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    SAadmin reacted to Ragmaala in Women And Lust   
    This human body regardless of male or female is disgusting as per Gurbani. This is to break our attachment from the body and look past the outer beauty.

    But at the same time Gurbani teaches us that this body is a great vehicle to meet God, so we should make sure it is healthy.

    According to me, eh vis gandala, just means a way to break attachment to body.
  2. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Lucky in Was Sikhi Maybe Meant To Be Adaptable? One Philosophy For All People And For All Time?   
    Too right bro!
    You have to practice and experience the Truth by practical approaches per self and per soul.
    It's no good debating and arguing the truth if you've never even made the decent efforts to try and merge with Sat....to experience His presence....to feel his divine love...
    When you do it with your truest intentions...you will automatically rise above these debates and arguments....you will rise above both Ustat and Nindya.......you will realize just how much life and breaths you have wasted arguing over what you thought was the truth.
    You will realize just how clever those 'peredhaar'....the panj dhuts, kram, krodh, lobh, moh,and ahankar are in the trickery they use to fool you!

    You can waste your whole life praising and debating over the glories of your jatha, but it won't take you anywhere near the Truth, unless you try and practice it.

    Does the truth, the Sat...talk and justify itself ?
    or do the 5 dhuts, the peredhaars of your mind... fool you so well into thinking that they are the truth?

    You know guys..... sikhi is about finding this out for yourselves....per individual person...per soul.
  3. Like
    SAadmin reacted to drawrof in singh meets sevapanthi   
    Pg.149 (raj jogi, baba sahib singh bedi….ishar singh naara)

    A companion of baba sahib singh bedi, passed away and baba sahib singh bedi did ardaas for him. In that darbar, came sant bhai bhaag singh kureewaalay. Baba sahib singh bedi gave him due respect and said it has been ages since we’ve met. Bhai bhaag singh responded with the following “tuk†of gurbani.

    “kaat kee puthree kahaa karai bapuree khilaavan haaro jaanaiâ€. Baba sahib singh bedi heard the response and was utterly pleased.

    The time came near for the bhog of the death of the friend and bhai sahib singh bedi gave flour and clothes as bheta, and did a smagam. They had a deevan at 2 times. In the morning bhai mansa singh did kirtan, and at night the sevak of the deceased did katha from paaras bhaag. One day, in that katha, there was a passage which discussed the greatness of saints and their company. It was said that those saints are the beloved ones of god who keep themselves imbued in god’s love and don’t care about theirselves or what happens to them in the process.

    Bhai sahib singh bedi asked this sevak, bhai baloo (sevak of bhai dukh bhanjan), is there any sant of this caliber in your panth (meaning the sevapanthis). Bhai baloo said there is bhai jagta ji from noorpur. He described him as being one of great peace, he didn’t see anyone as friend or foe, didn’t see happiness or sadness, and he didn’t do praises or slandering of anyone. Mai anantee (the adopted mother of bhai sahib singh bedi) said lets call him here so that we can do his darshan. Baba sahib singh bedi said “mother, you’re very simple…a saint of this caliber shouldn’t be called here, but rather we should go and meet him; waheguru will be more pleased with thatâ€.
  4. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Ragmaala in The Stupidity Of Certain Aspects Of Panjabi Culture   
    Dudes gonna die soon with either cirrhosis, pancreatitis or kidney or heart failure.
    its kinda painful to watch..

    I am glad Guru Ji strictly kept us away from all these toxic substances...waheguru..
  5. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Singh123456777 in Was Sikhi Maybe Meant To Be Adaptable? One Philosophy For All People And For All Time?   
    According to you then sikhi is supposed to evolve etc... Then in the future there will be sects that say cutting hair is the true way etc... The line has to be drawn at a point...
  6. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Sat1176 in Lights/ Sounds In Meditation Article By Sivananda   
    These types of sounds in my encounters appear to come from the ear drums. As you do more simran I believe the act of doing more abhyaas verbally and moving the jaw applies further subtle pressure on the ears which change the types of sounds you hear. Furthermore your hearing becomes more refined and you begin to pick up other sound frequencies.

    With the Anhad sounds I experienced they were very loud and distinct that when you hear them they will startle you the first time you hear them. When I heard them they appeared to be coming from near the head but not directly in the ear like the pressure cooker whistle you describe. It's like someone is playing an instrument directly next to you, either behind you or directly into your ear but not touching it.

