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    Lucky reacted to BhagatSingh in ੴ Onkar ਓਅੰਕਾਰ - In Speaking, In Listening, In Meditating   
    ੴ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਪ੍ਰਸਾਦਿ
    No time for intro, let's dive deep into it.

    How You Pronounce Onkar ਓਅੰਕਾਰ
    Before I get into the meat of the issue, I want to get one thing off my chest because I see a lot of people making this mistake.
    Oankaar/O-a-m-kaar  have no meaning. This is a modern distortion of the word and symbol. People write ਓਅੰਕਾਰ as Oankar however, the ਅ in ਓਅੰਕਾਰ just a placeholder for the tippi. 

    ਓਅੰ means ਓਂ and is pronounced as such.
    But since one never puts a bindi or tippi on ਓ, they never wrote ਓਂ. So they wrote ਓਂ as ਓਅੰ. Even today this is the case.
    ਓਅੰਕਾਰ is Onkar, two syllables not three.
    ਓ - ਅੰ - ਕਾਰ  - incorrect pronunciation
    ਓਂ - ਕਾਰ  - correct pronunciation

    So ਓਂਕਾਰ is written as ਓਅੰਕਾਰ. It means - one continuous ਓਂ sound.
    ੴ <------ Try reading this as an action. something you do, something you perform, rather than something you spell out.
    Like this -

    ਓ isn't pronounced as O, with rounded, squished lips, rather it is pronounced as AU (AO) with mouth wide open and relaxed, as if you are gasping for air.
    ਓਂ AUM is then split into its three components. ਆਕਾਰ ਉਕਾਰ ਮੰਕਾਰ meaning continuous A ਆ , continuous U ਉ, continuous M ਮੰ
    A U M ਆ ਉ ਮੰ -These are the three sounds that go into making ਓਂ .
    Thus ਓਂ is the most primal sound vibration. Now why is that? There are several reasons for this.
    Onkar ਓਅੰਕਾਰ Comes from Your Mouth
    When you do not use your lips or tongue there are three sounds you can make with your mouth. Try it, pull back your lips and hold your tongue in place and try to make different sounds with your mouth.
    Look in a mirror to make sure no movement occurs in those areas.

    You'll get something like - ਆ ਉ ਮੰ  A U M
    This is the most primal sound to you because it can be made prior to any movement of lips and tongue. Thus ਆ ਉ ਮੰ are considered the most primal sounds known to man. This is the beginning of speech.
    All other sounds are more complicated like B, P, K,G, J, Y, V etc. they require more complicated vocalization, movement of lips and positioning of tongue. Certain sounds are very hard as they require very precise and sharp speech like this Sanskrit letter - ष, which shows up in Gurbani as ਖ or ਸ/ਸ਼ in words like ਪੁਰਖ, ਮੋਖ and ਵਿਸੇਖ, and ਦੋਸ, because it is complex and noticeably harder to pronounce.
    But back to Onkar - AUM is such a sound that is most basic and most primitive and most primal. I believe AUM can even be made by those who lack the ability to speak. As long as their vocal chords are functional, they will be able to say A, U, and make nasal sounds.

    Onkar ਓਅੰਕਾਰ Resonates in Your Body
    The 'O' sound resonate more in your belly. Than any other vowel. 'A' typically resonates in your chest and nasal M resonates in nasal cavity, nose. Thus AUM is meant to resonate in your entire torso and make it come to life.
    Onkar is designed to cause your Chakras to activate
    "Chakras" might sound like woo-woo nonsense but it basically means your "nervous system" in your belly, chest and nose. Chanting Onkar, causes these areas to vibrate as the air is forced out of the lungs through the vibration of the vocal chords.
    When you open your mouth wide and make this noise it will stimulate your nervous system around your vital organs.
    AUM resonates and stimulates your nerves in the torso. It stimulates the nerves in your belly, chest and nose. And through this resonation, you can stimulate the nerves in your entire body, including your vital organs, around your cardiovascular system, digestive system, etc. I believe this type of nervous stimulation is actually great for the health of your organs, as it increases the circulation of blood to these organsl.
    Start with that, you can further attune your attention and focus to the point where you can see your whole body vibrate upon one chant of Onkar.

    Listening to Onkar ਓਅੰਕਾਰ with Your Ears
    Not only does Onkar exist in the form of primal human speech and noise-making, and not only does it stimulate your nervous system in an extra-ordinary way but it also exists as the background naad, meaning sound vibration, in your ears.
