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    Kaur10 reacted to Sat1176 in Confused about Kundalini /Rom Rom   
    Someone out there is trying to cause friction with this video between him and other groups. First of all why was AKJ shown doing naam simran at the beginning? Do AKJ teach applying pressure on the navel during naam abhiyaas? 
    Anyway leaving that point aside, I don't agree with what he is saying. I have heard a number of mahapursh teach this technique and the first time was years ago, in the audio simran instruction recording of Sant Baba Isher Singh (Rare Wale). He clearly stated in that, when one applies pressure on the navel you will eventually begin to feel the pulse behind it. When simran is synchronized with that pulse and dhyaan is placed there it would lead to manifestation of Rom Rom simran. He said Bakhari was done at the mouth, Madhma in Khant, Pasanti in the heart and Para at the navel. Maskeen ji also wrote about this in the book Prabhu Simran.
    I also recall reading in the instructions given by Sant Baba Waryam Singh that one should not progress to the trikuti until you see the planets and starts at the navel and one hears the anhad shabad.
    Secondly in Sidh Gosht (Ang 945), Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji says the following to the Siddhas:
    ih man maigal kahaa basee-alay kahaa basai ih pavnaa.
    "Where does this mind-elephant live? Where does the breath reside?
    kahaa basai so sabad a-oDhoo taa ka-o chookai man kaa bhavnaa.
    Where should the Shabad reside, so that the wanderings of the mind may cease?"
    nadar karay taa satgur maylay taa nij ghar vaasaa ih man paa-ay.
    When the Lord blesses one with His Glance of Grace, he leads him to the True Guru. Then, this mind dwells in its own home within.
    aapai aap khaa-ay taa nirmal hovai Dhaavat varaj rahaa-ay.
    When the individual consumes his egotism, he becomes immaculate, and his wandering mind is restrained.
    ki-o mool pachhaanai aatam jaanai ki-o sas ghar soor samaavai.
    "How can the root, the source of all be realized? How can the soul know itself? How can the sun enter into the house of the moon?"
    gurmukh ha-umai vichahu khovai ta-o naanak sahj samaavai. ||64||
    The Gurmukh eliminates egotism from within; then, O Nanak, the sun naturally enters into the home of the moon. ||64||
    ih man nihchal hirdai vasee-alay gurmukh mool pachhaan rahai.
    When the mind becomes steady and stable, it abides in the heart, and then the Gurmukh realizes the root, the source of all.
    naabh pavan ghar aasan baisai gurmukh khojat tat lahai.
    The breath is seated in the home of the navel; the Gurmukh searches, and finds the essence of reality.
    so sabad nirantar nij ghar aachhai taribhavan jot so sabad lahai.
    This Shabad permeates the nucleus of the self, deep within, in its own home; the Light of this Shabad pervades the three worlds.
    On Ang 223 there is references to Baramh Agan by Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji. This Baramh Agan is generated when one does intense jaap in a speedy manor. But if one doesn't know how to control this inner heat it can cause problems, slow best to stick to a slow steady pace unless under guidance of an experienced abhyaasi.
    nirbha-o jogee niranjan Dhi-aavai.
    The Yogis meditate on the Fearless, Immaculate Lord.
    an-din jaagai sach liv laavai.
    Night and day, they remain awake and aware, embracing love for the True Lord.
    so jogee mayrai man bhaavai. ||2||
    Those Yogis are pleasing to my mind. ||2||
    kaal jaal barahm agnee jaaray.
    The trap of death is burnt by the Fire of God.
  2. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Lucky in Confused about Kundalini /Rom Rom   
    He doesn't say anything wrong directly in the video but the technique he mentions of excessive & forced navel breathing is NOT simran and not what I would recommend to anyone either.   He is correct that this can lead to a "Forced" kundalini awakening, ..but all Yoga's advise against this in general and warn students about not attempting forced kundalini awakenings.    However, the video can be misinterpreted, because he has used the term yojis, very loosely. It gives the impression that all yogi methods are forced and not gurmat. Whereas, this is clearly not the case.
    He says that people doing "waheguru waheguru" and no gurbani veechar or paaths is a false technique-> True to an extent, ..but you have to do simran to start going within,..and when you are more inwards, you will interpret gurbani at much deeper levels.  A true abyassee can usually tell if another Sikh has been practicing abyaas in gurmat, if the other's gurbani veechar and interpretation is deep enough and more profound. .Especially with bhagat bani like Kabeer ji and Naamdev..
  3. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Shivam Kumar in Why meditate below the eye level to merge with god anyway?   
    When we meditate below the eye level and try to activate the six chakras or energy centers, it helps us to gain some remarkable experiences. But they don’t help in raising our awareness at all! We gain a lot of energy and benefits by activating chakras, but they are just meant for this world only. We can’t raise our awareness by those means. Then why put our attention below the eyes? 
  4. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Ragmaala in Akaal Ustat - Beautiful Questions Riddles   
    If I am not wrong, these answers will come automatically & with Sehaj when one advances or goes deeper within. Right ?

