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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    About 6 months focus on naam simran now and before that about 1 year on mool mantar. Before that it was just reading books and listening to kirtan katha but I was still lacking inspiration do the practical myself. Only over the past 2 years have I moved up a gear and more so in the last 6 months.

    If my post inspires even just one person then I really consider it worth while. Go for it Singh!!!

    I'm reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji (english translation) along side naam simran and its really giving me the push I need. The amount of focus that is placed on naam/shabad unity with Almighty is just really shocking me to the max. To the point i'm getting quite annoyed by the fact that if Guru Granth Sahib Ji placed so much focus on naam simran being the only means by which we will reach Waheguru why weren't we told about it in Gurdwaras more. Maybe it was me who just wasn't taking it in. Why aren't we told this is what you need to do and this is how you go about doing it....

    There are days when I run out of steam and the desire isn't there but when I read a few more angs it gives me the kick I need to get me going again. Actually i'm hooked reading Guru Ji. Can't even focus at work, just want to keep reading. My respect for my Gurus is increasing daily. Guru Amar Das ji' belows me away every time, actually they all do. Going to get shitter at work if they find out what I'm doing. I find myself totally becoming withdrawn from what is going on in the outside world. Don't care about news, tv, movies, family etc either i'm holding my phone or ipad. I'm really seeing a difference in me. Its growing to such an extent that my own mother is getting concerned and telling me to slow down and keep my feet on the ground and says I got my whole life ahead of me yet.

    The only advice I'm able to give anyone is keep the simran going throughout the day whilst your doing your day to day stuff. From the moment I get up I try and start. Getting ready, journey to work, lunch times, take a few minutes off during work and just do simran eyes open or closed, journey home. I bet the other travelers are saying what is that guy mumbling to himself. If your able to dedicate fix time to it then so much the better. This is the part I'm really finding difficult to do. My legs and backside ache and I can't sit for long and the discomfort over powers the concentration your trying to reach. I find myself looking at the clock to see if times up or my thoughts just keep coming and I get frustrated but there are times when you know you had a good session even if it was just for a few moments.
  2. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm happy to share so here goes:

    Last night before I went to sleep I was reading SGGS and the house was very quiet. Mrs is away so no snoring in my ears. lol. When it's quiet this whistling sound manifests itself. I can hear the sound coming from the right side. This time not only was there a whistling sound but a second beat like a drum. How I wish I was a musician so i could replicate what I was hearing. It was weaker than the whistle but I could definately make it out. Really freaked me out at first. Have never heard that sound before.

    I spoke to a naam abhiyaasi mahapursh about it who said I was on the right track but I shouldn't focus on the sound yet. He said I need to remain focused on my naam simran and learn to still my thoughts. Also for the past few weeks the saliva in my mouth has been feeling extremely sweet. So much so that its actually becoming really difficult to tolerate. When I do simran it flows more and more. I'm still skeptical about what I'm experiencing because I feel I'm not actually putting in that much effort. Although some days are better than others.

    Waheguru Mere Bharaya Hath Rakhe and bless me with his Naam...
  3. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm really beginng to feel I shouldn't be writing all this stuff because I don't want be held responsible for leading anyone up the wrong path. If I say anything wrong or you guys out there feel too much is being said, please let me know and I will stop.

