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    harsharan000 reacted to dalsingh101 in Dalsingh and jageera please make peace and move on   
    Yeah, no problem. 
    Let's not ruin the forum. And Jageera, if we ever have crossed opinions in future (which is very likely) , deal with it on the topic at hand, try not to splurge vitriol on multiple threads. 
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    harsharan000 reacted to Jageera in Dalsingh and jageera please make peace and move on   
    Ok ji. Thanks for the intervention. 
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Jageera in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    ਸੋਈ ਜਾਣੈ ਸੋਈ ਪਛਾਣੈ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਸਿਰੰਦੇ ॥
    Soee Jaanai Soee Pashhaanai Jaa Ko Nadhar Sirandhae ||
    He alone knows, and he alone understands, upon whom the Creator Lord bestows His Grace.
    ਮਨਮੁਖਿ ਭੂਲੀ ਬਹੁਤੀ ਰਾਹੀ ਫਾਥੀ ਮਾਇਆ ਫੰਦੇ ॥
    Manamukh Bhoolee Bahuthee Raahee Faathhee Maaeiaa Fandhae ||
    The self-willed manmukh wanders along many paths, and is trapped in the net of Maya.

    Raag Suhi Guru Arjan Dev
    *In the 2 verses above from the Bani, Guru Jee is telling us that man has no power to do anything right, unless He, Himself, blesses that wadbhagee jeeva with His kirpa to act accordingly.
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Jageera in Wot does da word Waheguru really mean?   
    Wot does da word Waheguru really mean?
    Well, to put  it in simple words, Wahe means wonderful, and Guru means, the Being (Supraconsciouss creative and sustainer Power of all that exists, seen or unseen), who takes us (jeevatmas), from the realm of darkness, which is all the triloki mayavee and nashvant creation, to the realm of akhoot Jot, which is Sach Khand, the true and eternal abode of Satnam, Akal Purukh, with the power of Nam,  or that Power which is also known as Shabad Guru.
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Sin In Sikhism   
    Just as when going  on the highway, there are speed signals which are to be followed, but that does not mean, if the car can run 220 kms per hour, you can do so. 
    Or just as there where is fire,  though you are free to put your hands or not, but for sure you will never put your hands in it, isn´t it?
    Or when there is an exam paper,  as per your logic, why should one even go to the examination, why not sit at home ..... You see, it is by passing the tests of respecting nature, we evolve spiritual wise and grow to an extent of purity that we merge in our origin Waheguru Akal Purukh
    So If god has given us the ability to discern between doing good or wrong, it means we have to be matured enough to avoid not doing the wrong.  
    In our case, we are given the opportunity to grow from our state of duality in the mayavee creation, and  leaving it far behind for once and ever,  and enter in the realm of the changeless and eternal Truth of Satnam and merge in that our Origin, with His kirpa.
    To be receptive to that His kirpa, is all what Sikhee/Gurbani  is about.
  6. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to das in Sin In Sikhism   
    one NEEDS to pay for the sins done through our mind/thoughts(forna).......it is the same way that if a person while dying thinks of something, then he/she will get in that joone....e.g "if one thinks of husband/wife in mind, then he/she will become prostitute in the next birth"......there are other examples too that whatever we think (in mind) during dying time, one gets into that birth.

    So, defintely whatever we think in mind, we've to bear the fruit of that......be it either good or bad.....to confirm please refer to Guru Granth Sahib Ji and also to various Sant's deewan.
  7. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to SAadmin in Sin In Sikhism   
    One doesn't pay for Sins done through mind/thoughts(foorna). However, every effort must be made to subdue those thoughts of bad doing because one day sooner or late, mind will action that desire which had resided in the mind. As soon there is action, there is good or bad karam based on those actions.
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    harsharan000 reacted to das in Sin In Sikhism   

    A bad karma is called paap. The residue of sin is called paap. It could be defined a wrongful act. One of the biggest Sin is to forget GOD. One of biggest pun is to remember GOD.

    How Bad Karma or Paap could be done?
    Bad Karma could be done by 3 different ways: Body/Physical; Mind/Thoughts; Speech/Words/Tongue.

    Categories of Paap: The paaps are categorized into various types depending upon their punishment levels:

    1. Sins done through Physical Body: They are of 4 kinds:

    a. Taking somebody's thing without his giving
    b. Killing somebody
    c. Illicit relations with other woman
    2. Sins done through Speech/Word: They are of 4 kinds:

    a. Lying or backbiting or Nindea
    b. Illogical talk
    c. Harsh speech
    d. False witness
    3. Sins done through Mind/Thoughts: They are of 3 kinds:

