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  1. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Jagtar Singh Jaggi Petition   
    I think Jaggi is at the mercy of the Punjab police and their political and legal system.
    The way they are conducting this investigation it is becoming more and more obvious they have no intention of releasing him anytime soon. For each case they try to pin on him, police have up to 15 days to question him after which time he must be sent into judicial custody. Police then have up to 90 days to which to prepare a case and press charges or he must be released for that case. The way the police are systematically keeping him in their custody by starting a new case every time one judicial remand starts just shows they intend to harass him for some time to come.
    It doesn't look very hopeful that the Foreign Commonwealth Office can do much. According to their website it looks like they can't do jack as it is not their jurisdiction to interfere in another countries legal system as flawed as it maybe.
    I was surprised to learn that he is not even entitled to have legal representation during questioning. His solicitor only meets him for 1 hour each day.
    What the FCO and British consulate can’t do
    The FCO and British consulate won’t be able to:
    get you out of prison or detention help you get special treatment offer legal advice, start legal proceedings or investigate a crime pay for any costs as a result of being arrested forward packages sent by friends or family to you prevent authorities from deporting you after release get involved if you are a dual national and are arrested in a country for which you hold a valid passport, unless there’s a special humanitarian reason to do so  
    PS. Welcome back N30.
  2. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    A couple of suggestions given here.
  3. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm still stuck on falling asleep during simran, but can relate to what this person states about the throat feeling dry when coming out of the state.
    Dhyan Me Nind Kyo Aati hai | Why Do We Fall Asleep In Meditation ? Dhyan Me Nind Kyu Aata Hai ? Dhyan Me Nind Se Kaise Bache ?
  4. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I'm still stuck on falling asleep during simran, but can relate to what this person states about the throat feeling dry when coming out of the state.
    Dhyan Me Nind Kyo Aati hai | Why Do We Fall Asleep In Meditation ? Dhyan Me Nind Kyu Aata Hai ? Dhyan Me Nind Se Kaise Bache ?
  5. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in Jagtar Singh Jaggi Petition   
    I think Jaggi is at the mercy of the Punjab police and their political and legal system.
    The way they are conducting this investigation it is becoming more and more obvious they have no intention of releasing him anytime soon. For each case they try to pin on him, police have up to 15 days to question him after which time he must be sent into judicial custody. Police then have up to 90 days to which to prepare a case and press charges or he must be released for that case. The way the police are systematically keeping him in their custody by starting a new case every time one judicial remand starts just shows they intend to harass him for some time to come.
    It doesn't look very hopeful that the Foreign Commonwealth Office can do much. According to their website it looks like they can't do jack as it is not their jurisdiction to interfere in another countries legal system as flawed as it maybe.
    I was surprised to learn that he is not even entitled to have legal representation during questioning. His solicitor only meets him for 1 hour each day.
    What the FCO and British consulate can’t do
    The FCO and British consulate won’t be able to:
    get you out of prison or detention help you get special treatment offer legal advice, start legal proceedings or investigate a crime pay for any costs as a result of being arrested forward packages sent by friends or family to you prevent authorities from deporting you after release get involved if you are a dual national and are arrested in a country for which you hold a valid passport, unless there’s a special humanitarian reason to do so  
    PS. Welcome back N30.
  6. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from ragnarok in Are ears ringing and Anhad Shabad the same thing?   
    That sound your hearing is called sehaj dhun. You can confirm that yourself when you speak one to one with any of the Gurmukhs who teach this path. I personally have so I confirm to you what I have been told. It is the start and as you focus on it you should notice it gets louder and louder. Sometimes it disappears and your left wondering where has it gone? Why has it gone? All you can do is revert back to Gurmantar and start again, trying to still the mind and relaxing in a more sehaj state whilst trying to remain relatively consciousness and aware (not easy). 
    Now doing seva of listening to this sound is not easy either and other sounds may come along the way as you go deeper within and your mind becomes more still. Don't expect miracles just cos you hear this sehaj dhun because like others have said it's only the start. How long we stay at only this stage of sehaj dhun only Waheguru knows. Only thing you can do is keep practicing the Gurmantar jaap and when you hear the sehaj dhun also try focus on it slowly trying to climb to the next rung of the ladder. When the time is right Waheguru ji will progress you to the next stage. Don't get impatient or lose faith mate. 