    I read a pungti not long ago that said, first liberate yourself before you try and liberate others........ I am not trying to liberate anyone but merely inspire others to walk the path as I'm trying to do so. If you guys make it to waheguru first please let me him know his Sikh is trying to find him and be in his charan.
  4. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I made a big big big mistake by stopping when I did. :-( Oh well, know better next time.
  5. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from zereraz in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This thread is more than just experiences. It is a more like a dairy that documents our journey to understand simran, the inner journey and what we are learning and experiencing along they way by a number of individuals. The posts contain subtle hints that may help someone in the future.
    We might not have all the answers today but as I see in my own journey things I read 10+ years ago are presenting themselves again via different channels. There is some hidden truth out there which I don’t fully understand yet but I hope I am making slow progress in the right direction. 
  6. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from zereraz in Indic Tradition Terms   
    Thought this might be useful to share.
    Often when reading Gurbani we come across terms from the Indic Tradition which, for those of us who have been born/raised outside India, are not familiar. For example, ਅਠਸਠ ਤੀਰਥ (68 pilgrimage sites) or ਚਾਰ ਖਾਣੀਆ (four sources of creation/life). Here is an extract from Bhai Manmohan Singh’s 8-Volume ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib : English & Panjabi Translation’ on the definition of a lot of these terms.
    IKT terms in SGGS.pdf
    Source : Sangat Santhiya Facebook group.
  7. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to Mooorakh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I am sorry but i feel nirbhau and Nirvair are those distinctive qualities of Akal Purakh which can only be attained once a person reaches a certain Avastha. First step is to just walk towards this direction. Pray to waheguru ji that i want to walk on the path of 'liv' .. request him to pick his child or make him walk on his path. That's all one can do.. Rest is all in his hands. If he makes you do his Bhakti, Jap naam, enter sunn and imparts to different Avastha etc.  Haina?? 
    At a time we start realising our faults and bads.. get to know the rights n wrongs... Somehow gets connected to sangat n so on... 
  8. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Abhyaas and Simran   
    You probably know enough already to walk quite far down this journey. Now work on the practical building not the theoretical understanding unless you need your battery charging. I should also practice what I preach HaHa. 
    You shouldn't really have too many questions for Gurmukhs unless your having simran problems or experiences that you want to share or discuss with them. Honestly they get fed up with people calling them all the time. Don't become one of those. Keep it once every few weeks or months. Then they love to hear from you, and see how your getting on. Just shows them you not one of those who came and then disappeared never to reach out to them again.
    Don't become one of those who calls after every sneeze or tyre puncture to ask why it happened to you? Please do ardas for me etc etc..  When they do a natural bachan of their own choosing for you, then that is the most powerful blessing you will ever need.
    I was recently telling my teacher that I'm struggling to do simran for more than 15 mins before I drift into Sunn and I am going in and out in one sitting. I was concerned that I should be forcing myself to stay awake because I kept on hearing mix signals from everyone what I should do, even once from him. He said absolutely not. Don't force yourself because you wont be able to. Let sunn/sehaj come. Get to the stage when you are able to say Waheguru once and you have gone into Sunn. Leave the rest to Waheguru to work His magic. If you can fall into sunn / sehaj listening to sehaj dhun/anhad sounds then even better, but if not keep working on the gurmantar and let the mind drift into sunn when it wants. 🙏 This has been bothering me for months and years now I think and I keep going round in circles because I'm stuck in same rut because I keep hearing different views. Rather than just letting it happen I kept on wanting to solve the issue when I should have just gone with the flow ages ago.
    Even Charanjit Singh Gorkhi said he used to drift into Sunn when he was doing simran, although he never used a term for it. The similarities are all there, but we can't rush these things no matter how much want to. Go with the flow bud and work on the practical abhiyaas. Give more importance to that rather than the Akath katha, if you feel you have heard enough now. Personally I stopped listening to all the Q&A now from Simranjeet Singh because it was pushing me back into more research of how to quickly get to others peoples avastas. It's great what he is doing, but for me now it is having a negative effect.
  9. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Abhyaas and Simran   
    The only advice I'm going to give is be very careful about listening to too many different people on how to do bhagti.  I know we all look for shortcuts to move forward quickly. Your going to become so confused about which technique to follow and use and not going to get anywhere. Trust me on this one because it happens to me all the time. All that happens is we are collecting gyan from everyone like taking a karchi from every pateela. We are just sinking in the gyan and that is becoming a hindrance for us to progress and we don't have enough practical to match on each path. Pick one teacher and then follow their teachings. There is no point sharing what one teacher says with another asking for confirmation. It really pisses them off. Either you have faith in your current teacher or you do not.Don't mix and match. Because if something goes wrong who will you turn to? Pick one and then stay on that path and follow only their instructions. That way they know what instructions you have been given.
    You got so many different sources on this forum now. Please all pick one and then do the simran.
    Already we got :
    Bhai Simranjeet Singh Tohana
    Bhai Dharamjit Singh (Gurmat Meditation)
    Prabh Milne Ka Chao (Moga) and all their students all over the world.
