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    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Singh123456777 in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Nobody said anything about hurting feelings. Sheesh calm down Wanda lol.
  2. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to dalsingh101 in Beadbi Culprits Caught In Nagoke Village – 3 Singhs Arrested For Murder   
    This is bad, reminds me of the 80s. 
    I hope we aren't going to have another war.
  3. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Beef-ban issue hits Rs 2,500 crore cow-breeding business in Punjab   
    Hardly humane... It would be more humane to just allow them to do it by bullet to the head. At least it's quick.  And then to waste the meat on top of that... so that bull calves life meant nothing in the end.  How is that caring for cows?? At least if the meat is used, its life meant something... and could feed starving people. 
  4. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from dalsingh101 in Beef-ban issue hits Rs 2,500 crore cow-breeding business in Punjab   
    So, they don't object to the transportation of milking cows, but wont allow slaughter... so will we get to see what we were discussion play out in reality? Since farmers can no longer kill the male calves... what will they do with them? separate them and starve them to death? Kill them in secret? 
    Standing back right now looking at this from Canada this is what I see:  India cares more about cows than its people as they have allowed Sikhs to be killed for no reason at all, yet they are protecting the cows. If cows are being protected to such level, where is the protection for the people??
  5. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to kdsingh80 in Beef-ban issue hits Rs 2,500 crore cow-breeding business in Punjab   
    This is what they do with  calves
     Of course cows and calves can be killed in above humane way so all religious hypocrits can drink their milk.Just turn blind eye toward these and continue living in denial
  6. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to kdsingh80 in Granthi' among 2 held for sacrilege incidents in Amritsar, Ludhiana   
    even pre partition or 1984 era people were very kind to each other , I sincerly hope they don't do anything to sikhs 
  7. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from SAadmin in Granthi' among 2 held for sacrilege incidents in Amritsar, Ludhiana   
    I am praying this does not escalate...some are suggesting this could end up escalating to 1984 all over again.  To everyone who has family in Punjab I will pray for you.  Even my inlaws and husband are in India though they are in Kashmir not Punjab.  
  8. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Koi in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Here is another different interview... it was in print in Times India Chandigarh November 17 2014 Issue:

  9. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from das in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Some of you will find this entertaining.  Interview was from last November, but The Sikh Review printed it in the Sept 2015 issue.  I don't care if my real name is in it (previous and new one both) I don't have anything to hide.
    However, I am praying that there won't be any personal attacks either through the Sangat here in person etc...as a result of my posting this. Please keep your negative comments / attacks to here only. 

  10. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Koi in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Some of you will find this entertaining.  Interview was from last November, but The Sikh Review printed it in the Sept 2015 issue.  I don't care if my real name is in it (previous and new one both) I don't have anything to hide.
    However, I am praying that there won't be any personal attacks either through the Sangat here in person etc...as a result of my posting this. Please keep your negative comments / attacks to here only. 

  11. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from jaikaara in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Wanda is my birth name... Harkiran once I took a Sikh name and H came up as the letter... the significance of Harkiran was my Dad just before he died in 2001, he said something about 'remembering the light' so I wanted light in the meaning. 
    I was using Satkirin because I didn't want to use my real name in forums... but I don't care anymore. 
  12. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from ibrute in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Here is another different interview... it was in print in Times India Chandigarh November 17 2014 Issue:

  13. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Singh123456777 in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Some of you will find this entertaining.  Interview was from last November, but The Sikh Review printed it in the Sept 2015 issue.  I don't care if my real name is in it (previous and new one both) I don't have anything to hide.
    However, I am praying that there won't be any personal attacks either through the Sangat here in person etc...as a result of my posting this. Please keep your negative comments / attacks to here only. 

  14. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from ibrute in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Some of you will find this entertaining.  Interview was from last November, but The Sikh Review printed it in the Sept 2015 issue.  I don't care if my real name is in it (previous and new one both) I don't have anything to hide.
    However, I am praying that there won't be any personal attacks either through the Sangat here in person etc...as a result of my posting this. Please keep your negative comments / attacks to here only. 

  15. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Sat1176 in My Story in Print in The Sikh Review Sept 2015 Issue   
    Some of you will find this entertaining.  Interview was from last November, but The Sikh Review printed it in the Sept 2015 issue.  I don't care if my real name is in it (previous and new one both) I don't have anything to hide.
    However, I am praying that there won't be any personal attacks either through the Sangat here in person etc...as a result of my posting this. Please keep your negative comments / attacks to here only. 

