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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Premi in What You Guys Reading These Days?   
    Dally got me hooked on The Walking Dead series. Been reading the compendiums. 2 down, 1 more left to go.
  2. Confused
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Crystal in Is being vegan compatible with sikh traditions   
    What does GMO have to do with anything?
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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from paapiman in Bandi Bir - Eulogy in Bengali of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur   
    Chardi kala.
  5. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from sarabatam in what is meant by Hukm in SGGS?   
    Stated another way, Hukam is the present moment.
    In simple words, Hukam is the here and now.
    From Jap ji Sahib -
    "How can one realize the truth that all is impermanent?
    By staying with the current of the eternal present moment one can recognize things for what they truly are.
    What is the eternal present moment?
    The eternal present moment cannot be stated, you can only be with it. But know that it is in the present moment in which things take form, in which living beings come to life, in which greatness is obtained, in which one becomes high or low, in which pleasure and pain is received. Everything is happening inside this eternal moment, there is nothing outside of it."
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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਿ ਦਿਨਸੁ ਰਾਤਿ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹਰਿ ਧਨੁ ਜਾਨੁ ॥
    Ram naam nu din raat japo, es tara Gurmukh nu Hari de dhan bare pata lag jaunda hai.

    Jap all day Lunalon. Whenever you remember it, start your Jap. Don't stop, keep going. If you lose track, get back to the Jap.
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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from wjkkwjkf in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    Yes by chanting Ram naam, Kabir ji merged into Ram. By changing Ram naam, Hanuman ji merged into Ram.
    God's devotees have merged into God. By singing their praises you can obtain God.
    Kavi Kalya ji says -
    ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਚਰਣ ਕਵਲ ਰਿਦਿ ਧਾਰੰ ॥ ਗੁਰ ਅਰਜੁਨ ਗੁਣ ਸਹਜਿ ਬਿਚਾਰੰ ॥
    Enshrine the feet of the True guru in your heart and patiently meditate on the virtues of Guru Arjun Dev ji.
  8. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from wjkkwjkf in hanuman ji in kalijug   
    That's what I was wondering lol. Maybe he's got me confused with someone else.
    Ram means 'pleasing'.
    Vishnu means 'present everywhere, in everything' ie Akal Purakh, Waheguru.
    (Ref - Vishnu Sahasarnama, Sanskrit Dictionary)

    Ram Chandra ji is considered an avtar of Vishnu ji, that is to say, there is no distinction between Vishnu and Ram. Vishnu is one who is present everywhere, in everything, thus you can say Ram is present everywhere, in everything.
    The body has an end and beginning. However consciousness does not. It's important to make a distinction between the body of Ram and his consciousness, his being.
    When Saints are referring to Ram, they are referring to consciousness, Purakh (Akal Purakh). When Bhagat Valmiki ji was writing Ramayan, ie story of Ram Chandra ji, he was referring to Akal Purakh descending down to Earth and... well you know the rest.

    So come to Hanuman ji, who did bhagti of Ram ji and merged into him. If he merged into that which is present everywhere and in everything, then where do you think you will find Hanuman ji?
  9. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Power of Gurbani vs Dark forces, jantar, tantar , mantar   
    Ragmaala I agree that common usage is negative. I'm glad you are aware of that since that was the point I was trying to make. So cool... carry on I guess.

    Just one thing before you do.

    I think you are quite learned and I think you are probably aware of this, so this is more of a rant than anything...
    when people read - "Veds cannot grasp God" - they think Gurbani rejects Veds completely.
    when people read - "Rituals are useless" - they think Gurbani rejects rituals completely.

    What is missing here is understanding of the full story.

    What is the full story?
    "Ved cannot grasp God... because nobody can! God cannot be grasped, He can only be tasted and that too by a consciousness, by your own individual, not by someone else's book or someone else's words."
    "Rituals are useless... if God is not on your mind and in your heart, while you are doing the ritual."

    So reading the full shabad you mentioned, Guru Arjun Dev ji says "Mantar tantar are like ashes... the real deal is getting God in your mind and heart"  ਅਉਖਧ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਤੰਤ ਸਭਿ ਛਾਰੁ ...  ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰੁ ਰਿਦੇ ਮਹਿ ਧਾਰੁ

    Recognize the importance of having Parmatma in the ritual, without which the ritual is akin to ashes.

