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  1. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from SriAkaalJiSahai in How to become celibate when married ?   
    Kaam does NOT mean sex.  Or even lust!  Kaam is any UNCONTROLLED craving or desire.  
    One can crave expensive cars or jewellery or even food. And that will be kaam!  But we will never say that answer is to cut out having a car all together. Or food! 

    Sexual intimacy between husband and wife is normal. It's NOT KAAM.  Unless it becomes an excess craving or desire. Which yes CAN happen even in marriage but most normal married couples are not sex addicts!  Intimacy is a normal part of relationship between two people who love each other. 
    Otherwise, if you don't want to be intimate with someone, then don't get married! 
  2. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Kaur10 in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    That's what I was alluding to That everything we 'hear' is really internal.. its really our soul that is hearing and not the physical body.
    Having experienced the OBE state, I can say that I know what the feeling of movement without feet is like... and hearing without ears... Basically when I say the entire universe is vibration... its because everything arises out of the ONE consciousness... matter is all just energy vibrating at a slow state (comparatively speaking). Our true nature is actually nonphysical.

    btw I am really loving this forum... as I am finding lots of like minded people here nice to meet you!
  3. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Kaur10 in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    I have experienced sounds I can't describe to others during some spiritually transformative events. Some were like static, rushing, pusling, electrical, vibrational sounds..... Other times more like wind. I have also heard sounds that were more like chimes like I was surrounded by hundreds of wind chimes. It's really difficult to explain to others that the sounds are indeed actually 'heard' even though they are not something from the outside environment.

    Thing is what we consider to be sound is only what our brain deciphers the electrical signals to be. ALL sound is internal. Until our brain deciphers the pressure waves in the air and the choclea changes it to electrical signals.... What we perceive as sound does not exist at all. Sound requires a source, a medium, and a receiver. Without the receiver (your ear) it remains as mere pressure waves in a medium (air). So to me the interesting thing is to wonder where are we receiving the signals from, that we are recognizing as sound? And I find it very very awe inspiring that over 500 years ago, our Gurus knew that the basis of sound (and everything in existence) was vibration, long before science knew!!
  4. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Okay I am a bit freaked out...   
    I have heard "sounds" during meditation / simran before... and I say sounds but I know they were not physical. But those were more like static, electricity like, and stopped as soon as I lost concentration on it. 
    I was doing about 1 hr simran/meditation this evening, completely alone... and something happened that actually scared me.  I heard sounds, but it was different this time.  It started as like faint bells, I actually thought something was off in the distance outside or something.  But it got louder. And it was high pitched and sounded like thousands of bells being rung at the same time over and over. Like brass bells like the ones used for christmas carols (for those in the west you know those big hand held bells in different notes and tones) well it was like those but thousands all at once. I stopped repeating "waheguru" physically because the sounds got to be too much and I continued in my mind, but the bells did not go away. I even got up and walked around and stopped simran, but I could still hear it!!!  It lasted another few minutes and went away after I turned the TV on to have some other sounds.  I can't hear it anymore now (about 15 mins later). But it scared me.  I thought I was experiencing tinnitus or something that something is wrong with my ears maybe. 
    There was no sound in the room or nearby it was completely quiet. I had the lights off. I didn't hear the sound until about 45 mins into quiet simran alone. At that point I had relaxed enough to really not even feel my physical body and since it was dark I was kind of giving myself sensory deprivation a bit.  The sound was no joke - like thousands of bells all at once. When it got louder it even kind of 'hurt' my ears (even though I know the sound was not even physically there). And it did not stop when I turned the light on and got up and even walked around for a few mins!  So this is freaking me out a little bit.
    Has anyone else experienced this during Simran?? 
  5. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Ddt Origins   
    And so does AKJ And so does SGPC etc. Because at some point the members that started EVERY sect had association with other members, etc who trace back... like I said ALL Sikhs, ALL Khalsa originated from the same one event in 1699.

    Guru Ji created the Khalsa... he did not create sects or taksals etc.