    Your ear-drum's resting vibration is the Onkar.
    Listen to it.
    When you enter into a silent state of being. In your ears, what you are hearing can ultimately be described as Onkar.
    Try to listen to this tone in your right ear because your right ear is connected to the left side of the brain. Neuroscientists know that the left side of the brain is more associated with language and recognizing distinctions in the world.

    The left side of your brain causes you to sense a distinct shape of your body and separates shapes of other bodies so that you may navigate in the physical world. The left side of the brain also has language centers that process words and meanings.

    So I believe that when you listen to Onkar with your right ear in silence or when you make the AUM sound and listen to that, what you are doing is sending direct signals to your left brain and telling your left brain to quiet down.
    When you stimulate the left brain with sound, it has to quiet down with regards to its language, distinction-making processes and it must now focus on the sound. When you do this, you will feel very much at ease with life, and you will notice that the inner monologue that is constantly playing in your head will become quiet as it is mostly the product of your left brain.
    This inner monologue can drain you so be careful, recognize when it is draining and quieten it, to achieve the best results.
    Overall this will fill you up with vitality and lots of energy for the day. No need for coffee or other stimulants.

    ਓਅੰਕਾਰ is pronounced as Onkar/ ਓਂਕਾਰ It means - one continuous ਓਂ sound - composed of ਆਕਾਰ ਉਕਾਰ ਮੰਕਾਰ meaning continuous ਆ , continuous ਉ, continuous nasal ਮੰ, which in English is - A, U, and nasal sound M Onkar is the primal form of speech, existing prior to other complex sounds like B, K, J, Y, etc. Onkar resonates in the belly, chest and nose and thus stimulates the nervous system around your vital organs, which has multiple health benefits. Onkar can be heard in the ear. It is the resting tone of your ear, which can be heard in silence. Listening to the Onkar, with the right ear, stimulates the left side of the brain, which also has multiple health benefits.  
  2. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from BhagatSingh in What is the meaning of 108?   
    Dear member,
    The above one-liner pangtees have to be addressed in the full context of the shabads and have been challenged previously on other forums because the messages have been distorted. You are free and kindly encouraged to start a sensible discussion in order to discuss the real esoteric messages for these shabads.
    All our actions, whether they be counting, praying, preaching or whatever...can be done in BOTH a Manmat or Gurmat manner, depending on where the devotee's intentions and attention is focused at...... Bhagat Dhana, the simple jatt, had darshan of waheguru on more than one occasion before he became One with the almighty Lord-Sachey patshah.... Were his intentions towards the stone he worshipped gurmat or manmat??  (T.Singh is also welcome to come and have a sensible discussion about his interpretations as well)
  3. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from sarabatam in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    There is a lot of significance between what the left side and right sides mean and hold.  The right limbs symbolise the doing of "now" and "future'', whereas the left is the ''past'' or what was originally ''destined''. Remember that gurbani tells us we can write our own destinies and change them via our actions of the "now" and "present".
    The asana of meditating with right foot resting on top of left thigh is the ideal one and takes some practice, but it is significant for using meditation to transform you towards the jyot.
    I think there is a lot more to those fruits than some of us know. Bananas and apples give auras of huge radiance and energy.
    The black loi is definitely about warmth, shelter and protection....meaning that when you are meditating with prem to the Lord, then he takes care of all your sheltering and provisions without you having to worry. This is all about faith,... because worrying about food and survival will all lead to Manmat, no matter what route or method we take. I remember in gurbani and even in the bible there is a passage about the birds not having to worry about food for the next day because they are in more resonance with hukam.
    I've never thought about the eyes and the looking straight, but it got me thinking and made me realise that it must hold some deeper conscious and even sub-conscious values. Our own Bhagat will now more with his super artistic vision skills, ....but there must be something about the affect it can have on the viewer. I think that if someone tries to meditate just on a number of different paintings to try and get "single-one pointed" focus and dhyian; then they will probably find it easier on this painting, because I know that I certainly do and it can help give you that absorption pretty rapidly.
  4. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Bhoolea bhatkea in Seeing Aura   
    Hey young bro- well done!
    I didn't see this thread until now, but I see you've been given plenty of responses.  I too, see the aura's that you are mentioning, though I've never spoken about them too much because most people don't understand and think your nuts!