    Bhai Ajit Singh (Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara, Slough)
    Bhai Nirvair Singh (Akal Sahai Waheguru Naam Leva)
    Bhai Charanjit Singh Khalsa (Shabad Guru Parchar Mission)
    Bhai Gurmail Singh Ji Mand ( Prabh Ka Simran Kendar Mand)
    Just listening to the above they all teach differently, even though they all learnt from Bhai Sewa Singh Tharmala. High level they all teach the same, but when it comes to jugti's they are all slightly different and teach at different paces and sequences beyond saas-giras simran. Hell even the saas-giras is slightly different.
    Now we have included Bhai Charanjit Singh Gorkhi into the mix.
    All that happens is you spend hours listening to the gyan and jugtis but not enough time doing abhiyaas. So what you have done is dirty your mind even more. When you now sit for simran, you will be wondering which technique should I use because nothing is happening with the one I'm doing. The gyan becomes the maya for us. If I look back at how much time I spent listening to all these guys. Imagine how much simran I would have done in that time instead. My mind would have been very much more still. Instead It now wonders in 10 different teachers directions. This teacher said this, this person said that. Why is nothing happening. It is seeking that next experience to progress. It is not still at all
    I'm the worst. I have been doing this for years now. Please don't make the same mistakes I did.
    My fastest progress came when I knew nothing and was just listening to one of them and did what I was told. Then I became too eager and wanted to accelerate my progress. I started listening to all of them on the list because I felt one was always holding something back and not telling me the complete picture. They all speak of higher avastas which any seeker would want to experience. They always dropped hints but never told you precisely what you needed to do. I wanted the next jugti, found it out, but it never worked for me. One becomes a jugti collecting addict, but mind is not of that avasta so they never work. Now I got so many techniques in my head that I don't know which one I should use or do next. When the student is ready your told the next stage 1-to-1. Listening to all of these people just muddies the water of the mind.
    I got to admit in the last couple of years so many gurmukhs are springing up willing to help. 10 years ago we had no one. The problem for us now is which teacher is the best, who will get us to Waheguru the fastest. LOL The problem is we are jumping boats too frequently and that is our downfall. Your going to listen to so many different teachers jugtis your going to end up saying I heard that one before. But never actually deeply experienced any of them. They will just remain techniques.
    My current teacher says forget everything now and start again and revert back to gurmantar. The day I stop answering your questions then your free to move on. But in the mean time don't waste my time or yours if you not going to stay put. Just get on with what I tell you and have faith in Waheguru, SGGS  and your teacher to guide your on the right path.
    You know what guys, I still can't do it. So much gyan is coming out these days from all these sources above, that it is pure kun(ear) ras. You get high just listening to it. You think you learned something new which will help you on the journey quicker. But when it comes to actually doing simran abhyaas mind doesn't want to know and you can't take even a few steps. You rather spend your time listening to all the katha on this subject. But that is not bhagti guys, and deep down we all know it.
    I'm drowning friends with all these teachers, don't know about you lot.... I don't want to know of anyone else. There isn't enough hours in the day to listen to what they all have to say. Some of us are gristi and it's driving our families nuts that we are just listening to what all these teachers have to say. I'm not interested in other stuff these days. It's like this has become a full time hobby. LOL You can't even concentrate at work because your mind wants to listen what the latest teaching has been posted by one of the above.
  10. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Lucky in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This thread is more than just experiences. It is a more like a dairy that documents our journey to understand simran, the inner journey and what we are learning and experiencing along they way by a number of individuals. The posts contain subtle hints that may help someone in the future.
    We might not have all the answers today but as I see in my own journey things I read 10+ years ago are presenting themselves again via different channels. There is some hidden truth out there which I don’t fully understand yet but I hope I am making slow progress in the right direction. 
  11. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from sarabatam in Indic Tradition Terms   
    Thought this might be useful to share.
    Often when reading Gurbani we come across terms from the Indic Tradition which, for those of us who have been born/raised outside India, are not familiar. For example, ਅਠਸਠ ਤੀਰਥ (68 pilgrimage sites) or ਚਾਰ ਖਾਣੀਆ (four sources of creation/life). Here is an extract from Bhai Manmohan Singh’s 8-Volume ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib : English & Panjabi Translation’ on the definition of a lot of these terms.
    IKT terms in SGGS.pdf
    Source : Sangat Santhiya Facebook group.
  12. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from mahanpaapi in Indic Tradition Terms   
    Thought this might be useful to share.
    Often when reading Gurbani we come across terms from the Indic Tradition which, for those of us who have been born/raised outside India, are not familiar. For example, ਅਠਸਠ ਤੀਰਥ (68 pilgrimage sites) or ਚਾਰ ਖਾਣੀਆ (four sources of creation/life). Here is an extract from Bhai Manmohan Singh’s 8-Volume ‘Sri Guru Granth Sahib : English & Panjabi Translation’ on the definition of a lot of these terms.
    IKT terms in SGGS.pdf
    Source : Sangat Santhiya Facebook group.
  13. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from harsharan000 in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Where is Nij Pad explained.
    Ang 1159
    I focus my meditation on my inner self, deep within. 
    nij pad (behind between the eyes) oopar laago Dhi-aan.
    The Name of the Sovereign Lord is my spiritual wisdom. Pause
    raajaa raam naam moraa barahm gi-aan. rahaa-o.
