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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Gurmat Gems   

    Dhan Dhan Satguru Sachay Patshah Arjun Dev Maharaj, tells us in His Bani of Raag Jaitsiri, about the supreme importance of His Naam at all levels, realms and conditions.

    What is the purpose of all our devotional activities, we perform in our daily lives, up to the end of our days here in this world?

    Well, the answer of almost all of us will be, to wash our sins and generate love for His Lotus Feet. This is all right, but let us see, what our Guru Sahiban has to say about it:

    ਕਿਰਤ ਕਰਮ ਨ ਮਿਟੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮ ਧਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਖਟਿਆ
    Kirath Karam N Mittai, Naanak Har Naam Dhhan Nehee Khattiaa
    किरत करम न मिटै नानक हरि नाम धनु नही खटिआ
    The karma of their past deeds cannot be erased, O Nanak, if they have not earned the wealth of the Lord's Name.

    He clearly says, if the kamaee of Lord´s Name is not gathered, our past deeds(karmas) and sins can not be washed away.

    Then He says:
    ਉਦਮ ਕਰਹਿ ਅਨੇਕ ਹਰਿ ਨਾਮੁ ਨ ਗਾਵਹੀ
    Oudham Karehi Anaek Har Naam N Gaavehee
    उदम करहि अनेक हरि नामु न गावही
    He makes all sorts of efforts, but he does not sing the Lord's Name.

    Here He is telling us, He knows our manmukhta condition, cause we prefer to do a thousand and one things before, than to do His Simran or chintan.

    And He warns us, that by being manmukhs, the result of this our petty mindedness, leads us to our spiritual pitfall:

    ਭਰਮਹਿ ਜੋਨਿ ਅਸੰਖ ਮਰਿ ਜਨਮਹਿ ਆਵਹੀ
    Bharamehi Jon Asankh Mar Janamehi Aavehee
    भरमहि जोनि असंख मरि जनमहि आवही
    He wanders around in countless incarnations; he dies, only to be born again.

    ਬੀਜੁ ਬੋਵਸਿ ਭੋਗ ਭੋਗਹਿ ਕੀਆ ਅਪਣਾ ਪਾਵਏ
    Beej Bovas Bhog Bhogehi Keeaa Apanaa Paaveae
    बीजु बोवसि भोग भोगहि कीआ अपणा पावए
    As are the seeds he plants, so are the pleasures he enjoys; he receives the consequences of his own actions

    In this upper line, He is clearly pointing us, that, any other action/activity done, is karma which will bound us back into the creation, thus it is only His Simran, which will deliver us freedom from this mayavee and perisahble creation.

    The path of Sikhee or Gurmat is not to create discrimination among human beings, or to even tie us with any worldy related chains such as dharam, karam khand, land, etc .....

    The only purpose of Sikhee, is to liberate the soul from the clutches of mind, maya and wash the filth of our unlimited karmas, and reunite it with the only permanent and eternal Truth, which is Wahiguru, through His Simran.

    This is the grace of Wahiguru upon us jeevas, by letting us moorakhs, know about the True devotion which pleases Him the most, through His bhagats, Gurmukhs and Guru Sahibans..

    Oouch, Apaar, Beant, Soami, kaun jaane gun Tere?

    Sat Sree Akal.
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    harsharan000 reacted to das in Husband Wife Jokes - I Love These   
    A child asks his father that: You say that human is created by God but Mom says that human evolved from monkey. Then who is right?
    The Father responds: We both are right. I've told you about my side and your mom has told you about her side!
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Husband Wife Jokes - I Love These   
    Wife : I Am Not Talking To You

    Wife : I am not talking to you.
    Husband : Okay.
    Wife : Don’t you want to know the reason.
    Husband : No, I respect & trust your decision!
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Revisit Definition Of Gurmukh And Manmukh.   
    Brother Bhagat Singh Jee,
    you are most welcome to differ from my opinions.

    Once again i will talk from my own personal view.

    The teachers at school, also impart education, and earn their livinghood. So does Eckahrt Tolle. But I am not talking of these types of teachers, nor philosphers, yogis, gurus, babeys....

    No, none of these, I am not at all refering to them, but to those, who are Gurmukhs, Bhagat Janas, Sant Janas, Guru Sahibans, they imaprt the gyan, the knowledge, of Wahiguru Akal Purukh = Gurmat. And about the means to reach and merge in Him, with the aid of Naam Simran/Shabad Guru, without any fees or charges. That is it.

    The Bani says: Sadh Sangat othey janeeye, jithe Iko Naam vakhaaniye.

    For me, Bhagat Nam Dev, was a being of highest order, who was one with Wahiguru. Rather I would also say, Wahiguru comes and abide in people of this spiritual heights.

    Have we not heard:
    Prabh Jee baseh, Sadh kee rasna. Prabhe Jee baseh, Sadh Ke hirdey. Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed na paee.

    You see brother, once one merges in Wahiguru, one has no desires nor own will, everything is per His will. He works through them.

    They do not perform miracles in order to attract masses. So is with Kabir Sahib, or Bhagat Ravi Das.... They were all one with Him.

    So if miracles happened within their life span, in my opinion, it was such the hukum of Akal Purukh. We are nobody to question it.

    Different thing is, like when avatrs of gods, like Shiva, Krishna, Ram and alike come to earth, they display supernatural powers and weapons.

    But their is a main difference between them avatars, and Gurmukhs, Sadh Janas, Bhagat Janas..... While the former ones come to keep the souls entagled here in creation, none of them talk or impart teachings, on Nam of Wahiguru Akal Purukh/ Satnam.

    The real Gurmukhs, Bhagats Janas, their main purpose is to awaken us from this mayavee creation, and attach our soul consciousness with the only one eternal reality, Satpurukh, with the jugtee of Naam Simran.

    I am sure, you maybe thinking or anyone else, how to know who or which is a genuine Bhagat or Gurmukh/ Brahamgyani.... well, that is all in Wahiguru´s hands.

    We can never ever recognize them, though thy may live in our same town or village, or in the same house even, under the same roof, they can even be our father or brother .... if it is not written on our forehead/ destiny, we will never accept or acknowledge them..

    What happened with Guru Nanak´s sons? They took Him as mad, when He was the embodiment of Wahiguru Himself...

    What happened with, Prithi Chand? He was born in a Guru Ghar, he had one Guru Sahiban, like Sree Guru Ram Das Maharaj, as a father, and yet another one as brother, like Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj.