  6. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Premi in Past glorious singhs vs current singhs   
    This is actually true... though I do know some Singhs who are brave - LCol Harjit Sajjan for one with two tours in Afghanistan.  And don't forget the Kaurs (your posts always seem to be about Singhs only but not Kaurs - not all Kaurs are chained to a kitchen you know). There are many brave Kaurs today who are eagerly stepping out from being stuck in the Singh's shadows.... especially if many Singhs want to sit around being lazy.  
    Simarpal Kaur (Australia) Police
    Randeep Kaur US Military (Afghanistan)
    Harinder Kaur Police USA
    Just for a start off top of my head (who were in the news) 
  7. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Who can eat Meat?   
    This is not true if care is taken in harvesting.  Instead of huge factory farming practices with huge mechanized harvesters, smaller operations can ensure oversight of the crops better and harvest without killing.  Of course accidental killing will always happen and is unavoidable... animals will always try to encroach where there is food growing. However, there is a HUGE difference between accidentally killing something and purposely killing it. It's called INTENT. And INTENT is what Waheguru is concerned with. 
    Some examples, organic farming vs one where heavy pesticide used etc. results in many less lives of bees lost due to neonicotinoids.
    Good fencing to keep out larger rodents and rabbits etc.
    Scarecrows to keep birds away from crops
    Now there is something called ultrasonic fencing where high frequency sound is used. It's harmless to wildlife, and we can't hear it but the HF sound is unpleasant so they stay away.  It works on birds, rodents, even deer etc.
  8. Haha
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Who can eat Meat?   
    Shouldn't that have been...
    "You have the right to remain HUNGRY." Lol sorry could not resist!
  9. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Purpose Of Dasam Granth   
    Dasam Granth does NOT equal Guru Granth Sahib Ji...

    What say you Paapiman????? You have become quiet all of a sudden! 

    From Gurmat Rehet Maryada: 

  10. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in So-Called Mistakes In Ddt Books   
    I already answered in other post One huge error and u know which one I am talking about. I backed the true meaning with Gurbani showing you the full shabad and you still deny Gurbani, while u tried to justify the wrong and twisted meaning by saying "such and such baba said so therefore it must be true" and let me guess "such and such baba was DDT or Nihang??" You know the tuk and the shabad I am talking about and as of yet you have been unsuccessful in proving DDT version. Claiming someone else said so is not proof.

    This glaring error takes a meaning straight out of Laws of Manu almost word for word and twists the original meaning of the shabad in SGGSJ which actually serves to uplift women as an individual separate from their physical husband while the twisted wrong DDT version subordinates women to men and actually reinforces the Brahmanistic view that women were only as valuable as an appendage of her physical husband who she was subject to in all things and had to serve through life as his subordinate and be obedient to. Wrong interpretation!!!!

    DDT and Nihangs are also sects.... Nihangs actually use intoxicants which are forbidden! And kill animals! While I don't think that any sect is an actual cult they are all sects. And none can honestly actually trace an unbroken lineage all the way back. Some say DDT as it exists now was different than it was prior to Bhindranwale anyway. And that it was revival of some other sect. I think we should avoid all sects and focus only on SGGSJ ourselves rather than someone else's interpretation of it.