    Others will come on this topic to discourage you and that's their right to give you an alternative opinion. Your already doubting, lost and confused and I don't blame you. It's not an easy path, believe you me coz I been trying for years. Getting close to a gurmukh who will take you under their guidance is also not easy. Especially if you cannot go have regular sangat in their presence as most live in India. Online sessions help but it still leaves questions in your mind until you have a 1 to 1 with them and clear any doubts. But once you have asked and got your answer like I know you have, you got to take their word for it and then keep practicing. 
    Just to give you some scale to the journey ahead lets say there is more stages to come and we are still on the first step so just be grateful you identified the ladder and slowly trying to climb up. Other are yet to even acknowledge the ladder may exist. Everyone is on their own journey and I hope everyone finds a ladder that works for them. 
    1. Sehaj dhun
    2. Countless shabad ghanayray (so loud you can hear them internally when at a party) 
    3. Panj shabad
    4. Naad (naam) - Sound of an aircraft
    5. Internal amrit or amrit verkha from listening to naam. Stage 4.
    6. Parkash internally and externally. 
    Anhad is not just restricted to one sound. There are countless to come. The sehaj dhun is like a rope to hold onto  to as you try and go deeper within. It’s just starting….
    I was listening to one katha last week and the gurmukh said stick with sehaj dhun until you get to stage 4. So if you hear any other sound remain focused the sehaj dhun anyway. Waiting for the naad is the next rung to switch to after sehaj dhun. Let other sounds pass you by. Just hearing the sounds is not enough, you also need to be in the right state of mind and heading inwards toward samadhi and leaving body consciousness  and be listening to them at the right place heading upwards. It’s not just I hear a sound balle balle. Lots to learn yet and it won’t be all shared here. don’t get hung up in sehaj dhun, don’t think just hearing one sound means you made it either, because we haven’t. Keep learning about Bhakti marg and how to go deeper using simran and Shabads. You've been given good advice by some in this thread about simran teaching resources. You will be surprised how little you know cos it’s never published online, cos they don’t want the head ache. Those who want to learn will seek out and try and get in touch. Those that listen live in that moment take the knowledge or you miss out. It takes time and effort on your part to want to learn more. Suggest you take the advice if seriously interested in anhad marg. No one here is giving you guarantees of anything , we are all searching, sharing and learning together, no one claims to have made it either.  Some have made it further than others though and for that I do bow down in respect of their achievements and kirpa bestowed upon them. It’s credit to them for still coming back here on this very forum and helping and encouraging those of us who are still far behind.
    Anyway good luck Bro. WaheGuru kirpa karan. Hope you find your way soon…
  7. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    About 6 months focus on naam simran now and before that about 1 year on mool mantar. Before that it was just reading books and listening to kirtan katha but I was still lacking inspiration do the practical myself. Only over the past 2 years have I moved up a gear and more so in the last 6 months.

    If my post inspires even just one person then I really consider it worth while. Go for it Singh!!!

    I'm reading Guru Granth Sahib Ji (english translation) along side naam simran and its really giving me the push I need. The amount of focus that is placed on naam/shabad unity with Almighty is just really shocking me to the max. To the point i'm getting quite annoyed by the fact that if Guru Granth Sahib Ji placed so much focus on naam simran being the only means by which we will reach Waheguru why weren't we told about it in Gurdwaras more. Maybe it was me who just wasn't taking it in. Why aren't we told this is what you need to do and this is how you go about doing it....

    There are days when I run out of steam and the desire isn't there but when I read a few more angs it gives me the kick I need to get me going again. Actually i'm hooked reading Guru Ji. Can't even focus at work, just want to keep reading. My respect for my Gurus is increasing daily. Guru Amar Das ji' belows me away every time, actually they all do. Going to get shitter at work if they find out what I'm doing. I find myself totally becoming withdrawn from what is going on in the outside world. Don't care about news, tv, movies, family etc either i'm holding my phone or ipad. I'm really seeing a difference in me. Its growing to such an extent that my own mother is getting concerned and telling me to slow down and keep my feet on the ground and says I got my whole life ahead of me yet.

