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    HisServant got a reaction from tva prasad in Poison cannot kill a Brahamgyani   
    I know a gurmukh who someone tried to kill by poisoning him. To this day he doesn't know how he's still alive.
  2. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from tva prasad in Discussion on Bullying, Nindya & How to handle Nindya like Bhagat Kabir Ji.   
    There is one very common trait amongst everyone here. Everyone here is a spiritual seeker. Everyone has wahegurus jot inside them. Everyone has the aim of inner self realization. If you take a drop of water and combine it with another drop of water, you don't get two different things. Just more of the same thing. We are all one. 
    Discussions are good because you learn from them. But step away if someone begins to create tension. It no longer remains a discussion.
    Spread love and positivity.  
    ਗਰਬੁ ਨ ਕੀਜੈ ਰੇਣ ਹੋਵੀਜੈ ਤਾ ਗਤਿ ਜੀਅਰੇ ਤੇਰੀ ॥
    O soul, don't be so arrogant - become the dust of all, and you shall be saved.
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    HisServant got a reaction from tva prasad in Diet and bhagti   
    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ।। ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ ।। 
    Sangat ji, I'm not sure if this has been discussed before. I wasn't able to find a discussion related to this. What are your views when it comes to what types of food to eat. One thing that I wonder is why does spice tolerance go down a lot of the time when your bhagti is going well.
    ਸਿਰੀਰਾਗੁ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥ 
    Siree Raag, First Mehl:
    ਸਭਿ ਰਸ ਮਿਠੇ ਮੰਨਿਐ ਸੁਣਿਐ ਸਾਲੋਣੇ ॥ 
    Believing, all tastes are sweet. Hearing, the salty flavors are tasted;
    ਖਟ ਤੁਰਸੀ ਮੁਖਿ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਮਾਰਣ ਨਾਦ ਕੀਏ ॥ 
    chanting with one's mouth, the spicy flavors are savored. All these spices have been made from the Sound-current of the Naad.
    ਛਤੀਹ ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤ ਭਾਉ ਏਕੁ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇਇ ॥੧॥ 
    The thirty-six flavors of ambrosial nectar are in the Love of the One Lord; they are tasted only by one who is blessed by His Glance of Grace. ||1||
    ਬਾਬਾ ਹੋਰੁ ਖਾਣਾ ਖੁਸੀ ਖੁਆਰੁ ॥ 
    O Baba, the pleasures of other foods are false.
    ਜਿਤੁ ਖਾਧੈ ਤਨੁ ਪੀੜੀਐ ਮਨ ਮਹਿ ਚਲਹਿ ਵਿਕਾਰ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ 
    Eating them, the body is ruined, and wickedness and corruption enter into the mind. ||1||Pause||
    To add to that, a lot of people eat mainly from sarbloh is there any spiritual benefit from this or is it primarily just an iron booster? 
  4. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from tva prasad in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Had a very odd experience last night with astral projection.
    There was a very big thunderstorm in my city and the sound was so loud that it woke most of my family up. The lightning was so bright that my entire room would be covered in light every once in a while. If anyone lives near here they might have heard it last night.
    I'm a really heavy sleeper so I didn't notice it at first but it woke me up to a point where I was half awake. My body felt light and I noticed that I could move my body at an extremely fast speed. I moved around my room for a little while but I can't remember what happened after that. 
    This is a first in a very long time. Astral projection has always happened by accident for me, I've never been able to do it on purpose. 
    I know this isn't really our purpose but it's always a cool experience. 
  5. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from jaikaara in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Had a very odd experience last night with astral projection.
    There was a very big thunderstorm in my city and the sound was so loud that it woke most of my family up. The lightning was so bright that my entire room would be covered in light every once in a while. If anyone lives near here they might have heard it last night.
    I'm a really heavy sleeper so I didn't notice it at first but it woke me up to a point where I was half awake. My body felt light and I noticed that I could move my body at an extremely fast speed. I moved around my room for a little while but I can't remember what happened after that. 
    This is a first in a very long time. Astral projection has always happened by accident for me, I've never been able to do it on purpose. 
    I know this isn't really our purpose but it's always a cool experience. 
  6. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from Sat1176 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Had a very odd experience last night with astral projection.
    There was a very big thunderstorm in my city and the sound was so loud that it woke most of my family up. The lightning was so bright that my entire room would be covered in light every once in a while. If anyone lives near here they might have heard it last night.