    Blindly following whatever someone tells you without question and without reading and interpreting for yourself is the sign of a cult just so you know. Not being open to other interpretation from what you have been told and unwilling to openly read and interpret for yourself is a sign of being brainwashed... Not my definition either... Look it up signs of a cult!
  11. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    Spiritual one yes... All of us are soul brides and only real husband is Waheguru. This is all humans male and female both.  But the real mind bender is that there really is only one consciousness - our separate identities the "humai" or ego identity is not real. The consciousness behind every one of us is the same ONE consciousness. So who is being obedient to who? Is the character in the play being obedient to the actor? Is the dream character being obedient to the dreamer?? In both cases (used also in Gurbani to describe our plight) of course neither can even know that they are in fact the other.  It's ALL an illusion....
    This thread started out about physical wife and husband though and is not the same thing.  Certainly both husband and wife should obey each other's wishes. If there is conflict they should work it out together. Nobody should be ordered around in marriage. If that's how you personally want a marriage I wish you luck.  I fear there won't be love as it's hard to really have a loving relationship when one person has a power relationship over the other. It's why we always say that boss / employee or doctor / patient etc are wrong to be in relationship. Because any authority or power of one over the other in a sexual relationship will mean one will take advantage of the other and there will be imbalance. Love can't happen in that instance --- maybe infatuation and lust over the other persons authority could happen. It's why some employees long to sleep with a boss. They figure they can get promotions etc. Sex becomes something like a bargaining chip for advancement. That should never happen in marriage. 
  12. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    1 It goes without saying at this point - ALL of us are to see God in ALL. This is not instruction for a Brahamgyani, but to ALL Gurmukhs.  To ALL Sikhs.
    2 You say you are unable to see God in ALL and that only a Brahamgyani is capable to do so.
    3 But then you command women to do the very thing you say is impossible for anyone but a Brahamgyani by seeing God in her husband, not only seeing God IN her husband, but seeing her Husband AS God (which btw no human should ever have this title as no part of a whole can ever equal the whole)!!
    This is a huge contradiction!
    How can you expect a woman to see God in you, when you yourself can not see God in others (including her), claiming only a Brahamgyani is capable of doing so?? Are you saying all married women are Brahamgyanis? And If she IS capable of seeing God in you, which in your case might be extremely difficult but if she does, you know that makes her very much higher than you spiritually!!!! (And yet you think it makes her somehow lower than you.. Making no sense at all - you are looking at this from a sense of entitlement - like you deserve to be treated like a God just for being male hahhaa man you have seriously missed the mark!!) You are commanding that a woman sees you AS God, when you don't even posses the qualities of a Gurmukh as per Gurbani instruction, let alone our actual Creator! 
    If she does somehow see God in you, but you do not see God in her, It means she is actually living qualities of a Gurmukh, while you are not.  
    In other words SHE would be higher status than you spiritually speaking... LOL

    And seeing God in others does NOT mean obedience to, or submission, or bowing down to them, or even waiting on them hand and foot.  I see God in my neighbour because of all the good she does.  Does it mean I am obedient to her? No way!  We both have our own minds and opinions on things.  So even if a wife does see God in her husband, it doesn't mean she must be obedient to him or serve him all day.  And she would also be seeing God in all others as well.  
    Where did you ever get the idea that Gurbani instruction is written only for a Brahamgyani? LOL What a lame excuse!!!  You say you are in grade 3 of spiritual school, please don't pull those of us in grade 6 or 7 back to grade 3 with you!!! By your own admission you are very low stages spiritually.  Please don't try to pull others down to your level, when they are already at the level of seeing God in ALL. Or at least willing to TRY to see God in ALL...while you are still comparing women to rats and insects! LOL
    I can't belive that you actually think Gurbani is telling women to look at men as a God over them and that simply being male you are "entitled" to be worshiped as a God by women. And then you put women down as a "downgrade to males" and "half human" LOL It's your own spiritual progression you are hindering...
  13. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    that was my point. 
  14. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    Paapiman you once told me that the instruction for "Gurmukhs" to see the divine light in ALL, is actually for just Brahamgyanis, because you said it's impossible for us as humans to see the divine light in everyone. Yet very contradictory to the previous, you are supporting the commandment of women to do this very thing with their husbands... So unless you think of all women as being Brahamgyanis (and it obvious you don't since you don't even see women as fully humans and see us as a 'downgrade' to males) I don't see how you can explain yourself out of this one.
    You are expecting women to do something you yourself say is only possible if you are a Bahamgyani, by seeing their husband AS God. Why would our Gurus command women to do something which is impossible??
    Why do you think it's so difficult for you to see God in women - but you expect women to see God in males, nay, not only see God IN males, but see males AS God???  How can you ever expect a woman to see a man (her husband) AS God, when you say that same man is not even capable of living the qualities of what is commanded of a "Gurmukh" in Gurbani (what you say is a Brahamgyani) let alone living the qualities of our actual creator... ???  
    "As Gurmukh, look upon ALL with a single eye of equality, for in EACH AND EVERY heart the divine light is contained" 