    The only advice I'm able to give anyone is keep the simran going throughout the day whilst your doing your day to day stuff. From the moment I get up I try and start. Getting ready, journey to work, lunch times, take a few minutes off during work and just do simran eyes open or closed, journey home. I bet the other travelers are saying what is that guy mumbling to himself. If your able to dedicate fix time to it then so much the better. This is the part I'm really finding difficult to do. My legs and backside ache and I can't sit for long and the discomfort over powers the concentration your trying to reach. I find myself looking at the clock to see if times up or my thoughts just keep coming and I get frustrated but there are times when you know you had a good session even if it was just for a few moments.
  8. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Here have a listen to this. What happens when you listen to poan shabads and how high they take you. Listen from 17 mins
  9. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    Just wanted to share what with happened with our family last month with Covid 19 in that someone may learn a few things that may help them.
    Over the December and early January month our local gurdwara had continuous akhand paths going on in memory of the shaheedi of char sahibzadey and parkash gurpurb of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. My mother  does regular akhand path roals went there to do the seva against the wishes of my father. This was bit of a divided decision as on one hand her sharda believed nothing would happen, yet my dad is in his early 70s could be at risk if he were to catch it. She never went anywhere else apart from the gurdwara.  Anyway she attended the gurdwara for a number of days partaking in the akhand paths seva for couple of hours at the time.
    On New Years day, which fell on a Friday we invited my mother over for a couple of hours to spend time with us. She was feeling extremely lonely and missed seeing us. The next day my mother started getting covid symptoms including aching body and slight fever. On the Sunday, I got her tested and her result came back positive.
    By Monday my wife and Dad also felt like they were not feeling well. Within a few days both of them also tested positive. My mother just suffered with a fever for a few days, loss of appetite, body weakness. Dad had the same but also had a extremely bad chesty cough. It was really bad that he couldn't even speak without coughing. With Wahegurus kirpa both recovered parents recovered in around 10 days.
    The first week of covid my wife had quite minor symptoms. Just general lethargy and slight fever. Rest for a few hours a day was enough. However in the second week things started getting a lot worse. She started diarreah and vomiting and couldn't keep anything down, really bad fever and totally bed bound. 
    I had one of those finger tip Oximeter devices at home which state that the average person should have blood oxygen saturation levels of between 95 to 100. I recommend everyone get one of those and check your baseline levels when your healthy and well. Anything less than 93 should be a warning sign that your oxygen levels are deteriorating and you should be medically assessed.
    My wife was hovering around 95 so wasn't too concerned but never the less because she had been vomiting for a few days now we called the NHS covid helpline. They noticed whilst talking to her that she was becoming breathless the more the conversation continued. They called an ambulance and had her taken to hospital for assessment. They discharged her the same day and just gave her some medication to help with the vomiting. However they stated that during the next 4 days she would either get better or worse next few days were critical.
    The very next day I noticed that my wife was taking very short shallow breaths as she slept. Normally people are supposed to take less than 20 breaths per minute. She was taking roughly 30-35 breaths. By the morning her blood oxygen levels were between 85-90. She was taken into hospital again and after various tests they said she had developed Covid pneumonia in her lungs and needed oxygen therapy and steroids (Dexamethosone is the standard drug they give here in the UK). Luckily we got her in early and after a few days of oxygen therapy she was able to breathe on her own and was discharged. It was any extremely stressful time for the entire family.
    A few days before her discharge I started getting symptoms of feeling very weak and feeling cold in the hands and feet. I was now also covid positive and spent the next few days in bed with general weakness and the occasional fever. I also developed the severe cough and on a couple of occasions coughed up slight blood. Took me about 7-10 days to get over it before things began to calm down. Have I fully recovered today? Absolutely not! I'm still getting dull aches in the left side of my chest and in my shoulders. My blood oxygen levels are ok  but I think I'm probably suffering from inflammation of the left lung and maybe even heart and have long covid. It's a really worrying when you have it and you certainly think about if your time is up.