    He had their darshan daily, since his very childhood, but then too, did he become free of his eveil tendencies?
    Then too, I would say, it was not his fault at all ... No one can go against His hukum.

    As the Bani says: to some He pulls towards Himself, to others He leaves them here ... He is Beant, nobody can ask Him why? And that does make Him unjust, as some may think.

    So brother Bhagat Jee, it is all His hukum. Wahiguru, out of His love for His bhagats, though they are one with Him, is eveready to do as per their wishes. Though, once again, they have no wishes of their own, but only those, which pleases Him.

    The relation and the game of love played between Wahiguru, and His Bhagats, His Sant Janas .... is only known to them, we small people, can never ever understand them....

    Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Jee
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in How can we achieve mukti?   
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    harsharan000 reacted to chzS1ngh in How can we achieve mukti?   
    Nice answer ji,

    For me i feel sudden moments of emotion of sadness etc occur during stages of surrender to Guru Ji...

    for all my efforts, for all my thirst, for all my Simran in the early hours...i myself (ego) cannot make anything happen...i myself (Ego) cannot find that door where Darshan of Waheguru will occur...where do i go...?

    and in those moments i fall at his feet and surrender...and call out for a helping hand...and more often than not it is in those moments where i suddenly feel pulled in close to Him...
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from MrSingh1699 in How can we achieve mukti?   
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Koi in Was Guru Nanak God himself?   
    The Sukhmani Sahib tells us:

    Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed na paee .... Nanak, see no difference between the Sadh and the Lord

    When Wahiguru Akal Purukh assumes human form, He is known with several names: Bhagat, Sadh, Sant, Gurmukh, Braham Gyani, Guru Sahiban, Satguru, Guru....

    Further on, Dhan Dhan Satgur Sachay Patshah says: Gur Parmeshwer Iko Jaan, jo tis bhavai so parwaan.

    But above al let us keep in mind, the body of Guru Nanak, as well as of the rest of Guru Sahibans of Bhagat Janas, are not the Lord.
    Because the body is just a continent, which contains the Nam or Shabad, in each of its atoms, means they are fully Shabad. But we as humans, as we can not see Wahiguru with these our physical eyes until we reach higher levels of purity within.

    So Wahiguru, knowing our limitations, He graces us to have the Darshan of His sargun swaroop in that blessed human body.
    We love that swaroop of Guru Jee, not because of anything, but because the Shabad itself is manifested in that body for a particular time being, though maybe....

    So mahima is of not of the body, but, of the real essence of Wahiguru in that particular body, which otherwise is made of the same 5 perishable elements like ours...

    That is why it is said, the real Guru is the Shabad, and the real disciple, chela, sikh is the soul or dhun....

    Neither the gross body of the Guru is the True Guru, neither our gross body is the sikh, because one day, both will decay and die.

    It is the soul/dhun which merges in Satnam Samunder Shabad Guru.

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    harsharan000 reacted to Koi in Was Guru Nanak God himself?   
    Gur Ka Shabad Na Metai Koi
    Gur Nanak Nanak Har Soi
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from MrSingh1699 in How can we achieve mukti?   
    Bhagat Kabir Sahib in Raag Ramkali, beautifully tells us that :

    ਬਿਨੁ ਸਿਮਰਨ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਕਤ ਨਾਹਿ
    Bin Simaran Mukath Kath Naahi
    बिनु सिमरन मुकति कत नाहि
    Without this meditative remembrance, liberation will never be found.

    He clearly tells us, do whatever you want, and go wherever you want, thinking one is perfoming devotion.....

    But the fact is, that outer devotion has no spiritual pull, because if it was so, surely it would have been an aid for us, in our approach to Him ....

    So in order to remove any misunderstanding we have as per which is the highest devotion to be practiced by us, Guru Jee again and again warns us throughout the Bani, by reminding us of this jugtee:

    Awar Kaaj tere kiteh na kaam, mil Sadh Sangat, bhaj kewal Naam ...

    Prabh Ka Simran, Sabh te oochaa ....

    That is why, Kabeer Jee, further, on this very Raag tells us :

    ਜਿਹ ਸਿਮਰਨਿ ਹੋਇ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਦੁਆਰੁ
    Jih Simaran Hoe Mukath Dhuaar
    जिह सिमरनि होइ मुकति दुआरु
    Remembering Him in meditation, the door of liberation is found.

    Now, different thing is, if we do not want to become one with the Lord Wahiguru yet in this very life ..... So naturally we will do many other things, but for His Simran, we shall give excuses ....

    Let us ask ourselves, who is important for us?

    The world and its opinions, or Wahiguru?

    I am sure, many with their mouth wide open, will naturally say Wahiguru.....

    But then, if Wahiguru is the answer, why do we care so much for what the world says or does?

    Why do we not do explicitly, what our Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj tells us to do throughout the whole Bani?

    We must bear clearly in our minds, it is our bodiless soul, which has to merge in Him. And this merging in Him, is only possible, when the mind gets purified by His Simran.

    In this way, it looses its grip on the soul; then only our soul proceeds in full force with the Shabad Guru, towards its true Home, Sach Khand.

    So, Wahiguru is our end, and in order to reach Him, His Simran, is the only path to reach Him. All other methods, paths, practices, gurantee our continous enchainment with the perisahble world, through chaurasee ka chakar....

    Moreover Bhagat Kabeer says:

    ਐਸਾ ਸਿਮਰਨੁ ਕਰਿ ਮਨ ਮਾਹਿ
    Aisaa Simaran Kar Man Maahi
    ऐसा सिमरनु करि मन माहि
    Practice such meditative remembrance in your mind.

    ਫਿਰਿ ਫਿਰਿ ਤੇਰਾ ਆਵਨੁ ਨਾਹਿ
    Fir Fir Thaeraa Aavan Naahi
    फिरि फिरि तेरा आवनु नाहि
    And you will not have to be reincarnated over and over again

    The words of Guru are eternal Truth, they never go in vain. Throught the ages,they say, do His Simran or meditate on Him with such love and devotion, that, by doing so, one will break the cycle of births and deaths, once and forever....