    If her husband can not even follow the above command issued to all Gurmukhs by seeing the divine light equally in his wife (who is most definitely a part of the ALL) then how can you support commanding her to see him AS God - which is commanding her to follow an instruction you say is only possible for a "Brahamgyani"?? (btw Gurmukh means TRUE Sikh following Gurbani and living by it, not a Brahamgyani) - but I digress...
    And even if a woman does see God in her husband, it certainly does NOT mean she must obey him or that she is his servant or subordinate.
    And perhaps most importantly - It does NOT mean that she is any less God than he is!!!!!  You ignore this one truth...whether or not YOU personally see it: It doesn't change the fact that in reality God is in ALL equally - as we can see in the above quoted line from Gurbani (and many others as well). So whether or not the husband sees it in his wife too, the divine light is in her EQUALLY to him regardless. They are on equal level as Divine.
    A loving and TRUE Gurmukh husband would recognize God in his wife equally.  And if he doesn't, then he really is not living the qualities of a Gurmukh, let alone God! 
    A True Gurmukh husband would look upon his wife as God as well. 
  15. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    and similarly she deserves your respect and not on any less of a scale.  Respect goes both ways... You don't deserve respect just because you are a man... You deserve respect when you treat others likewise and and are a good human being.
    you make it sound like you believe that men deserve respect just for being men.... But women only deserve respect when they have your idea of 'class'?  What about when a man is acting like a 'slapper'? (Not exactly sure what that is)
  16. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    Husband is also to look upon his wife as patni parshmewari meaning both husband and wife are too see God in each other but your translation of that shabad is wrong.  The shabad is saying that all humans are to take God as their husband lord. It's suggesting that no human is worthy of this sacrifice only God is. Your translation of the last two lines are wrong as it says that those wives (male and female both as all souls are feminine) who see the transcendent lord as husband... Ie only give themselves to God and no human...It's not those wives who see their physical husband as God over them. This is wrong thinking. 
    Though as Gurmukhs we are to see the divine in each other and in everyone. There is no hierarchy where men are Gods over women... This is wishful thinking of men.
    But not surprising to see this wrong thinking come from a male who thinks of women as only half human.  
    Sikhi sees husbands and wives as equals... Two halves of one whole.  If husband is seen as a God over his wife then how can they be in a mutually loving relationship? They can never... Unless they both sacrifice for each other and see (and serve) the divine light in each other.  Mutually....
    Otherwise the marriage is only for the males benefit and it's essentially sanctioned slavery of women.  
    And paapiman not this is truly how you think of women, you will never ever ever have a happy wife but instead she will resent you... That is if you can even get a woman to agree to marry you which is not likely once she knows you think of her as only half a human and a 'downgrade' to being male.  If you are ok being miserable and alone and want to spend your life trying to justify to yourself (because you aren't convincing anyone else) that women are so lowly and inferior, then you will be miserable and alone and your obsession to put women down and take away the equality the Gurus gave women then you will have to answer for it one day.  Just remember that... Do you think the Gurus demanded subordination of women or do you think they wanted equal treatment and respect? If you think it's the first one then you better be damn sure because someday you WILL have to explain to Guru Ji yourself.
  17. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Women and Turban = No.   
    The photo I posted the Singh is wearing kacheras... and the turban style is Nihung style... in fact nihung Singhnis have always tied dastars.  

    I agree, the skimpy choli is not becoming of a Singhni.  She looks like a bimbo showing off her body.  And rehetnamas ALL are clear that kesh must be covered at all times, so even if a SInghni chooses not to tie turban (as per SRM being optional) then she should still cover with a chunni.  However as I posted above, both taksal maryada and nihung maryada explicitly state it's required of both males and females to tie a keski / dastar. Whether or not they do it consistently is a different story. But ALL of the Nihung SInghnis I know tie dastars and were told they were required to when they took amrit. 
  18. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Women and Turban = No.   
    Akal Takht Sahib would disagree...along with the Panj Pyaras I took amrit from! (have a read about women masands who had authority to initiate via charan amrit) Anyway different topic...look closely at the painting I posted. It's not hair... It's definitely a keski.

