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Kam1825 last won the day on April 29

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  1. Kamalroop Singh has released a translation of the work on the net recently but it is again incomplete. Later this year the full version which has been translated will be out for sale by a Singh who found a complete transcript in Lahore
  2. I visited the Gurdwara back in November and the monument where the Guru was shaded by the snake has been changed. The original one above looked better
  3. Kam1825


    Within the Sri Nanak Parkash, whilst in Multan Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji narrates the story of Shamz Tabriz and his execution
  4. Apologies, full review of the book by a genuine scholar below for those who want to read it Review of the Mool Mantar commentary In 2015 Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi of Leicester published an English commentary of the Mool Mantar. There have already been written dozens of such commentaries. However, what makes this book so fascinating and unique is that it is based on the research and writings of Baba Gurbachan Singh Bhindranwale who was one of the greatest Sikh scholars of the 20th century. The book follows the traditional interpretations (sampradaya arth) of Sikhi which have been passed down orally through many centuries. While the ocean of traditional sampradayic wisdom is abundant in the Punjabi language, this book appears to be the first attempt of introducing the traditional interpretations in the English language solely targeting a western audience. This is what makes this book so spectacular and fascinating. The book has an easy layout and is divided into several chapters. The first chapter sets the context and position of the Japji Sahib in the Sikh tradition. By drawing on sophisticated and difficult writings not easily available to Sikhs in the west - Nanak Prakash, Suraj Prakash, Gurmukh Prakash and the Rahitname - Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi has shown how the Japji Sahib has always been an integral and foundational aspect of the Sikh tradition. Many passages of these aforementioned books have been translated to English for the first time in history, showing how many of the Gurus have successively praised the Japji Sahib and what benefits the devotee will gain from reciting the holy verses. The second chapter is a discussion on how Guru Nanak and his revelation fits in with the wider Indic traditions of religion and what sets Guru Nanak apart from the earlier avatars and India religions of the past. The purpose of this chapter is to show the readers how Guru Nanak’s message is a continuation of earlier dharams while at the same time being distinct and independent. There are several quotations from the Puranas , Upanishads and Islam to enhance and enforce the message of Guru Nanak. The impression you get from reading this chapter is that Sikhi is not a faith that originated out of the blue in the 15th century. Rather, Sikhi is a majestic faith with roots going back several thousands of years to the early days of creation. Classifying Sikhi as an old religious tradition is a typical outlook in the samprdayic traditions, but it is the first time I have seen such depth in the English language. The chapter draws heavily on the sophisticated terminology of Vedanta while showing how these concepts are present in the Guru Granth Sahib. On page 63 begins the Mool Mantar commentary itself. Each word of the Mool Mantar has been given several meanings drawing from the Sikh tradition and the many Sanskrit origins of the various words. Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi shows how the Mool Mantar can be interpreted from its historical context but also from its linguistics. I was personally fascinated to see the depths of the Mool Mantar and how the different words add deeper perspectives to the Sikh faith, clearly showing how Sikhi is a universal faith welcoming people of all backgrouns and religious traditions. The chapter shows how on the one level the Mool Mantar can be engaged with purely within the Sikh tradition and from a purely meditative approach. On the other hand the chapter shows how the Mool Mantar fits perfectly into centuries old traditional Indic philosophy and the chapter gives a glimpse of how the Nirmala, Udasi and Taksali scholars of the past have been using, positioning and categorizing the mool mantar in their wider discussions with Brahmin priests and scholars all over India. This sophisticated level, I believe, is an aspect most Sikhs in the west have been deprived. In this chapters, Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi has drawn from Guru Granth Sahib, the vaars of Bhai Gurdas and the Persian ghazals of Bhai Nand Lal Goya. Interestingly, the commentary also draws on the lesser studied Sarukhtavali Granth and Vichar Sagar which have been integral books of the traditional samprdaic curriculum. The Puranas, Vedas, Ramayan and Upanishads are also referenced throughout this chapter. The book is not written as a dry and academic book you read once and then forget everything about. Rather, it has been written with the purpose of inspiring Sikh youth in the west to develop an interest for the traditional and esoteric interpretations of Sikh philosophy. The roman spelling of Gurmat philosophical terms have been kept (instead of merely translating them and keeping the original words out). I believe this has been done purposefully to widen the readers’ vocabulary as well as to inspire them to look deeper into these philosophical concepts by their own study. I am pretty sure Kamalpreet Singh will succeed in his mission of inspiring and widening the plurality of Sikh expression in the west, not only by his online activities, but also with the publication of books like this, of which this book is only amongst the first. I am looking forward to future writings and translations of Kamalpreet Singh Pardeshi. Enjoy the reading!