  11. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Sahib in True Guru Is Inside You   
    Almost all the modern religions and teachers like osho,oshodhara,radhaswami,santmat,kabir panti,anandmayee maa,eckangar,sant isher singh ji have agreed to this fact that the true guru satguru is inside you...here are some quotes from sggs which explains the same-

    .the anhad shabad is obtained contemplating the guru (21)

    . By personally experiencing the Personality of the Guru, one's own personality is uplifted, and one's light merges into the Light(27)

    .As one knows the true guru,so is the peace obtained(30)

    .without destiny,the true guru is not found even though he sits within the home of our own inner being always near and close at hand (40)

    .he himself is the true guru,he himself is the lord he himself unites in his union (41)

    .the guru is all powerful the guru is infinite.by great good fortune the blessed vision of his darshan is obtained(52)

    .the guru and god are one and the divine inbues all.those who are predestined reflect over the lords name(53)

    True love shall not be broken if true guru is met
    Obtaining the spiritual wisdom,the understanding of three worlds is acquired(60)

    .meeting the satguru i have totally transformed.i have obtained the nine treasures to use and consume and the eighteen spiritual powers.i dwell in my own home,within my own self.Anhad shabad vibrates within and i am lovingly obsorbed in the lord(91)

    .i have tasted the amrit naam by meeting the satguru.it is sweet like the juice of the sugarcane(170)

    .one who disciplines his mind attains perfection.only the mind can deal with the mind says kabeer.i have not met anything like the mind.this mind is shakti this mind is shiva,this mind is the life of the five elements.when this mind is channeled,it can describe the secrets of the three worlds(342)
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from Truthseeker in What Is Shabad Guru?   
    Mitter Lucky,
    it is verily true, that Wahiguru or Nam and Shabad, is the highest level of Consciousness, and I do totally agree, that it vibrates and is present in us, as well in the creation

    Now all that is o.k, and we almost all know the infinite majesty and virtues of this Power.

    And we also know that we are weak, and if we want to be clean and pure, the Bani says: Nam jinke man vaesh, vajey Shabad ganere.

    Let us see it the other way round also, to grasp the meaning properly of this beautful tuk.

    Shabad vajey ganere, Nam jinke man vaseh.

    Guru Sahiban is saying , whosoever that wadhbhagee jeev implants the Nam in his mind, he listens and feels the vibration of that Nam...

    So what is that impalnting Nam all about?

    Guru Sahiban, as stated above, is saying Nam is already there, but to make it manifest, or audible and felt, you have to implant it, in your mind .

    And impalnting it in our minds, means, to establish it firmly in your mind, by its Simran. Now, all our consciousness is scattered in the world, maya and its objects.

    But with Nam Simran, what we do, is collect our consciousness, out from all these things through the nine portals or indriyas, and elevate it to the tenth door at the third eye, where through focused concentartion, we enter into the inner spiritual realms, and put ourselves in harmony with that Primal force or energy, which is called as Amrit also, in our scriptures.

    When we expose ourselves to this Nam and bath into it, by listening to it, it cleanses all our karmas, removes the layers upon layers of dirt accumulated in uncountable births, sanskaras..etc... and thus frees us from all bondages.

    This is the only remedy to become pure and paviter, to be worthy, to merge in our origin, Satnam samundra

    The Bani says: nimakh nimakh kar sareer kataveh, toh bheeh haume mel na jaaveh...

    Plus, this Nam simran makes the mind motionless, and slowly and slowly,as it also becomes pure by tasting this very Nam, it loosens its control, and leaves its grip from the soul...thus the soul, gains its true freedom, and starts with that very Shabad, recovering its true essence, gaining its consciousness once again.

    Only when we fully realize who or what we are, then only, we will have full faith and start walking in the right direction.

    The bani in the Sloks of Ninth Patshah clearly lays emphasize on all this topic, of what we are talking about:
    gun gobind gayo nahi, janam akarth kiin ....

    The Gurmukhs say: Wahiguru is the only one reality and truth, everything else is fanah, is koor... so if we attach ourselves to that reality only, we shall be able to cross this bhavsagar...but if apart from that One Truth, we cling or get attached to anything else, we shall remain wandering aimlessly in this creation...the option is ours.

    And that attaching ourselves to Wahiguru, is none other, than the sacred method of Nam Simran alone.
    Nam Simran is no small thing, and it is not for cowards, but for the strong ones.

    Because, then one does not care for the world, as per what they will say .... but one cares only for his objective, which is Wahiguru alone.

    Though Paree Puran Parmatma, is Nirankar...but He has made Himself available to us, in a very simple way, through His simran, that is why the bani says:
    Prabh ka Simran, Har gun bani.
    Prabh ka Simran, sabh te oochaa.
    Har simran meh, Prabh aap Nirankara

    Our Gurus have not left any stone unturned, to just make us understand that Wahiguru whom we all search for, is to be found only within us, and that also, only with a particular jugtee, which is Nam Simran.

    This could be the whole summary, in a few words, from the teachings of our Guru Sahibans , for any seeker of the one Truth, Akal Purukh.

    So if we all know and agree, that Shabad or Nam is already in each one of us, in equal proprtion...then why do we not understand, that if He is to be found within us according to the Bani, why do we do not stop running outside after mere shadows, when the true Light is inside us, to help us, to guide us...

    Sat Sree Akal.
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    harsharan000 got a reaction from sarabatam in What Is Shabad Guru?   
    A beautiful and a very meaningful question raised by Jathedar||Jathedarni.

    Shabad Guru, means the Shabad is the Guru. Now let us see, what does the word Guru mean? The word guru is composed by 2 syllables. The first one gu, means darkness, and the second one ru, means light, so the word by itself means the one who takes us from darkness towards the light.

    This guru, usually is meant for teachers, professors, who teach us and prepare us with the knowledge as sciences, arts and sports... In each and every field, we have to learn something from some "master" or "ustaad".

    Now what is Shabad? Shabad in true sense, mentioned in the Bani, is as same as Wahiguru Akal Purukh, as Satnam, as Alakh Purukh, as Agam Purukh... as Anamee...different terms, but one supreme reality.

    And this Shabad, is Nirankar also, and morover the Bani tells us: Sach Khand vaseh Nirankar. This Shabad is also the Aad Guru by itself, since the very begining without any end, means, He is a perfect Guru by Himself, He did not have to learn anything from anybody, as He is the very first, without any second. The Bani in the mool mantra, very beautifully says:

    Ik Onkar : there is only one Creator

    Satnam: He is truth, means He exists forever, He is eternal, and His nature is Nam, or call it Shabad. So Satnam means, the Nam which is everlasting, throughout in the eternity. When the Gurmukhs use the term Truth, they refer it to something which is everlasting and is unchangeable. So, in this sense, that Nam, is Sat, means it is everlasting, is eternal.