    Guru Gobind Singh Ji's 52 Hukams:
    35 Dastaar binaa nahee rehnaa|
    (doesn't say only men, so women too are required)
    "Each candidate for Baptism be made to wear kachhehra, tie hair in a topknot and cover the same with dastaar; wear Sri Sahib (i.e. Kirpan) in Gaatra (shoulder belt). Then he/she should stand with folded hands. (Rahitnama Bhai Daya Singh Ji)
    Taksal Maryada:
    For the respect of your hair, two turbans are to be tied, tying each layer one at a time.  There should be a small turban tied underneath and a larger one tied above this.  Women must not plait their hair and should keep their hair tied in a bun/top-knot, in order to respect your Kesh a small turban should be tied. 
    The Nihang Bibian are dastaardhari, and many contend maintain the original form and discipline of the Khalsa.  Their Nitnem Gutka defines that every Gursikh man and woman (Singh and Singhni is the wording used) should have a blue keski in their hair.
    Okay now let's see what you have as weight on this issue!
  19. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Women and Turban = No.   
    I take it you are against Singhnis wearing turbans... That photo above you can't tell if she is Sikh or Hindu.... so much for standing out. Not only that, she appears to have a nose piercing which is a big no no after taking Amrit.  Rest of jewelry is also debatable as some sects rehet maryada even is against jewelry at all. 
    Here is a historical painting showing a keski on the woman. This depiction the woman looks much more like a Sikh. Wearing bana and keski and no nose piercing and no belly showing from skimpy choli and a mountain of jewelry and makeup. Since the Gurus advocated that 'naam' is our jewelry, I find it strange that Sikh women would have been made up like painted dolls. I think this painting below is much more accurate:

  20. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Sikh History Vs Gurbani   
    How is DDT's RM 'one of the approved'??? Akal Takht only recognizes Sikh Rehet Maryada.

    So how can you use words like 'so-called' in front of Sikh Rehet Maryada (as if you are turning your nose to it) while supporting several RMs which are not even recognized by Akal Takht? And stating they are the 'recognized' ones. You make no sense...

    They are only 'recognized' by those who defy Akal Takht!
  21. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Suggestions for improvement   
    Since the only recognized Rehet Maryada by Akal Takht is the Sikh Rehet Maryada, should this include those who continually aim to degrade the Sikh Rehet Maryada by using terms such as "so-called"  and openly degrading comments about it??  Or does this only pertain to Damdami Taksal's Rehet Maryada, which is not accepted by Akal Takht?
  22. Thanks
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Premi in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    For me it's easy.... I just don't think about it. Here's how I look at everything, and I know you won't like it because you seem to focus so much on gender and trying to prove that males are better / superior etc.

    But when I look at any human being, I look PAST their gender. I don't even allow the thought that they are somehow different than I am enter my mind. I instead resolve to see only the 'divya jot' within them. Since I have resolved to only see this, I actually and truly see light emenating from everyone (not just in my mind... I actually see their auras). And that light is identical in everyone. Thinking and viewing things from that perspective it's impossible to lower myself to base carnal desires. I am more interested in the good in someone as a brother or sister (and that is even a bad comparion because to me there is no 'brother' or 'sister' just 'sibling', how we can work together to better humankind, provide charity, etc. Even though I work surrounded by nearly all males, in a submarine for extended periods of time in that small space where even personal privacy is limited, I see ALL of us as a team... all identical (well everyone have different skill sets but you know what I mean, we are all team members on the same team). When I interact with supervisors, subordinates, etc I don't even think of them as male and me female. I think of us all as simply sailors.

    The only exception to this I will allow is my own husband. And in that case, I still see that jot. Our pairing is not a physical one. I do not even think of our union as a physical one, but instead one that is happening at purely the spiritual level as we are two halves of the same one soul. In fact even the fact that we met at all, seemed impossible unless Waheguru Ji had intervened. So even when I speak to him, I do not even have the thoughts enter my mind that he is male and I am female... I have simply learned to not define people in this way. I instead think of us as two identical halves of one pure light. My whole view of the world has changed to this view... it's liek I now am seeing the level above the physical in all things and in everyone. Back to the two halves of one light...My Husband and I think and act almost identically. We can almost finish each other's sentences. So of course we want to be close in the physical sense, but we don't want to be close to satisfy some carnal sexual urge, but instead to merge our light... to show care, to show mutual respect and same goals, to support each other in our spiritual journey together as one. That is what marriage is actually about. I could care less if we actually were intimate as that's such a small thing.