    In the first chakra, the root chakra, I have grasped the reins and tied them.
    mool du-aarai banDhi-aa banDh.
    I have firmly placed the moon above the sun.
    rav oopar geh raakhi-aa chand.
    The sun blazes forth at the western gate.
    pachham du-aarai sooraj tapai.
    Through the central channel of the Shushmanaa, it rises up above my head.
    mayr dand sir oopar basai.
    There is a stone at that western gate,
    pascham du-aaray kee sil orh.
    and above that stone, is another window.
    tih sil oopar khirhkee a-or.
    Above that window is the Tenth Gate.
    khirhkee oopar dasvaa du-aar.
    Says Kabeer, it has no end or limitation.
    kahi kabeer taa kaa ant na paar.
  14. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from seattlesingh in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    He says don't strain yourself trying to create a bindu (spot). Put your dhyan gently there 3/4 inch or 2cm behind and between the eyes. A subtle light should appear around your eyes region.
  15. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Sikhilove in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This thread is more than just experiences. It is a more like a dairy that documents our journey to understand simran, the inner journey and what we are learning and experiencing along they way by a number of individuals. The posts contain subtle hints that may help someone in the future.
    We might not have all the answers today but as I see in my own journey things I read 10+ years ago are presenting themselves again via different channels. There is some hidden truth out there which I don’t fully understand yet but I hope I am making slow progress in the right direction. 
  16. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from zereraz in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Have a listen to this short video especially the bit where he talks about the early anhad sounds around 10 minutes in. 
  17. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from zereraz in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Good video. Explains how anhad  shabad draws you to back of head. How you see gold as you enter dasam duar and what Parkash of Waheguru looks like.
  18. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to zereraz in Leaving body at will   
    So I'm practicing daily, made early gains in terms of various experiences in meditation, even if one thinks they are far away I believe most just haven't tried it properly, so I'd recommend daily before sleep(or power nap) just trying to relax body(like really do it, little by little keep relaxing), dhyan state can only come from doing naam simran(breath + chanting) and listening to yourself(like minds ears, eventually some of the 5 shabads come here) otherwise there is no dhyan, beat the stage of thoughts, it maybe your breathing itself that might distract you, do it per breath with concentration and as you keep relaxing your body will fall asleep(it is astonishing and various Anand's can be felt which will feel unreal and amazing). Also I didn't read about this on the internet or from anyone this was an awakening experiences where I randomly meditated for 6+ hours(without simran, didn't know much about it) where I learnt that this was real and then saw 7-8 months later Bhai Simranjeet Singh talking about this as the right thing to do(a vidhi, technique), to me it is like Akaal Purakh waking me up from deep manmukh slumber, I was also able to sleep like 2 hours and wake up refreshed but eventually due to no naam simran I lost the avastha.
    I've experienced and witnessed my own body fixing itself(rare times painful to watch it stitch parts damaged in gym), quite blissful experience overall and makes it easy to do naam simran even at night(and now understand how 8 pehar is actually possible but so hard and intense, only in deep true love will one do it like that).
    I'm sorry but I do not agree here, I'm not trying to get Riddhi, Siddhi here, from what I have understood what Bhai Sewa Singh has disclosed using only gurbani is that we daily leave our bodies(I'm sure everyone here knows about Dasam Dwaar), and we may even get instructions there, drink amrit(hence mind wakes up refreshed), even rehras can be looked at finding the path back to where our mind enters body every day. So if you daily leave your body and daily come back only issue here is bhakti is low so we forget or drown in thoughts. The path here is to do 8 pehar naam simran or however max and this itself will take the mind to the gate of dasam dwaar and eventually there is prakash, none of this is outside hukum and I'd even argue this is the best karam, to wait outside the dasam dwaar outside thoughts, vichaar(given by 5 thieves), dhyaan always at feet of waheguru doing naam simran until there is prakash. Humai is significantly reduced so you do not want Riddhi Siddhi, there is barely you, like water in milk your mind slowly instead of feeling like a point in our head feels like immersed in something and can't point where it is/you are.
    I just haven't reached the prakash stage, real hukum according to me is to not forget what happened when your mind left and came back, what was the dhyan related experience of begumpura and not to go into random dreams by kaal(thanks to 5 thieves).
    Of course I'm new to all this, 1-2 years max, been researching many religions(left atheism and to spirituality) until realized what Sikhi itself was actually talking about, all practical from my current understanding and love it.
    Only bhakti, only purify mind, remove humai as that itself is false hood, agreed about deep love for lotus feet, I've not reached deep love state but I've been able to reach sehaj and do naam simran with some love as of now, I want the love to increase, even fear to be remembered. All that can and does happen is within Hukum and up to Waheguru.
    Yes I agree with what you said, I do not want astral projection as well just to not get caught up in dreams of kaal, agreed about messages in dreams want to retain it more due to naam simran one is ever present and aware, to actually remember where the mind went while doing naam simran and if possible take it to the right path while doing bhagti not having desires for any supernatural or cool experience, no haumai, vichaar. Yes craving experiences is bad and I did learn it the hard way but listening to shabads during meditation did enhance my experience, my aim is to only follow Gurbani nothing else.
    Thank you all for responding 🙏