    Karta Purukh: He is the creator of all the creation, all the khands, brahmands, astral, causal and the pure spiritual realms or regions, with its rulers, up to Sach Khand, where He is resides, and that realm is also eternal and changeless like Him, that is why, the term Sach, is put before Khand, which means region.

    Nirbhav, Nirvair: He is fearless and without any enemity with anybody, who is He to be afraid of? Who is above Him?

    Akal Moorat: He is beyond the parameters of time and space, so He is eternal in terms of time.

    Ajoonee: He does not die or is born like us, because He is birthless.

    Seibhang: He exists by Himself, He is self sufficient, He depends on nobody, He is all by Himself.

    My God, see how beautifully, and in a simplified manner, our Guru Sahibans have described the undescribable.

    So that Shabad is an avastha, a highest level of consciousness, which is in simple words, is Sach-Chit-Anand, means everlasting truth, all consciousness, and all bliss. It is a life force existence by itself.

    Now when we say, Shabad Guru, it means, that Shabad which is all pervading(sarva vyapak), all powerfull(sarva shakti shalee), all knowing(anteryamee), He irradiates light of wisdom, of kowledge, and love, anybody in the presence of this nam or Shabad, gets showered by its light(gyan, purity), knowledge(chetanta), and love(prem, bakshish).

    Now, where, what for and why does He comes to manifest Himself. For these questions the Guru Granth Sahibs tells us:

    Har Jee baseh sadh ke hirdey...Harjee baseh Sadh kee rasna... Har ka sevak, so Har jeha, bhed na jaano manush deha ... Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed na bhaee... in summary, the bani says, He is to be found in His manifestations as Sadhs, as Gurmukhs. That is why, these Sadhs, these Gurmukhs, will always lay importance on one Wahiguru, and its real nature of Shabad, and the only method of Nam Simran, to realize Him and merge in Him. These Gurmukhs may come at any time or any place, time and place is no boundary for them, but their main teachings will always be of Nam and Shabad, as it is the only reality. They will not come to create any new dharma, or confuse and engage us with useless futile outer activities, neither they mix up into politics.... their only concern is Wahiguru and its bhakti through Nam Simran....they do not dress in any particular way, nor do they do anything(perform miracles) to attract masses, they earn their own living bread, and they will always say: you are the living temple, where Wahiguru resides, so worship Him there...the rest of the creation is "fanaah" perishable, is consciousless, or subhuman lower species, just as plants, insects, birds, fishes and animals, in which, He is not to be found. The human form, is the only privileged form, for this blessed realization, this form is also called "Nar Naryanee deh".

    Gurmukhs can be at any times or palces, like our Guru Sahibans, or the rest of Gurmukhs, some mentioned in our Bani, like: Kabir Sahib, Guru Ravi Das... and others like Paltu Sahib, Dariya Sahib, Sant Tukaram . If we see the teachings of all these Gurmukhs, Nam or Shabad, is their main objective , through Nam Simran alone... these are the visible signs among them, so to say, to recognize them.

    But to recognize them, is not in our hands at all. This type of Gurmukh maybe our very neighbour, oe even born in our house as a family member, but if we are not destined to recognize and accept Him, we shall never be able to do so.

    For example, Prithi Chand, had a father, and a brother as Gurmukhs , but inspite of being so near them, and having their darshan so much, he failed to recognize them, what a pity... But the thing is, no one can go against His will. On the other side you may be living seven seas away, but you will autmatically get pulled to a Gurmukh, because Wahiguru has so willed.

    Now the following questions, of what for or why does He come? According, to the teachings our Gurus, He comes to awaken us from our deep sleep, for we have forgotten our origin, and have been once again fallen off from the track of real bhakti, and have entangled ourselves in squareminded religions, outer practices, like pilgrimamges, baths at so called holy places...and a large list of these practices.

    As Wahiguru is the only reality, and if we have to reach the undescribable One, Nirankar; so naturally, only the resident of that Anamee Region, call it Sach Khand if you want, is the only capable and all powerfull one, to take back with Him, whom He wants so.Otherwise we are all wandering astray in the Chaurasee ka chakar...

    So He comes and manifests Himself in the form of a Gurmukh, as seen according to the Guru Granth Sahib. But what for?
    For our liberation from maya, and Kal Purukh, who have kept us prisoners here ...up to the region of Braham or Trikuti.

    Naturaully only the one beyond from Braham, means Paarbraham Parmeshwar, which is the only power, superior,to defeat, these barriers in the way of the soul towards its destination, Sach Khand.

    Now, this Shabad, works as Guru for the soul, towards the Sat, shows and guides him through the path of Nam, with its light and sound of Shabad.

    This is when we say Shabad Guru, Dhun Chela...means the real form of the Gurmukh is Shabad, and the real form of a sikh, the disciple is the soul. Neither the Satguru is the body, neither the sikh is the body, beacuse both of them, shall have leave their physicall coverings(bodies) sooner or later, but the evolution and progress continues, through out all astral causal and spiritual stages, with the company of the Shabad Guru, who once got hold of that particular soul on the earth plane, by giving it the Gurparsad, the updesh, the bakshish.

    And that is why also, the Bani says: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Means, in the company now of Shabad, who once was a Gurmukh, a Sant , a Sadh while I was on the earth present like Him, and got His Gurparsad. That is why the bani says: Ik Onkar, Satgur parsad, means the only one Wahiguru Akal Purukh, can be realized by the Gurprasad got from a Gurmukh, because if there is no Gumukh, where can Gurparsad be got?

    And so He can never be unjust to us His children, He knows, without Gurparsad we naver ever get true freedom...so naturally He has to continue come, time after time as a Sant, a Gurmukh... a Sadh.

    The Bani says: Sant parsad, jaapiye Har Nao, means, the gurparsad a Gurmukh gives us as a blessing, through its jaap, its kamaee, its bandagee, is the valid method to reunite us with Akal Purukh.

    I know many may object what I say, because we have different backgrounds and envoiremnets, where we have been brought up, but if given a deeper insight to the Bani, we shall see the logic side and its real meaning.

    People along the history, have tried to hide the truths of the Bani, and have thus twisted its meaning, because themselves are agyanis, and have have done a big unjustice to the humanity, by hiding and twisting the truths of the Bani, but as long as Gurmukhs go on coming at our human level, the truths of the Bani, shall be presented to us, in a logic and rational manner, only then, can real unwavering faith be planted in us.