    So paapiman... you seem to be so obbsessed with lust. And so obsessed with differentiating women and men, and trying to declare males as superior and females as weak and inferior. Maybe if you actually started to see all humans for what we truly are...and resolve to see ONLY that divine light in everyone and basically tell your eyes to not even see the physical shells or judge people based on their physical genders, then maybe you could actually start to learn to control your lust.

    But then.... you'd have to leave this men are better than women attitude behind...
  23. Thanks
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from paapiman in Raagmalla is not bani   
    The handwritten one I got see / photograph in Mattan Sahib in Kashmir does have Raagmala. 
  24. Thanks
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Sikhilove in Recurring Problems With Reincarnation   
    Truthseeker, my explanation above is based entirely on Gurbani alone... not what some babas or "some" unnamed Gurmukh said. It is applying what is exactly being said in Gurbani, with some comparisons to science. I think I have explained how all are God and God is ALL successfully so you can understand. And also how God never takes birth or dies, but also how some of the 'characters' played by God in this dream can become fully awakened within the dream and essentially become "God conscious" (like the Gurus...but also others as Brahmgyanis have attained this). If you have any questions on specific concepts I mentioned above, I can try to explain further.

    The Abrahamic concept does not fit in Sikhi because God is not something separate from Creation. Some of the explanations given by others on here seem to lean towards the Abrahamic concept where God is something separate and we are impure, dirty etc. and can never understand or become attuned to God. This is wrong thinking and perpetuates hoplessness and actually drives one away from the reason we are here. The whole point of Sikhi and this human life, is to awaken to our true identity and learn the underlying truth to reality which we are told unequivocally is within ourselves. We are told this human form is rare, and that by reaching here THIS IS OUR CHANCE HERE AND NOW, to realize God!!! Not some future promise in a distant future incarnation etc. HERE AND NOW. And that we should not waste this chance. By thinking we are too dirty too impure, etc we are telling ourselves we can never attain this goal... and so most never do. Instead, we should focus... ask ourselves every day what we can do to improve, do simran regularly, contemplate Gurbani FOR OURSELVES (and not just accept what some baba said) because this is OUR OWN chance, someone else can not do the work for us. We have to realize the truth on our own. Though we ARE given the tools... Gurbani is there for us to read and contemplate ourselves.

    I hope this makes sense??
  25. Thanks
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Sikhilove in Recurring Problems With Reincarnation   
    Truthseeker... this is best how I can explain it:

    Everything we know to be real physically is illusion. Space, and even time are constructs. The Ultimate underlying reality is formless (no space) and unchanging (no time). Hard to picture right? Not if you look at quantum physics which states that everything really IS illusion. If you peer deeper and deeper into reality you will see that matter really is not solid. The tiny particles that exist beyond the subatomic level, behave strangely and electrons specifically, actually pop into and out of existence based on whether or not there is a conscious observer (google measurement problem / double slit experiment) Now, EVERY single atom is made of electrons. Now, everything in existence is made up of electrons as part of the atoms which make up elements etc... this is profound because scientists can not explain it. Why an electron ceases to be ' matter' and behaves as a wave (which on its own is not anything substantial, but is merely energy passing through a medium of some sort. This tells us that reality is not how we perceive it with our physical senses. And even more profound is that even our physical brains are made up of these same particles! Therefore consciousness must exist beyond the physical (or else there would be no conscious 'observer' to make the electrons come into existence which make up our brains!)

    Page 21, Line 4
    ਜਹ ਦੇਖਾ ਤਹ ਰਵਿ ਰਹੇ ਸਿਵ ਸਕਤੀ ਕਾ ਮੇਲੁ ॥
    Jah ḏekẖā ṯah rav rahe siv sakṯī kā mel.
    Wherever I look, I see the Lord pervading there, in the union of Shiva and Shakti, of consciousness and matter.