    That's the full story.
  10. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from ekam in Power of Gurbani vs Dark forces, jantar, tantar , mantar   
    I don't why you equate jantar, tantar, mantar with dark forces.

    Jantar - instrument
    Tantar - method
    Mantar - incantation

    There is nothing inherently dark about those.
  11. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from 1234 in Earths shape according to sikhi   
    That's exactly what you are doing.
    Here you are just restating the story and ideas you have read or heard without paying any attention to what they mean. That's not knowledge. Even a parrot can repeat what it heard. Knowledge is making the right connections between different things, not parroting the things you have heard or read.

    Let's start over.

    The basic story is -
    Hiranyaksh took earth into primordial waters. Vishnu ji pulled it out of primordial waters.

    Let's consider the word "primordial waters" - What do you think this means?
  12. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Koi in The Pythagoreans   
    Holy! Ancient Indians also wore turbans and

    Interesting links:
    Baudhāyana, (fl. c. 800 BCE)
    Indian writings talk about pythagorean theorem way before Pythagoras (c. 570 BC – c. 495 BC)

    I am guessing Pythagoras was inspired by Indians quite a bit, and he took a part of our culture with him to Greece.
  13. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from tva prasad in Creation according to first episode of Vishnu Purana   
    You left this out from my quote -
    It brings more clarity into any given problem.

    Look problems are always hard. But they are made a lot easier if you can see clearly. How can a blind person solve 2+2 on their sheet if they can't see even see 2+2 on the sheet. 2+2 is a very simple problem that is made overly complicated with blindness.
    Ok not the best analogy but you get what I saying.
    In this manner, I have noticed people in my personal life get overly entangled in trying to solve simple problems, that have very clear solutions. But because they are dreaming, they are not in full control.
    They don't have free will. Waking up by surrendering to God, paradoxically gives free will. It's the biggest paradox. You surrender over your will to God and you get more free will.

    it's true. You surrnder yourself fully and you suddenly transform into the most free person. Freedom radiates from within. it is true freedom.

    This waking up brings more composure into your life so that you can deal with such problems to your best. How can you walk straight to your destination when the wind is blowing so strongly that it pushes you away?
    When you wake up, you become still and you can walk straight to your destination.
    Look growth is a gift of God. Things are always going to be challenging because we grow through overcoming challenges. Life is always going to throw challenges.
    Waking up gives us the ability to enjoy very tough challenges that would otherwise not be enjoyable.
    It allows you to live your life fully!
    In sad moments, it is joyful sadness. In angry moments, it is calm anger.

    It is a big ass paradox.
  14. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from tva prasad in Creation according to first episode of Vishnu Purana   
    @Ragmaala @paapiman
    You are not dreaming within a dream of someone else. You are that who is dreaming.
    We are all that, that collective consciousness., who has been dreaming. Some of us have woken up though and are participating in the dream in a waking state.
  15. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Liv in Woman As Guru   
    Make a separate thread on that topic. Talk about the references that you have found. Post them up so everyone can see what you are talking about, that way we can be on the same page. Put up images, books, etc whatever you can to make your case as convincing as possible.