  16. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Singh123456777 in Canadian Elections are announced who you guys supporting?   
    I voted NDP here... and if I was in Brampton I would have voted NDP for Martin Singh :) He is from Halifax. I will just be happy if Harper loses...
  17. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Ragmaala in Respect for SGPC maryada   
    so its really the viles of minds in a female or male form.
  18. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Lucky in Brahamgyanis and pain   
    Paapiman, ...we all can conquer.   we all have the same minds. ...bramgyanee's mind is drenched in the paramatma completely... but it is still the same jyot saroop.
    You have to try and look at everything as a whole.
    To be in gurmat, you have to step towards non-dualistic. ..
    When you say brahm-gyanee and non brahm gyanee...then you are creating even more dualistic dubida...in this maya world that we are already in.
    That my friend, is the wrong attitude when walking towards God. We have to try and learn to stop seeing black and white. and creating excuses of this white that is black,, this is man that is woman...etc.
  19. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to Lucky in Viewing Husband as God (with evidence)   
    A true gurmukh sees GOD in every one and every thing...........Sabh Gobind hai, Gobind bin na koyee
  20. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from kdsingh80 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    While we can not ensure that every single thing we come in contact with was at some point causing intentional harm to animals etc, milk is a different issue because we can CHOOSE not to buy it.  I'm not against drinking milk, or eating eggs and consume both.  Though I don't eat meat (for other reasons, not religious - for me it's the antibiotics, hormones etc that I dont want in my system.)
    What I am speaking against is the HYPOCRISY of making the statement that meat is dissallowed in Sikhi because of mistreatment of animals, while you gulp your milk and turn a blind eye to the killing of baby calves so you can have that glass of milk.  In Paapiman's mind, it's ok as long as someone else does the killing... using that logic, then its also ok to eat the meat as well, since someone else killed it.  

    In fact it's the HYPOCRISY that Gurbani speaks against, and not the actual meat eating... if you actually read the shabads which mention it:

    ਮਾਸੁ ਮਾਸੁ ਕਰਿ ਮੂਰਖੁ ਝਗੜੇ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਧਿਆਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਜਾਣੈ ॥
    Mās mās kar mūrakẖ jẖagṛe gi▫ān ḏẖi▫ān nahī jāṇai.
    The fools argue about flesh and meat, but they know nothing about meditation and spiritual wisdom. 
    ਕਉਣੁ ਮਾਸੁ ਕਉਣੁ ਸਾਗੁ ਕਹਾਵੈ ਕਿਸੁ ਮਹਿ ਪਾਪ ਸਮਾਣੇ ॥
     Ka▫uṇ mās ka▫uṇ sāg kahāvai kis mėh pāp samāṇe.
    What is called meat, and what is called green vegetables? What leads to sin? 

    What do think he is speaking against? Meat eating? Or being a hyporcite, claiming you are 'holier than thou' by being vegetarian, but doing nothing to further your spiritual path? Then, he outright asks, what is called meat and what is called green vegetables? What leads to sin? In other words the idea of what we consume being directly related to sin, is condemned, or that by being vegetarian somehow makes you more spiritual. 

    Further down in the same shabad:

    ਮਾਸੁ ਛੋਡਿ ਬੈਸਿ ਨਕੁ ਪਕੜਹਿ ਰਾਤੀ ਮਾਣਸ ਖਾਣੇ ॥
    Mās cẖẖod bais nak pakṛėh rāṯī māṇas kẖāṇe.
    Those who renounce meat, and hold their noses when sitting near it, devour men at night. 
    ਫੜੁ ਕਰਿ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਨੋ ਦਿਖਲਾਵਹਿ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਧਿਆਨੁ ਨਹੀ ਸੂਝੈ ॥ 
    Faṛ kar lokāʼn no ḏikẖlāvahi gi▫ān ḏẖi▫ān nahī sūjẖai.
    They practice hypocrisy, and make a show before other people, but they do not understand anything about meditation or spiritual wisdom. 

  21. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from kdsingh80 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    Not ALL plants... just the ones that die as a result.  We can eat the ones which naturally drop their fruit, because the main plant lives.  The fruit dropps to spread the seeds anyway. 

    So this includes things like beans and lentils would be fine. Also eggplants, peppers, peas, tomatoes, corn etc. which are plucked off the parent plant. Rice and other grains are also ok because it's essentially the seed pod we use. 
    Most fruits are ok and berries etc. Because the plant does not die. 
    But not root vegetables like potatoes (so much for aloo), yams, turnips, carrots, gobi, brocoli, etc.  because the plant dies as a result. Even mushroom would be bad...

