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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Anand Karaj Maryada challenged   
    When I go to india either this year or next year I will try to make videos of Sants/mahapurkhs/gyanis answering questions that the sangat here gives. Little bit like how you did the q and a with sant jagjit Singh harkowale. 
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    Singh123456777 reacted to samurai in Khalsa Rehat - Nihang Perspective   
    @JustAnotherSingh your onto something my brother...just wait for the snakes
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    Singh123456777 reacted to BhagatSingh in SRM forced on the Panth?   
    We've been force-fed certain views, certain beliefs, ideas, that are not present in Guru Granth Sahib.
    Other ideas that are present in Guru Granth Sahib were ignored because they did not fit their narrative.

    The pure understanding of Guru Granth Sahib thus has become very difficult to do, and very difficult to teach, since many people hold these other beliefs very strongly.
    It is already very difficult to grasp begin with and having strong opinions makes it even harder.

    It won't stop me from trying though.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from Soulfinder in Ate meat by accident   
    It is the intention of the thing. Did he go out and buy beef so he can eat it? No it was a mistake. Unknowingly a human eats many bugs and kills many animals very single day. Should we go pesh every single day? Or when we kangha our kesh and a few strands break off should we go pesh? The guru knows your intention behind everything. Mistakes happen all the time and we don't know it. Read the Sakhi that I posted. It addresses the issue. If the poster feels like he committed a huge sin then he should go and pesh. But minor things like this happen all the time. Maharaj Ji did not Pakhand. I knew of a Singh who used to pesh if he are pizza from the store. Even if the gurduwara bought it he ate it and then did pesh. Doing pesh etc is becoming a ritual now. When Singhs used to go in battle and when they used to get cut guarantee even a tiny hair strand was cut(unless the sword missed any hair on the body) so would that make the Singhs a patit? Hell no! The guru is all knowing and forgiving. I have seen people coming to do pesh for taking Advil cause it had opium or something like that lol. Did they need to come? No. Puratan Singhs used to do shaheedi degh when they were injured in battle. Taking Advil with opium or alcohol is to help the body. If you abuse Advil and take it like drugs then go pesh.
    For the poster I recommend taking a hukamnama from maharaj Ji and then he will get his answer.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Amrit, Duality, Pany-Payaras   
    Don't worry I'm laughing. I just got annoyed cause these topics have been going for at least two years now and frankly I'm sick of it. I will edit my post to make it more child friendly.
    Both paapiman and satkiran are drawn to these topics like flys are drawn to light.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in how to remain still in one asan for 3 hrs ?   
    If sitting crossed legs is hard try sitting bir assan for more than 7 mins without pain. The panj pyare have to sit for more than 45 mins in bir assan position.
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    Singh123456777 reacted to Tina Kaur Bains in Woman As Guru   
    Agree - that Noor Ki Haqq (Light is Truth). Akaal Purakh Ki Joth is what exists within each of the 11 Guru Jees. Which is gender less, formless,infinite and beyond human mind grasp ( as an average human utilizes less than 1 % of there brain).
    As a female who had advocated for female rights in a testosterone fueled environment for decades - I feel there is a definite difference between man and woman.  All my life I have tried to the uphold the punjabi tradition qualities of a "boy" as a "girl" in both west and east domains - you know it was exhausting. What I feel I discovered :
    - Each gender have their own qualities that are required to form a symbiotic relationship
    - Men have larger brain spans than women (fact : I cringed as well when I found out)
    - Women are being victimized to compete with men. (I tried this too, and succeeded at an educational and corporate level, however when it came to jit jutsu and boxing - I was always thrashed by a men in sparring).
    I believe Guru jee made women with beautiful qualities, of love, tenderness, compassion (greater than men) and are are gifted to men to make them grounded. Without wo men, men would not survive as Asa Di Vaar tells us. Funny thing, women are so strong we can survive without men but vice versa not so. We should be proud as women of the amazing strength and characteristics we have and not try compete with men.
    In the Olympics till this day that divides sports on gender based. Same way an army and corporate fields will divide (although we have women specific roles - which will be utilized as and when needed)
    Hence the Khalsa Fauj - army was created by Dhan Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Jee.  Where men have been baptized and the Guru Jees where all in the body of a male carrying the joth. This is not implying women have no strength - as chandi, kali ma, where beyound powerful. Satkar given to a Shree Sahib (kirpan) denotes the scale of which guru jee was defining a womens strength.
    However, deep down inside my journey I keep feeling the Khalsa Fauj was made for men - purely because of the physical characteristics that waheguru attributed to them Yes, women can too compete with men and I have seen the years of training which women have to go through - yet they cannot still compete with men on many forms of sports.
    Bhul Chuk Maaf Karna Mere Waheguru
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    Singh123456777 reacted to Rock in Sikhi Art - Essence of Warriors & Saints ~ Solo Exhibition by Bhagat Singh Bedi   
    This is my all time favorite