    I know it really gets you when you first begin to notice it and then out of curiosity you start looking around everywhere. You start to notice the different shades and colours and then it can shock you when something like a banana emits a completely unpredictable colour. After a while, I interpreted these aura visions as something where you inner sight is opening up to the outside.
    Nowadays, I don't pay attention to it but I know it's there and I know I can. You may slowly develop your own kind of method whereby you will associate it with energies. I know I'm always blabbing about energies, but it is something much bigger than we think.  In relation to this thread, you can or  you will begin to develop a method to associate the auras with energies. I find this more informative because you can sense good and bad energies. This can be very useful if you are into self-healing because you are able to see and feel darker energy areas around your own body. This makes it easier to self heal as you can concentrate your dhyian on that area and using techniques, can start removing the negative and darker auras. You can also use this same ability to see darker energies in others but I tend to stay away from going in that direction. I can tell you that about a year ago I could see and sense a darker aura around someone's head that was visiting us. A few months later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe that was coincidental or just something else, but I don't go around trying to feel peoples energies any more because I need the energies to be fixing myself and continuing my own journey. At the gurdwara, I have on occasions been able to pick up and sense members of sangat with high spiritual avasthas, and that's the only time when I genuinely feel that I'm not intruding into another persons privacy zone.
    With what people say about focusing on this stuff or not, I can say that Yes, you shouldn't let it distract you from your own simran. Coming back to energies, I find that the personal inner energy that one may use for this or other riddi siddis, leaves you drained and losing your own inner light. I think the most positive result of auras and few other siddis that followed was the recognition and connection with everything around us as ONE. You become more reassured and convinced about this after you may realise how you can connect your own aura energy with another energy, ...and that's when some heavy distractions can begin that may defy some universal laws that we openly accept.
    Title of this thread is "seeing auras"". I would suggest that you start "feeling auras" and then move on and focus dhyian on what you started initially. You will know that you are back on track because the next intriguing event should most probably be something personally spiritual.
  5. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from gsm52 in The 5 khands in Sri Japuji Sahib   
    Very good!
    I totally agree that they are spiritual for self journey. But they can also be 'experienced'  in terms of your own consciousness, as to the stages that it has to ascend i it's spiritual transformation.
    Funny thing is that over the years, I've done a few little self interpretations here and there that are mostly a little botched, and un-sequenced,... because I've probably taken a little bit from here and there with all the different variations that exist in sikhi world!  ...However, nowadays,... I see it a little more clearly and actually realise that all the information and facts you will ever need were mostly right there in the pauris from 34 beginning with "Rati ruti tithi var" .
    DHARAM Khand, like Gurpreet says, is the 1st stage of realisation or as I would describe ->the Path of DHARAM.
    Guru Nanak ji tells us,.. that we are on earth, which is itself a DHARMSAAL.     DHARAMSAAL is described as what I understand, an old "inn" or meeting place/place of rest/ some en route location. ..etc,,     This means that we ALL start here or end up here, no matter what dharam. A single Dharam is required as the path to the top of the mountain. If we imagine all the different dharams as individual paths to the top, and we can only walk on one single one all the way according to where and what situation/place we are in.   DHARAMSAAL, in it stopover sense, shows that, we/manukhs, are all here in the Dharamsaal according to our KARAMS and our binding to the Lak chaurasi joon cycle. It becomes apparent from gurbani later on, that we are all in the same lakh chaurasi cycle, and have this one-off opportunity to take DHARAM.
    I may be wrong, but I understand, that as our first steps and reason for ending up in this joon; is to work on BOTH our KARAM and DHARAM. (not to confuse the 'karams' here with KARAMKHAND later on)
    Overall, in these 5 khand pauris, Guruji has explained the route or journey to -->> SACHKHAND, and to which we can transform our consciousness into 'permanently'.  Sachkhand is actually existing here and everywhere because ''Sackhand vasai Nirankar'' and Nirankar is himself the creator and in the creation (remember- Farida Khalak Khalk Meh Khalk Vasay Rab Maahe "The Creator God Is In The Creation, And The Creation Abides In God" ).. He is the All-pervading, all-knowing, right here, right now. So Sachkhand is not some million miles away.