    Keep safe everyone and follow the government guidelines. We didn't, thinking we were fine and we paid the price. I was fearful for my parents because they are elderly and extremely worried when my wife was taken to hospital, not knowing if I would ever see her again. She saw a number of people die in front of her and it was a very traumatic time for her in the hospital. I recall the day the ambulance took her away and how hysterical and worried she was. Don't let it get that to stage people and  stay safe now.
    Gurdwaras are now subsequently closed in east London but we now found out that 19 people got it Covid in the gurdwara in that period and probably more. My mother didn't inform the Test and Trace people that she caught it at the gurdwara as she didn't want to get the gurdwara in to trouble. Whilst gurdwaras are important part of our spiritual lives but they are a gathering places where anyone there can have covid and we wouldn't know it.  I know gurdwaras are struggling financially because of the lack of sangat and having to remain closed in certain areas. But I truly believe during this pandemic it is for the best they remain closed or don't allow people to stay for long. Sorry to say this but our people are not sticking to the rules and some people will pay the price with their lives. For example someone told us they believe they got covid from a sick person who was serving parshad with his hands. Why are we so reckless! The committees should be held accountable. I was deeply annoyed when I found out my mother did not tell test and trace that she had been to the gurdwara. How will we truly know if gurdwaras are a breeding ground for covid if our people don't declare where they have been properly.  We all have a collective responsibility. Anyway stay safe and keep your families safe.... 🙏
  10. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    I’m feeling much better now. Nothing unusual noticed after 2nd shot of vaccine. My lungs feel better that I can now handle cold drinks again and even eat ice cream. 
    My wife on the other hand is not having it so easy. She seems to have very low stamina these days. Walking very slow in particular when walking up stairs. I think it may have impacted her lungs quite badly.
    Thanks for asking bro. 🙏
  11. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    Heard one of the Kray Twinz Singh lost his life to Covid. Apparently both were in serious shape in hospital. Think one of them did a lot of the sound system seva setup at Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara in Slough. 
  12. Sad
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in Coronavirus - Covid 19   
    Heard one of the Kray Twinz Singh lost his life to Covid. Apparently both were in serious shape in hospital. Think one of them did a lot of the sound system seva setup at Guru Maneyo Granth Gurdwara in Slough. 
  13. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Mooorakh in Are ears ringing and Anhad Shabad the same thing?   
    That sound your hearing is called sehaj dhun. You can confirm that yourself when you speak one to one with any of the Gurmukhs who teach this path. I personally have so I confirm to you what I have been told. It is the start and as you focus on it you should notice it gets louder and louder. Sometimes it disappears and your left wondering where has it gone? Why has it gone? All you can do is revert back to Gurmantar and start again, trying to still the mind and relaxing in a more sehaj state whilst trying to remain relatively consciousness and aware (not easy). 
    Now doing seva of listening to this sound is not easy either and other sounds may come along the way as you go deeper within and your mind becomes more still. Don't expect miracles just cos you hear this sehaj dhun because like others have said it's only the start. How long we stay at only this stage of sehaj dhun only Waheguru knows. Only thing you can do is keep practicing the Gurmantar jaap and when you hear the sehaj dhun also try focus on it slowly trying to climb to the next rung of the ladder. When the time is right Waheguru ji will progress you to the next stage. Don't get impatient or lose faith mate. 
    Others will come on this topic to discourage you and that's their right to give you an alternative opinion. Your already doubting, lost and confused and I don't blame you. It's not an easy path, believe you me coz I been trying for years. Getting close to a gurmukh who will take you under their guidance is also not easy. Especially if you cannot go have regular sangat in their presence as most live in India. Online sessions help but it still leaves questions in your mind until you have a 1 to 1 with them and clear any doubts. But once you have asked and got your answer like I know you have, you got to take their word for it and then keep practicing. 
    Just to give you some scale to the journey ahead lets say there is more stages to come and we are still on the first step so just be grateful you identified the ladder and slowly trying to climb up. Other are yet to even acknowledge the ladder may exist. Everyone is on their own journey and I hope everyone finds a ladder that works for them. 