    At this stage, I can only bow down to those in whose minds the above questions arise genuinely. They are Dhan.
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    Kaur10 reacted to Soulfinder in How to become celibate when married ?   
    The way i see it sometimes is that being married is not a bad thing when it comes to doing bhagati simran etc.
    As they were gristi mahapursh in our religion such as Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindrawale,Sant Kartar Singh Ji Bhindrawale,Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindrawale, Sant Puran Singh Ji Kericho wale,Baba Mihan Singh Ji Sihar Wale,Bibi Balwant Kaur Ji etc.
    It just depends i suppose on how your way of lifestyle is as i am not married so i can't say anything about this subject.
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    Kaur10 reacted to paramnam in How to open Dasam Dwar with Simran   
    just do simran with love and that will open it, surrender is all that works for dasam duar... it can open through seva many ways, give up the ego and love god to merge and it opens. just meditate on guru mantra until that is the only thing that exists, let it continually cut the thoughts until you merge into the gurumantra. banis as well let it cut thoughts until that is all that exists, your identity merges into guru manta. "waheguru gur mantra hai jaap homai koi"
    from what ive learned effort can only take you to trikuti, 3rd eye, to go beyond that you need total surrender, technique doesnt matter. 
  7. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Ragmaala in How to open Dasam Dwar with Simran   
    way to advanced stuff, went over the top of my head, i will just stick to basics lol
  8. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Hk sikh in how to remain still in one asan for 3 hrs ?   
    Personally, i feel when it comes to bhandgi we are very naive.
    Students who study medical science, engineering, usually revise for few hours straight. 
    I had few friends who would study 6 hours straight with minimal breaks.
    We should encourage each other and have a can do attitude. 
    Guru tegh bahadur sahib ji, did bhagti for 26 years. Guru Gobind singh ji in their previous life did continuous bhagti. 
    Why his sikhs not able to do 3hr bhagti, instead we say that we only need pyaar, lol..
    Was guru sahib not full of pyaar!
    By the way, I've heard in katha that 3.5hrs sitting is called one samadhi (or similar)..
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    Kaur10 reacted to shaheediyan in how to remain still in one asan for 3 hrs ?   
    With all due respect, Yogi Bhajan was no light weight!
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    Kaur10 got a reaction from Soulfinder in How to become celibate when married ?   
    @karmjeet I read it. Even before reading it , I wonder that our Gurus must not have done this to have kids and I was right.
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    Kaur10 reacted to Lucky in Why meditate below the eye level to merge with god anyway?   
    What made you think that they don't raise your awareness?    ..... It seems incorrect to me.  See, if the below helps you......
    Navel and slightly below (Mool duar) is where your knot of sukham (astral) body is.   Gurbani also explains, that bhavjal sagar(bhavsagar) starts at the navel and  goes upto the mid-point of eyes (triveni)  .. The 3 channels, ida, pingal and sukhmana  travel upwards along this bhavsagar, but the sukhmana is hidden.. Also represented by rivers Ganga, Jumna and Sarsvati..     The idea is to ascend upwards by balancing ida-pingala  and activating through the central sukhmana (sarsvati).  This is also how you raise kundalini.  .  In gurmat, as per gurbani, one can only ascend, increase frequencies..etc  starting from the knot. 
    There are other explanations as well, such as the agan(fire) element (in stomach area),  This has to be conquered and left behind by the mind before it can deal with water and air.  The MIND has to leave behind maya(5 elements) before it enters the sacha mahal inside.   
    Also, alchemy reference in Japji bani  below.   This is similar to spiritual science of making pure gold with either Paras(philospher stone) or manually working with it in furnace.  The furnace (heat) is stomach. This heat is necessary before gold/precious metal ore can be molten. Then process of separating the pure out of the ore, and finally the extraction of this ore.
    ਜਤੁ ਪਾਹਾਰਾ ਧੀਰਜੁ ਸੁਨਿਆਰੁ ॥ 
    Jaṯ pāhārā ḏẖīraj suni▫ār. 
    Let self-control be the furnace, and patience the goldsmith. 
    ਅਹਰਣਿ ਮਤਿ ਵੇਦੁ ਹਥੀਆਰੁ ॥ 
    Ahraṇ maṯ veḏ hathī▫ār. 
    Let understanding be the anvil, and spiritual wisdom the tools. 
    ਭਉ ਖਲਾ ਅਗਨਿ ਤਪ ਤਾਉ ॥ 
    Bẖa▫o kẖalā agan ṯap ṯā▫o. 
    With the Fear of God as the bellows, fan the flames of tapa, the body's inner heat. 
    ਭਾਂਡਾ ਭਾਉ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਤਿਤੁ ਢਾਲਿ ॥ 
    Bẖāʼndā bẖā▫o amriṯ ṯiṯ dẖāl. 
    In the crucible of love, melt the Nectar of the Name, 
    ਘੜੀਐ ਸਬਦੁ ਸਚੀ ਟਕਸਾਲ ॥ 
    Gẖaṛī▫ai sabaḏ sacẖī taksāl. 
    and mint the True Coin of the Shabad, the Word of God. 
    There should be many  other universal reasons of why you must start at the lower chakra areas and work your way up.
  12. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to BhagatSingh in Chalisa   
    Chalisa is Chali - sa, meaning 40 chaupais.
    Chaupai is chau - pai, meaning 4-line poem.

