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    Lucky reacted to Sat1176 in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    Someone posted this on Facebook today.
    Sant isher singh rara sahibs bachan
    Firstly, focus the attention on physical saroop of Guruji and do Gurmantar abhiyaas. Simran is done with tongue and thought. This will purify the thoughts and concentration will improve and Anhad Shabad can be heard soon after. Then, leaving simran and dhyaan behind, the concentration has to be on abhiyaas of listening to the Anhad Shabad, the intensity of which will keep increasing and five different types of the same shabad will be heard, concentration will ride the waves of that shabad and keep rising towards Sachkhand. Crossing many other destinations full of lights and many other amazing scenes, it will finally enter the inaccessible world (ਅਗੰਮ ਲੋਕ) where it will forget its self and merge forever. Only thought-free and absolute Waheguru will remain. The soul will rise above the body and merge in the Creator and liberated state will be achieved.
    ਸੰਤ ਔਰ ਰਾਮ ਏਕ ਹੀ ਹੈੱ ।
  2. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Bhoolea bhatkea in Spiritual Benefits of Yoga   
    you can try any kind of yoga that is more accessible for you. Most of the core components are the same except for the active fitness yoga workouts which are physically demanding.
    There is no measurement of benefits in terms of time. It all depends on dedication and kirpa. Spiritual efforts and results NEVER depend on quantity. However, physical results do and when your physical thann starts align then the  sukham sareer will find it easier to follow
    Going online to do yoga is never the same. I only noticed the physical significance of sangat energy in  yoga class environments. Everyone directs their inner energies towards the same goals and you begin to realise that you can reach heights and levels that you thought you never would!!  If you try the same thing at home in front of a screen, then it just won't happen I'm afraid.
    Bhagat Kabir ji says-
    ਮਨ  ਹੀ  ਮਨ  ਸਿਉ  ਕਹੈ  ਕਬੀਰਾ  ਮਨ  ਸਾ  ਮਿਲਿਆ  ਨ  ਕੋਇ  ॥੩੨॥
    Man hī man si▫o kahai kabīrā man sā mili▫ā na ko▫e. ||32||
    Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind. ||32||
    The MIND is the ONLY part of ourselves that can cure and fix itself.
    All you have to do is hold it still. Practice holding it still. 
    Great heights are only reached when we hold that stillness that is instigated by a hold of breath. Just think that in every sport or event where a player takes the vital shot for a goal, he holds his breath momentarily for that instant. When a basketball player leaps to dunk,... soccer player swings his leg..., snooker player takes a strike....etc..  They all hold the breath for that instant moment. This involuntary and subconscious action is us trying to 'hold' the mind. Somehow, the auto-response knows that mind will be steady and fully focused when held and holding the breath will help.
    Heights are only achieved when you 'hold'. The darshan of waheguru only happens when you can 'hold' and exit thru the dasam.  Therefore, I can say that taking part in activity that involves you holding breath-mind to achieve full focus for a goal, is also going to be helping stabilize your mind.  In this regard, You realise the meditative component in sports and especially in skills like sniper target shooting where they have to be so steady prior to holding their breath at the moment of the vital shot.
  3. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from paapiman in Spiritual Benefits of Yoga   
    you can try any kind of yoga that is more accessible for you. Most of the core components are the same except for the active fitness yoga workouts which are physically demanding.
    There is no measurement of benefits in terms of time. It all depends on dedication and kirpa. Spiritual efforts and results NEVER depend on quantity. However, physical results do and when your physical thann starts align then the  sukham sareer will find it easier to follow
    Going online to do yoga is never the same. I only noticed the physical significance of sangat energy in  yoga class environments. Everyone directs their inner energies towards the same goals and you begin to realise that you can reach heights and levels that you thought you never would!!  If you try the same thing at home in front of a screen, then it just won't happen I'm afraid.
    Bhagat Kabir ji says-
    ਮਨ  ਹੀ  ਮਨ  ਸਿਉ  ਕਹੈ  ਕਬੀਰਾ  ਮਨ  ਸਾ  ਮਿਲਿਆ  ਨ  ਕੋਇ  ॥੩੨॥
    Man hī man si▫o kahai kabīrā man sā mili▫ā na ko▫e. ||32||
    Only the mind can deal with the mind; says Kabeer, I have not met anything like the mind. ||32||
    The MIND is the ONLY part of ourselves that can cure and fix itself.