    1. Sehaj dhun
    2. Countless shabad ghanayray (so loud you can hear them internally when at a party) 
    3. Panj shabad
    4. Naad (naam) - Sound of an aircraft
    5. Internal amrit or amrit verkha from listening to naam. Stage 4.
    6. Parkash internally and externally. 
    Anhad is not just restricted to one sound. There are countless to come. The sehaj dhun is like a rope to hold onto  to as you try and go deeper within. It’s just starting….
    I was listening to one katha last week and the gurmukh said stick with sehaj dhun until you get to stage 4. So if you hear any other sound remain focused the sehaj dhun anyway. Waiting for the naad is the next rung to switch to after sehaj dhun. Let other sounds pass you by. Just hearing the sounds is not enough, you also need to be in the right state of mind and heading inwards toward samadhi and leaving body consciousness  and be listening to them at the right place heading upwards. It’s not just I hear a sound balle balle. Lots to learn yet and it won’t be all shared here. don’t get hung up in sehaj dhun, don’t think just hearing one sound means you made it either, because we haven’t. Keep learning about Bhakti marg and how to go deeper using simran and Shabads. You've been given good advice by some in this thread about simran teaching resources. You will be surprised how little you know cos it’s never published online, cos they don’t want the head ache. Those who want to learn will seek out and try and get in touch. Those that listen live in that moment take the knowledge or you miss out. It takes time and effort on your part to want to learn more. Suggest you take the advice if seriously interested in anhad marg. No one here is giving you guarantees of anything , we are all searching, sharing and learning together, no one claims to have made it either.  Some have made it further than others though and for that I do bow down in respect of their achievements and kirpa bestowed upon them. It’s credit to them for still coming back here on this very forum and helping and encouraging those of us who are still far behind.
    Anyway good luck Bro. WaheGuru kirpa karan. Hope you find your way soon…
  14. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Premi in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Liked how they added some of the anhad sounds to the background of this short film. Those that have heard these sounds will know subtly what the producers were hinting at.
  15. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    I am not sure if I should write this but think I might have just experienced something.

    I was lying down on the sofa just thinking about waheguru when I had this urge to do simran. I started the jaap and my voice sounded so clear. I became totally engrossed in the sound and then all of a sudden my voice and breath suddenly merged into perfect union all by themself without me trying to force it. Then it felt like a ball of energy started shooting up and down inside of me between my chest and navel. It was really powerful. All of a sudden I became aware of what was happening to me so I stopped out of fear. I'm still a little shaken up by the experience.
  16. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Are ears ringing and Anhad Shabad the same thing?   
    That sound your hearing is called sehaj dhun. You can confirm that yourself when you speak one to one with any of the Gurmukhs who teach this path. I personally have so I confirm to you what I have been told. It is the start and as you focus on it you should notice it gets louder and louder. Sometimes it disappears and your left wondering where has it gone? Why has it gone? All you can do is revert back to Gurmantar and start again, trying to still the mind and relaxing in a more sehaj state whilst trying to remain relatively consciousness and aware (not easy). 
    Now doing seva of listening to this sound is not easy either and other sounds may come along the way as you go deeper within and your mind becomes more still. Don't expect miracles just cos you hear this sehaj dhun because like others have said it's only the start. How long we stay at only this stage of sehaj dhun only Waheguru knows. Only thing you can do is keep practicing the Gurmantar jaap and when you hear the sehaj dhun also try focus on it slowly trying to climb to the next rung of the ladder. When the time is right Waheguru ji will progress you to the next stage. Don't get impatient or lose faith mate. 
    Others will come on this topic to discourage you and that's their right to give you an alternative opinion. Your already doubting, lost and confused and I don't blame you. It's not an easy path, believe you me coz I been trying for years. Getting close to a gurmukh who will take you under their guidance is also not easy. Especially if you cannot go have regular sangat in their presence as most live in India. Online sessions help but it still leaves questions in your mind until you have a 1 to 1 with them and clear any doubts. But once you have asked and got your answer like I know you have, you got to take their word for it and then keep practicing. 