    I can try explain in more depth and following the gurbani- tuks when I get more time......but in a nutshell,.... We start by taking path of DHARAM KHAND and working our KARAMS. Gurbani explains in many places after japji, that taking DHARAM and giving full devotion of self seva, self sacrificing Mat and haumai  to satguru.-->, can get you walking the mountain path in Hukam, as per gurmukh and being in 100% gurmat. This will start erasing all your karams one by one! .....  this is 1st DHARAMKHAND realm.
    (Amerdeep ji  questioned of why khands are never mentioned again in bani?...and I would understand that all the bani that follows, expounds and opens up in depth of exactly how one is to transform their consciousness after taking birth on the Dharamsaal to get to Sachkhand).      Also, in another thread, I explained my understanding of the later jath pahara tirajh suniar/ Goldsmith verse as being a technique of helping you practice and realise yourself in this transforming process, by using technique of NAAM JAP. when one starts Dharam khand steps.
    Second stage is GYAAN KHAND.  and this stage begins when Naad becomes manifest. (Gyan Khand meh gyan patchand, tithai NAAD binodh kod anand)...or should I say that Gyan begins at Naad. The gyaan is not just intuitive knowledge. But it is a continuous gyaan of increased awareness, consciousness expansion, ridd sidh- nau nidh and all the signals mentioned in prabh ka simran pauri of sukhmani sahib lets say... all the washing of dirt from mann, purification ,,gyaan to help power 5 dhuts   etc      Then is SARAM KHAND and KARAM KHAND, which are very close and describe the path/stage leading one up to "Sacha Darbar"  or the court of the lord. These are the heavens that are mentioned in many faiths and assumed to be final destinations,... but Guru Nanak Dev ji has given us the ultimate guide to beyond these angelic heavens and joys that sit outside the door of Waheguru's darbar. (I'm sure that heavens are not sachkhand). Saram Khand and Karam Khand  are described as being near impossible to depict or express,  but Dhan dhan Guru Nanak Dev ji sachey patshah has given the nishanees (insignias) with subtle hints in those pauris, so that they can be acknowledged and recognized to the seeker.
  6. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from BhagatSingh in Seeing Aura   
    Hey young bro- well done!
    I didn't see this thread until now, but I see you've been given plenty of responses.  I too, see the aura's that you are mentioning, though I've never spoken about them too much because most people don't understand and think your nuts!
    I know it really gets you when you first begin to notice it and then out of curiosity you start looking around everywhere. You start to notice the different shades and colours and then it can shock you when something like a banana emits a completely unpredictable colour. After a while, I interpreted these aura visions as something where you inner sight is opening up to the outside.
    Nowadays, I don't pay attention to it but I know it's there and I know I can. You may slowly develop your own kind of method whereby you will associate it with energies. I know I'm always blabbing about energies, but it is something much bigger than we think.  In relation to this thread, you can or  you will begin to develop a method to associate the auras with energies. I find this more informative because you can sense good and bad energies. This can be very useful if you are into self-healing because you are able to see and feel darker energy areas around your own body. This makes it easier to self heal as you can concentrate your dhyian on that area and using techniques, can start removing the negative and darker auras. You can also use this same ability to see darker energies in others but I tend to stay away from going in that direction. I can tell you that about a year ago I could see and sense a darker aura around someone's head that was visiting us. A few months later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe that was coincidental or just something else, but I don't go around trying to feel peoples energies any more because I need the energies to be fixing myself and continuing my own journey. At the gurdwara, I have on occasions been able to pick up and sense members of sangat with high spiritual avasthas, and that's the only time when I genuinely feel that I'm not intruding into another persons privacy zone.
    With what people say about focusing on this stuff or not, I can say that Yes, you shouldn't let it distract you from your own simran. Coming back to energies, I find that the personal inner energy that one may use for this or other riddi siddis, leaves you drained and losing your own inner light. I think the most positive result of auras and few other siddis that followed was the recognition and connection with everything around us as ONE. You become more reassured and convinced about this after you may realise how you can connect your own aura energy with another energy, ...and that's when some heavy distractions can begin that may defy some universal laws that we openly accept.
    Title of this thread is "seeing auras"". I would suggest that you start "feeling auras" and then move on and focus dhyian on what you started initially. You will know that you are back on track because the next intriguing event should most probably be something personally spiritual.
  7. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from GurpreetKaur in Need help   
    @singh11 I encourage you to pay attention to the good advice from Dalsingh101, Gunahgar and bibi GurpreetKaur ji!