    All you have to do is hold it still. Practice holding it still. 
    Great heights are only reached when we hold that stillness that is instigated by a hold of breath. Just think that in every sport or event where a player takes the vital shot for a goal, he holds his breath momentarily for that instant. When a basketball player leaps to dunk,... soccer player swings his leg..., snooker player takes a strike....etc..  They all hold the breath for that instant moment. This involuntary and subconscious action is us trying to 'hold' the mind. Somehow, the auto-response knows that mind will be steady and fully focused when held and holding the breath will help.
    Heights are only achieved when you 'hold'. The darshan of waheguru only happens when you can 'hold' and exit thru the dasam.  Therefore, I can say that taking part in activity that involves you holding breath-mind to achieve full focus for a goal, is also going to be helping stabilize your mind.  In this regard, You realise the meditative component in sports and especially in skills like sniper target shooting where they have to be so steady prior to holding their breath at the moment of the vital shot.
  4. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from khoj in Spiritual Benefits of Yoga   
    Good topic man.
    I can't stress enough about the importance of proper posture and the "no no no" about anterior pelvic tilt. You've  got to understand your body and learn to listen to it. ......Bad posture and misaligned  balance will ALWAYS lead to other physical problems. Most simple knee problems are due to knock-on effects from mistreating your own back...---> leads to unbalanced contractions in lower torso and legs --->leads to pull or push on knee ligaments --->PAIN!!! ...For eg, classic pain on the outer medial knee is most commonly due to a tight IT-band....  A few weeks ago a bajurg was in the gym and was mentioning the pain on his outer knee. After monitoring a few of his few movements and posture, my trainer was pretty sure that his IT band was tight. He demonstrated few stretches for the old baba to try .......and a week later ...Volia! .....he was cured. He couldn't believe it as he had suffered months and months with stomach problems from anti-inflammatories that his doctor was prescribing.....
    I think that if we do anything that can in some way hinder our spiritual progress, then our body will try telling us with warning signs, one way or the other.  The body knows that our purpose in life is to find our own jyot....and if you start misaligning your back and making spiritual blockages, then you will suffer body symptoms due to the physical blockages caused in return.
    Off the top of my head, I know that core exercises like the planks, lunges.squats whilst keeping back straight by looking straight ahead in mirror...etc.. will help with pelvic tilt. Also many stretches like downward dog, cat stretches, and even quad stretches.   It is important to push and strengthen your legs because that is the direction negative energies from your bad posture will go. I used to do a lot of cycling and I would recommend this or if you wanna do it in gym then use a spin-bike rather than the other sort.
    My personal all time tip is to keep that naval slightly tense and pulled in at all times and chest out like a big palwaaan!!!  Yeh, the macho look of chest out and holding your belly flab in,.. is very very healthy and a very good protectant for your back. Did you know that you won't injure your back muscles by lifting something awkward from floor, if your navel is pulled inwards and slightly taught?
    Even when sitting down to do simran, ..naval in,,chest out,  a few deep slow breaths..and go!  You wanna be able to feel all your energy travelling up and down from muldhara up to your head and back down with every breath.
    There are loads more tips and ways to avoid these postural problems and I tend to just use my initiative as I go along. I recommend you don't sit too much on comfy couches and sofas where your back is not straight. A yoga ball is excellent to sit on and there are numerous exercises that you can use it for.
    As for Yoga, I can only talk about the kundalini yoga that I have been doing for a few years. ... Yes, It does definitely help, ..and if done properly, it will help clear the mind, heighten your inner and outer awareness, strengthen and help elongate your spine, strengthen your body,teach stamina and endurance......and best of all... it can help achieve unforgettable moments of transcendent joy and spiritual ecstasy! :)  .  There is nothing better for me than to have Yoga as an art of extending my spiritual prayer and devotion into physical discipline. 
  5. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from gsm52 in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    That's good stuff HisServant.
    I think you are very ready for further development. I recommend that you spend more time doing silent and real antarghat jap.  You should either be very close or are probably already hearing some anhad.