    Sat Sri Akal 
  19. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from hsingh6 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This thread is more than just experiences. It is a more like a dairy that documents our journey to understand simran, the inner journey and what we are learning and experiencing along they way by a number of individuals. The posts contain subtle hints that may help someone in the future.
    We might not have all the answers today but as I see in my own journey things I read 10+ years ago are presenting themselves again via different channels. There is some hidden truth out there which I don’t fully understand yet but I hope I am making slow progress in the right direction. 
  20. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    This thread is more than just experiences. It is a more like a dairy that documents our journey to understand simran, the inner journey and what we are learning and experiencing along they way by a number of individuals. The posts contain subtle hints that may help someone in the future.
    We might not have all the answers today but as I see in my own journey things I read 10+ years ago are presenting themselves again via different channels. There is some hidden truth out there which I don’t fully understand yet but I hope I am making slow progress in the right direction. 
  21. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Mooorakh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    5 day simran abhiyas camp started. Live broadcast of all sessions. 

  22. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Mooorakh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Gone full circle.
    Bhai Dharamjit Singh ji also hinting at same technique.
  23. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Lucky in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Have a listen to this short video especially the bit where he talks about the early anhad sounds around 10 minutes in. 
  24. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from seattlesingh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Taking it to the next level and becoming ik drisht explained and how to see mind’s jot.
  25. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Ragmaala in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Gone full circle.
    Bhai Dharamjit Singh ji also hinting at same technique.
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