sahib in them. Anyone know anything about this?
  22. Like
    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in There should be one year spiritual meditation/contemplation of Gur shabad, before one can take amrit.   
    There is a tuk in Bhai Gurdaas jee's Vaaran which states - something like this - If a Sikh takes one step towards the Guru, the Guru takes many steps to receive him. That one step is very critical.
    If someone can post that tuk, that would be great.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  23. Like
    jaikaara reacted to paapiman in Benefits of Parikarma   
    Daas was looking for something else, but anyways, thanks brother. A separate post will be made on Navda Bhagtee.
    Parikaram is also a type of seva, of Maharaaj. Please listen to the katha below.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  24. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Guest in Benefits of Parikarma   
    All though i rarely have done pakarima myself  i have done it once in pure devotion. This is great sargun bhagti devotional ritual towards our living guru- sri guru granth sahib ji it re-affirms our commitment towards sri guru granth sahib message of sat (truth-naam) and devotion to sri guru granth sahib ji.
    This is also part of nine types of bhagti towards sri guru granth sahib ji-
    SGGS Ang- 71 

    Bhagat Navaie Parkara.
    There are nine forms of devotional worship 
    Baba Tirath Singh Nirmala in his translation of Pundit Gulab Singhs Bhavrasamrit (p42-44) mentions the nine limbs of Bhakti which are referred to in the Sikh tradition as the Nvai Parkar (Nine methods):

    1. Sravan - hearing the divine* praises.
    2. Kirtan - singing the praised of the divine.
    3. Simran - remembrance of the divines name.
    4. Padsevena - service and offerings at the divines feet.
    5. Archana - worship the divine.
    6. Bandana - prostration before the divine.
    7. Dasyam - developing feeling or emotion of being the divine's servant.
    8. Sakhyam - cultivating the emotional bond of friendship.
    9. Atma Nivedana - surrender of the self to the divine.
  25. Like
    jaikaara reacted to Guest in There should be one year spiritual meditation/contemplation of Gur shabad, before one can take amrit.   
    I recently discovered an pattern via pictures among puritan sikh saints (sant isher singh rare sahib, sant mani singh ji, sant sunder singh Bhindranwale, sant harkhowale, sant darshan singh ji, sant nand singh ji)  when it comes to outside garb clothes and dumalla..Before enlightenment they are living simple being belwildered towards self realisation  paying no extra attention to clothes, dastar but after they pay more attention as awakened divine/ gyan is expressing through them with clear transparent divine will without any ego or personal will sneaking in and taking center stage. 
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