    The hardest part now is to just stay in "sehaj".  You don't want to think too much about advancing either because the mind will try and convince you. Sit calmly, be steady and have the attitude of enjoying going deeper and deeper inside yourself.
    Just to add, - staying in sehaj is done by keeping full dhyian on Dhun(Dhun meh dhyian, dhian mai janiya.....). listening to the sound of jap. ...........Just at the beginning when you are trying to settle down, attention is put on your physical - in terms of breath, posture, balance/settling....then afterwards, take attention off these physical aspects and keep dhyian on listening to dhun and nothing physical in body. . You have to just let it all happen without looking out for it.
  6. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Sound as if an aeroplane is so close above your house and about to come into your roof?
    ਗੋਬਿਦੁ ਗਾਜੈ ਸਬਦੁ ਬਾਜੈ ॥
    Gobinḏ gājai sabaḏ bājai. .. 
    It's as if the skies open and it thunders when Gobind(Lord of the universe reveals himself)   .... You getting close kid!...  This thundering doesn't have to happen,.... but it can happen... when you hear the Lord's voice.   Gurbani says that it Thunders and roars with the Voice of Akaal purakh and then It will rain with amrit when the message comes down to you!
    You have to Note  that this is also exactly the same way that Moses heard the 10 commandments. The old testament bible gets translated as Moses climbing the Mountain(Sinai) and then experiencing the thunder and rain with the voice of God and a Hukam of 10 commandments. But I'm 100% sure that the mountain is a metaphor for the peak he climbed whilst meditating deep inside antarghat and reaching the internal peak to where he had raised his consciousness.  In reference to this, there is a similarity in sikhi from what I gather, and that is a HUKAM direct from Akaal Purakh can definitely be heard if you are lucky enough.  Next time just hold on sit tight and don't wander, just let the Mind continue listening.
  7. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from BhagatSingh in Spiritual Benefits of Yoga   
    Good topic man.
    I can't stress enough about the importance of proper posture and the "no no no" about anterior pelvic tilt. You've  got to understand your body and learn to listen to it. ......Bad posture and misaligned  balance will ALWAYS lead to other physical problems. Most simple knee problems are due to knock-on effects from mistreating your own back...---> leads to unbalanced contractions in lower torso and legs --->leads to pull or push on knee ligaments --->PAIN!!! ...For eg, classic pain on the outer medial knee is most commonly due to a tight IT-band....  A few weeks ago a bajurg was in the gym and was mentioning the pain on his outer knee. After monitoring a few of his few movements and posture, my trainer was pretty sure that his IT band was tight. He demonstrated few stretches for the old baba to try .......and a week later ...Volia! .....he was cured. He couldn't believe it as he had suffered months and months with stomach problems from anti-inflammatories that his doctor was prescribing.....
    I think that if we do anything that can in some way hinder our spiritual progress, then our body will try telling us with warning signs, one way or the other.  The body knows that our purpose in life is to find our own jyot....and if you start misaligning your back and making spiritual blockages, then you will suffer body symptoms due to the physical blockages caused in return.
    Off the top of my head, I know that core exercises like the planks, lunges.squats whilst keeping back straight by looking straight ahead in mirror...etc.. will help with pelvic tilt. Also many stretches like downward dog, cat stretches, and even quad stretches.   It is important to push and strengthen your legs because that is the direction negative energies from your bad posture will go. I used to do a lot of cycling and I would recommend this or if you wanna do it in gym then use a spin-bike rather than the other sort.
    My personal all time tip is to keep that naval slightly tense and pulled in at all times and chest out like a big palwaaan!!!  Yeh, the macho look of chest out and holding your belly flab in,.. is very very healthy and a very good protectant for your back. Did you know that you won't injure your back muscles by lifting something awkward from floor, if your navel is pulled inwards and slightly taught?
    Even when sitting down to do simran, ..naval in,,chest out,  a few deep slow breaths..and go!  You wanna be able to feel all your energy travelling up and down from muldhara up to your head and back down with every breath.
    There are loads more tips and ways to avoid these postural problems and I tend to just use my initiative as I go along. I recommend you don't sit too much on comfy couches and sofas where your back is not straight. A yoga ball is excellent to sit on and there are numerous exercises that you can use it for.