    Eventually the sounds should come from the trikuti region. It has been a long time since I've experienced the strong ones but the memory is extremely vivid and how I long to have a encounter with them again :-(
  7. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Sat1176 in Lights/ Sounds In Meditation Article By Sivananda   
    It doesn't matter what side it starts. Just keep going! Waheguru is everywhere so why should we limit his voice to only one direction.
  8. Like
    SAadmin reacted to das in Was Sikhi Maybe Meant To Be Adaptable? One Philosophy For All People And For All Time?   
    Great, on track.

    One should move towards the common higher goal and take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't; afterall in the beginning and at end it will only be ONE (the higher goal) and rest in between is all Illusion (with a Hint of Source in the middle to remind us about HIM).
  9. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Bundha in Kaur Warrior   
    Did this picture.


  10. Like
    SAadmin reacted to amazing in Last Post   
    I don't think the sikh women have to start any movement global or otherwise to be treated and counted as equals to men. The great sikh gurus have already accorded this equal status to the sikh women. Starting from 'so kyon manda akhiyeh..........' to the creation of Khalsa by the 10th guru. Who do the sikh men think they are to disobey the gurus? They are definitely not superior to the gurus to disobey their instructions. The sikh men need to grow up and follow the teachings of sikhism rather than behave like ignorant fools. How can they expect other nationalities to show respect to their turbans and kirpans when they don't have any regard for the teachings of sikhism?

    In sikhism men and women are equal, so there is no need for anyone to fight for their rights, if the men don't get it they are plain stupid. Sikh women are equal to men starting with turbans on their heads to kacherras on their waists. If they were not both equal then why would guru ji make it mandatory for both men and women to carry the sri sahib jis and wear a turbans and cotton kacherra which is sewn exactly the same way for both men and women? It is ridiculous to be so disobedient to the the sikh gurus and sikhism.

    Sikh men need to wake up and face the teachings of the gurus. Disobedience to these wonderful teachings can only mean they are hypocrites and not real SIKHS.
  11. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Sat1176 in Simran Videos - Sant Ram Singh (Nanaksar Singra Wale)   
    Quite a few live simran session videos with Baba ji.

  12. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Singh123456777 in Was khanda amrit given to women in during 1699 or recently ?   
    To make this matter clear guru Ji gave Amrit to woman... In the gojh pothi written by har Singh who is the daily diary writer of guru Ji he wrote the whole family of guru Ji took Amrit including women... This pothi can be found in hazur sahib...
  13. Like
    SAadmin reacted to amazing in Last Post   
    satkirin_kaur has raised some very important issues which need to be dealt with within the sikh janta. Sikhism is not only reciting and quoting banis. It also teaches us to fight against injustice and unfair treatment of individuals.
  14. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Kam1825 in ~ Best Raagas-Indian Classic Music Collection ~   
    I love Raags but even more when they bring out the essence of gurbani. The best shabad with raags that appeal to my atma are below by Bhai Narinder Singh Banaras

  15. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Kuttabanda2 in Akj And Tenth Master   
    I would agree.
    I remember reading about 7 methods of avoiding Kaam which were really practical, and it wouldn't take a "high avastha" to abide by.
  16. Like
    SAadmin reacted to PAL 07 in Brilliant Audio Player   
    Be sure to mess about with those audio settings - there amazing my keertan playlist sounds so much more spiritual

    Those having problems with download can also find this software on filehippo
  17. Like
    SAadmin reacted to amardeep in Claim Of Guru Nanak?   
    Everyone are so busy claiming Guru Nanak instead of listening to his message.
  18. Like
    SAadmin reacted to osingh1 in Videos - Sant Giani Mohan Singh   
    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    Thanks for the videos bhai Kam Singh ji. Giani Mohan Singh ji's face says it all. Many talk about so and so avastha but listening to Giani ji's voice one gets the impression that Giani ji has reached a level that paapi jeevs like me can only contemplate.

    Do you have any update on Giani Mohan Singh ji's health? I wonder if cassettes/audio of their Katha are available at Gurdwara Akhand Parkash in Bhinder Kalan?
  19. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Lucky in Akj And Tenth Master   
    I'm surprised that you think it takes a high avastha to be able to dampen all your kaam temptations.
    It's not that difficult you know?...try it.
    Keep your head down, avoid unneccesary eye contact with any female, keep jap reverberating within and see how you go.
  20. Like
    SAadmin reacted to shaheediyan in Which Is Higher?   
    drawoF Ji,

    Gurprasad is not a form of bhagti (which is what is being discussed).