    Maybe this is why Gurbani says to eat simply... I remember a quote about lentils and rice... using the vegetables that do not kill the plant itself, there are still many options! 

    In olden times, there weren't alternatives to dairy... now there are.  So if we are against killing... and if we are for protecting cows... then should we really use dairy when there are things like rice milk, almond milk, margarine, vegan cheese, etc?? I mean, even in the west here, if you are interested in the whole turkey dinner at holidays thing... there is a whole turkey made of tofu you can buy! Complete with a stuffing made of rice and cranberries and vegan gravy in the kit!  (I've tried it, and it's not bad!)
    Eggs, are ok as long as they are not from a factory farm, but instead a small organic free range operation. Chickens lay eggs regularly anyway, and there's no male chicks born since they are never fertilized.  Eggs are much more humane (as long as you avoid factory farms) than dairy - and is still only a 'product' of an animal and not anything living which was killed.
  22. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from kdsingh80 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    How is that funny???  You kept all those baby bows??? Or you find it funny that they are sold for slaughter or left to starve to death in their first weeks of life? There is NO WAY that ALL of the baby cows on ANY dairy farm are kept.  You'd quickly be overrun by cows!! 
  23. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from Singh123456777 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    Not ALL plants... just the ones that die as a result.  We can eat the ones which naturally drop their fruit, because the main plant lives.  The fruit dropps to spread the seeds anyway. 

    So this includes things like beans and lentils would be fine. Also eggplants, peppers, peas, tomatoes, corn etc. which are plucked off the parent plant. Rice and other grains are also ok because it's essentially the seed pod we use. 
    Most fruits are ok and berries etc. Because the plant does not die. 
    But not root vegetables like potatoes (so much for aloo), yams, turnips, carrots, gobi, brocoli, etc.  because the plant dies as a result. Even mushroom would be bad...

    Maybe this is why Gurbani says to eat simply... I remember a quote about lentils and rice... using the vegetables that do not kill the plant itself, there are still many options! 

    In olden times, there weren't alternatives to dairy... now there are.  So if we are against killing... and if we are for protecting cows... then should we really use dairy when there are things like rice milk, almond milk, margarine, vegan cheese, etc?? I mean, even in the west here, if you are interested in the whole turkey dinner at holidays thing... there is a whole turkey made of tofu you can buy! Complete with a stuffing made of rice and cranberries and vegan gravy in the kit!  (I've tried it, and it's not bad!)
    Eggs, are ok as long as they are not from a factory farm, but instead a small organic free range operation. Chickens lay eggs regularly anyway, and there's no male chicks born since they are never fertilized.  Eggs are much more humane (as long as you avoid factory farms) than dairy - and is still only a 'product' of an animal and not anything living which was killed.
  24. Like
    CdnSikhGirl reacted to kdsingh80 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    Earlier male calves were castrated and used to plough or pull cart but now with tractors this purpose is over , most farmers delibrately  starve the calves if they are of no value .
  25. Like
    CdnSikhGirl got a reaction from kdsingh80 in Deeper Insight Towards Meat Debate (Veggie Vs Non Veggie)   
    1) In order to produce milk a cow must get pregnant.
    2) One cow does not produce much milk ( we are speaking about amounts to sell and be lucrative
    3) Cow has baby cow... baby cow needs that milk. But wait... the humans want that milk.
    4) what do you think happens to the baby cows???
    5) SOME calves are allowed to grow to become milkers... FEMALES only.  Very FEW males are kept to be breeders. The males mostly are killed. Many females are too, as we are talking about LOTS of babies each year.  No farmer has the crops or space to expand their cattle herd by this many of babies per year which is what would happen if they kept all the babies and allowed them to grow and live full natural lives.  Again, what do you do with the babies?? Sell them to other dairy farms? They have their own babies to deal with. 

    What do you think happens to the baby cows, aprticularly the males???????  They are killed... or sold for meat / slaughter.  They usually are killed within the first weeks of life, to be used as a meat called veal.
    Every time you drink milk or use dairy, there was baby cows that were killed so that the dairy product could be made instead of feeding the baby cow.  There is no way to get around it or else youd have way too many males cows on the famr in no time which the farmer then has to feed and is not getting any return on.  The dairy industry indirectly feeds the veal industry.  If you dont know what veal is, please Google it.

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