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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    My stance on shaheedi degh has slightly changed. In my opinion only nihangs should take it and only use the five patey and no more. I was in india in January and I stayed at a nihang taksal and they did an akhand paath of Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sri dasam gur darbar. In the end they made shaheedi degh and served it to everybody. When I mean everybody I mean EVERYBODY. There were kids aged 10 who also drank it lol. They never got super high. I never drank any and opted for shardai instead. So my point is in moderation like 5 patey it's not the worst but how I previously encountered some druggie nihangs that should stop. After reading puratan granths/rehitnamas and seeing a few puratan pics I accept that it can be used by ONLY nihangs or anybody who lives that warrior lifestyle forever. A grishti or bhagti oriented person shouldn't take shaheedi degh ever. This also applies to jatkha. 
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    It should only be used when badly injured.There should be no exceptions.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    I was at a nihang dal and a nihang who had to do granthi seva made some degh and he became totally out of it.Somebody else had to do the granthi seva.

    I went to damdama sahib and there was a nihang make degh there.Me and my father decided to ask him some questions about the degh.We asked him what his opinion about the Bhai desa Singh rehitnama were it mentions ganja and not to use it.He said he doesn't believe in any modern rehits and he only believes what he thinks is puratan.We asked if he can live with out it and he said no.He then showed us his arm which has been broken for over 30 years.He said he doesn't need to fix it.Afterwards he got frustrated and told us to leave.If sukh Niddan make a person into an addict who doesn't repair their injuries then I don't need any of that stuff.
    Also if you guys want some more stories about some Nihangs who were high just ask me.