    Sukhmani sahib is in Ashtpadi, Asht - padi, meaning 8 steps. Each step is 10 lines.

    10 lines x 8 = 80 lines. A Chalisa is 40 x 4 = 160 lines

    So my guess would be that you read 2 Ashtpadis with each Nitnem.

    Anyways I don't know what the puratan maryada is so maybe someone else can chime in on that.
  13. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Singh123456777 in ~To all Naam abhiaasi-meditation practitioners--share your most profound epiphany!~   
    Yea most likely a person who has spiritual epiphany wont be online here
  14. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Jageera in Three builders stabbed to death in street involved in wedding brawl the night before attack   
    Because Veerji,thats all our people currently are worried about. Externalities. Inside maybe all empty but they have to show off outside.I once read a Buddhist monk saying that his goal is to "Build People and not to worry about building temples.Once you build people they will themselves go forth and build the necessary temples." This is where we lack. We focus on building empty Gurudwaras and totally ignore the people and their soul.
    It's funny how when you're alive no one wants to look at your face but once you're dead everyone comes running to pray for you.Too little too late.These guys needed help and religious guidance a long time ago.
    I know the effects of alcohol personally and can vouch for the destruction and anger it fuels. I am willing to bet that the perpetrators of this massacre are in deep regret right now crying their eyes out once they sober down.
    Why is it so hard for sangat to pressure their Gurudwara managements to allocate funds for battling alcohol and drugs? Addiction therapy courses are so prevalent these days,especially in the west where people can train themselves to be a counsellor.
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    Kaur10 reacted to Soulfinder in Three builders stabbed to death in street involved in wedding brawl the night before attack   
    Veer ji you are right it does suck especially as these people sold everything in India and end up like this is even more sad. 
    I do remember a few years back of how these people were sleeping in bins and telephone booths during the winter which was really really sad to see as how they had to suffer in the freezing cold. And on the other side how much money was blown on nagar kirtains,building funds makes me feel angry about how nobody at the gurdwara  helps these people.
  16. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Lucky in Please someone guide me!   
    You need to refer to radhasoami camp for advice. I don't recommend you do your own pic n mix with guidance.   What we try to discuss/advise on here, is as per gurmat. This gurmat is what we understand and interpret to the best of our knowledge.  The major difference between gurmat and other schools like radhasoami is that they don't focus on "dhun".  Dhun's origin is at the navel and we go upwards from there via heart/hirda chakra. If you don't do hirda stimulation/activation, then your pyaar is not parpatt or pakha. Guru Nanak ji  showed us the beauty of "sift salah" and singing the gunn and bhajans of Nirankar. This is why  kirtan has a huge role in sikhi. One can reach extreme heights thru love and heart meditation via kirtan praising alone. Radhasoami's don't follow this method and believe that they should start above the throat chakras.  Whether this works or not, is not my concern, but it doesn't make sense to me. Also, gurmat doesn't have "naam daan" you mention.
    You have too keep your legs in one boat. If you try and cross the river with one leg in one boat and the other in an adjacent boat, soon enough, the boats will diverge away and no longer be flowing parallel. You will just sink in the middle because legs will be spread too far apart to get back in any boat.
  17. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Shivam Kumar in Please someone guide me!   
    Hello. I’m 18 now. I have been doing meditation for two weeks now, after watching Sandeep Maheshwari’s basic meditation video on YouTube. When I meditate, I listen to the high frequency type sound ringing in my ears, along with another sound that I can’t really describe. To relate to the best, it’s like the sound of rain. 
    I follow Radha Soami Satsang Beas. Naam Daan is given to sangat older than 25 yrs of age. I was just wondering, should I continue doing meditation without naam daan? I’ve built an interest in spirituality in a short period of time and I’m confused now. Pls someone guide me. 
  18. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Raju in How to become celibate when married ?   