    Seriously suggest a referral from your family physician/GP for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via specialist/psychologist. 
    I've personally had CBT for a few years with a psychologist and find it amazing. In my case, it was recommended for my serious injuries and to help me cope since I was determined to work through it without conventional prescription meds. I think this worried all my therapists and they pushed me into the counselling.  In all honesty, I can tell you that it really helps change your perception in a very gurmat attitude because it trains you to think and act outside of your own ego. Also from my experience, I can tell you that you can't target the problem areas that need addressing by use of cbt videos or books but you definitely need the physical guidance and counselling of a professional. They are trained to provide this service and now how to address each area with their expertise.
    They will also give you techniques that will be tailored just for you to help you focus and become efficient with your paath and simran. I have been quite lucky since my psychologist has deep spiritual interests of her own and she has been able to help guide with improvisation of additional ideas and methods.
  8. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from BhagatSingh in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    There is a lot of significance between what the left side and right sides mean and hold.  The right limbs symbolise the doing of "now" and "future'', whereas the left is the ''past'' or what was originally ''destined''. Remember that gurbani tells us we can write our own destinies and change them via our actions of the "now" and "present".
    The asana of meditating with right foot resting on top of left thigh is the ideal one and takes some practice, but it is significant for using meditation to transform you towards the jyot.
    I think there is a lot more to those fruits than some of us know. Bananas and apples give auras of huge radiance and energy.
    The black loi is definitely about warmth, shelter and protection....meaning that when you are meditating with prem to the Lord, then he takes care of all your sheltering and provisions without you having to worry. This is all about faith,... because worrying about food and survival will all lead to Manmat, no matter what route or method we take. I remember in gurbani and even in the bible there is a passage about the birds not having to worry about food for the next day because they are in more resonance with hukam.
    I've never thought about the eyes and the looking straight, but it got me thinking and made me realise that it must hold some deeper conscious and even sub-conscious values. Our own Bhagat will now more with his super artistic vision skills, ....but there must be something about the affect it can have on the viewer. I think that if someone tries to meditate just on a number of different paintings to try and get "single-one pointed" focus and dhyian; then they will probably find it easier on this painting, because I know that I certainly do and it can help give you that absorption pretty rapidly.
  9. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Sat1176 in Seeing Aura   
    Hey young bro- well done!
    I didn't see this thread until now, but I see you've been given plenty of responses.  I too, see the aura's that you are mentioning, though I've never spoken about them too much because most people don't understand and think your nuts!
    I know it really gets you when you first begin to notice it and then out of curiosity you start looking around everywhere. You start to notice the different shades and colours and then it can shock you when something like a banana emits a completely unpredictable colour. After a while, I interpreted these aura visions as something where you inner sight is opening up to the outside.
    Nowadays, I don't pay attention to it but I know it's there and I know I can. You may slowly develop your own kind of method whereby you will associate it with energies. I know I'm always blabbing about energies, but it is something much bigger than we think.  In relation to this thread, you can or  you will begin to develop a method to associate the auras with energies. I find this more informative because you can sense good and bad energies. This can be very useful if you are into self-healing because you are able to see and feel darker energy areas around your own body. This makes it easier to self heal as you can concentrate your dhyian on that area and using techniques, can start removing the negative and darker auras. You can also use this same ability to see darker energies in others but I tend to stay away from going in that direction. I can tell you that about a year ago I could see and sense a darker aura around someone's head that was visiting us. A few months later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe that was coincidental or just something else, but I don't go around trying to feel peoples energies any more because I need the energies to be fixing myself and continuing my own journey. At the gurdwara, I have on occasions been able to pick up and sense members of sangat with high spiritual avasthas, and that's the only time when I genuinely feel that I'm not intruding into another persons privacy zone.
    With what people say about focusing on this stuff or not, I can say that Yes, you shouldn't let it distract you from your own simran. Coming back to energies, I find that the personal inner energy that one may use for this or other riddi siddis, leaves you drained and losing your own inner light. I think the most positive result of auras and few other siddis that followed was the recognition and connection with everything around us as ONE. You become more reassured and convinced about this after you may realise how you can connect your own aura energy with another energy, ...and that's when some heavy distractions can begin that may defy some universal laws that we openly accept.
    Title of this thread is "seeing auras"". I would suggest that you start "feeling auras" and then move on and focus dhyian on what you started initially. You will know that you are back on track because the next intriguing event should most probably be something personally spiritual.