    Just to give you some scale to the journey ahead lets say there is more stages to come and we are still on the first step so just be grateful you identified the ladder and slowly trying to climb up. Other are yet to even acknowledge the ladder may exist. Everyone is on their own journey and I hope everyone finds a ladder that works for them. 
    1. Sehaj dhun
    2. Countless shabad ghanayray (so loud you can hear them internally when at a party) 
    3. Panj shabad
    4. Naad (naam) - Sound of an aircraft
    5. Internal amrit or amrit verkha from listening to naam. Stage 4.
    6. Parkash internally and externally. 
    Anhad is not just restricted to one sound. There are countless to come. The sehaj dhun is like a rope to hold onto  to as you try and go deeper within. It’s just starting….
    I was listening to one katha last week and the gurmukh said stick with sehaj dhun until you get to stage 4. So if you hear any other sound remain focused the sehaj dhun anyway. Waiting for the naad is the next rung to switch to after sehaj dhun. Let other sounds pass you by. Just hearing the sounds is not enough, you also need to be in the right state of mind and heading inwards toward samadhi and leaving body consciousness  and be listening to them at the right place heading upwards. It’s not just I hear a sound balle balle. Lots to learn yet and it won’t be all shared here. don’t get hung up in sehaj dhun, don’t think just hearing one sound means you made it either, because we haven’t. Keep learning about Bhakti marg and how to go deeper using simran and Shabads. You've been given good advice by some in this thread about simran teaching resources. You will be surprised how little you know cos it’s never published online, cos they don’t want the head ache. Those who want to learn will seek out and try and get in touch. Those that listen live in that moment take the knowledge or you miss out. It takes time and effort on your part to want to learn more. Suggest you take the advice if seriously interested in anhad marg. No one here is giving you guarantees of anything , we are all searching, sharing and learning together, no one claims to have made it either.  Some have made it further than others though and for that I do bow down in respect of their achievements and kirpa bestowed upon them. It’s credit to them for still coming back here on this very forum and helping and encouraging those of us who are still far behind.
    Anyway good luck Bro. WaheGuru kirpa karan. Hope you find your way soon…
  17. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Samarbir Singh in Are ears ringing and Anhad Shabad the same thing?   
    That sound your hearing is called sehaj dhun. You can confirm that yourself when you speak one to one with any of the Gurmukhs who teach this path. I personally have so I confirm to you what I have been told. It is the start and as you focus on it you should notice it gets louder and louder. Sometimes it disappears and your left wondering where has it gone? Why has it gone? All you can do is revert back to Gurmantar and start again, trying to still the mind and relaxing in a more sehaj state whilst trying to remain relatively consciousness and aware (not easy). 
    Now doing seva of listening to this sound is not easy either and other sounds may come along the way as you go deeper within and your mind becomes more still. Don't expect miracles just cos you hear this sehaj dhun because like others have said it's only the start. How long we stay at only this stage of sehaj dhun only Waheguru knows. Only thing you can do is keep practicing the Gurmantar jaap and when you hear the sehaj dhun also try focus on it slowly trying to climb to the next rung of the ladder. When the time is right Waheguru ji will progress you to the next stage. Don't get impatient or lose faith mate. 
    Others will come on this topic to discourage you and that's their right to give you an alternative opinion. Your already doubting, lost and confused and I don't blame you. It's not an easy path, believe you me coz I been trying for years. Getting close to a gurmukh who will take you under their guidance is also not easy. Especially if you cannot go have regular sangat in their presence as most live in India. Online sessions help but it still leaves questions in your mind until you have a 1 to 1 with them and clear any doubts. But once you have asked and got your answer like I know you have, you got to take their word for it and then keep practicing. 
    Just to give you some scale to the journey ahead lets say there is more stages to come and we are still on the first step so just be grateful you identified the ladder and slowly trying to climb up. Other are yet to even acknowledge the ladder may exist. Everyone is on their own journey and I hope everyone finds a ladder that works for them. 
    1. Sehaj dhun
    2. Countless shabad ghanayray (so loud you can hear them internally when at a party) 
    3. Panj shabad
    4. Naad (naam) - Sound of an aircraft
    5. Internal amrit or amrit verkha from listening to naam. Stage 4.
    6. Parkash internally and externally. 
    Anhad is not just restricted to one sound. There are countless to come. The sehaj dhun is like a rope to hold onto  to as you try and go deeper within. It’s just starting….