    As for Yoga, I can only talk about the kundalini yoga that I have been doing for a few years. ... Yes, It does definitely help, ..and if done properly, it will help clear the mind, heighten your inner and outer awareness, strengthen and help elongate your spine, strengthen your body,teach stamina and endurance......and best of all... it can help achieve unforgettable moments of transcendent joy and spiritual ecstasy! :)  .  There is nothing better for me than to have Yoga as an art of extending my spiritual prayer and devotion into physical discipline. 
  8. Like
    Lucky reacted to jaikaara in Dhadrianwale and Dhumma jee Rift   
    I have heard his video speaking against Harnaam Singh ji ...such a language and criticism is not expected from Sants ..his speech is laced with arrogance ...he goes to saying tuhaada kam ta assi kar reh hai..now who told him to do parchaar ? nahi karo ji..how many drug addicts did he rehabilitate ?can he declare a district free from all nashe ? has he made that effort ? So much haume and hatred ..this is not expected at all.
    At the same time , i would condemn the attackers too ..its an internal issue ..should anything and everything be solved with brute force ? how many Panth dokhis have they sent to Yamraj like this ?
  9. Like
    Lucky reacted to BhagatSingh in Gurbilas Patshahi Chhevin   
    Both answers are partly correct and partly incorrect.
    It is true to say that Guru Sahibs used mantras and procreated without having sex. It is also true to say that Guru Sahibs had sex to create children.
    What is not being understood here is how the absorption in a mantra can change the nature of sexual activity or indeed any activity (Karm).
    The is known as the concept of Nish-Karm or Neh-Karm.
    The idea is that your soul is like clay and any activity (karm) you perform leaves an imprint on soul. This imprint is known as Sanskar. So doing an activity without leaving imprints, is known as Nishkarm, or Nehkarm ਨਿਹਕਰਮ
    In this way the actions you perform reduce suffering, instead of causing suffering. They become pure, they become good because they minimize the suffering that is produced.
    There are many ways to perform activities like this.
    I talked about this concept in this thread quoted below about - Krishan ji being celibate after having sexual intercourse.
    And I spoke about it without giving any name to it, about the idea of doing activities without seeking fruits. That is essentialy Nishkarm.

    Guru Arjun Dev ji says to his Sikhs and sets a standard for who they should strive to be. He says -

    ਬੈਸਨੋ ਸੋ ਜਿਸੁ ਊਪਰਿ ਸੁਪ੍ਰਸੰਨ ॥
    Those are Vaishnavs with whom Vishnu (nirankar) is pleased.

    ਬਿਸਨ ਕੀ ਮਾਇਆ ਤੇ ਹੋਇ ਭਿੰਨ ॥
    He stands apart from the Maya that is created by Vishnu.
    ਕਰਮ ਕਰਤ ਹੋਵੈ ਨਿਹਕਰਮ ॥
    They act without acting. They perform karma while being non-karma (Nishkarm/nehkarma).

    ਤਿਸੁ ਬੈਸਨੋ ਕਾ ਨਿਰਮਲ ਧਰਮ ॥
    The Vaishnava who does this is doing pure Dharm.

    So we gotta act without acting? Perform karma without performing karma? What is he talking about???
    Guru Sahib explains this -

    ਕਾਹੂ ਫਲ ਕੀ ਇਛਾ ਨਹੀ ਬਾਛੈ ॥
    Such a Vaishnav, does not desire for the fruits of his actions.

    ਕੇਵਲ ਭਗਤਿ ਕੀਰਤਨ ਸੰਗਿ ਰਾਚੈ ॥
    He is attached to Bhagti and Kirtan, of worship and singing praises.

    ਮਨ ਤਨ ਅੰਤਰਿ ਸਿਮਰਨ ਗੋਪਾਲ ॥
    He meditates on Vishnu, inside his mind and body.

    ਸਭ ਊਪਰਿ ਹੋਵਤ ਕਿਰਪਾਲ ॥
    He is kind to everyone.

    ਆਪਿ ਦ੍ਰਿੜੈ ਅਵਰਹ ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਾਵੈ ॥
    He strengthens the power of Naam ("mantar technology"), that is meditation, inside himself and inspires others to chant as well and become more meditative.