  10. Like
    Lucky reacted to Ragmaala in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    I can say that the scenery or background in the Nanaksar Guru Nanaks photo was the discretion of the painter.
    But there were certain elements that were emphasized by Baba Nand Singh Ji. They are as following: 
    small black mala on the turban of Guru Nanak Sahib, Guru Ji looking straight ahead, Baba Ji were against Guru Sahib pointing upwards or eyes looking upward or in sleeping mode. If God Himself starts sleeping or starts looking upward, what will the universe do. Baba ji used to say do not look upwards, there is nothing up there, only darkness. Look straight ahead and go hug Guru Nanak Sahib. A simrana in right hand of Guru Nanak Sahib which reminds the devotee to do Bhagti The right foot is exposed, so that the earthly beings can focus on padam or do sewa of this Charan The left foot is unexposed and covered, it is for the other-worldly/parlok beings to do sewa of... The left hand is also covered, it symbolizes the blessings that are unknown or hidden The fruits in front represent Maya and Padarth, Maya is in constant sewa of Guru Nanaks Charan. The black loi also symbolizes something along ...like a blanket or protection by the mother for his child. The golden color symbolizes Royalty. Thats all I know for now. 
    No saint in the past has commissioned a painting of Guru Nanak or gave specific instructions as how to make it or gave darshana to the painter himself. Coincidentally, the artists name was Bhagat Singh. This painting was specifically commissioned by Baba Nand Singh Ji upon the instructions of his murshad Great Baba MahaHarnam Narsingh Narayan Ji Maharaj!!!!!
  11. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Ragmaala in Need help   
    @singh11 I encourage you to pay attention to the good advice from Dalsingh101, Gunahgar and bibi GurpreetKaur ji!
    Seriously suggest a referral from your family physician/GP for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via specialist/psychologist. 
    I've personally had CBT for a few years with a psychologist and find it amazing. In my case, it was recommended for my serious injuries and to help me cope since I was determined to work through it without conventional prescription meds. I think this worried all my therapists and they pushed me into the counselling.  In all honesty, I can tell you that it really helps change your perception in a very gurmat attitude because it trains you to think and act outside of your own ego. Also from my experience, I can tell you that you can't target the problem areas that need addressing by use of cbt videos or books but you definitely need the physical guidance and counselling of a professional. They are trained to provide this service and now how to address each area with their expertise.
    They will also give you techniques that will be tailored just for you to help you focus and become efficient with your paath and simran. I have been quite lucky since my psychologist has deep spiritual interests of her own and she has been able to help guide with improvisation of additional ideas and methods.
  12. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from GurpreetKaur in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    There is a lot of significance between what the left side and right sides mean and hold.  The right limbs symbolise the doing of "now" and "future'', whereas the left is the ''past'' or what was originally ''destined''. Remember that gurbani tells us we can write our own destinies and change them via our actions of the "now" and "present".
    The asana of meditating with right foot resting on top of left thigh is the ideal one and takes some practice, but it is significant for using meditation to transform you towards the jyot.
    I think there is a lot more to those fruits than some of us know. Bananas and apples give auras of huge radiance and energy.
    The black loi is definitely about warmth, shelter and protection....meaning that when you are meditating with prem to the Lord, then he takes care of all your sheltering and provisions without you having to worry. This is all about faith,... because worrying about food and survival will all lead to Manmat, no matter what route or method we take. I remember in gurbani and even in the bible there is a passage about the birds not having to worry about food for the next day because they are in more resonance with hukam.
    I've never thought about the eyes and the looking straight, but it got me thinking and made me realise that it must hold some deeper conscious and even sub-conscious values. Our own Bhagat will now more with his super artistic vision skills, ....but there must be something about the affect it can have on the viewer. I think that if someone tries to meditate just on a number of different paintings to try and get "single-one pointed" focus and dhyian; then they will probably find it easier on this painting, because I know that I certainly do and it can help give you that absorption pretty rapidly.
  13. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from samurai in Interfaith Marriages question   
    Education and explaining the significance of anand karaj is the key. All this other shouting and self made law enforcements isn't helping anyone. This also means to be educating the blinded moorakhs we find everywhere (including this forum) who claim to be practitioners of sikh justice.
    ...............edited//////////........What gurdwara or maryada only allows marriage of amritdhari Sikhs?  Why do I get the impression from some samparda youths that hardcore brainwashing-->arab style is going on?