    Wah wah, Sachay Badshah, Ooch Apaar Beabt Soami, kaun jaane guna Tere.
  14. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Truthseeker in Was Guru Nanak God himself?   
    To answer this question, let us see who or what was Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj. The thing is, we humans try to judge everything from our limited vision and understanding.

    To know if Guru Nanak was God, let us see first what is God.

    God is a highest level of superconcious energy. And this energy, is like like the waves of radio or televisión, this energy is spread everywhere, and still we can not see it or feel it.

    But in order to listen the news or music, or see the images contained in that broadcasting, we need an adecuate device and connected to an input current switch(or batteries), so to say, enjoy from what we hear or see then.

    So, the batteries or connection with and input current switch is being alive, and then, the system which transforms those energy waves into sound and images is, called Nam Simran. Wahiguru is present everywhere, but still we can not take advantage from its presence, and continue to be unhappy.

    This is what Gurmukhs are, they have their connection with the current switch, and are always tuned themselves in the frecuency of those waves.

    This is what when the Bani says: Prabh Jee baseh Sadk ke rasna...Prabh Jee baseh, sadh ke hirdey. They are the receivers of Akal Purukh, so whatever they say or do, is nothing but, the news being broadcasted from the station of Sach Khand, by the director of that channel, which as said befor, is no other than Satnam.

    We ignorants with our childish behaviour, we think that the radio by itself or the television set, are the real thing....but the reality is that the Gurmukhs are not the body, they are just "receivers" of that finest Celestial Music called Shabad or Nam.

    Let us keep one thing in mind, when we say Gurmukhs are one with God and are God, in the spiritual sense...that does not mean, they start displaying supernatural powers for our comfort, or to please and impress us.

    No, no no...that is not their purpose, maybe the incarnations of gods come time after time, to establish righteousness...and make this world a better palce; so to say, that the cycle of births and deaths go on continuing...

    But the role of Gurmukhs is not as such...they come to remind us, that the cause of your continous suffering in the cycle of eighty four, is because you have forgotten your true Father Satnam, your true Home, Sach Khand, and thus you are wandering aimlessly in this mayavee, transient and perishable creation.

    Out of their utter humility, though they are Satpurkh themselves, they tell us, that your true Father has sent me to create the sense of discrimination in you, so that you may love Him only, so that you may once again regain your original consciousness, that you are not only a human being, but you are a spiritual being, going through human experiences.

    You are also entangled and entrapped in the net of bodies, karmas and mind all that implies...like jaat paat religion land and so on.

    Your Father(Satnam) has sent me also, to give you a weapon, to fight with all these enemies and kill them, to free yourself totally, in order to return back Home( sach Khand) with Me(Gurmukh).

    And this weapon is none other than Nam or Shabd, got as Gurparasd.

    In this Gurparasd, Wahiguru Himself has hidden Himself. That is why the Bani says: Har Simran meh, Prabh aap Nirankara. That almighty Akal Purukh, is contained in His Simran, and makes Himself manifested, through His Simran.

    This is quite understandable and agreeable, if the power of Wahiguru was not in His Simran....how could we ever vanquish and defeat mighty enemies as mind... as kal ...as the net of karmas ...the 5 vices: kam krodh lobh moh ahankar.... which would be impossible otherwise.

    Everything is clear in the Bani, it is we who look outside. Precise directions are there in the Bani, for us, for our benefit only. But we as moorakhs, and mugadhs, look in the oppsite direction.

    The Bani says do only one thing(Mil Sadh sangat, bhaj kewal Nam; awar kaaj tere kiteh na kam)...and we weak humans do not do that, but do many other things...and waste our lives after stones, when the diamods are right there within us.

    Aisee kirpa moheh karo, Sant Charan, hamaro maatha.
  15. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Kaur Inder in Shabad Guru Surat Dhun Chela   
    On the majesty and inmensity of Shabad as Guru, and the relation of the soul with it, as a disciple or chela, Dhan Dhan Satguru Amar Das Maharaj, sheds some more light for us moorakhs manmukhs in His Bani in Raag Sarang :

    ਜੀਆ ਅੰਦਰਿ ਜੀਉ ਸਬਦੁ ਹੈ ਜਿਤੁ ਸਹ ਮੇਲਾਵਾ ਹੋਇ
    Jeeaa Andhar Jeeo Sabadh Hai Jith Seh Maelaavaa Hoe
    जीआ अंदरि जीउ सबदु है जितु सह मेलावा होइ
    In all the living beings, the soul is a particle of Shabad. And through it we meet Him.

    Here He cleary tells us, that all living forms, irrespective of, their sizes, colors or shapes..... as long they are alive, or their is life in them, it is because the soul as a particle of that primal energy named Shabad, is present in them for that time being.

    It is not alive because it breathes, but because the soul is present there, Breathting is just a function of the body, and the breathing goes on, as long as the soul stays/remains there.

    ਬਿਨੁ ਸਬਦੈ ਜਗਿ ਆਨ੍ਹ੍ਹੇਰੁ ਹੈ ਸਬਦੇ ਪਰਗਟੁ ਹੋਇ
    Bin Sabadhai Jag Aanhaer Hai Sabadhae Paragatt Hoe
    बिनु सबदै जगि आन्हेरु है सबदे परगटु होइ
    Without the Shabad, the world is in darkness. Through the Shabad, it is enlightened.

    Then He says, without this Shabad Guru, there is utter darkness in the creation. Only when this Shabad manifests itself as Shabad Guru, we get enlightment of the one Truth, Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    And when we say we get enlightment, then who are we? Are we those of a particular community, caste, color or creed?
    Because as Guru Jee made clear in His first line, The enlightment is for the mind, which is an obstacle in our way towards Wahiguru. Just as in darkness, the theives steal, or the evil doers commit sins, so in agyanta, we moorakhs are entangled in manmukhta, and in name of dharam, mazab, a lot of atrocities are commited, a lot of nonsense is said and followed blindly.
    Mind works in full force, while the poor soul is asleep, but once one´s soul is under the sunlight(gyan of Gurmat), the thieves run away, as now the owner of the house is awake. So it is essential for us, to take shelter of the Bani by practicing what it says, and workout our salvation in time before the yam doots come and snatch us from our hair, by not taking refuge in Naam Simran.