    ਨਾਨਕ ਓਹੁ ਬੈਸਨੋ ਪਰਮ ਗਤਿ ਪਾਵੈ ॥੨॥
    Guru Arjun Dev ji says, such a Vaishnav, such a Sikh, obtains the Supreme State.
    The idea that Guru Sahibs put forth is that your karma is essentially eliminated if you diminish your Ahankar, when you do not seek fruits of your actions, remaining absorbed in meditation.
    Performing actions in the zone.
    In this manner, the action you perform becomes pure. If eliminates suffering instead of causing suffering.
    So the idea that Guru Sahibs didn't have sex to procreate is correct because they did not seek fruits of their sexual intercourse. They remained fully absorbed in mantar sadhana, in the home of their Supreme Self. Their ahankar was diminished. ਕਰਮ ਕਰਤ ਹੋਵੈ ਨਿਹਕਰਮ ॥ They were being Nishkarm while having sexual intercourse.
    In Bhagvad Gita, this process is also explained, through which one becomes Nishkarma. The process came to be known as Karma Yoga. To unite with the Supreme Being, through action/non-action.
    I am not just saying stuff I have read. I am speaking about this from my own experience as well. This can be done by anyone provided they are fully determined to do it... err I mean to non-do it. ;)
  10. Like
    Lucky reacted to Sat1176 in THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND   
    Naam should take you beyond the subconscious mind to the 4th state called Turiya, Chota Pad and beyond...
    Try not to be so pessimistic in your thinking. Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji would never have wrote the following if it wasn't possible in this life time. The question is do you have the desire to achieve it this lifetime. Having the mind-set of oh it will happen in future janams is just an excuse to say you don't want to experience it in this one, and not prepared to put in the effort to do it in this one. Make the effort now and leave the rest to his grace. Rest what will be will be...
    This human body has been given to you.
    bha-ee paraapat maanukh dayhuree-aa.
    This is your chance to meet the Lord of the Universe.
    gobind milan kee ih tayree baree-aa.
  11. Like
    Lucky reacted to Ragmaala in Scary Bodies seen in Sangat   
    You should start writing a book veer ji !  And keep adding your experiences. Publish it when you feel you have reached the destination.
  12. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Mooorakh in Practical Ways Of Avoiding Lust   
    Conceptualize everything in terms of "energy". Even mental energy that you use for thoughts.
    If you are using too much thought energy towards lust, then you need to started redirecting that same energy towards other better thoughts.
    BTW, it is not really correct to assume that only "high avastha person has conquered lust",,, because out ofall the 5 dhuts. Lust is the one that takes so many hidden form in your own energies. This 'lower down energy'(below navel) is the  ONLY one that can be transformed into a substantial amount of divine energy,...this is what shall help to go towards Higher avastha.   Higher avastha doesn't come first and then kaam vanishes, kaam has to be stamped on in order to get to higher avastha.  It's important to understand this, especially about conserving this energy.
    Kaam is a huge hindrance for any spiritual progress.  I disagree that you should distract yourself or avoid situations such as avoiding places where opposite sex may be or using cop-out excuses to avoid temptation. Because you are just SUPPRESSING the same energy, which usually ends up manifesting into frustration, anxiety, anger, disease or any other negative trait. Instead, when it occurs, like say a physical arising or itch down below, then you should DIVERT your THOUGHTS towards Akaal. You should try and pump navel, do saas saas and make/feel the energy rise upwards towards your hirda.  You should embrace this human instinct/behavior by NOT letting maya control your thoughts, but taking charge yourself and directing them towards physical. it's as if the universe just lumps a ton of energy on you with you making any effort. Pick up and use this load of energy wisely.
  13. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from tva prasad in Scary Bodies seen in Sangat   
    Seeing this kind of stuff is not good and means the person is not meditating towards the truth of har har naam dhrir.  If you see this stuff, then you have to start looking at yourself to find your own faults.  I actually believe that this happens to people who don't ever acknowledge or realise their own faults.
    My understanding is  a little different to Gyani's. .......Going by what Gurbani says, ... the 5 dhuts are "seen", but they are seen running away from you when you have conquered their influences. This happens at advanced stages after one has bathed at the internal "Amritsar" outside of Hari-mandar. (journey from agya forehead to dasam duar).
    A number of pangtees point this way like the one below....