    I'm a really heavy sleeper so I didn't notice it at first but it woke me up to a point where I was half awake. My body felt light and I noticed that I could move my body at an extremely fast speed. I moved around my room for a little while but I can't remember what happened after that. 
    This is a first in a very long time. Astral projection has always happened by accident for me, I've never been able to do it on purpose. 
    I know this isn't really our purpose but it's always a cool experience. 
  7. Like
    HisServant reacted to das in Is white energy Chi?   
    All I can say is it is Energy (Free-Energy/Radiant-Energy/Energy-used-by-Radionics/Chi-Energy/Prana/etc. etc.), the same kind of energy which is the root cause of motion/working of everything in this universe. No-one (except the Puran Brahmgyani) could exactly categorize the types of energies at play, but for the sake of discussion; yes, it is the Chi/Prana energy.
  8. Like
    HisServant reacted to das in Is white energy Chi?   
    If you want to discuss this, please open another discussion......it doesn't look nice either on your part nor on my part to derail HisServant's topic.
    So, here is my last reply; if you want to discuss this further please open another topic:
    I'm glad that you're talking of the meaning of Khalsa; so, for your reference here is the meaning of Khalsa:
    Atam Ras Jeh Janye So Hi Khals Dev Prabh Meh Moh Meh Taas Meh Ranchak Nahin Bhed.
    A Khalsa is the one who enjoys the Atam Ras (Gyan Amrit) – spiritual bliss – and who has been elevated to such a level that there is no difference between him, the SatGuru and Akal Purakh.
    It seems like the Khalsa you're referring to who has taken the Sanskar Amrit and is following all the rehit as told by our Guru Sahib. But my friend, could you call a Kindergarten (who just got the admission in school) student a Degree holder? Taking the Sanskar Amrit is the first step; Naam Amrit is the second stage where Naam is given by who has already met HIM; eventually Gyan is obtained by Guru's Kirpa and this stage is called Atam Ras. Atam Ras is the last stage of merging with God/Waheguru. The person who has reached this last stage is called Khalsa.
    At last, I would say, something might work for 'X' as per his stage/karma but might not work for 'Y', but some different thought process might work for 'Y' but not for X or Z. e.g all the 5 fingers of our hand are not equal but together they make the hand and help us to achieve their final purpose (which is to do the task assigned). So, instead of bending on This-vs-That, pick what resonates with your consciousness and thinking and utilize it according to your thinking. No need to live in illusion that My interpretation is right because at the end of the day, everything is False (including All Religions), only HE is Truth because HE does not change with time. HE Was, Is, and Will remain unchanged.
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    HisServant reacted to das in Is white energy Chi?   
    It is basically "The Energy", and it has got many different names/forms/potentials etc......so, better to stick with the tag as energy. It is like electricity being present in a wire all the time; but it could be actively used when we plug into the wire. So, energy is there, we're just training the mind to use this energy.
    I would suggest that you Visualize this energy coming from your Guru's image (Guru Granth Sahib Saroop or whosoever you're concentrating upon); do NOT limit yourself by thinking that it is Chi and automatically trapping in the attributes/properties of Chi.
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    HisServant reacted to das in Is white energy Chi?   
    HisServant, you're doing what was taught by our Gurus; most of the people tend to ignore all the real-teaching, inner working and just focus on outer bana, superiority complex and put everything in a box; they even place the Religion (a.k.a God as per them) in a box.
    All I want to say is:
    - Just ignore these kind of people and carry on.
    - Do NOT let you teacher mind jump and engage in debate because neither they are going to change nor you. In-fact, it is a journey that everyone has to traverse himself/herself.
    - Do NOT explain anything, just don't let them ruin your flow and peace of mind.
  11. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from das in Is white energy Chi?   
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    I recently have gone under mentorship with someone who is in lineage of a well known Muslim saint from Guru Nanak Ji's time. (I don't want to say any names or anything else specific because he stays anonymous). He has a very mystic type lifestyle and I wanted to share an experience which I have had due to his guidance and hopefully learn more about it.
    Yesterday he taught me a tibetan style meditation where you do a few different hand motions around the nabhi.
    I started it last night (around 8-9pm) and it feels as if energy is pushing my hands. It feels as if the energy is leading my hands towards different directions. The feeling is similar to how you feel when you point the same side of two magnets together. I spent a few hours playing with is last night. While standing up I was able to lead it in a way where it physically pushed my body backwards. At other times I could feel a very cold wind coming from my hands. If I moved my hands a bit higher and broke the tension, my entire body would burst into vibrations. 