  14. Like
    Lucky reacted to samurai in Blog: Vegruary- A month of vegetarianism   
    sorry veereh i will not share this as its really no benefit to anyone..its also not a big deal either.. Its not always a good thing knowing your past as you are stuck/trapped in the karam of 'now'..
    everything about you is the result of your previous karam, everything..from the path you are on, to the colour you like..lol..everything is an accumulation of your past deeds.. 
    Everything for a reason, no such thing as coincidence.
  15. Like
    Lucky reacted to GurpreetKaur in baoli sahib   
    It's in the sentence, you just gotta read it.
  16. Like
    Lucky reacted to dalsingh101 in Need help   
    Paapiman, you fudhu, stop acting like a GP, let him get professional help instead of hitting him up with a bunch of suggestions when you don't have any medical experience. 
    This is serious. 
  17. Like
    Lucky reacted to GurpreetKaur in Interfaith Marriages question   
    Paapiman ji, you have humility but your thinking is not very right. This thinking will create blockage since you spend most of the time defending Gurmat principles ( which are so many by different sampardas) rather than loving and opening your mind.  When I was around 8, I was eating Langar and being a kid was not able to handle my Chunni, my chunni slipped from head and within a second, a very angry amritdhari man went, kuriyeh ser dhak apna. He said in such an anger, I cried at the spot. He walked away like some emotionless man and mom handled me lol. An image of religious people left a bad mark on my mind and I joined the people saying oh Religion is the reason of war lol. I know stupid example, but develop love for everybody regardless of anything. For a person you seem like a nice guy but your weird ideas for sikhi are something.
  18. Like
    Lucky reacted to dalsingh101 in Interfaith Marriages question   
    I've seen this shit SO MUCH over decades brother! 
    It's proper wanky though ain't it. When your head was at risk, you was all accepting and ready to be a brother - once the threat is gone, you start to act a c**t! lol
    That's why such w***ers shouldn't be given the time of day in my opinion. We can spot them a mile off now. This Paapiman is one. 
  19. Like
    Lucky reacted to GurpreetKaur in Interfaith Marriages question   
    Apparently, you are judging people based on whether they have taken Amrit or not. Religious fanaticism is the reason I got away from Sikhi and never had the desire to learn, until my Love increased for this Path. Niguray is such an offensive word lol. I am listening to it and having love for 10th Master and then I read your comments about me being Niguri. Ouch!! Lol. It's all good, in few years, your religion and my Niguri status will just stay here with our dead body.
  20. Like
    Lucky reacted to samurai in Interfaith Marriages question   
    Bruv, some of the sh1t you come out with is legendary, crack me rite up...(not speaking about this comment..lol)
    One thing ive noticed (you prob have to) that when it kicks off everyone becomes a sikh (moneh, drinkers, smokers, players etc).. When things get calm then these same people who helped out become outcasts..double standards..hate it!!
  21. Like
    Lucky reacted to amardeep in Interfaith Marriages question   
    You can't just exclude and marginalize 80-90% of the panth like that. The Sehajdharis are still part of the Sikh panth and follow Sikh rituals and customs.
  22. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from HisServant in Seeing Aura   
    Hey young bro- well done!
    I didn't see this thread until now, but I see you've been given plenty of responses.  I too, see the aura's that you are mentioning, though I've never spoken about them too much because most people don't understand and think your nuts!
    I know it really gets you when you first begin to notice it and then out of curiosity you start looking around everywhere. You start to notice the different shades and colours and then it can shock you when something like a banana emits a completely unpredictable colour. After a while, I interpreted these aura visions as something where you inner sight is opening up to the outside.
    Nowadays, I don't pay attention to it but I know it's there and I know I can. You may slowly develop your own kind of method whereby you will associate it with energies. I know I'm always blabbing about energies, but it is something much bigger than we think.  In relation to this thread, you can or  you will begin to develop a method to associate the auras with energies. I find this more informative because you can sense good and bad energies. This can be very useful if you are into self-healing because you are able to see and feel darker energy areas around your own body. This makes it easier to self heal as you can concentrate your dhyian on that area and using techniques, can start removing the negative and darker auras. You can also use this same ability to see darker energies in others but I tend to stay away from going in that direction. I can tell you that about a year ago I could see and sense a darker aura around someone's head that was visiting us. A few months later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe that was coincidental or just something else, but I don't go around trying to feel peoples energies any more because I need the energies to be fixing myself and continuing my own journey. At the gurdwara, I have on occasions been able to pick up and sense members of sangat with high spiritual avasthas, and that's the only time when I genuinely feel that I'm not intruding into another persons privacy zone.