    I was listening to one katha last week and the gurmukh said stick with sehaj dhun until you get to stage 4. So if you hear any other sound remain focused the sehaj dhun anyway. Waiting for the naad is the next rung to switch to after sehaj dhun. Let other sounds pass you by. Just hearing the sounds is not enough, you also need to be in the right state of mind and heading inwards toward samadhi and leaving body consciousness  and be listening to them at the right place heading upwards. It’s not just I hear a sound balle balle. Lots to learn yet and it won’t be all shared here. don’t get hung up in sehaj dhun, don’t think just hearing one sound means you made it either, because we haven’t. Keep learning about Bhakti marg and how to go deeper using simran and Shabads. You've been given good advice by some in this thread about simran teaching resources. You will be surprised how little you know cos it’s never published online, cos they don’t want the head ache. Those who want to learn will seek out and try and get in touch. Those that listen live in that moment take the knowledge or you miss out. It takes time and effort on your part to want to learn more. Suggest you take the advice if seriously interested in anhad marg. No one here is giving you guarantees of anything , we are all searching, sharing and learning together, no one claims to have made it either.  Some have made it further than others though and for that I do bow down in respect of their achievements and kirpa bestowed upon them. It’s credit to them for still coming back here on this very forum and helping and encouraging those of us who are still far behind.
    Anyway good luck Bro. WaheGuru kirpa karan. Hope you find your way soon…
  18. Like
    Sat1176 reacted to Ragmaala in Are ears ringing and Anhad Shabad the same thing?   
    @Samarbir Singh   Ear ringing is a hint of anahd shabad or sehaj dhun that you hear while still in tregun, pavan, and while still having all the augan. The real Anhad Shabad or Sehaj Dhun , you will hear only when you are in Sehaj , free from pavan, tregun, your body, and very close to Nirankar Ji, and upon hearing sehaj dhun you should have amrit in every rom...This is not my experience but my understanding from listening to Simranjit Singh Tohana. And it makes sense too. A lot of people start hearing ringing sound, its a beginning, little bit closer to Nirankar ji, but not the end goal. 
    For example, I hear ringing when I focus, or during bani or simran, but it does not mean anything yet.  Only if my vikars are controlled, mind is in samadhi, amrit rass is received, I will hear the true sehaj dhun or anhad shabad.  I might be wrong but thats what I have understood so far.  more experienced Gurmukhs like @Sat1176 @Lucky can correct me. 
    This path is like a life long marathan of mehnat not a sprint
    ps. just after writing this the sounds have gotten more prominent 
    but overall its a good thing, its a beginning while we are still in this mud. 
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Arsh1469 in AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots   
    I’ve had the first dose. Can’t say I felt great after having it. Had fever for 2 days and my arm was swollen for over a week.
    I would take my chances with  vaccine over getting COVID again.
  20. Thanks
    Sat1176 got a reaction from paapiman in AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots   
    Recovered now thanks. Waheguru’s grace.
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    Sat1176 got a reaction from Samarbir Singh in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Liked how they added some of the anhad sounds to the background of this short film. Those that have heard these sounds will know subtly what the producers were hinting at.
  22. Thanks
    Sat1176 reacted to Sajjan_Thug in Big collection of Akath Katha-Bhai Satnam Singh Ji   
    Waheguru Ji
    Came across a gem of a website, wanted to share with the sangat.
    Hundreds of kathas done from a Naam Abhyas point of view and practical advice. Including larivaar akath katha of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
    Akath Katha website
  23. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Ragmaala in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Liked how they added some of the anhad sounds to the background of this short film. Those that have heard these sounds will know subtly what the producers were hinting at.
  24. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Liked how they added some of the anhad sounds to the background of this short film. Those that have heard these sounds will know subtly what the producers were hinting at.
  25. Like
    Sat1176 got a reaction from Kaur10 in AstraZeneca Vaccine and Blood Clots   
    Recovered now thanks. Waheguru’s grace.
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