    Closer to around midnight I started to go through moments where I could smell a very strong flower type smell. 
    I called him and talked to him about it briefly but won't see him again for a few days. He said the force is called white energy. So my question is whether this is similar to chi? I know in many types of meditation they use energy.
    Does anyone know anything about this?
  12. Like
    HisServant reacted to Xylitol in Is white energy Chi?   
    don't know what it's called. is  normal though. there are different kinds of chi, so you could probably call this chi. 
  13. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from Sat1176 in Is white energy Chi?   
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    I recently have gone under mentorship with someone who is in lineage of a well known Muslim saint from Guru Nanak Ji's time. (I don't want to say any names or anything else specific because he stays anonymous). He has a very mystic type lifestyle and I wanted to share an experience which I have had due to his guidance and hopefully learn more about it.
    Yesterday he taught me a tibetan style meditation where you do a few different hand motions around the nabhi.
    I started it last night (around 8-9pm) and it feels as if energy is pushing my hands. It feels as if the energy is leading my hands towards different directions. The feeling is similar to how you feel when you point the same side of two magnets together. I spent a few hours playing with is last night. While standing up I was able to lead it in a way where it physically pushed my body backwards. At other times I could feel a very cold wind coming from my hands. If I moved my hands a bit higher and broke the tension, my entire body would burst into vibrations. 
    Closer to around midnight I started to go through moments where I could smell a very strong flower type smell. 
    I called him and talked to him about it briefly but won't see him again for a few days. He said the force is called white energy. So my question is whether this is similar to chi? I know in many types of meditation they use energy.
    Does anyone know anything about this?
  14. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from Arsh1469 in How to open Dasam Dwar with Simran   
    If I'm honest, my punjabi is extremely weak so I struggle with Punjabi katha... especially Bhai Sewa Singh Tarmala. When I do understand it's mind blowing though. 
    If anyone could translate the technique that would be great. Just a brief overview. I think I understood a good junk though.
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    HisServant reacted to jaikaara in Views on Current Day Astrologers   
    I used to go and hear them out and when they would give the 'upaay' or 'cure' for a certain planet phase which would be as weird as dropping a bottle of whisky in a river which i wouldn't dare to do since i consider the river sacred or dropping marble stones in the river too...i would just go home and do bani since i felt it was futile to go on a certain day at a certain time to a certain place and do something which didnt sound logical to me. Doing bani is much easier and you would feel relaxed, that anxiety to get into the future just resides.
  16. Like
    HisServant reacted to jaikaara in Views on Current Day Astrologers   
    as a research point of view you can try provided it doesnt hurt your pocket since some of them charge exorbitant .
    There are many who tell you about the past but futuristic prediction you would need to tally...not accurate at times or as i get after people that tell me in what phase what shall happen. ..havent come across anyone who can predict with time frames .
  17. Like
    HisServant reacted to CuriousSeeker in Views on Current Day Astrologers   
    Imo there are alot of fakes out there.  However there are legit ones.  However for a gurmukh, karams are always influx due to bhagti,always changing.  What they tell you one year, can be different the next, just like the lines on the hands change with raising consciousness/awareness.   Best not to worry about the past/future :) 
  18. Like
    HisServant got a reaction from jaikaara in Views on Current Day Astrologers   
    So today I came across a few advertisements for astrologers in my city. One of which seems to be known worldwide because he's the grandson of someone who had a very high spiritual state. So my question is if anyone has ever had any type of experiences with people like these? My uncle was telling me that he's seen some to be accurate to the dot. 
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    HisServant reacted to BhagatSingh in I fell off the path... again   
    Go with the flow.
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    HisServant reacted to Kira in I fell off the path... again   
    Welcome to the club bro. 
    Relax, it's all his play and we're his marionettes, What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Pray to get back into the swing of things, Beg for it and he will listen.