    With what people say about focusing on this stuff or not, I can say that Yes, you shouldn't let it distract you from your own simran. Coming back to energies, I find that the personal inner energy that one may use for this or other riddi siddis, leaves you drained and losing your own inner light. I think the most positive result of auras and few other siddis that followed was the recognition and connection with everything around us as ONE. You become more reassured and convinced about this after you may realise how you can connect your own aura energy with another energy, ...and that's when some heavy distractions can begin that may defy some universal laws that we openly accept.
    Title of this thread is "seeing auras"". I would suggest that you start "feeling auras" and then move on and focus dhyian on what you started initially. You will know that you are back on track because the next intriguing event should most probably be something personally spiritual.
  23. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Ragmaala in Seeing Aura   
    Hey young bro- well done!
    I didn't see this thread until now, but I see you've been given plenty of responses.  I too, see the aura's that you are mentioning, though I've never spoken about them too much because most people don't understand and think your nuts!
    I know it really gets you when you first begin to notice it and then out of curiosity you start looking around everywhere. You start to notice the different shades and colours and then it can shock you when something like a banana emits a completely unpredictable colour. After a while, I interpreted these aura visions as something where you inner sight is opening up to the outside.
    Nowadays, I don't pay attention to it but I know it's there and I know I can. You may slowly develop your own kind of method whereby you will associate it with energies. I know I'm always blabbing about energies, but it is something much bigger than we think.  In relation to this thread, you can or  you will begin to develop a method to associate the auras with energies. I find this more informative because you can sense good and bad energies. This can be very useful if you are into self-healing because you are able to see and feel darker energy areas around your own body. This makes it easier to self heal as you can concentrate your dhyian on that area and using techniques, can start removing the negative and darker auras. You can also use this same ability to see darker energies in others but I tend to stay away from going in that direction. I can tell you that about a year ago I could see and sense a darker aura around someone's head that was visiting us. A few months later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Maybe that was coincidental or just something else, but I don't go around trying to feel peoples energies any more because I need the energies to be fixing myself and continuing my own journey. At the gurdwara, I have on occasions been able to pick up and sense members of sangat with high spiritual avasthas, and that's the only time when I genuinely feel that I'm not intruding into another persons privacy zone.
    With what people say about focusing on this stuff or not, I can say that Yes, you shouldn't let it distract you from your own simran. Coming back to energies, I find that the personal inner energy that one may use for this or other riddi siddis, leaves you drained and losing your own inner light. I think the most positive result of auras and few other siddis that followed was the recognition and connection with everything around us as ONE. You become more reassured and convinced about this after you may realise how you can connect your own aura energy with another energy, ...and that's when some heavy distractions can begin that may defy some universal laws that we openly accept.
    Title of this thread is "seeing auras"". I would suggest that you start "feeling auras" and then move on and focus dhyian on what you started initially. You will know that you are back on track because the next intriguing event should most probably be something personally spiritual.
  24. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from tva prasad in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    Agree with what you are saying. This area is kind of difficult to explain but from what I believe. Yes Jesus may appear with a longer beard or may be afro- black for some people.  The same goes for those that have darshan of Gurus let say.... each persons will vary but something going thought the filter is what will confirm it and we all have our own filters.
     It is difficult for us to understand the complete illusion whilst we are in it and we have to remember that maya doesn't just finish outside boundaries of life and earth, it is the heavens as well. Only in Sackhand or when inside the true home is the maya illusion left outside.
  25. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from GurpreetKaur in akiane kramarik- girl who painted visions of angels & heaven since childhood   
    Agree with what you are saying. This area is kind of difficult to explain but from what I believe. Yes Jesus may appear with a longer beard or may be afro- black for some people.  The same goes for those that have darshan of Gurus let say.... each persons will vary but something going thought the filter is what will confirm it and we all have our own filters.
     It is difficult for us to understand the complete illusion whilst we are in it and we have to remember that maya doesn't just finish outside boundaries of life and earth, it is the heavens as well. Only in Sackhand or when inside the true home is the maya illusion left outside.
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