    a. Coveting the property of others.
    b. Thinking to harm others,
    c. Thinking in one's heart of what is undesirable.
  9. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Bhoolea bhatkea in God Residing in the Mind (mann)   
    Having God in mind, means, to be focused on Him at all times as much as possible.
    One may ask how can that be possible?  Well, we can easily have Him, through His chintan, His simran. By putting into action this jugtee, we stop the mind from wandering out constantly.
    The thing is, we have to get filled more with Him, than the worldly maya. And this is only possible, by aiding, by putting within us the most precious wealth/dhan, and that is the one of His Nam simran. There is no other way to lessen maya or koor within us, except the one of His Nam, Wahiguru.
    For only His power, can overpower, subdue and defeat man, maya and kal. 
    Our reality as spiritual beings/souls, is the nature of us being particles of  the Infinite Ocean of Shabad, and thus, to merge in Him, is our sole goal in human life.
    Just as in Anand Sahib, we have heard and read many a times, Nam jiskay man vaseeya, vajeh Shabd ganere.  Which means, in the minds of those where Nam is established firmly, through His Simran, we start being/getting aware of our True nature as His souls, and as the more we dedicate ourselves in the devotion of Nam Simran as pointed out thoroughly SGGS,  we start getting purified from all our impurities, karmas, vasnas, man, moh, vikars, only then we gain that much purity by His Grace at all times, that only and only then we are fit to merge and become one with Him.
    That is His Beant wadeeayee, of letting us being engaged in the devotion of His Lotus Feet.
    So finally, how did all this happen?
    Well it all started, by having him in our mind, through His Simran.
    Har simran meh Prabh Aap Nirankara.
    Sat Sree Akal.
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Just For A Laugh...   
    Laugh.mp4 Laugh.mp4
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Just For A Laugh...   
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Welcome PCSJZ,
    just my 2 cents, I woluld suggest you to focus on the Gurmantar, with it, one gains purity and you may hear finer sounds  which may be more pleasant and non hurting.
    You see, there are many sounds within us, but then, the more purity we achieve with Simran, we will be able to hear those sounds which will takes us to higher spiritual realms with ease.
    The ultimate goal is to hear the Anhad Naad, which will take us to His Darbar in Sach Khand.
    Best of luck Bro.
    Keep it up.
  13. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Ways of doin Naam Simran....   
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Ways of doin Naam Simran....   
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Ways of doin Naam Simran....   
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Wot does da word Waheguru really mean?   
    Wot does da word Waheguru really mean?
    Well, to put  it in simple words, Wahe means wonderful, and Guru means, the Being (Supraconsciouss creative and sustainer Power of all that exists, seen or unseen), who takes us (jeevatmas), from the realm of darkness, which is all the triloki mayavee and nashvant creation, to the realm of akhoot Jot, which is Sach Khand, the true and eternal abode of Satnam, Akal Purukh, with the power of Nam,  or that Power which is also known as Shabad Guru.
  17. Thanks
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in yamdoots, dharamraj.   
    Thank you so much brother Soulfinder, the book in itself has a lots of spiritual wisdom, spiritual wealth...if Gurmat is followed implicitly as per Gurbani.
    Following is just a small piece from it as a showpiece, I strongly recomend to download and go through it to all those who want to achieve spiritual realization :

  18. Thanks
    harsharan000 reacted to Soulfinder in yamdoots, dharamraj.   
    Here is the pdf files of the book veer ji in both english and punjabi.
    Andithi Duniya - Bhai Randhir Singh.pdf BE06-Unditthi-Duniya-1.pdf Unditthi-duniya-1.pdf Unditthi-duniya-1.pdf
  19. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Khandaydhaar in Wot does da word Waheguru really mean?   
    gu= darkness
    ru= light

    wahe= wonderful
    Waheguru= Wonderful God, Destroyer of Darkness
  20. Thanks
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in yamdoots, dharamraj.   
    Thanks brother Soulfinder,
    yes please,  do upload all the pages from this book, as I find them useful, inspiring and fascinating.
  21. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Soulfinder in yamdoots, dharamraj.   
    This is a brief meaning of the terms that dass found from bhai randhir singh ji khalsa akj from one of their books. If anyone wants me to upload pages or chapters from this book please let me

  22. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in News, Science and Technology   
    Oil against COVID19.mp4
  23. Thanks
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Soulfinder in News, Science and Technology   
    After they asked everyone to stay home.  
    America decoded all channels of movies and entertainment for free
     Please click on this link  below
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Bhoolea bhatkea in Will all souls escape Kaal’s trap some day?   
    In Sach Khand the true eternal imperishable abode, only He exists.
    Whatever and wherever any creation exists apart from it,  there has to be Mind,  Maya, and Kaal,  otherwise there is no creation at any level.
    It is true, those wadbhagee souls who merged their soul consciousness in Wahiguru Akal Purukh, do never come back again.
    Anyhow, It is all His "Mauj", nobody can question Him, neither at our present level ever understand it, even if explained to us.
    Sat Sree Akal.
  25. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Bhoolea bhatkea in Will all souls escape Kaal’s trap some day?   
    Shivam Kumar,
    we must bear in mind, we all souls have our origin from Him, we are all same in essence, it is due to our individual association with the mind which makes it look like diversity.
    Everything was created out of Him, nothing exists which is not Him.
    I do believe as per Gurbani, there was a time when nothing existed, He was deeply absorbed in Himself, in His Shabad Dhun swaroop/Satnam; then He wished to create, and creation came into existence.
    You see when Parlay or Mahaparlay take place, all souls have no option but to return and merge in Him.
    Though, all these talks are big pictures for our petty minds, but that much can be said, why wait for Him and see when He decides to finish His play, why stay and prolong  ourselves in the valley of pain and tears of Maya and Kal, if we want, we can seek His Kirpa, His Daya Meher, hold on to His Nam, Satnam, and reach His eternal abode.
    Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, clearly tells us in the following just three verses, the secret of achieving our union with Him :
    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਗਰਭਿ ਨ ਬਸੈ
    Prabh Ka Simran, garb na baseh
    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਦੂਖੁ ਜਮੁ ਨਸੈ ॥
    Prabh Kai Simaran Dhookh Jam Nasai
    ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਕਾਲੁ ਪਰਹਰੈ ॥
    Prabh Kai Simaran Kaal Pareharai ||
    Stay blessed.
    Sat Sree Akal.
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