    ਪੰਡਿਤ ਮੋਨੀ ਪੜਿ ਪੜਿ ਥਕੇ ਭੇਖ ਥਕੇ ਤਨੁ ਧੋਇ
    Panddith Monee Parr Parr Thhakae Bhaekh Thhakae Than Dhhoe
    पंडित मोनी पड़ि पड़ि थके भेख थके तनु धोइ
    The Pandits, the religious scholars, and the silent sages read and write until they are weary. The religious fanatics are tired of washing their bodies.

    In the line above, He clears our doubts even more. He says, all that is done as devotion or bhakti by means of the body such as rituals and ceremonies, or outer venerations, that is darkness which runs away, but lighting on, Gurmat in our lives.

    ਬਿਨੁ ਸਬਦੈ ਕਿਨੈ ਨ ਪਾਇਓ ਦੁਖੀਏ ਚਲੇ ਰੋਇ
    Bin Sabadhai Kinai N Paaeiou Dhukheeeae Chalae Roe
    बिनु सबदै किनै न पाइओ दुखीए चले रोइ
    Without the Shabad, no one attains the Lord; the miserable depart weeping and wailing.

    Then in the next line as seen above, He goes one step further, and tells us, if one does not hold on to the Shabad Guru, one can never ever merge in the Lord. Then it will be too late, with no time left to rectify our foolishness. Then even if one weeps and wails, the yam doots will not stop even for a moment. These messengers of death will say stop protesting you foolish man, Wahiguru gave you a whole life, and you just waisted it after peanuts and stones.... And so what is that true wealth, to be gathered before one dies?
    Or what is that holding and giving oneself to the Sahabd Guru?
    Well, it is placing one´s hope only on Him, through His Shabad, and thus through His Naam Simran. As simple as that.

    ਨਾਨਕ ਨਦਰੀ ਪਾਈਐ ਕਰਮਿ ਪਰਾਪਤਿ ਹੋਇ
    Naanak Nadharee Paaeeai Karam Paraapath Hoe
    नानक नदरी पाईऐ करमि परापति होइ
    O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, the Merciful Lord is attained.

    And so in this His last line above, Guru Jee is saying, that soul is a wadbhagee soul, who recieves His Daya Meher, does that devotion which pleases Him the most, which is as seen, Naam Simran, thus that soul frees it chains with the wheel of the eighty four, and merges in the Lord for once and forever.

    Waheguru bless all.
  16. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Quality Of This Forum Is Paramount..!   
    To answer these your questions, let us first see what does the word religion mean.

    The word religion, comes from the latin word "religare". Which means, that what unites you to your origin. I

    In our case as souls in human form, means to reunite our souls, or merge our souls in Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    Only that jugtee, or practice, which can make possible, that merging in Him, can be undoubtley called religion therefore.

    As per the Bani, there is nothing as such which can do so, except only one method, as instructed by our Guru Sahibans.

    That method is very simple. But people, because of its simplicity, fail to take it as true. Though they do not voice it out, but there deep in their minds, they refuse to accept it. And from there on, starts "maanmat" .

    And there where is maanmat, means, problems, discrepancies, disputes, hatred, hot arguments, killings, suicides are sure to arise and take place.....

    You see, our Guru Sahibans are the embodiment of True wisdom or gyan. Their gyan is perfect, there are no mistakes in their statements, because whatever they utter, is because, Wahiguru Himself speaks through them.

    That is when the Bani says: Prabh jee baseh, Sadh ke hirdey. Prabh Jee baseh, Sadh kee rasna.

    They have given it in written to us, the method by which we can practice religion in the true sense, and become one with Him.

    If we read thier Bani or listen to it, in each Ang of it, they constantly mention it again and again....

    But we donkeys, do not pay attention to their words, and try to implement our additions and manipulations to their Bani, just to suit our egos ....

    So naturally, instead to become nearer and nearer to Wahiguru, we, by our maanmat ways, get farther and farther from Him.... then too we proudly say we are sikhs....shame on us

    You see, sikhee is not difficult at all. It is we who have distorted their teachings, and made a false identity for ourselves. That too, when Sikhee, is just for dissolving our ego, become purer and merge in Him. This is sikhee, and is the real purpose of our beloved Guru Sahibans, and all true Bhagats and Gurmukhs, being them from any place or any time; but as Wahiguru, that Supreme power is one, so naturally the method in merging in Him, has to be one.... It can not be, different for diffrent races, castes or creeds, which are all outer layers, and there is no reality in them.

    Our true essence is our Soul consciousness, that ray of Jot of Wahiguru.

    So naturally, it is that ray of His Jot, which returns and merges back at the end of the day in the Supreme Jot Wahiguru. Our realtion with Him, is like that of a drop with the ocean, like that of a ray with the Sun.... it is a pure spiritual relation, not a bodily one, or a physical one.

    So going back to your questions above, no true Gurmukh will ever tell you to stop the relgion or the customs, of the place of your origin. Because all these outer aspects are related to the body, not to the mind or soul.

    For example, the robber changes his outward attire, to rob and commit his sins. But we all know, the evil is in the mind, not in the dresses or body, because if it was so, by changing his attire or appearnce, his personality and nature has not changed....

    So you see, Guru Sahibans or true Gurmukhs, will never ever tell you to stop your relations with your family, friends or stop practicing the customs of the culture we are born in, neither will they ever engage/ enchain you in new customs or rituals...that is not their purpose.

    They just come here to our level, to remind us of our true spiritual nature, and tell us that we as souls, are here as aliens in this creation, our True Father, is Satnam, our True desh,is Sach Khand, and that, all our miseries are due for being away from Him.

    They also sing His glories/ Bani, to just kindle His love in our hearts for His Lotus Feet, and generate a genuine longing to go back and merge in Him.

    So now here comes the answer to the question of what is true religion.

    As we saw above, we cleared it, that religion is to named only to that activity or process, by which a soul, independent of its caste, creed or colour, can merge its soul consciousness in that Super Consciousness, or call it Wahiguru.....

    And that jugtee which is repeated again and again in the Bani, by our Guru Sahibans, is His Simran alone.

    They have made it very clear for us foolish people, by giving it written for all times and places, be it past, present or future, and their words are eternal, that whosoever follows this their commandment, shall merge and become one with Him, thus fulfill their purpose of human life/birth.

    They say: Jin Har japeeya, se Har hoeeya. These are their golden words, which are a Treasure beyond measure ....