    I cannot speak for anyone else but a brahgyani told me that sex should only be used for reproduction. After a few years the reason for this became clear. Even arousal uses pran. Higher stages of meditation cannot become stable unless pran is stable. A great deal of pran is expelled during arousal and intercourse, and those who have strong desire for spiritual progress will try to abstain once they experience the effect and impact.
    Of course, abstinence isn't for everyone, but we shouldn't make assumptions without understanding purpose and how this machine (body) works.
    Lust is a big struggle for many of us. Myself included. Even swapan dosh ruins meditation for a while. Many lifetimes of dirt needs to be washed away before we start making real progress.
  19. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to harsharan000 in How to become celibate when married ?   
    Practically there is no way to become celibate.
    it is only by His kirpa, that one can overcome not only kaam, but also conquer the rest of the 5 chor.
    As the Bani beautiifully tells us in few words: Sarab rog ka aukhad Naam.
    Meditate on His Name, and you shall get rid of all your maladies.
    At some other place, Bani also tells us : Prabh ka Simran, man kee mael jaae.
    Kaam is dirt on the mind, which can only be removed with the water of meditation and the soap  of His Name.
    Sat Sree Akal.
  20. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to paapiman in How to become celibate when married ?   
    @akalpurkh - Pm me (if you want) and answer the following question.
    Do you believe in all Gurbani (Sri Aad Guru Granth Sahib jee Maharaaj, Sri Dasam Granth Sahib jee and Sri Sarabloh Granth Sahib jee and other Gurbanis)?
    If not, Daas is not interested in having any veechar with you.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  21. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to paapiman in How to become celibate when married ?   
    Sri Satguru jee does not need to engage in any sexual activity, in order to create children. They were the incarnation of the Almighty Waheguru, not mere humans like me. They can create and destroy in an instant.
    ਹਰਨ ਭਰਨ ਜਾ ਕਾ ਨੇਤ੍ਰ ਫੋਰੁ ॥
    Bhul chuk maaf
  22. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to paapiman in How to become celibate when married ?   
    Who said that Satguru jee made a mistake?
    IMHO, Baba jee was never against Raag Kirtan, as he was a Gurmukh Brahamgyani. He was the Sikh of Maharaaj. If he preferred non-raag style, it is his wish, He had the freedom to do so.
    In the end - Love and devotion will matter, not which style of Kirtan, a person used to sing.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  23. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to paapiman in How to become celibate when married ?   
    Bro, there is plenty of reference to Saints in Gurbani. You cannot run away from the facts.
    One can connect with the Almighty Waheguru directly too through Gurbani, but it is very very very tough to do so. 
    Easy method - Saadh Sangat - Sangat of Saints/Gurmukhs/Sadhus.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  24. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to Rock in How to become celibate when married ?   
    The instructions you mentioned probably specific for one person as the person might have asked a specific question to which he got a specific answer. Someone just happened to spread that saakhi and it got published in the book & someone shared it here later with noble intentions.
    I am at no level to analyze the lives of Gurus & Saints so I cannot answer any of your questions. My advise would be to stop worrying about Qoum & Saints so much instead focus on yourself & family. You will waste your energy unnecessarily.
  25. Like
    Kaur10 reacted to karmjeet in How to become celibate when married ?   
    how is this disgusting and insult ? can u explain ?

    Talk to any mahapurash , chardeekala sant , or chardeekala damdami sikh , and ask them about Guru ji's , u will get the same answer that they were nirlep from this maya . They didn't go through the process that we go through to produce kids .

    And some things don't need to be explained in Gurbani . They are known by only brahmgyanis .

    For eg :
    Bhagt Dhanna ji had the kamai of his previous 1100 janams . That 's y he could have darshan of God from a pathar .

    Now tell me where in gurbani its written , that He had kamai of 1100 janams . this was told by Brahmgyami Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Khalsa .

    Similarly , some facts don't have to be based on Gurbani .
    Bachans of Brahmgyanis are enough .
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