  5. Some terrible self promotion below; there are some facebook updates promoting the book and the podcasts by other users. This is for those who have requested to read some views before thinking about having a look through the books to purchase? Dont worry after this I wont put anything up self promoting and heightening my pride and ego! Review 01 A great resource for all the students who want to further their understanding of Gurbani. This is probably the first 'Sampardai' translation of the Mool Mantar in English which goes into superb detail. This book translated by Bhai Kamalpreet Singh Ji is based on very spiritually deep commentaries of Sri Jap Ji Sahib such as Sant Giani Gurbachan Singh Ji's Katha, Sant Kartar Singh Ji's Jap Ji Sahib teeka, Sant Giani Kirpal Singh Ji's Amir Bhandar and many more. Alongside this Bhai Kamalpreet Singh Ji has included detailed footnotes, which will help you understand concepts from Gurbani, Itihaas, & vedant clearly. You can purchase this book on the below given link. Review 02 I received this steek a few days ago and have to say that it is the most amazing steek I have ever read! Bhai Kamalpreet Singh Ji has managed to describe the most heavenly concepts in a way that any reader can understand and digest. Once you have read this book you will look and recite the Moolmantar in a completely different way. I was completely unaware of the vast depth in these words of Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj. The book is full of great footnotes that allows for a deeper understanding and reading. It is a book for true seekers and everyone must read it regardless of their jathebani affiliation. May Gurusahibji continue to bless Bhai Kamalpreet Singhji as a vessel to share their knowledge. Review 03 I was asked by a very humble brother to review something for him. I figure if I am to review something of great value that can significantly improve someone's understanding and connection with Gurbani - I must try to share this with a wider number of souls... Have you heard of the podcast 'Sikhism in Snippets'? You can find it here and subscribe to it at: http://kam1825.podbean.com Bhai Kamalpreet Singh Jee - a highly knowledgeable Gursikh is the Singhjee behind this podcast - some of you may know him to be the genius behind the website www.gurmatveechar.com - which is a priceless treasure that has served me immensely in my own journey. Gurmat Veechar has countless Sikhi resources ranging from Audio, Katha / Gurbani Ucharaan to Gurbani Literature - both in english and Gurnukhi/Punjabi. Bhai Sahibjee sent out a call for support 6/7 months back - requesting sponsorship for his podcast so he could begin another project he is dedicated to - editing and translating Gurbani discourses of Sant Mahapurshs and Gurbani Vidvaans. His sewa has meant that the likes of you and I are able to have ease of access to the Gyaan of Puratan Gursikhs in written form - but also translated to english in a straightforward manner. On top of all of this - as great as his sewa is, his humility is genuinely greater for he continues to thank the sponsors who stepped forward as being the 'enablers' of this sewa of producing these books. I am privileged to be a sponsor of the podcast but feel I personally am not able to begin to give anything in return to equal what I am taking away... Currently, I have been blessed with three of Bhai Sahibjee's publications and reading them is truly an intense experience - the most recent of which you can purchase for yourself from the following link: http://www.lulu.com/…/jap-j…/paperback/product-22635068.html If you would like to purchase any of these books you can also contact Bhai Sahibjee directly (copied below). Finally, you can also step forward and become a sponsor so that Bhai Sahibjee is able to continue his extremely valuable sewa. For as little as $20 a month (thats about £14 for UK based Sangat). You will also then receive any future publications as they are published.
  6. CdnSikhGirl hit it on the head for why I am becoming a Vegan, plus I like making my own nut milks.!!
  7. Sant Giani Mohan Singh Ji Bhindrawalae are something special, I got their darshan once and it was something different to all other sadhus
  8. Gurfateh the easiest way to know if If we judge them in accordance to Gurbani. In the Sahaskriti Salok you get the salok, 'Mantran Ram Ram Naman' and then the other thing you have to look for is the virtues that are mentioned in the Sri Suraj Parkash. The parsang where Jahangir asks Sain Mian Mir what the characteristics of a Saint are and from the discourses betwwen Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji and his Sikhs along with Sri Guru hargobind Ji and his Sikhs on the qualities of a sain. Through these a person can jusdge if the person they meet in the street is a sant or not. Hope that helps?
  9. There is commentary and footnotes as well, however my view is biased, I am not sure if Neo or Paapimaan have their copies yet as they will be able to give you their view. Amardeep Singh has a copy he may be able to shed some light for you if you require.
  10. This is for those who may be interested, I have had the opportunity to write a number of books recently, initially they were for sponsors of the podcasts but due to demand I have decided to put some of them out on a self publication site. Slowly they will increase in number with the Sarkutavali Teeka and Gagar Cho sagar also being added in June and August respetively. At the moment there are three books available to purchase which are the 'Sahaskriti and Gatha Teeka by Mahant Ganesha Singh', 'Matra by Baba Sri Chand Ji' and 'The Jap Ji Sahib Katha 01 - Mul Mantra Katha by Sant Gurbachan Singh Bhindrawale' They are all on the following link https://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorId=1393200 Thank you, and just so you anyone is aware there is no profit for these books as they all go back into the Sikhism in Snippits podcast
  11. The problem is the topic being discussed are basic and there is no applied knowledge of deeper understanding being spoken about
  12. Damn man I forgot how good the threads on this site used to be about ten years ago
  13. If you have a Gurbilas Patshahi 6 by Giani Gyan Singh it is actually not the Gurbilas in its true form but a summary
  14. lol i think putting the quote about burgers hit a nerve, I am actually a veggie frieak and on the verge of going vegan. Also the clip is one that I put up on youtube.
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