    And these words mean: He whosoever repeats His Name, shall merge in Him, and become one with Him.

    Just give a little thought to these their words and look them again and again, the soul just rejoices and dances in ecstacy, that, that Lord which is Nirankar and Anamee, is realized by this simple techinque , by mugahds, manmukhs, moorakhs, and paapees.... like the most of us are.

    All this is nothing, but His utter Grace and Love for us, that He came at our level as Guru Sahibans and Gurmukhs and made Himself available to us, which would be quite impossible otherwise....

    Waheguruuuuuuu, Waheguruuuuu.....
  17. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Koi in Quality Of This Forum Is Paramount..!   
    Dear Saroj Bahl,
    this is true what you say.

    People do all that you have mentioned, simply because they do not follow Gurmat as per Bani.

    The Bani says: there is only one Truth, Wahiguru (Ik Onkar, Satnam). And the way to meet and merge in Him, is through His Simran alone, no other way.

    But then too we manmukhs do many many other things which we see them being done since we were born...Nobody stops to see and check if they are acting and behaving as per the very principles of Gurmat .....

    So naturally, we have gone astray, and stepped deep in the manmukhta and maya, taking our beliefs as truth, that is why, there is so much hatred and violence.... If only some wadbhageee could read, understand and follow Gurmat truly, believe me, there would be no such abnormal situations....

    But unfortunately, as long as this creation goes on, these stupid things will continue to happen. Because this creation is imperfect, and if has to continue, these things will continue happening.

    You want to get true happiness and peace? Just step out from this bhavsagar and reach Parbraham, then you will experience these Truths of Love, Mercy and Grace of Wahiguru....

    We are foolish people, we did not spare even Guru Sahibans , Mahapurukhs, like Christ or Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj...

    And even today we continue abusing such noble and humble souls....foolish human beings.

    We are more in love with the jewel boxes(religions), which have no real value by themselves, and are just as good as decorations only, and on the contrary, we ignore the real valuable Jewel of Nam or Shabad within us....

    Sat Sree Akal.
  18. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from SAadmin in Quality Of This Forum Is Paramount..!   
    Dear Saroj Bahl,
    this is true what you say.

    People do all that you have mentioned, simply because they do not follow Gurmat as per Bani.

    The Bani says: there is only one Truth, Wahiguru (Ik Onkar, Satnam). And the way to meet and merge in Him, is through His Simran alone, no other way.

    But then too we manmukhs do many many other things which we see them being done since we were born...Nobody stops to see and check if they are acting and behaving as per the very principles of Gurmat .....

    So naturally, we have gone astray, and stepped deep in the manmukhta and maya, taking our beliefs as truth, that is why, there is so much hatred and violence.... If only some wadbhageee could read, understand and follow Gurmat truly, believe me, there would be no such abnormal situations....

    But unfortunately, as long as this creation goes on, these stupid things will continue to happen. Because this creation is imperfect, and if has to continue, these things will continue happening.

    You want to get true happiness and peace? Just step out from this bhavsagar and reach Parbraham, then you will experience these Truths of Love, Mercy and Grace of Wahiguru....

    We are foolish people, we did not spare even Guru Sahibans , Mahapurukhs, like Christ or Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj...

    And even today we continue abusing such noble and humble souls....foolish human beings.

    We are more in love with the jewel boxes(religions), which have no real value by themselves, and are just as good as decorations only, and on the contrary, we ignore the real valuable Jewel of Nam or Shabad within us....

    Sat Sree Akal.
  19. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Saroj Bahl in Quality Of This Forum Is Paramount..!   
    Dear Saroj Bahl,
    this is true what you say.

    People do all that you have mentioned, simply because they do not follow Gurmat as per Bani.

    The Bani says: there is only one Truth, Wahiguru (Ik Onkar, Satnam). And the way to meet and merge in Him, is through His Simran alone, no other way.

    But then too we manmukhs do many many other things which we see them being done since we were born...Nobody stops to see and check if they are acting and behaving as per the very principles of Gurmat .....

    So naturally, we have gone astray, and stepped deep in the manmukhta and maya, taking our beliefs as truth, that is why, there is so much hatred and violence.... If only some wadbhageee could read, understand and follow Gurmat truly, believe me, there would be no such abnormal situations....

    But unfortunately, as long as this creation goes on, these stupid things will continue to happen. Because this creation is imperfect, and if has to continue, these things will continue happening.

    You want to get true happiness and peace? Just step out from this bhavsagar and reach Parbraham, then you will experience these Truths of Love, Mercy and Grace of Wahiguru....

    We are foolish people, we did not spare even Guru Sahibans , Mahapurukhs, like Christ or Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj...

    And even today we continue abusing such noble and humble souls....foolish human beings.

    We are more in love with the jewel boxes(religions), which have no real value by themselves, and are just as good as decorations only, and on the contrary, we ignore the real valuable Jewel of Nam or Shabad within us....

    Sat Sree Akal.
  20. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Lucky in Different Types/stages Of Naam   
    Awesome. One of the most complete posts I have come through....

    Congrats brother Lucky, keep up the high spirits....

    Sat Sree Akal.
  21. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Lucky in Revisit Definition Of Gurmukh And Manmukh.   
    I think the easiest way that I came across gurmukh and manmukh being explained was........
    GUR-MUKH= Gurus-Mouth(mukh)
    So what is uttered and what comes from guru's mouth ?........simply the TRUTH....all Sat..in it's purity.
    When someone is Gur-Mukh, then they are living,breathing,following and in full conduct with the words that come from the Guru's Mukh.
    In contrast, when someone is MAN-MUKH= Mann's Mouth......... then they are following and living in conduct with what their MANN(Mind) tells them...Man-mukh follows instructions from Mukh(mouth) of the Mann.
    And this Mann is hugely influenced by maya and encased in the strangle-hold of Kaal.
    Getting out of kaal's desh, then you are within A-kaal,...Akaal purakhs bondaries.....therefore, gone from Man-mukh to Gur-mukh.
    Biq question is.... Is it Mann vs Guru or is the Mann bad...some people will ask ?
    No, mann is not bad but it's LOST in maya... that's the problem....Mann has forgotten it's source, whereas Guru comes as pure, clean and and as truthful existence from this source.
    To add, we continually add more and more dirt on our Mann on a daily basis. The precious jewel or jyot is still there gleaming in it's purity but we have put layer upon layer of dirt on top it.
    That's why gurbani says 'Mann tu jyot saroop hai, apna mool paichan''...oh mind, you are the embodiment of jyot, recognize your own source and origin...
    This means that we have to work to recognize our own source of the mind.....find that origin... that place is the home...the home of sach-khand, waheguru's darbar,....the nijh mahal..
  22. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Sahib in Does Any Of The 10 Gurus Used To Do Meditation?   
    Sahib Jee,
    please allow me to differ from you. Meditation is not a wide word at all from my point of view. To meditate, is just to think deeply upon something.