    Sukh Niddan should only be used as a painkiller when somebody is badly wounded and only then.I don't try getting high on Advil but only use it as a painkiller when my body is aching or my head is hurting bad.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    We should but how is taking Sikh nidan preparing for war?
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    What enemies are we facing besides the panj chor?Are we getting bloodied up by people?Are we in injuries everyday?Are we living in jungles?The answer is no.We aren't in any persecution.We in the west live comfortably.Even in India the nihang Singh don't live too hard of a life.They aren't getting killed everyday or any time soon.I seen these things because I stayed in a dal for some time.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Possible Reasons For Sukh Nidhaan   
    Sukh Niddan should only be used in times of war.It should only be a painkiller.What other reason is there to use it?
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Being Born Female Is Karmic Punishment?   
    I hate these type of threads. It's just the same old crap that we have been through. Brings unwanted animosity.
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    Singh123456777 reacted to JasperS in Peshi leads to Disaster   
    Agreed on finding the right Panj Pyaras however, that secret should NEVER have been kept from his wife. She had every right to know if her husband was a cheater. If he had came clean to her himself maybe things would have been much better, but hiding the deed from her, was wrong on so many levels. Obviously he was affected mentally by his misdeed, and the results of it. But the choice to take his life was his alone and had nothing to do with his wife or family. He rightly should have come clean himself and dealt with the aftershock. Just by admitting his wrongs to his wife, she would feel much more like he was able to be trusted again in future.  So while I agree the Panj Pyaras should not divulge information, I think it was HUGELY wrong to keep the cheating a secret from his wife. It was HIS duty to tell his wife he screwed up. You keep wanting to drag women name through the mud and use dasam granth as support, but then stories like this you make it sound like keeping the secret from his wife was the right thing to do. Remember it was not her who was cheating, it was him. And to follow what dasam granth says - that being men should keep secrets from women - only leads to disaster. Let's not put blame on the wrong person here. Keeping secrets is wrong, and cheating is wrong. Unfortunately this Singh learned the hard way and could not deal with the consequences of his actions. 
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from paapiman in Gurdwara Dookh Nivaaran Saahib, Brampton   
    Yea I wanted to know if this gurduwara is pro raag mala or not.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Prof Darshan Promoting Meat Eating   
    They are not cool.They were only used as medicines and nothing more.
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
    But will be getting more soon hopefully from india
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from paapiman in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
    I also got two puratan janam sakhis. One is hath likhat 
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from chatanga1 in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from paapiman in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
    I just looked and the gurbilas patshai 6ve was made in 1894
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from paapiman in Prem Sumarag Granth discussion   
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    Singh123456777 got a reaction from tva prasad in Hearing issue   
    ਮਃ ੧ ॥ मः १ ॥ Mėhlā 1. First Mehl:
    ਦਸ ਬਾਲਤਣਿ ਬੀਸ ਰਵਣਿ ਤੀਸਾ ਕਾ ਸੁੰਦਰੁ ਕਹਾਵੈ ॥ दस बालतणि बीस रवणि तीसा का सुंदरु कहावै ॥ Ḏas bālṯaṇ bīs ravaṇ ṯīsā kā sunḏar kahāvai. At the age of ten, he is a child; at twenty, a youth, and at thirty, he is called handsome.
    ਚਾਲੀਸੀ ਪੁਰੁ ਹੋਇ ਪਚਾਸੀ ਪਗੁ ਖਿਸੈ ਸਠੀ ਕੇ ਬੋਢੇਪਾ ਆਵੈ ॥ चालीसी पुरु होइ पचासी पगु खिसै सठी के बोढेपा आवै ॥ Cẖālīsī pur ho▫e pacẖāsī pag kẖisai saṯẖī ke bodẖepā āvai. At forty, he is full of life; at fifty, his foot slips, and at sixty, old age is upon him.
    ਸਤਰਿ ਕਾ ਮਤਿਹੀਣੁ ਅਸੀਹਾਂ ਕਾ ਵਿਉਹਾਰੁ ਨ ਪਾਵੈ ॥ सतरि का मतिहीणु असीहां का विउहारु न पावै ॥ Saṯar kā maṯihīṇ asīhāʼn kā vi▫uhār na pāvai. At seventy, he loses his intellect, and at eighty, he cannot perform his duties.
    ਨਵੈ ਕਾ ਸਿਹਜਾਸਣੀ ਮੂਲਿ ਨ ਜਾਣੈ ਅਪ ਬਲੁ ॥ नवै का सिहजासणी मूलि न जाणै अप बलु ॥ Navai kā sihjāsṇī mūl na jāṇai ap bal. At ninety, he lies in his bed, and he cannot understand his weakness.
    ਢੰਢੋਲਿਮੁ ਢੂਢਿਮੁ ਡਿਠੁ ਮੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਜਗੁ ਧੂਏ ਕਾ ਧਵਲਹਰੁ ॥੩॥ ढंढोलिमु ढूढिमु डिठु मै नानक जगु धूए का धवलहरु ॥३॥ Dẖandẖolim dẖūdẖim diṯẖ mai Nānak jag ḏẖū▫e kā ḏẖavalhar. ||3|| After seeking and searching for such a long time, O Nanak, I have seen that the world is just a mansion of smoke. ||3||
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