    So at the base level of existence exists consciousness and ONLY consciousness. Are we finally through science peering at Creator?? At this level all is unchanging. Think about it. Every electron is identical... every quark is identical, and yet somehow they come together to create all these vast different animals, plants, minerals, humans... it doesnt make sense logically because say if you stack a bunch of ping pong balls, they will always be just a stack of pingpong balls right? Something must be affecting everything at that base level and since matter does not exist without a conscious observer, it must be pure consciousness.

    So if consciousness is not created by matter, and is not matter itself, and it exists outside of physical reality then what is it? Science again can give us a bit of a clue in that everything in the Universe is coordinated by frequency / vibration. Light is frequency, sound is frequency, radiation is frequency, electromagnetism is frequency (this is the force that holds atoms together) etc. Consciousness itself can be measured as purely frequencies by EEG.

    SGGSJ too tells us about frequency and vibration and refers to celestial sound currents. Its no wonder that we are told that when we detune from this world, we can hear these vibrations / sound currents.

    So basically all of existence is non-physical. Its formless, and absolute. There is no time no space just pure frequency. This pure frequency IS consciousness itself. And there is only ONE.

    Okay so what is creation then? A thought? A dream?

    ਭਭਾ ਭਰਮੁ ਮਿਟਾਵਹੁ ਅਪਨਾ ॥
    Bẖabẖā bẖaram mitāvhu apnā.
    BHABHA: Cast out your doubt and delusion -

    ਇਆ ਸੰਸਾਰੁ ਸਗਲ ਹੈ ਸੁਪਨਾ ॥
    I▫ā sansār sagal hai supnā.
    this world is just a dream.

    So, there is ONE Consciousness, and it's dreaming or thinking this reality into existence. Inside the dream, there is time and space (think about when you dream at night.... how can you say how much 'space' your dreamworld takes up? You can't because in reality its only frequency of your thoughts. In your dreams, there are different characters right? Some seem to interact separately from you... but are they really separate? Or are ALL the dream characters really created by your own thoughts? Imagine in your dream you are chased by a monster... is that monster some separate entity? Or is it still part of you and being controlled by your own consciousness (or subconscious)?? All the good and all the bad that happen within your dreams are still ALL YOU.

    Now... the kicker... rembering that this world is ALSO just a dream. And there was only ever ONE consciousness... then WHO really is the dreamer?? Or are you just the little dreamer within the BIG dream?? Remember that we have peered into quantum level and this reality is also not the solid matter we think it is! IT TOO is merely frequency!!! And consciousness creates the construct that we experience.

    So can you understand now, how ALL of the characters are really ONE Creator playing all of them? And also how a dream would evolve over time? We know the Universe is expanding right? What is it expanding into? What lies beyond? This dilemma ceases to exist when you realize that the Universe is the dream, and dreams do not take up any space at all since they are merely thoughts. As the dreamer continues to dream, the dreamworld gets larger, and expands.... think again of your own dreams. You start on a road and then you drive down that road, and the construct gets larger as your mind creates more and more dreamworld.

    Now to reincarnation... the question of life after death is moot really. Classical idea of reincarnation doesnt make sense... but when you look at it as that the nonphysical consciousness is evolving and becoming self aware, then it makes sense. It's a constant process of continually unfolding consciousness and awareness. Since we are all part of that consciousness, and these bodies are just shells... just dream characters, then the only real true consciousness is that of Waheguru Ji. And there is no separateness... there never was. It's just an illusion of separateness.

    At some point you will have played the part of every character that has ever lived or ever will live. In fact you have already done this!
    Because in actuality they are all really the same ONE actor. You/I/We have just forgotten who we really are.

    So why did the Creator cause itself to become lost in this dreamworld as many separate characters who have forgotten who they really are? Because its the only way it can contemplate itself (because from the vantage point of ONEness it knows nothing else)

    It has been said that reality is the act of the ONE Creator, subjectively experiencing itself through its own creation. A process of unfolding consciousness... the Universe itself is becoming self aware.

    I could post many Gurbani tuks to support all of the above, however its already a long read... LOL. You can find them yourself!

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