    That much simple.

    But, different thing is, where that meditation takes us.

    Meditating is like driving a car.

    Now, each one has different needs and destinations to go. Some may have to go to the office, some may have to go to leave their children to the school, others may have to go the hospital, still others to the police to complain about being robbed, some to supermarket to buy grocery, etc.

    Everryone drives the car to reach a different destiny, but that does not mean, driving is wide or difficult. But rather it means, wherever one has to go, one reaches there by driving.

    In a similar way, meditation is trying to reach higher levels of consciousness in the spiritual realms. Some have Swarg as thier final destinantion, others Baikunth, some others Shivpuri, others long for devis, devtas, etc......

    We can see, each jeeva working out their destinies .....

    And in sikhee, we are not less also.

    By His grace, He is our only supreme objective and destiny, we do not look here or there, only forward, towards Him through Gurmat.

    Just today I was reading a passage from the Bani, and coincidentally I think, it answers your question in the quote above,just as you wanted it from the SGGS, it is all Wahiguru´s kirpa, bro Sahib.

    It is wonderful, it is just amazing, how Guru Jee answers our queries in simple words, revealing us the Truths which otherwise would be quite imposible to understand Him....

    Raag Kaanrhaa, Bani Sree Guru Ram Das Maharaj, here it goes :

    ਹਮਰੇ ਹਰਿ ਜਗਜੀਵਨਾ ਹਰਿ ਜਪਿਓ ਹਰਿ ਗੁਰ ਮੰਤ
    Hamarae Har Jagajeevanaa Har Japiou Har Gur Manth
    हमरे हरि जगजीवना हरि जपिओ हरि गुर मंत
    I meditate on my Lord, the Life of the World, the Lord, chanting the Guru's Mantra.

    Here He clearly says, I mediate on my Lord Wahiguru, doing the jaap, repeating the Gur Mantra, for instance Wahiguru.....

    And in the following line, He openly tells us , what happens if we do this sacred practice of Naam Simran.

    He says:

    ਹਰਿ ਅਗਮੁ ਅਗੋਚਰੁ ਅਗਮੁ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਆਇ ਅਚਿੰਤ
    Har Agam Agochar Agam Har Har Miliaa Aae Achinth
    हरि अगमु अगोचरु अगमु हरि हरि मिलिआ आइ अचिंत
    The Lord is Unapproachable, Inaccessible and Unfathomable; the Lord, Har, Har, has spontaneously come to meet me.

    By this He means, that, Wahiguru who otherwise is Agam Agochar(Unapprochable, Inaccesible and Unfathomable), by meditating upon Him, doing the jaap of the Gur Mantra, that very Lord, spontaneously, easily, effortlessly, comes and meets me by His Grace....

    Sahib jee and dear all Sangat jee, just keep gazing at the beauty and sweetness in these words of Guru Jee above....

    Ooouch Apaar Beant Waheguru.
  23. Like
    harsharan000 got a reaction from Sahib in Does Any Of The 10 Gurus Used To Do Meditation?   
    Sahib Jee,
    the SGGS is full of countless tuks on meditation, as per means of devotion to Him and thus our union with Him, by merging in Him.

    Following are some beautiful words of Dhan Dhan Satguru Ram Das Maharaj from Raag Dhanasree, regarding your question:

    jan naanak ka-o. gur ih mat deenee jap har bhavjal tarnaa.
    The Guru has blessed servant Nanak with this understanding,
    that by meditating on the Lord, we cross over the terrifying world-ocean

    Have we ever asked ourselves, what is the purpose, what is the objective of Sikhee?

    Is it not, our union with our beloved Wahiguru?

    And if Wahiguru or Shabad Guru is not something physical or material, then how will we ever merge in Him? Because for sure, it is not our body, which is going to merge in Him....

    Neither the mind ......

    Then, what is left as such which can merge in Him?

    Naturally, the answer is our soul consciousness.

    And the teachings tell us, our soul is covered by layers of filth of karmas, and two more coverings, such as astral and causal bodies.

    So meditation is, just like heating water, it impulses our souls upwards, towards subtle spiritual planes.

    Then reaching there, one has two options, either one keeps wandering in Maya there, or either, one holds on to the Anhad Shabad, and gets pulled out from the realms of matter, mind and maya, by the powerful hand of Shabad Guru, who then places us at the Lotus Feet of Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    So brother, simran + bhajan = meditation, which unites us with Him.

    Sat Sree Akal.
  24. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to dalsingh101 in Does Any Of The 10 Gurus Used To Do Meditation?   
    Isn't that simran?

    I also recall there was a statement in an extant hukam-nama from Guru Gobind Singh ji for his followers to "Guru Guru jaapna".
  25. Like
    harsharan000 reacted to Sat1176 in Does Any Of The 10 Gurus Used To Do Meditation?   
    From teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji it would imply Gurus started with mantra jaap meditation to help still and control the mind. i.e Raam, Har Har, Waheguru etc.

    Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind; it will bring you eternal peace, day and night.
    har har naam japahu man mayray jit sadaa sukh hovai din raatee.
    Chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O my mind; meditating on it, all sins and misdeeds shall be erased.
    har har naam japahu man mayray jit simrat sabh kilvikh paap lahaatee.

    Meeting the Guru, I am victorious; praising the Lord, Har, Har, the walls of the fortress of doubt have been destroyed.
    gur mil jeetaa, har har keetaa, tootee bheetaa bharam garhaa.

    Make the effort, O very fortunate ones, and meditate on the Lord, the Lord King.
    udam karahu vadbhaageeho simrahu har har raa-ay.

    Chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord of the Universe; don`t be lazy.
    naam japat gobind nah alsaa-ee-ai.

    One who enshrines love for God within his mind,
    antar govind jis laagai pareet.
    never forgets the Lord; he continually chants the Lord`s Name, Har, Har, in his conscious mind. Pause
    har tis kaday na veesrai har har karahi sadaa man cheet.
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