  21. Like
    HisServant reacted to HappyDays in I fell off the path... again   
    I agree with what CuriousSeeker said. In the beginning there are lots of ups and downs but they gradually settle. Imagine a meter with a needle. It goes really high then really low. As you stay steady with more experience and giaan the needle does not move far off from the center. Your mind stays steady and there are no more highs and lows. Listening to and understanding Asa Di Vaar played the biggest role for me in steadying my mind. You should enjoy spirituality and not see it as a job of some sort. If a person does not enjoy it they'll always fall off. Find sangat to do naam japna with that's the easiest and best way to start enjoying spirituality. I read you don't have many friends. I think it's very vital to have good people around us. You should form some friendships with good people you can find. Everyone needs friends, they help us stay in a good mood. Just talking to a friend makes a person who is down level himself. I do believe in spirituality but not in ardaas and some force listening to it. I think gurus put ardas to keep sikhs safe from Ahankaar. If you feel all your spiritual gain is thanks to some God then you will stay safe from houmai. Also most health issues are cured so if person does ardas and health returns then their belief in God becomes even stronger and it will motivate them to meditate. However, one of my close friends got a chronic health issue that the doctors could not figure out and for 3 years his mother and father did ardaas and paath day and night. It has been 4 years and he is still sitting at his home with his dehabilitating chronic disease. His parents are questioning their belief in God and giving up. A persons blind belief can become the reason they give up if things don't go their way. It's better to just see it as a process of awakening yourself to reality. There is not some imaginary God that can do kirpa. A living sant could do kirpa on him but not some imaginary force. Guru Granth sahib is our guide but it cannot do kirpa on us in my opinion. You see Gurus refer to the Truth in love as mother, father, husband, all-knowing guide, one who cares for all beings etc. I believe it is a method to develop bairaag and love. Once you have that love you become intoxicated in it, it will take you all the way. Then you realize the Truth which is different. If Gurus just told people the truth straight up they would not understand so they stuck with this method of giving the people some imaginary force to cling to. This is just my opinion from the experiences that shaped my thinking. When I gave up my belief that there is some god, I felt a big weight come off my shoulders and lots of peace come to my mind. I just try to live a good honest life. I see awakening as the only thing with meaning in life everything else is just useless and temporary. Everything is in naam japna. I read or listen to gurbani and katha just to motivate myself to do naam japna. The whole process and awakening is in naam japna. I still enjoy maya though. I see awakening as a science and process with no kirpa involved so I stay steady in my sadhana now to continue the process each day. I believe we need to have a well-balanced life. We must live in maya and enjoy it while being spiritual as well. Some people try to get away from maya and be spiritual only but that is a much tougher road. Like Guru Ji says they leave to the jungles but there mind is still stuck in Maya. Balance is the key. I think it has worked well for me. I'm just stating my view and opinion. I'm not saying I am right or wrong. I have spent much of my time being a philosopher to understand the creation and the mind. Understanding Kaam, Krodh, Lobh Moh Ahankaar through vichar with myself and listening to many different kathas by different people and religions. Asa Di Vaar helped me a'lot. I have built a strong understanding through philosophy to prepare myself to be spiritual. There are many paths and that is the path I took.
  22. Like
    HisServant reacted to Ragmaala in I fell off the path... again   
    @HisServant  You are not alone brother.  I too have hit rock bottom and trying to climb up since then. Just keep at it. This is just the beginning, stay strong!
  23. Like
    HisServant reacted to samurai in I fell off the path... again   
  24. Like
    HisServant reacted to samurai in I fell off the path... again   
    If you've got all the material privileges  and still feel empty, even to the point that you 'loose interest' in sikhi/god etc i personally see it as a good sign a wave which you must ride, if you really want god..from someone who comes through a lot of hardships and now benefiting from fruits of the material world i would defiantly say without doubt i felt closer to god in those bad times, in fact i sometimes feel i want to go back into hard times to feel the thirst for maharaj/god/vaheguru...as long as you get regular meals and have a secure home to rest your head, count this as a big blessing, really big...thats all we need.. nothing else...its your individual khed so you may or may not find another in your shoes....in low times you can really go deep in yourself, so again i reiterate its a blessing, its not always a case of feeling good via dyaan its also a combination of vairaag  from lonliness, down feeling etc..
    remember you are not feeling low..so who is??
  25. Like
    HisServant reacted to CuriousSeeker in I fell off the path... again   
    Can personally speak to the ups and downs bro.  Initially the peaks are and valleys are more extreme, but with time and steady effort they become smaller and smaller, and a more of a steady state is attained.  Key is self reflection/inquiry and and understanding the causes of the valleys, and not making the same mistake twice.  Also I know this said alot and people have different views, but a sincere ardaas to Guru maharaj ji goes a long way.  The mind likes to play tricks and the entices of maya are always attempting to pull, only way to rise above is with effort and his grace.
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