    I think that will be very beneficial for those like me who are interested in pre-Singh Sabha history.
  16. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Liv in Hoping to Discuss Sikhism   
    Which makes sense.
    @jaikaara bhaji told me that in the Rajput community, they commonly refer to other Men as Singhs regardless whether they write Singh in their name or not, . And I know from my own experience that in India, Women are referred to as Devi. One example is the modern phrase "Deviyon aur Sajjano", which is used as "Ladies and Gentlemen".
  17. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Liv in Hoping to Discuss Sikhism   
    I don't think this is the case.
    Khalsa was the army only. They should uphold the core principles passed down by the 10 Gurus and they should be ready to fight in battles at a moment's notice. And so the disciplines for being a warrior, keeping yourself healthy, etc all followed. These disciplines are not required by the general Sikh population.
    No he did not intend all Sikh to be in the Khalsa army. Of course he wanted the khalsa army to be as big as possible but he also recognized that many Sikhs would be unfit for the army.
    I think words like Sehajdhari and Amritdhari emerged during British Rah to categorize Sikhs.
    When these words are understood in the context of Guru Granth Sahib, they mean the same thing. However when understood in the context of public sphere then they are referring to two very different groups of people.
    A lot of families gave 'Khande da Amrit' to children after they are born. However we do not call these children Amritdhari.
    All Sikhs were initiated by their Gurus via Charn Amrit. This was a tradition wide spread in India. So all Sikhs were baptized by Gurus. All Sikhs of 10 Gurus were baptized by the Gurus. Some did it through Charn Amrit , others did through Khande da Amrit.
    However unlike previous Gurus, Guru Gobind Singh ji's baptism was for creation of Khalsa army also, so not all Sikhs underwent this special initiation.
  18. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Liv in Love and Bhagti   
    Thank you! It's all God's grace. Whispering of the inner guru.
  19. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Liv in Women and Turban = No.   
    Don't we all brother.
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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Lucky in Christian Brahmgyani Drops Bombshells of Gyan   
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    BhagatSingh got a reaction from drawrof in What happens if a Amritdhari lied does he has be pesh in front of the Panj Pyaare?   
    This is where you are wrong. Brahmgyanis are not above human instincts and desires in the way you think they are. To say that Brahmgyanis don't have desires in the way you understand it, is simply not true.
    1. To be "above desire" is to be aware of it. To say Brahmgyanis don't have desires means - Brahmgyanis are hyper aware of their desires and their desires do not control them, the desires do not run their lives. Their desires are tools, not the tool-users.
    Your desires are your tools. You must make this distinction and learn to see this in yourself. You can be Brahmgyani in one instant if you see this.
    2. And they only speak the truth. They say what they embody and if they embody silence then they are silent.
    3. So Suthra ji was experiencing hunger, but he could have gone full day or weeks etc without eating if he needed to. He was hungry and Guru Sahib had said, whoever you think is most hungry, feed him first. 
    4. Suthra ji looked inside himself and acted truthfully (truthful living). The first person he saw as hungry, was himself. So then Suthra fed himself.
    This is speaking the truth. None could be more truthful than this. It would be especially hard to speak the truth like this in the company of Guru Sahib or someone you think is important.
    5. The "technically correct" thing to do from public perspective, was to feed Guru Sahib, but Waheguru is not looking for "correct" things to do. Waheguru feeds on a diet of Truth. The correct thing to do from the perspective of Waheguru is to speak the truth.
    6. Now just because Suhtra ji fed himself, doens't mean you should feed yourself in this manner. Paapiman maybe if you were in place of Suthra ji, and you felt your hunger but saw that Guru Sahib needed to eat first, then if you fed Guru Sahib then you would also be speaking the truth.
    Doing the correct thing =/= speaking the truth. It is different for everybody.
  23. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Brahm kavach   
    OMG you watched Ancient Aliens! Lol

    But yeah, Brahma, Indra, Shiv, Krishna are not aliens, they are names of Parmatma. These are four different religions. Shiv ji and Krishan ji aren't actually blue. Krishan ji is dark-skinned (which has blue hues) and Shiv ji has traditionally been represented with a body smeared with ashes (which are white), in his puratan paintings.
    Vishnu ji was always depicted as blue however.
  24. Like
    BhagatSingh got a reaction from Singh123456777 in SRM forced on the Panth?   
    We've been force-fed certain views, certain beliefs, ideas, that are not present in Guru Granth Sahib.
    Other ideas that are present in Guru Granth Sahib were ignored because they did not fit their narrative.

    The pure understanding of Guru Granth Sahib thus has become very difficult to do, and very difficult to teach, since many people hold these other beliefs very strongly.
    It is already very difficult to grasp begin with and having strong opinions makes it even harder.

    It won't stop me from trying though.
  25. Like
    BhagatSingh reacted to Tina Kaur Bains in Basics Of Sikhi Very sad news   
    Virtual Sangat - every sunday became one of the exciting highlights for myself to listen to katha. Seeing and spending time with Jagraj Veerji changed my life and my mother knows to what levels. I started to live again.
    His subtle compassion to tap into an issue without unfolding an entire personal story. I fought him fiercely with questions and he always won over with me giving deep love and respect to Bani.
    Many girls have approached me from random walks of life - as girls do confide in each other. I always showered them with empathy and love. However I started getting advice from Khalsa Ji Jagraj Veer ji - and I started to realize the girls could only action once advice on issue given - Im in no position to give such gurmat advice. My heart bleeds as to how all these questions that come my way - how I can search out more than one khalsa Fauj member. Jagraj veer ji told me Khalsa is immortal. Im so overwhelmed. Sukhmani Sahib on repeat play.  Where are the khalsa brothers like him whose advice I can share with countless sisters.
    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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