    There are 9 forms of bhagti as per the Bhagavata Purana (Prahlada) which Gurbani mentions as ਭਗਤਿ ਨਵੈ ਪਰਕਾਰਾ ॥ :

    (1) Shravan (hearing the praises)

    (2)Kirtan (singing the praises)

    (3)Smarna (remembering the form and the name)

    (4)Pada sevana(service of the feet)

    (5)Archana (worship)

    (6)Dasya (service)

    (7)Sakhya (friendship)

    (8)Vandana (bowing)

    (9)Atna-nivedan (surrendering)
  21. Like
    SAadmin reacted to harsharan000 in 6 Bhavas in Bhagti   
    A very good and a very inspirational post, wah wah.

    But if I am allowed, I would humbly say that there is one more type of bhakti or love, the one of a Guru and chela, a Gurmukh and a sikh.

    And the best examples we have in the lives of our Guru Sahibans. Just for example, Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, was the son of Satguru Ram Das Maharaj, but, He did not take Him as a father, but as His Guru.

    And so, even being a single moment away from the beloved Satguru, it seems endless in time, and the sikh feels like a fish out of water, means going through hell...

    While, when the sikh is in the company of His beloved Satguru....it is like being in ectasy, in a blissful state, he is most happy and fortunate on the surface of the earth.

    And this bond is created by the Gurmukh alone, who has attached His sikh with Himself, with His gurparsad, with the tight rope of Nam.
  22. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Pheena in 6 Bhavas in Bhagti   
    In Bhakti, the devotee establishes a near and dear relationship with the Lord. He cultivates slowly any one of the six Bhavas according to his temperament, taste and capacity.

    Bhava are the six kinds of attributes of devotees or Bhavas towards God. The Bhavas differ in type and intensity of feeling. The different Bhavas are arranged in order of their intensity.

    Santa Bhava Dhruva and Prahlada had the feeling of a child to its parents.

    Dasya Bhava the devotee behaves like a servant. His Lord is his Master. Hanuman is an ideal servant of God.

    Sakhya Bhava, there is a sense of equality. Arjuna and Kuchela had this Bhava.

    Vatsalya Bhava, the devotee looks upon the Lord as his own child. Yasoda had this Bhava for Sri Krishna. Kausalya had this Bhava for Sri Rama.

    Kanta Bhava is the love of the wife to the husband. Sita and Rukmini had this Bhava.

    Madhurya Bhava where culmination is reached. The lover and the Beloved become one through the intensity of love. Radha and Mira had this type of love.

    The last Bhava is the highest culmination of Bhakti. It is merging or absorption in the Lord. The devotee adores the Lord. He constantly remembers Him. He sings His Name (Kirtan). He speaks of His glories. He repeats His Name. He chants His Mantra. He prays and prostrates. He hears His Lilas. He does total, ungrudging, unconditional surrender, obtains His grace, holds communion with Him and gets absorbed in Him eventually.

    In Madhurya Bhava, there is the closest relationship between the devotee and the Lord. There is no sensuality in Kanta and Madhurya Bhavas. There is no tinge of carnality in them. Passionate people cannot understand these two Bhavas as their minds are saturated with passion and lower sexual appetite. Sufistic saints also have the Bhava of lover and the Beloved, Madhurya Bhava. Gita Govinda written by Jaya Deva is full of Madhurya Rasa. The language of love which the mystic uses cannot be comprehended by worldly persons. Only Gopis, Radha, Mira, Tukaram, Narada, Hafiz, can understand this language.
  23. Like
    SAadmin reacted to mahanpaapi in Baba Nand Singh Ji Nanksar Kaleran And Lord Yeshua Masih   
    Baba Nand Singh Ji Nanksar Kaleran and Lord Yeshua Masih

    Sometime in 1944, a Sikh, Mr. Balwant Singh was crying desperately outside Nanaksar Thath, Kaleran. Baba Narinder Singh, (father of Brigadier Partap Singh Jaspal) happened to pass by and asked him the reason for his crying. Mr. Balwant Singh replied that he was Subedar in Indian Army during the World War II in Italy.

    During the war, Subedar Balwant Singh was asked to lead a patrol around the enemy battle lines for gathering information about their movement. Once inside the enemy battle lines, their patrol was ambushed, resulting in the death of all members of his group, except he and another soldier. However, they ran too deep into the enemy battle lines, causing them to lose their way, and finally hid behind a hill.