    ਭਾਗਿ ਗਏ ਪੰਚ ਦੂਤ ਲਾਵੇ ॥੨॥
    Bẖāg ga▫e pancẖ ḏūṯ lāve. ||2||
    The five demons who tortured me have run away. ||2||
    However, prior to this, ,..at a stage where naam is fully pargat with naam amrit and one's full dhyian is in Guru's charan.., One can see the jamdoots, but these messengers of death won't show their faces to gurmukh... ..Gurmukh will see them running...infact, running away!.....  For the unlucky ones, the jams CAN reveal themselves with monstrous features like multiple heads, limbs, and one eye for example...
    Again, there are a number of pangtees telling us about the jams running away..
    ਨਾਮੁ  ਸੁਣਤ  ਜਮੁ  ਦੂਰਹੁ  ਭਾਗੈ  ॥
    Nām suṇaṯ jam ḏẖūrahu bẖāgai.
    Listening to the Naam, the Messenger of Death runs far away
    Some of the above, I have witnessed myself but won't go in too much detail on open forum.
  14. Like
    Lucky reacted to BhagatSingh in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Notice that all the people using it in the photos are old.
    You don't want to rely on support when you are still young because you are very much capable of holding your body up, which seniors can no longer do. Seniors cannot physically hold themselves up with their muscles, you can.
    So instead we should try to perfect our posture in order to remove unnecessary stress from any muscle. And we should strengthen all core muscles so that they can hold the body up without much effort.
    This is why under Raj Yog (the type of meditation that people here are doing) there are traditions that involve physical exercise that accompany the meditation e.g. Hatha Yog. This physical exercise strengthens and purifies the body, and makes the body a strong base for higher level meditation.
  15. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from HappyDays in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Sound as if an aeroplane is so close above your house and about to come into your roof?
    ਗੋਬਿਦੁ ਗਾਜੈ ਸਬਦੁ ਬਾਜੈ ॥
    Gobinḏ gājai sabaḏ bājai. .. 
    It's as if the skies open and it thunders when Gobind(Lord of the universe reveals himself)   .... You getting close kid!...  This thundering doesn't have to happen,.... but it can happen... when you hear the Lord's voice.   Gurbani says that it Thunders and roars with the Voice of Akaal purakh and then It will rain with amrit when the message comes down to you!
    You have to Note  that this is also exactly the same way that Moses heard the 10 commandments. The old testament bible gets translated as Moses climbing the Mountain(Sinai) and then experiencing the thunder and rain with the voice of God and a Hukam of 10 commandments. But I'm 100% sure that the mountain is a metaphor for the peak he climbed whilst meditating deep inside antarghat and reaching the internal peak to where he had raised his consciousness.  In reference to this, there is a similarity in sikhi from what I gather, and that is a HUKAM direct from Akaal Purakh can definitely be heard if you are lucky enough.  Next time just hold on sit tight and don't wander, just let the Mind continue listening.
  16. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from SAadmin in Where do mudras, asanas and mantras come from?   
    Good stuff Sat.
    I think that this guy came here some time last year and I recall my Kundalini instructor mentioning a few things.
    These guys have a lot more spiritual information than fellow Sikhs imagine. I have learned some incredible wisdom and encouraging knowledge from Yoga teachers. Sometimes just a few simple explanations and reasons seem to fit so well with what Gurbani says. It often results with understanding and seeing gurbani at more deeper and informative levels when experience and practice can be applied directly.
    Glad you got some doubts cleared up Sat, because doubts are a huge hindrance on the spiritual path.
  17. Like
    Lucky reacted to CuriousSeeker in Updesh on Simran for beginners to advanced by Sant Isher Singh Rara Sahib Maharaj!   
    Aatmik Bachan 01, first folder first file ji.
    Ps.  You will probably need headphones and be in a quiet area to listen
  18. Like
    Lucky reacted to Rock in Updesh on Simran for beginners to advanced by Sant Isher Singh Rara Sahib Maharaj!   
    now should work.
  19. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Sat1176 in Where do mudras, asanas and mantras come from?   
    Good stuff Sat.
    I think that this guy came here some time last year and I recall my Kundalini instructor mentioning a few things.