    While hiding in the enemy area, they ate the remaining emergency food that they had. They were stranded for two days, worried about their safety.

    Subedar Balwant Singh had a darshan of Baba Nand Singh Ji once before he left India for war. Somehow, he took off his shoes and did a heart-rending prayer at the Lotus Feet of Baba Nand Singh Ji Maharaj,”Since you are considered the form of Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj, please come and help us in this dire situation.” His fellow soldier also took off his shoes and joined the prayer.

    Within an hour and half, an old white Christian woman came, and called them out. She told them that she brought food and water for them. When they came out, they saw that she was carrying a big tiffin and water for them. They ate the food to their full capacity.

    Thereafter, they asked, “Mother, how do know about us and our situation?”

    The woman told them that she lived in a nearby village, and she has worshipped her Lord Isah Masih for the last 40 years. While sleeping, she had a vision of her Lord, which caused her to be happy and blissful. In an instant, Lord Isah Masih’s image transformed into an old holy man, in white clothing, and then backs to His original image.

    Lord Masih with love and affection commanded her, “Two of our devotees are hiding nearby and starving. Take whatever you have at home and feed them. Bring them home and tomorrow night, escort them to their battle lines safely.”

    Subedar Balwant Singh matched her description of holy man to that of Baba Nand Singhi Ji, and understood that this was all Baba Nand Singh Ji’s game, and was filled with gratitude.

    The woman brought both soldiers home, and served them with the utmost respect. At night, she guided them to their battle lines.

    Before her departure, Subedar Balwant Singh asked her, “Mother, are you not scared?”

    She replied, “What fear, when my Lord Isah and your Baba Nand Singh’s Ji are with us!”

    The news of their miraculous survival spread in the platoon. As per the standard procedures, they narrated the whole incident to the command authorities, which was then recorded by the army liaison and telexed to the Punjab government. A retired official who was with the same platoon and in the Punjab government later confirmed this fact.

    [summary of Sakhi narrated by Brigadier Partap Singh Jaspal]
  24. Like
    SAadmin reacted to Sat1176 in Last Post   

    Personally speaking if I were in your shoes I would be more concerned about what Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says about who or where is God.

    har santahu daykhhu nadar kar nikat vasai bharpoor.
    O Saints, see clearly that the Lord is near at hand; He is pervading everywhere.

    Ang 68

    parabh nikat vasai sabhnaa ghat antar gurmukh virlai jaataa.
    God is close at hand; He dwells deep within the hearts of all. How rare are those who, as Gurmukh, know Him.


    aisaa mayraa raam rahi-aa bharpoor.
    Such is my Lord, who is all-pervading everywhere.

    nikat vasai naahee har door. ||1|| rahaa-o.
    He dwells near at hand - the Lord is not far away. ||1||Pause||

    Har aapay sabad surat dhun aapay.
    The Lord Himself is the Word of the Shabad. He Himself is the awareness, attuned to its music.
  25. Like
    SAadmin reacted to sukrit kaur in Last Post   
    I'm too a sikh girl,nd been using this forum.Personally I've never thought about such kinda things like which jatha or taksal is dominating here or what's the personal views of anyone towards any jatha.I feel heartly disappointed,when I read such things.I mean What is jatha?? When one says he/she is a sikh ,then no question arises towards what jatha or taksal he /she is motivated.Once,I read a thread in this forum ,where I read some critical attacks on particular Jathas.I was deeply disappointed.I at once closed the thread,and yes there were tears in my eyes,that how could a sikh can attack other sikh's principles.From that day,I decided to never look on such threads.Yes,I 've never looked or popped in any thread beside Meditation threads.In general discussion ,sometime I just read the headings of threads.But I must say that Meditation threads are really spiritually uplifting and one gets answers of many questions he is looking for.People posting their are really gurmukh's.So I suggest you to not leave the forum.I'm not using any forum other than this one ,cause I think we shouldnt waste our time on forums.Just stay here and keep popping in meditation forum.I've read ur posts, and I must say that you're a spiritual soul.so,sikhi is not all about jathas or such kinda things.Sikhi is a straight path to meet our purkh irrespective of our worldy stature.
    Beside,here is no difference between men or women.Who can better understand about power of a woman beside a sikh?
    Hope you find your way.
    God bless!
    Gur fateh!
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