    These guys have a lot more spiritual information than fellow Sikhs imagine. I have learned some incredible wisdom and encouraging knowledge from Yoga teachers. Sometimes just a few simple explanations and reasons seem to fit so well with what Gurbani says. It often results with understanding and seeing gurbani at more deeper and informative levels when experience and practice can be applied directly.
    Glad you got some doubts cleared up Sat, because doubts are a huge hindrance on the spiritual path.
  20. Like
    Lucky reacted to Sat1176 in Where do mudras, asanas and mantras come from?   
    Yogi Amandeep Singh is a very down to earth humble guy. I had the privilege of having a short chat with him today about my simran experiences to date and he was able to confirm that the experiences were normal and encountered on the path within. He was also able to clear up some questions and doubts I was having especially with regards to anhad sounds and the views expressed by him were very encouraging indeed.
  21. Like
    Lucky reacted to Sat1176 in Where do mudras, asanas and mantras come from?   
    Good short lecture worth watching.
  22. Like
    Lucky got a reaction from Jageera in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    That's good stuff HisServant.
    I think you are very ready for further development. I recommend that you spend more time doing silent and real antarghat jap.  You should either be very close or are probably already hearing some anhad.
    The hardest part now is to just stay in "sehaj".  You don't want to think too much about advancing either because the mind will try and convince you. Sit calmly, be steady and have the attitude of enjoying going deeper and deeper inside yourself.
    Just to add, - staying in sehaj is done by keeping full dhyian on Dhun(Dhun meh dhyian, dhian mai janiya.....). listening to the sound of jap. ...........Just at the beginning when you are trying to settle down, attention is put on your physical - in terms of breath, posture, balance/settling....then afterwards, take attention off these physical aspects and keep dhyian on listening to dhun and nothing physical in body. . You have to just let it all happen without looking out for it.
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    Lucky got a reaction from HappyDays in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    That's good stuff HisServant.
    I think you are very ready for further development. I recommend that you spend more time doing silent and real antarghat jap.  You should either be very close or are probably already hearing some anhad.
    The hardest part now is to just stay in "sehaj".  You don't want to think too much about advancing either because the mind will try and convince you. Sit calmly, be steady and have the attitude of enjoying going deeper and deeper inside yourself.
    Just to add, - staying in sehaj is done by keeping full dhyian on Dhun(Dhun meh dhyian, dhian mai janiya.....). listening to the sound of jap. ...........Just at the beginning when you are trying to settle down, attention is put on your physical - in terms of breath, posture, balance/settling....then afterwards, take attention off these physical aspects and keep dhyian on listening to dhun and nothing physical in body. . You have to just let it all happen without looking out for it.
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    Lucky got a reaction from Koi in Exorcism Videos Series Recent   
    Yeh, uncut hair is a biggie!.........I'm sure Paapiman you will find a number of references.
    In simple explanations, I would say that uncut hair increases and strengthens the energy fields...as if filling in the holes of a sponge. This energy of a field around the body helps and increases the strength and connection to God. ....It's no wonder that the Rastafarians often say that their long uncut hair in dreadlocks are like "antennae" to connect with "jah" (their term for lord).
    A few members that have known of me for a while, are also aware that I was always a mona and was mona when  I was trying to get into meditation about 4-5 years ago, At the time I was clueless and didn't know where to start, but all I knew was that I had to jap...>>that was the Hukam<<      I had no intention or mindset about keeping hair, rehat or even getting serous about sikhi. It's just that as I got deeper into self-spiritual learning and meditation; a strong affinity and connection with growing and keeping khes also developed. It was difficult to explain but I just started growing my hair and couldn't explain to anyone that for some reason it felt like a sacred ang of my body. Sacred in the sense, that it was helping bridge a connection to the almighty. After a series of months and some combinations of events, I began delving into gurbani and sikhi with more seriousness. Then came a day when I knew I was ready to start learning about what is and how to wear a pagg. 
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    Lucky reacted to HisServant in Meditation - My Experiance, Am I Allowed To Share?   
    Something new again today. Was doing saas saas and then the sound of waheguru in my mind automatically started matching my heartbeat for a few moments 
    maybe a minute or two. Felt very pleasurable. Eventually I got caught up with what was happening and it ended. 
    These days doing jaap silently/whispering has been very effective. I might spend a few days experimenting with this. 
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